Although she recovered from her coma in a short period of time, the hesitation in Gurefiya's heart did not weaken at all. She still understood the principle that ordinary people are not guilty and those who possess a treasure are guilty.

The inheritance of the Gremory family can be said to be something that many nobles are coveted. In the past, because of the power of the Gremory family, such peeping was just a peek. But now that the Gremory family has declined, those who cannibalize people are The nobles who spit out bones are not just peeping.

The inheritance of the Gremory family, and even them themselves, will become trophies for other nobles, and even acquaintances will do it, such as the other two families that also own the Demon King.

Thinking of this, Gulefia shuddered, this was simply forcing her to die.

Levi and his clone, who were still playing chess, put down the chess pieces in their hands at the same time -.

Levi said: "I have no room for comeback in this game. You win. Tell me your conditions."

The evil version of Levi looked uninterested and said, "Finally, I finally beat you. It's worth my planning for so long."

The evil version of Levi laughed wildly, which made the female relatives watching the scene take two steps back.

The evil version of Levi said: "This is my first victory. I have always ceded benefits in the past, and this time it is finally my turn. However, I haven't decided what I want to get yet, so at some point in the future, I will ask you to do something for me that is within your capabilities, and you have no right to refuse."

Levi sighed, waved his hand, and the chessboard between the two disappeared, and said: "You are very cautious and know how to stop when you are good. I will not care about what will happen to the world next, but I will lead If these people continue to stay here, especially under your watch, it is really too dangerous."

The evil version of Levi said: "This kind of thing doesn't matter. Anyway, after you leave here, I will clean this side. There are still some chess pieces that have not been cleaned up in this game."

The conversation between Li Wei and his clone directly made arrangements for many creatures in this world. At the same time, this arrangement also made the female relatives present feel a crisis.

Everyone in the Sidi family panicked because they were not familiar with Li Wei. Although the Sidi family did not suffer much damage in this battle, they could not guarantee that they would survive the next "Great Purge" ". The evil version of Levi is not as easy to talk to as Levi. If they continue to stay here, they will have to put their tail between their legs and behave. However, considering the bad attitude of the evil version of Levi towards gods and demons, even if they are willing to bow their heads, The evil version of Levi may not give them a chance.

The female relatives of the Sidi family only hope that Li Wei can take them with him when he leaves this world. As a family founded and ruled by women, everyone in the Sidi family only hopes that Li Wei can Since they are all women, just like in the past, they will be given certain preferential treatment.

The evil version of Levi said: "The world here does not need those so-called gods and demons. After you leave, I will clean up all the so-called gods and demons in this world."

The words of the evil version of Levi sent chills down the spines of the female relatives who were listening. They did not understand why the evil version of Levi had such great malice towards the gods and demons. However, the situation was already like this, and the gods and demons had no way to escape. , it is very likely that he will be left completely.

Levi said: "I'm curious what you want to do."

The evil version of Levi said: "It's just a small social experiment. This social experiment requires that the strength gap between all individuals in the entire civilization will not be too big. At least in the early stages of the experiment, this state must be maintained. And those gods The starting point of the demon is too high, which is unfair to other individuals participating in the experiment, and I hate trouble."

Levi said: "So you are going to use your own way to deal with these troubles? This is too simple and crude."

The evil version of Levi said: "I will not look forward and backward like you. You can never take care of everyone's interests. You have also experienced such things, so I don't need to say more. The fastest way to solve the problem is Get rid of the problematic existence.”

The evil version of Levi stood up and looked towards!;?!'!,!;"',"?";;:'Spare,:':"'?:,:?;:『,!;:,; "』.,?;?;,!:??".,,"'?:;!『:!?..』"!;?,!.!?;",,!".' , with an evil smile on his face, said: "The next time we meet, you will not be as lucky as you are now. I will cut you into thin pieces and feed them to the dogs."

····Ask for flowers······

The words of the evil version of Levi left all the female relatives speechless, because the evil version of Levi is a man of his word, and in this war, the evil version of Levi almost slaughtered the gods and demons in this world. They are seventy-seven, so they have no doubt that the evil version of Levi will implement his words.

The figure of the evil version of Levi gradually faded and disappeared. With his "departure", the distortion in the room was quickly smoothed out. In just a few seconds, the study returned to its former peace, but the female family members who entered the study were still... With lingering fears, they were on the verge of death.

