Li Wei looked at the cold and charming head maid. His perception was that her aura was quite clean. He could tell that she was a clean and self-sufficient girl. Moreover, she was also one of the most beautiful girls Li Wei had ever seen in the real world. With such good looks, , even if I go to star in TV series and movies, it will be no problem.

However, after meeting many beauties, although the other party is indeed very attractive, it does not make him lose his composure.

Chapter.Maid Cafe

Levi had never been to a maid cafe before. Before gaining extraordinary powers, Levi lived a relatively frugal life in order to save money. Even when buying the model he wanted, he would shop around. He chooses the one with the best price/performance ratio, so he only takes a look at extremely bourgeois places like maid cafes when passing by.

Now, Levi still doesn't have much interest in the maid cafe. After all, the maid cafe is a place where "you can see but not eat", and no matter how beautiful the maids in the maid cafe are, they can still be as beautiful as his companions on the floating island. ?

But now, Levi was unknowingly pulled into the maid cafe. Levi thought to himself that it must be the enthusiasm of the maids that moved him. The most important thing is that the exhibition he was originally looking forward to had a crotch, so He will change his mind temporarily.

Levi looked at the cold maid and said, "Just give me the menu."

The head maid Leng Yan was a little disappointed, and she honestly placed the menu in front of Li Wei. The maid cafe has a traditional custom of naming dishes similar to those in Chongguo. This is also an opportunity for the maids to show off their charm. .

Maid cafes are not just like anime, just selling food and drinks. The bulk of the money made by maid cafes is mainly from playing and chatting with each other, so showing one's charm in such a link can better position oneself. Promote it and let the guests choose to be the companion or chat companion.

Levi looked at the contents on the menu and wanted to complain in his heart. It was all fancy, but that was actually what it was. For example, the "Magic Omelet Rice of Love" actually means that when the omelette rice is served, the maid performs a performance, pretending to be a magical girl, and squeezes ketchup and other sauces on the omelette rice. According to the customer According to your needs, write some special text or draw simple patterns.

Although he was complaining in his heart, to be honest, Levi was quite looking forward to the cool style of the head maid in front of him, playing the role of a magical girl in front of him. After all, the cold style of the other party made people have an indescribable desire to conquer. In addition, the other party is also a rare beauty in the third dimension, so Levi also has some thoughts in his heart.

Of course, in general, he still uses the other party as a tool. After all, the Chinese New Year will be coming in a while, and Li Wei is going back to China, so he plans to find a female companion.

Although using magic, Levi could directly hypnotize a beautiful woman to follow him back home, but to be honest, in real world life, Levi didn't want to use magic too much.

Because the current real world is like a stand-alone game to him. Excessive use of cheats will only make the game experience boring, which is not what he wants.

Therefore, in order to arrange as many "anchor points" as possible for himself as a human being, Levi will not use spells unless necessary. After all, if he thinks about it now, he can become the king of the world in thirty minutes, but is such a life interesting? Therefore, he is like a perverted office worker who is obsessed with hands and just wants to live a peaceful life in the real world.

The reason why Li Wei chose this cold and charming head maid in front of him was that she was very clean and self-possessed. She seemed to be over ten years old, but she still retained her vitality. This kind of situation can be said to be very rare in Neon. It was simply Like a giant panda.

Then there is the other party's appearance and temperament. Compared with those maids who adopt a cute style, it highlights Li Wei's cuteness.

It is precisely because of this that Levi plans to let the other person come into his life. He must admit that he is a relatively lazy person in life. Every time he cooks by himself, it is like going to the execution ground, let alone washing dishes. .

Only now, with extraordinary power, can he be freed from the tedious housework. Now, it is good to have someone to take care of him in real life.

It can be said that if he had not obtained extraordinary power and become a being above ordinary people, then the cold and charming girl in front of him could be said to be the type of partner that Li Wei wanted most in his heart.

Levi said: "A magic omelette rice with love and a cup of Coke. By the way, you have to cast the magic on the omelette rice."

Looking at Li Wei's slightly playful smile, a blush appeared on the face of the cold and charming maid. The original coldness was broken. The huge contrast made even Li Wei, who was used to seeing beauties, feel a little expectant in his heart.

Levi felt that the other party was probably a novice who had just started working. If it was one of those experienced maids, they would have started to climb up the ladder and get closer to the guests by this time. However, the other party did not, which meant that the other party had not. Her coolness is not due to her personality, but because she is really a bit difficult in communication. Li Wei feels like he has found a treasure.

