Levi arrived early and was waiting for him at the booth where he had met before. About ten minutes after Levi arrived at the store, Jincheng Zhai Qianye also walked in, wearing casual clothes.

It has to be said that some people are born to be protagonists. Even if Jincheng Zhai Qianye is wearing ordinary casual clothes, he still has extraordinary charm. However, the maids in the maid cafe are not interested in this ex who only comes to work during the day. Colleagues were also impressed. When she entered the door, the maid greeted her warmly.

Jinchengzhai Qianye sat down opposite Li Wei and whispered: "Li Weijun, you came too early."

Levi smiled and said, "Don't you do the same?"

Li Wei had agreed to wait here half an hour in advance. He originally thought that the other party would arrive on time, but he didn't expect that he would arrive just as early as him. However, Jinchengzhai Qianye was only a few minutes ahead of time, so he still arrived earlier than him. .

Chapter. Ambition

Li Wei looked at Jinchengzhai Qianye today. She wore a loose sweater on her upper body, shorts and stockings on her lower body, and a pair of simple sneakers on her feet. This outfit was very simple, but it still couldn't hide her... charm.

When chatting with Jinchengzhai Qianye before, Li Wei discovered that the other party did not want to be a pure vase, and the other party also understood the saying "He who serves others with sex will lose his love when his love fades." This shows that the other party has a deep understanding of knowledge. The coverage is also quite extensive, which makes him even more happy because what he wants is not a vase, but a friend who can support and understand each other in life.

Just as Li Wei was looking at Jinchengzhai Qianye, Jinchengzhai Qianye was also observing him. When she saw Li Wei, she remembered what her mother once said, good-looking men are the best at cheating. Man, her mother easily fell into the "trap" because her father was so handsome when he was young. Moreover, her father at that time could be said to be poor, and her mother was hopeless. Face control.

Fortunately, because her father is a hard-working man, with hard work and a little bit of luck, their family is now living a pretty good life in Sapporo, and is better than above. Unfortunately, her father and mother Her ideas are more traditional. If this were not the case, she probably would not have come to Tokyo and would not have met Levi.

Jinchengzhai Qianye sighed in his heart, fate is indeed a wonderful thing. Two people who were completely unrelated to each other ended up together for some reason.

Levi said: "What do you want to eat? I'm not that familiar with this store. Do you know what is the most delicious food here?"

Jinchengzhai Qianye put his small bag aside and said: "I only work here for the day, so I don't know very well, but I heard from other maids before that except for French fries, all other dishes here are delicious." just so so."

Levi said: "It can't be so miserable. Although I know not to expect much from the food in the maid cafe, there is no other food to look forward to except French fries. The chef in this shop is half-assed." ?"

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: "Absolutely. After all, I am not a professional chef. I went to the kitchen to see it. The previous chef resigned due to some personal reasons. The kitchen was working for apprentices. I didn't know that this store had hired someone. There’s no new head chef~”

Levi thought for a while, this kind of slightly funny thing is not a rare thing in the land of neon.

Because many crafts here in Neon are passed down from master to apprentice, just like cooking skills, ordinary people's level cooking skills, just buy a food and cooking book to practice, or watch the tutorials of related apps on your mobile phone. , can be learned, but for professional cooking skills, you can either go to a training institution or follow a master.

Chefs who come out of training institutions follow the path of streamlined mass production, and they are quick learners. They can usually learn in two or three years. But in Neon, a slightly weird place, many craftsmen like to learn from old masters, but this kind of learning takes longer, but it can also learn many things that cannot be learned in training institutions. , the upper limit of the skills mastered is much higher than that of the other route.

Li Wei has been with Neon for almost two years. He has a certain understanding of this magical country like the White Elephant Country, but most of these understandings are negative. Neon is here In many places, it can be said that there is gold and jade on the surface, but nothing is as good as fluff.

Jinchengzhai Qianye took out a document from his bag and placed it in front of Li Wei.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: "I have been working on this plan in my spare time these two days. Because the economic environment has not been good in recent years, the content of this plan is relatively long, but I believe you, Li Weijun, have the patience to read this."

In her knowledge, people who study art have very good patience. In order to complete a work that they are satisfied with, they can spend a lot of time. Such concentration and patience far surpass ordinary people.

Li Wei said: "I am determined. I have experience in making money, but I still have a lot to learn about how to maintain it. When I have relatively sufficient time in the future, I will learn this systematically. knowledge.”