Levi was still so peaceful, as if the previous defeat had no impact on him at all. This attitude also made the female family members feel at ease.

... . ...

Levi said: "Don't worry, I will take some people out of this world. The Gremory family is in this situation because of me. This is my responsibility, so I will not sit back and watch. Gremory Everyone in the Li family, I will take some of it away."

Hearing Levi's words, several female members of the Gremory family breathed a sigh of relief. If they were left in this world, it would be a life worse than death.

The female relatives of the Siddi family are a little jealous. Now the Gremory family has tickets to the new world, but they have not boarded the ship yet.

Levi can sense the emotions of everyone in the Sidi family. After all, the envy is uncontrollable. Levi has nothing to do with this purely female demon family whose structure is a bit like the "witch" in the novels he has read before. Disgusting, after all, some things are decided by the butt. For example, Serafall Sidi, the current Demon King, when she was the Demon King, in addition to being in charge of publicity work, she also had a lot of dirty work to do.

Levi looked at everyone in the Sidi family and said: "If you continue to stay in this world, the other me will soon take action against you. If you don't dislike it, just leave with me, but I can only place you in It belongs to my own little world, I have to make this clear to you in advance."

The elder of the Sidi family said quickly: "Sir, your willingness to take us with you is already a great gift. How can we dare to find fault with you." Qian.

Chapter. Return to the real world

After appeasing the female relatives of the two families, Levi also began the final aftermath work. However, these aftermath work was not done by his true body, but by the evil version of his clones who launched the final cleansing of the gods and demons on the earth.

Without the "checks and balances" of Levi's body, the evil version of Levi used all means to eradicate the extraordinary power on the earth in a very short period of time, leaving only the last tender seedlings. The evil version Li Wei only spared the demonic individuals from the alliance. These spared individuals were important media for Chongguo to master extraordinary power, so they were able to escape the killing.

It took almost a week for the female relatives of the Gremory family and the Siddi family to be moved to the floating island. After that, the students selected by Li Wei also completed the move one after another.

After that, he used Mark.'s vest to gradually promote Chongguo's plan to popularize extraordinary powers. Levi also knew that there were limits to his control over the puppet clones. Once he left this world, Mark. Will stop body functions.

In order to allow the plan to continue to advance after he left this world, Levi made a lot of arrangements, mainly to deeply hypnotize the characters in various key positions.

After all, people are selfish, and not everyone is willing to let extraordinary power become popular. Some powerful people just want to control extraordinary power for themselves. Once ordinary people also master extraordinary power, their interests will be shaken, and their interests will be shaken. It is precisely because of this that Li Wei had to arrange a large number of hidden moves.

After completing the layout, Li Wei did not rush to leave this world, but continued to stay here for a few months to observe the fate of the layout he left behind.

With the promotion of a large number of key figures and powerful people, the reform was carried out in an orderly manner. However, not everyone can obtain the qualification. For this plan, the official launched a large-scale investigation to investigate the past records of each citizen. Once a criminal or dishonest record is found, or other negative information , just cancel the transformation case directly.

Of course, such a thing would not be mentioned on the table. Moreover, those who have been transformed have also been given a gag order by the sealing magic. There is no way to reveal the slightest thing in this regard. People who are unaware do not deliberately show it. Chance.

Moreover, this kind of transformation itself also requires that the basic physical fitness of the person being transformed is relatively healthy. Therefore, the transformation mortality rate for the elderly over the age of 30 is as high as 50%. After several accidents, the official temporarily stopped the transformation of the elderly. , first mobilize the cultural talents to the young people.

The plan is advancing in an orderly manner, and Li Wei is relieved. Although this kind of transformation is not universal in the true sense, it will still allow the countries in this world to gain national strength, and by that time, in his With the help of the remaining dark chess, the Chongguo in this world will surely complete its revival, build a more glorious civilization based on the past, and even set foot outside the earth within a hundred years.

After confirming that there were no problems, Levi returned to the real world with a full harvest and used the system's cross-world transmission function.