Li Wei said: "What, what's the problem? Gong?"

The head maid shook her head and said: "々. No problem, the magic is wrapped in me."

The head maid stepped back, said hello to the kitchen staff, and then returned to Levi. However, she was not so sociable, so she seemed a little embarrassed when getting along with Levi, and the other people in the coffee house The maid is getting along very harmoniously with the customers. This huge contrast makes the head maid a little uncomfortable.

Levi said: "Sit down, I am your master now, can you satisfy me with such a request?"

Levi had a sunny smile on his face. Such a smile made the head maid's heart beat a little faster. Not only men like to look at beauties, but women also like to look at handsome men. And Levi's looks are quite good. Now like this They are already the result of suppressing his charm. If his charm is fully activated, no matter where he goes, he will bring chaos to the local area.

The elder maid sat down obediently. She seemed a little reserved. Her accelerated heartbeat made her face blush due to congestion. At the same time, her brain was a little unclear. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to say it. She even couldn't even He didn't even have the courage to look directly at Levi.

She just found this job today and started working as an intern. After all, the tuition for the short-term college she studied in was not cheap. In order to cover her living expenses, she would choose to work part-time in her spare time, but the income from part-time work was not high. Life has always been tight, and it was precisely because of this that after she saw the recruitment flyer for the maid cafe in Akihabara and saw the treatment above, she was so excited that she ran over.

But because her temperament is too cool, the customers feel very uncomfortable when facing her, so on the first day of work, no customer chooses to name her, because she is obviously the most beautiful one in the store. The maid was the least popular one. She came here with the mentality of giving it a try, but who knew that Levi actually asked her to stay.

Chapter 4. The Nervous Maid

Levi looked at the other party's cute reaction. Even if he didn't use mind-reading skills and only relied on psychological micro-expression reading, he could get a good idea of ​​the other party's current mood. The head maid was already very nervous.

Levi said softly: "Relax, I am not a man-eating beast. I can feel that your heartbeat is a little fast, which is not good for your health."

Levi's words made the head maid even more embarrassed. She didn't expect that she would be so nervous when facing Levi. She secretly blamed it all because Levi was so good-looking, that's why she was like this now. nervous.

The head maid glanced at Levi secretly. There was still a smile on Levi's face, as if nothing could affect his mood. This sunshine-like temperament, just sitting opposite him, made him feel... The feeling of warm spring sunshine and gentle breeze on my face.

The head maid said a little cautiously: "This is my first time as a maid, and I don't know what to do as a maid. I was supposed to receive training today, but because the store manager didn't come, the training was cancelled. I don't know anything about it." I don’t understand, that’s how I got started.”

Levi held his chin with one hand and said, "When I came in before, I saw you standing in the corner. When you came over, I was a little surprised."

The head maid grabbed the hem of her skirt with both hands, pressed her legs tightly together, and said awkwardly: "I thought you...Master, you would reject me. I tried several times today, and Master, you are the first person to accept me. .”

The head maid was very nervous because she didn't understand anything, and she would have a cold face when she was nervous. Although she is extremely cold and charming when she has no expression, and her charm far exceeds that of other maids in the store, but when she has a cold face, she will also bring huge psychological pressure to those who face her.

Customers come to the store to have fun and naturally want to be more relaxed, so as the head maid is the most beautiful maid in the store, no one dares to name her. After all, most of the people who come to the maid cafe are otakus, and there are many otakus here in Neon. They are all people with social difficulties, and they are at a loss when facing other maids who are extremely enthusiastic, let alone the head maid who is as cold as a superior queen. They are frightened, okay? Dare to have any evil thoughts.

Levi said: "I see. I didn't expect you to be nervous as a new maid who has not received training, so it makes sense. You are very different from other maids here. I smell the smell of books on you." The taste is something other maids don’t have.”

Here in Neon, only a few people can go to college. Most people start working after graduating from high school. But here in Neon, if you have never thought about going to college, it actually doesn’t matter what your high grades are. If you can It’s enough to just step on the line and pass the exam, so among the neon people who have graduated from high school, the proportion of poor students is quite astonishing.

Most scumbags don't like reading, but the head maid in front of Li Wei not only has a cool temperament, but also has an indescribable bookish air. Li Wei has already simulated the image of her wearing glasses in his mind, which is even more stunning. .