····Ask for flowers······

Jinchengzhai Qianye sighed inwardly, it is not that easy to be a professional financial planner. After all, everyone has the ability to learn. When customers do not have professional knowledge in this area, they will naturally rely on the ability of financial planners. But when clients learn the relevant knowledge themselves, financial planners become useless tools.

Jinchengzhai Qianye comforted himself in his heart. Monsters like Levi were in the minority. The threshold for learning professional knowledge in finance was quite high. If you only learned half of it, those messy crash courses on the Internet would be enough. You can do it, but if you want to reach a professional level, you must study in depth in a university way. This is not something everyone can do.

... .... ...........

Therefore, even if Li Wei no longer needs her ability in the future, she will be able to get her reward elsewhere. After all, most people do not have the time and energy to learn such complex knowledge.

To become a financial planner, you must not only have an in-depth understanding of various stocks and funds, but also have an in-depth understanding of bonds, real estate, luxury goods, art, precious metals, and series of wealth. Only in this way can you be satisfied as a wealthy person. According to the unique needs of our customers, we ensure the safety of our customers' property as much as possible.

Originally, such work was usually done by the butlers of the top wealthy people, but now that finance has become more and more complex, the butlers of the rich do not have enough energy to do this work, so this part of the function has been dismantled. After they were separated, the top wealthy people established their own financial analysis teams. This was the earliest prototype of the profession of financial planners.

Of course, the average small wealthy family does not have enough power to establish its own financial team, and the main clients faced by financial analysts are these wealthy families who are relatively wealthy, but not particularly wealthy.

Most wealthy families with an annual household income of 13 million to 20 million yen are the main clients of financial planners. There are a lot of these wealthy families, at least in Tokyo.


Li Wei opened the plan produced by Jincheng Zhai Qianye and began to read it patiently. The plan was quite detailed and very sincere. It fit the two people's communication during the past two days. Li Wei Made based on the actual situation exposed here.

In this plan, because Levi himself is an expert in investing, he can naturally exclude assets such as stocks and bonds, so the bulk of the investment is placed on insurance and other assets.

Li Wei did not reveal that he was a being with extraordinary power, so Jinchengzhai Qianye made the plan according to the needs of ordinary people. It has not yet been used for those who need to rely on their own labor to obtain wealth. The most fearful thing for relatively wealthy families who have little money to make money is that something happens to their breadwinner. Whether it is illness or an accident, it is easy for such a relatively wealthy family to fall back into poverty quickly, so necessary insurance is the best protection.

Originally, Li Wei was not qualified to buy insurance from Neon, but after Jinchengzhai Qianye learned that Li Wei had purchased real estate in Neon, he added the insurance aspect for him.

Li Wei took a look at the insurance package that Jinchengzhai Qianye provided for him. It was very complete. From major illnesses to accidents to traffic accidents and pensions, everything was included. Even the approximate amount of money needed had been calculated. Come out, it can be said that it was done very carefully.

In addition to insurance, Jincheng Zhai Qianye also suggested that he collect physical precious metals and purchase gold in batches when the gold price is suitable as a "ballast stone" to preserve value.

As a person who majored in finance, Jinchengzhai Qianye attaches great importance to the collection of information. Therefore, unlike her peers who are obsessed with personal interests or love, she has set her sights on the whole world to observe changes in the external environment. What impact does wealth have.

According to her observations, the past few years can be said to have been extremely chaotic. The intrigues between several huge empires have forced small countries to take sides. This kind of situation where no eggs can be completed under all the forces has also given her a sense of crisis. At the same time, It made her feel so powerless.

However, she saw the crisis earlier than others and was able to prepare in advance. This was also her advantage. She would not recommend to an ordinary wealthy family to hoard gold, but Li Wei was her friend, so although she could not directly tell Li Weiming that the situation might change greatly in the past few years, she could also give him a subtle reminder. Levi, and let Levi prepare in advance.

If the worst situation does not occur, that is naturally the best thing. But if the worst situation occurs, if you have enough physical gold in your hands, your ability to withstand risks will be better than ordinary people.

Of course, Jinchengzhai Qianye knew that Li Wei had a way out. Li Wei was a subject of that huge empire. Even if the external situation changed, Li Wei could return to the country, but she was different. She was in a neon world. She didn't even have to run, so she worked harder when she could prepare, lest she didn't even have the most basic ability to cope when things came.