Levi looked at the computer in front of him and sat down on his ergonomic chair. Levi closed his eyes and recalled all the things he had done in the previous world. He had gained strength, gained points, and gained beauties. He had I forgot about it and didn't bother Makoto Hyoudou when I left. But such things don't matter anymore. He doesn't care about such a small role at all. It's just a few points missing. But for him now, it doesn't matter if he has those points or not, it won't affect the overall situation.

Levi left the study and went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of Coke. Although he had mastered extraordinary power, in many cases, Levi would still maintain his living habits as an ordinary person. For him, such details are his Serves as an “anchor” for people.

Li Wei found that the stronger he became, the lonelier he felt inside. Even if he has a large number of fellow practitioners, his partners cannot solve his current psychological problems. Levi himself has studied psychology and knows his current situation.

Although he has always insisted that he is an ordinary person, his strength is constantly improving. This growing difference from ordinary people has also caused certain changes in his heart. Although he has always considered himself a human being, the difference between him and humans has become wider and wider.

To be honest, Levi envied the witches in the witch novels he had read. The witches were truly extraordinary, and precisely because of this, they would never feel lonely...

In that novel, Li Wei saw a fairy witch who was transformed from a fairy, and a strange cat witch who was transformed from an evil god. They were both eye-catching and fascinating at the same time.

Levi didn't want to be turned into a witch, and he was very entangled. Sometimes he thought in his heart, how great it would be if he could find a world with a complete social structure of immortal cultivators.

But such an idea will be shot by Li Wei in just a few minutes. The reason is very realistic, because the system of cultivating immortals is very strict, and no one knows how many old monsters are hiding in the dark, like him who have not yet educated themselves. In the later stage of growth, if you encounter those extremely stubborn old monsters, you will easily suffer losses or even be thrown into the street.

Li Wei still attaches great importance to his own life, so in a world with a complete social structure for cultivating immortals, so far, he has not dared to risk his own life.

A certain cautious brave man likes to go out after being completely prepared. At this point, Levi felt that he could learn from the advanced experience of the cautious brave man.

After finishing the bottle of Coke, he burped with satisfaction. Levi threw the empty Coke bottle into the trash can, went back to the study and turned off the computer. Levi changed his clothes and got ready to go out for a walk.

The apartment is not far from Akihabara. It didn't take long to walk and we arrived at Akihabara. As a paradise for dimensional otakus, it is also full of attractions for beings like Levi 4. Powerful.

On both sides of the street, maids from maid cafes can be seen handing out flyers. Although three-dimensional girls have various problems, at least at this stage of youthful vitality, they are still quite attractive to men.

Levi stood out like a chicken, and the maids also noticed him. They were standing at the door of the store with flyers, so they took a few steps forward and thrust the cafe's flyers into Levi's hands.

"Uh..." Facing the enthusiastic maids, Levi didn't know what to say. He was now rushing to the shop selling figures, and when he went out, he also found out that there was a Gundam in Akihabara. At the model exhibition, there will be special models limited to the exhibition. I heard that it is the very rare Matsunaga Masakuro Zaku. Plastic guys like Li Wei have a little less resistance to the so-called "limitations".

Chapter.Joy of life

Akihabara is a holy place for young people. When the otakus passing by saw Levi surrounded by maids, they had undisguised expressions of envy and jealousy on their faces.

The two A-Zhais who were not far away from Li Wei looked at the surrounded Li Wei and communicated in low voices.

The otaku with a pear-shaped figure and a big backpack behind him whispered: "Damn it, Akira, it's not good to stay in Shibuya. Why do you have to come to Akihabara? Damn it! I really want to be Such preferential treatment from the maid lady!"

The tall and thin otaku next to him said: "No chance, even if this cashier is not here, you have no chance. If you want to get the attention of the maids, you should lose weight first. You are so fat that your figure is completely out of shape. Can you still attract the opposite sex? Save it."

The pear-shaped otaku looked at his companion with an incredulous expression and said, "Do you understand, I am pursuing Oreki Houtarou's energy-saving doctrine, which is a high-end lifestyle!"

The tall and thin otaku said: "I think you are just lazy. If you continue like this, who will look at you seriously except me? I advise you to find a class, even if it is a part-time job, It’s better than the current situation of completely staying at home.”