Li Wei did not use mind reading, but based on the details shown by the other party, he inferred that the other party should be a college student. He probably came here to work to earn some living expenses or tuition and fees. In addition to the university here in Neon, In addition to the relatively cheap tuition of a few top public universities, the tuition and miscellaneous fees of equally excellent private universities, as well as those relatively lower universities, are not cheap, and there are not so many subsidies for poor students, so college students Working part-time is very common.

The head maid was a little surprised. She didn't expect Levi to be so sharp. She worked part-time as a librarian at school for a while, but the librarian's subsidy was too low. In order to live with food and clothing, she had to find enough work. , but the cashier jobs in convenience stores and bookstores were not high-paying, so she came to Akihabara to work as a maid in a maid cafe.

Cashier jobs in convenience stores and bookstores earn only 1 yuan per hour, but even for such jobs, there are always people rushing to do them, and it is not always possible to get such a job.

At the maid cafe, even if there are no customers by name, she can still get a round hourly wage, and if there is commission, it can be even higher. Moreover, I can work at the coffee shop for an hour every day, and working as a maid in Akihabara in my spare time is better than working in convenience stores and bookstores.

The head maid said: "I am a college student. I used to be a librarian in school. When I worked part-time, I spent most of my time in the bookstore. I should be tainted with the smell of books."

Levi said: "I like to read, so I am more sensitive to the smell of paper. I also like to interact with people who also like to read. However, here in Neon, people who like to read are still in the minority."

Books are the ladder of human progress. Although this sentence is a bit extreme, Levi also thinks it makes sense.

The difference between people who read and people who don't read is huge, so when talking to people who read, Li Wei can feel that the other person's language is very organized, and communication is very easy and simple. When communicating with people who don't read, because the other person's language is very scattered, he has to organize the other person's language in his mind to know what the other person wants to express accurately. However, this is also different from the language structure of Neon. There is a certain relationship between the different Chinese languages. Li Wei, whose mother tongue is Chinese, when facing people who do not read in Neon, he can only use "assembly" to restore the meaning that the other party wants to express.

Levi looked at the other person and said: "I'm curious about which university you are a student in. I think your academic performance should be good. The school you are in should be a relatively famous school in Tokyo."

The head maid hesitated and said, "I am studying at Ocha Women's University."

The head maid didn't want to reveal too much information about herself in such a place, but Levi's charm was too great. When she saw Levi's curious expression, her inner defense was instantly broken, so She spoke her message.

She is not a local in Tokyo, but comes from Hokkaido. Her family is not rich, and she cannot get much financial support from her family. In addition, there are so many monsters in Ocha Women's University that she simply cannot There is no way to compete with the king for a scholarship, so I can only survive by working part-time.

Moreover, Ocha Women's University does not have dormitories for domestic students, so she can only rent a house outside. Living in a huge city is not easy. After deducting the income from part-time work, daily living expenses and monthly rent, she can hardly save. She had no money, so her life had always been tight.

Chapter. Living in a big city is not easy

Levi showed a "surprised" expression and said: "That's really amazing. Ocha Women's University is called the women's version of Tokyo Metropolitan University. However, in recent years, Ocha Women's University has begun to recruit a small number of male students. Strictly speaking, the word "woman" in the name can be removed."

The head maid said: "The idea of ​​a women's version of Tokyo Metropolitan University is still too exaggerated. Tokyo Metropolitan University is the real gathering of dragons and tigers. Ocha Women's University is still far behind Tokyo Metropolitan University. I In fact, my academic performance is not very good, and I can’t even get a scholarship in school.”

The head maid showed a wry smile. The top student in the school had amazing academic ability. A foreigner like her who didn't have enough knowledge could only make sure that she didn't fall behind in her studies.

These days, study has become something that requires financial resources. In her high school years, she could still rely on her talent to support herself. But when she reached the university stage, she finally understood how big the gap was between herself and her peers who were born in wealthy families. Now she just wants to not fall behind and graduate smoothly.

As long as she can graduate successfully, her degree from Ocha Women's University will be enough to find a pretty good job, allowing her to gradually take root in Tokyo.

Li Wei smiled and said: "I am also a college student, and my academic performance is not very good. The batch with the best grades basically went to Dongda University, and I am just an ordinary art student."

The head maid showed a curious expression. Li Wei gave people a very warm feeling, while the art worker seemed a bit nervous to ordinary people. She could not believe that such Li Wei could be an art student. Of course, her preconceived notions are an instinctive misunderstanding of many people who study art. This is more or less the case when people face fields they do not understand.