Li Wei glanced at the plan carefully. If he was just an ordinary person, then he would have to praise Jinchengzhai Qianye's plan, which was indeed very comprehensive. However, as a transcendent being, some of the items in it are actually unnecessary, but this is in the real world after all, and he does not want to reveal his true power in front of Jincheng Zhai Qianye too early, so this plan , he will strictly implement the content in the plan, because the plan itself is very good, which shows that Kinjosai Qianye learned real skills at Ocha Women's University.

Jinchengzhai Qianye was eating French fries. Levi was flipping through the plan faster than she expected. This made her a little curious. Could it be that Levi had also mastered the skill of speed reading? If this is the case, then Levi is too "versatile".

Li Wei closed the plan and said: "It's quite exciting. As expected of a top student at Ocha Women's University, this thing can be said to be quite valuable. And in your personal judgment, the situation in the next few years may be unstable, right? ? You suggested that I buy gold. I probably noticed what you were thinking. In fact, I have already done this in terms of buying physical gold, and now I already have close to kilograms of gold in my hands."

The French fries in Jinchengzhai Qianye's mouth were bitten off directly, and half of the French fries still stained with ketchup fell on the table. She felt that her ears had heard wrong. A kilogram of gold is a lot of money. of wealth. Moreover, Li Wei actually felt that the situation would be unstable in the next few years. She originally thought that Li Wei was her confidant. She did not expect that on such a major matter, the two people's judgments would be so consistent. This is really strange. ... .

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: "Li Weijun, aren't you optimistic about the situation in the next few years? I didn't expect that we would think about it, but how did you make such a judgment?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "Every man likes to talk about politics. This is inevitable. When more information is exchanged, as long as you can find the real information and integrate it, you can see the big from the small." I have seen some truths that are difficult for ordinary people to see. If the most extreme situation really happens, at that time, I think I can still provide you with shelter with my ability."

It should be said that the world has never been peaceful, so people who have the conditions will more or less prepare in advance. Rich people in Europe and the United States will habitually leave a way out for themselves. This is the reason.

Levi put the plan away and put it in his small backpack, and said: "I will strictly implement the contents of this plan, but I am not familiar with the insurance industry here in Neon. So I have to leave the insurance to you. Of course, I will pay the required service fees, which are calculated according to normal financial planner remuneration."

Jinchengzhai Qianye was a little surprised in her heart. She had not actually thought about getting any income. After all, she had not graduated yet, and she had not obtained the relevant certificates or licenses. If it were true, she did not have the qualifications to practice. Therefore, she was not qualified to charge labor fees at all, but Li Wei took the initiative and offered it, unwilling to take advantage of her.

Jinchengzhai Qianye looked at Li Wei and said, "Li Weijun, are you serious? Based on the income of a regular financial planner, you will have to spend hundreds of thousands of yuan."

Levi smiled and said: "You deserve this. Please don't be surprised. Besides, I'm not used to taking advantage of my friends. If I just came to your place to eat and drink, I would be so shameless. But This plan can be said to be quite valuable. I personally estimate that less than 400,000 yuan is considered a low price, so I gave it at the price of 100,000 yuan."

Jinchengzhai Qianye was extremely surprised in her heart. Li Wei was a person with a bottom line, which made her even more fond of Li Wei.

Chapter. Visiting exhibitions together

The two of them finished their meals, and Levi looked at the clock on the wall. It was only 1:00 p.m., and there was still a long time before the sun went down.

"Qianye, do you have anything else to do this afternoon?" Levi turned around and asked.

Jinchengzhai Qianye was gently wiping the corners of his mouth with a napkin. When he saw the look in Li Wei's head, he felt a little puzzled.

"I don't have any plans this afternoon, but I have to go to the convenience store to change my shift in the evening and will work until evening." Jincheng Zhai Qianye said.

Levi nodded and said: "I have to go to work at night, which is really hard. If you have nothing to do now, I want to take you somewhere."

Jinchengzhai Qianye showed a curious expression and said, "Where is it?"

Levi said: "There is nothing going on in the afternoon at Dongyi University's art exhibition, so it is a good thing to go and have a look. This art exhibition is not only a painting exhibition, but also sculptures and new-school visual arts. In short, it is quite interesting. That’s it.”

Jinchengzhai Qianye also had some expectations in her heart. After all, she used to be a test scorer who focused on studying, so she didn't know much about art. After all, she knew about art, but she couldn't take more exams in the national unified examination. point.