The two of them gradually moved away, and Levi didn't pay attention to what the two people said about him. However, he did agree with the idea of ​​​​a tall, thin otaku. People can't just stay at home. It's easy to make yourself useless. If you do something serious, the whole thing People's energy and energy will be different.

A maid in cool clothes held Li Wei's arm tightly, pressed her hand with her car light, and said sweetly: "Master, don't you really want to try the service in our store? The maids in our shop are very cute."

Another maid in a red maid skirt said: "We have a bunny girl maid here. Master, don't you really want to try it?"

Facing the Yingying Yanyan who surrounded him, Li Wei could be said to be in pain and happiness. No man would hate this situation, although Li Wei knew very well that the maids ultimately wanted money and the store. The performance inside, but knowing it is one thing, controlling yourself is another matter.

But Li Wei thought that if he arrived late and the limited edition model was gone, he would have to buy it from scalpers. Although he is not short of money, he just doesn't want to be spoiled by scalpers. Li Wei doesn't like scalpers who buy and resell. It is precisely because of the existence of scalpers that there are all kinds of chaos in the commodity market, including various dimension-related products. House-related artifacts will also be targeted by scalpers because they are profitable. In the minds of scalpers, otakus and otakus are examples of people who are stupid and have too much money.

At this time, Levi heard the chatting content of several passing otakus and was stunned for a moment.

"It's such a pity that the limited-edition models at the exhibition are no longer available. The officials don't care about the hateful scalpers." Another otaku said angrily.

Another otaku said: "The official is deliberately indulging the scalpers. Maybe they are working together to deliberately increase the price of the model. It is really a dirty plan."

An otaku carrying a big backpack said: "Forget all this, what I can't accept the most is the official on-site rollover. During this period, the newly released RG fully armed unicorn, when the official display was being played, parts actually fell out, and even Is there anything more outrageous than this? Do you really think that we are stupid and have too much money?"

The otakus who returned from the exhibition kept complaining about the overturned official. Levi sighed inwardly. He didn't expect that the venue-limited model would be monopolized by scalpers. Levi's heart was full of shit at this time. He just wanted to He went with the limited model, but now that the limited model is gone, what’s the point even if he went.

Moreover, the weird thing like the official overturning made Levi want to complain. He had bought the RG version of the regular unicorn before. Although the assembly experience was good, after the assembly, it was really a disaster. You can't play with it casually. It's easy to lose pieces, and the frame is quite loose. At first, it could stand independently. After playing with it for less than a week, I made a model stop-motion animation. The result is the skeleton of the RG unicorn. It was so loose that it could no longer stand on its own. Levi had just completed the modification of the RG Unicorn that could only stand upright some time ago. After using mana to reinforce the materials, the Standing Unicorn recovered. the initial state.

One advantage after becoming a Qi practitioner is that it becomes easier to create stop-motion animations of models, because Levi can control the model to move directly, which saves the step of posing for the model and directly Save % production time.

In the end, Levi made a decision in his heart. The limited edition models were all taken away by scalpers, and with the addition of the rubbish official who pulled the crotch, what the hell. He decided to make a video to attack the official Gou Dai official when he got back.

But now, Levi has been dragged into the maid cafe by the maid.

"I can walk by myself, no need to pull..." Levi said softly.

But the maids were still so enthusiastic, as if they were afraid that he would escape. They held hands and pushed his back, and the maids quickly pushed him into the door.

This scene made other maids and guests in the store look over. When they saw Li Wei's handsome face, which was as sharp and angular as an ancient Greek sculpture, the maids in the store were all transfixed. Those eyes made them want to look at Li Wei. As if swallowed.

The customers in the coffee shop were a little bit annoyed. After all, most of the customers who came to the maid cafe were men. The maid who was entertaining them was all focused on Levi who came in. Such a gap was naturally It will be unpleasant.

Levi was taken to a seat by the window by the maids and sat down.

A cool maid who looked like a maid came over wearing a tight-fitting French maid dress, purple-black long hair, a mole under her left eye, and gold-rimmed glasses.

"Master, what do you need? No matter what you need, we will prepare it for you." Leng Yan, the head maid, said.

The maids in the maid cafe come in various styles. I feel that most of them are youthful and energetic maids with a cute style. Most otakus will feel uncontrollable about maids with this cool style, so I named them by name. The time will be relatively less.

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