The head maid said: "The Art University here in it Togei University?"

Levi nodded.

The head maid showed a surprised expression. Togei University can be said to be the pinnacle of the art department, and although it is an art school, Togei University has very strict performance requirements. Students studying there face double pressure. Anyone who can graduate can be said to be an elite.

The sound from the kitchen came from the hidden earphones. After the head maid whispered to Levi, she went to the kitchen to order food.

Returning to the booth, the head maid looked at Li Wei's playful smile and felt that her head was a little hot, because Li Wei had said before that he wanted her to "perform magic", and it was the head maid who had been a maid for the first time, and looked at The companions in other booths jumped up and down in front of the omelette rice, and their inner shyness almost overflowed.

But Levi is a guest, and as long as the guest's request does not involve personal insult or obscenity, the maid has no right to refuse. Even without training, the head maid knows this kind of thing.

The head maid took a deep breath, stood in front of the omelette rice, and began to gesture with the magical girl's movements stiffly. In a voice that was not energetic enough and seemed a bit cold, she began to say: "Magical girl Miyu-chan loves you, lovelove! bouncing……"

The head maid was stuck, especially looking at Li Wei's upward curved mouth. The shyness in her heart made her not even know what to say. After all, she had not experienced professional maid training, she just watched other colleagues. She is just following the same pattern, and her adaptability as a coffee shop maid can be said to be very weak.

Levi looked at the other party's embarrassed look, waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. Seeing you like this, I guess I won't be able to finish the rest of the story."

The crimson-faced head maid sat down, lowering her head and not daring to look at Li Wei, and Li Wei noticed her shyness. What she did just now was probably similar to shameful play for her who had just started working. Those who did this This kind of cafe maid is very skilled at her job. She has not only received special training, but also has a certain amount of experience, so she can be so skilled.

Levi cut the omelette rice with a spoon. The preparation of the omurice rice in the maid cafe is relatively simple. If it weren't for the last step, the maid will "color" it. The omurice rice in the maid cafe is more Not as good as those in family restaurants.

The head maid was a little reserved and didn't know how to start the topic. She had no relevant training in this area. Li Wei was not an ordinary otaku, but a top student at Dongyi University. The topics that were suitable for ordinary otakus were difficult to solve when faced with Li Wei's words. It may not be applicable at that time.

Li Wei used a spoon to cut the omelette rice and put it into his mouth in a graceful manner. It must be said that people are good-looking and everything they do is pleasing to the eye. In ancient times, people from the West flattered the heart and the East imitated it, but Li Wei's behavior, as long as it is not nose-picking, Shit and sneezing are pleasing to the eyes of the opposite sex.

····Ask for flowers······

The head maid felt that her and Li Wei's positions had been reversed. Originally, Li Wei was the guest, but now, it was her who was looking at the handsome man.

The omelette rice was completely wiped out in no time, and the iced Coke was also drank. Levi pushed the plate aside, and the professional waiter in the coffee shop quickly walked up and took away the used plates. The division of labor in a maid cafe is very clear. The maids' duty is to induce customers to spend money and increase the income of the store as much as possible, while the professional waiters do various logistical tasks so as not to waste the maid's time as much as possible.

... ...

Levi said: "If possible, I hope to meet you in the library, but the current situation is not bad. Can you leave me your contact information?"

The head maid was a little surprised. The maids in the coffee house are strictly prohibited from getting too close to the customers. Work is work and life is life. The coffee house will not affect the overall operation of the store because of the maid's personal affairs, so it was decided like this. rules.

The head maid said with some embarrassment: "Master, there are rules in the store."

Levi smiled and said: "I understand, and I can also understand what the coffee house does, but rules are dead and people are alive, right? Moreover, a job like a coffee house maid is not suitable for you. I can feel it. To the point where you’re forcing yourself.”

The head maid didn't know how to answer Li Wei, because she worked here for less than a day, and found that her quiet and reserved personality was not suitable for such an environment. It was okay to do such a job in a short time, but If you do it for a long time, you will only cause yourself psychological problems.

Because the head maid doesn't like to flatter others, like those maids, in order to make a living, no matter how weird the people who come into the store are, they have to serve like a master, but she doesn't like this.

It is precisely because of this that compared to the active enthusiasm of other maids, she seemed much more passive. After several failed attempts, she just sat in the corner and watched others. That is, when Levi entered the store, she Muster up the courage to try again.

Chapter. The Head Maid’s Longing

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