But now she is a college student with relatively more free time, and it’s time for her to have some time of her own. Instead of going back to the rental apartment to rest, going to the art exhibition with Levi is also an enjoyable thing, and she can appreciate the wonderful things at the same time. The artwork and a handsome man like Levi are simply double the joy.

Jinchengzhai Qianye put his hands on the table, supported his body slightly, and said with a smile: "Then when will we leave?"


When it came time to check out, Li Wei originally planned to pay directly and in full, but Jinchengzhai Qianye insisted on AA, so Li Wei had no choice but to go along with her wishes.

After leaving the maid cafe, the two of them came to a nearby parking lot. Jinchengzhai Qianye saw Li Wei's car and said with envy: "When I have savings in the future, I also want to buy a good car for myself." transportation vehicle."

Levi said: "I think this day will come within a few years."

Neon has now entered a low-desire society, the so-called "lower society." Due to the problem of income growth, young people have fewer and fewer opportunities to climb up, and the entire society has become highly stratified.

People like Kinjosai Qianye who were admitted to the top universities in Tokyo from a small place can be said to be koi who have completed the process of crossing the dragon gate locally. As long as they graduate, they can start transforming into dragons.

As long as graduates from Ocha Women's University don't commit suicide, it is not difficult to get a career with a much higher income than others. As long as they can survive the first two years smoothly, buying a car will be a big deal for Kinjo Saichien. At night, it's just a matter of time.

Considering the national conditions in Neon, she must have a parking space before she can buy a car, so she must buy a piece of land in Tokyo to build her own house, or else buy an apartment with a parking space. Considering the apartment The price is quite expensive, and for her, ordinary household construction is much more realistic.

The two of them got into the car. Jinchengzhai Qianye instinctively opened the rear door and wanted to sit diagonally behind the cab, but was stopped by Li Wei.

"Just sit in the passenger seat. If you sit behind me, it will make me look like a driver driving for the boss." Levi laughed.

After hearing Li Wei's words, Jinchengzhai Qianye helplessly sat on the passenger seat.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: "In men's cars, the passenger seat is very special. People of the opposite sex usually sit in the back, because the passenger seat is reserved for their spouses."

"Is that so? I didn't know there was such a thing to pay attention to, but it doesn't matter. I'm not a neon person." Levi pretended to be confused, pretending to understand.

The two chatted on the road and drove for almost half an hour. Levi parked the car in the parking lot near Dongyi University. Neon is a place where land is at a premium, so parking spaces are naturally quite tight, so here at Dongyi University The underground parking lots are double-decker parking garages with folding bridges. Levi spent some time parking the car on the first floor, and then left the parking lot with Jincheng Zhai Qianye.

Walking inside Togei University, Kinjosai Qianye observed the surrounding environment curiously. If the environment at Ocha Women's University gave people a bookish atmosphere, then the environment at Togei University was... It has a rich and substantial sense of art. Whether it is a building or a plant, it can be seen that it has been carefully taken care of. After all, architectural aesthetics is also the context of art. Dongyi University also has an architectural design major. Various buildings in the school are the works of former seniors.

"It feels so awesome, eh? There are painters over there." Jincheng Zhai Qianye looked around like a curious baby.

Li Wei looked in the direction of Jinchengzhai Qianye's gaze, and saw a few hard workers painting the scenery.

Li Wei said: "Those people didn't get the studio, so they could only find a place to practice. Dongyi University is very introverted. The studio is full every day. I'm already old now. After staying there for almost two years, I got the right to use the studio three times.”

Any success is not achieved overnight, and the same is naturally true for art. Although someone once said that genius is the % inspiration plus % sweat. Although many people focus on the % inspiration, But without that % sweat, that % inspiration is nothing.

Even Levi himself, before gaining extraordinary power, was also a member of these involution monsters, but now he no longer has to squeeze himself as crazily as before, because there is no need for it.

However, painting is his important hobby. Levi will still spend a considerable amount of time improving his skills, just like model making, and he will never give up.

Jinchengsai Qianye sighed and said: "This is really crazy, but the same is true for the library at Ocha Women's University. People come every day when the library opens. People can't wait to live in the library."

The environment will affect people. In an excellent environment, people will unconsciously be affected by the equally outstanding people around them, and then they will be involved inexplicably. However, it is precisely because of this atmosphere that these prestigious schools can be called As a prestigious school, it can teach talents with real talents and practical knowledge.

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