Levi said: "I'll take you to the exhibition hall. The school is holding an exhibition during this period. There are many interesting artistic creations there, some of which even I think are very powerful."

Jinchengzhai Qianye nodded, and before he noticed, he was already being held by Li Wei's hand without even realizing it.


People in a relatively unfamiliar environment will have a certain degree of dependence on the acquaintances around them. Jinchengzhai Qianye knows Dongyi University. After all, this top art academy has trained many big names in the art field. Even art-related design in the industrial field is done by many people at Togei University.

It is precisely because of the reputation of this college that Jinchengzhai Qianye seemed a little cautious after coming to such an environment. In her opinion, the students here may be future art masters, and they are not as good as her. People who smell like copper are completely different.

Involuntarily, Jinchengzhai Qianye grabbed Li Wei's hand harder.

Levi could sense the tension in Jinchengzhai Qianye's heart and squeezed gently;?.;'!.:,?.!'''『??..';;』',:''";" ;;".:"'『:.:??;』?!;'!.!;:!:.,::;.??,, spare;?,:?;;?":Pinched her His hands did not linger on the road and went straight to the area where the exhibition was located.

The exhibition area is quite lively. After all, it is the New Year's Exhibition of Dongyi University. The works that can participate in the exhibition, in addition to the works of teachers, are the works of the best small group of students. It can be said that the overall level is quite average. The height allows people who come to watch the exhibition to feel the charm of art.

After viewing the sculpture area and visual art area, the two came to the painting area. As an art college that is quite inclusive of art, the paintings on display in the painting area can be said to be quite rich in style.

Impressionist oil paintings from Europe, realist oil paintings that appeal to both refined and popular tastes, fresh-style pastel paintings, neon traditional ukiyo-e, and even classical mountain paintings from Okikuni. Works of these styles can be found in the art exhibition. .

As she walked along, Jinchengzhai Qianye would stop briefly in front of each work she saw to admire it. For her, every work in the painting exhibition area was quite impressive.

"Li Weijun, where are your works? I want to see them." Jinchengzhai Qianye looked at Li Wei with a curious light in his eyes.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Follow me, my works are in the core exhibition area. There are not many works in the core exhibition area, but the quality of each work is much better than other works~¨"

Li Wei still felt a little proud in his heart about such things.

The two people came to the core exhibition area. Just as Li Wei said, unlike the previous regular exhibition area, the number of works in this exhibition area was suddenly much smaller. But Jinchengzhai Qianye also felt that each of the works here has its own "soul".

Li Wei took Jinchengzhai Qianye to his work and said: "The two works here are my works. In the past few days, these two works were ordered by a German rich man. The exhibition When it’s over, the two works will be taken away.”

Jinchengzhai Qianye looked at the exquisite picture, and the shock in her heart made her speechless. She never thought that she would be shocked by the painting. The content of the painting is quite rich, just these details , it made her feel like she was watching a movie. She could even feel Li Wei's mood when he was creating. Li Wei was painting with a happy mood. When she saw this painting, her mood Inexplicably, he became happy.

But what Jinchengzhai Qianye didn't know was that this was a painting he completed after Li Wei's painting skills had been greatly improved. The previous Li Wei would not have been able to paint to this extent. It can be said that Li Wei is now the youngest oil painting master in history. Although his skills are not absolutely superior to those of historical masters, Li Wei's advantage is that he is young and has no lifespan limit. , can delve into painting skills without limit, so he has a truly promising future with no upper limit.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: "I don't know why, but when I saw this painting, I felt very happy inside, as if I had entered the scene of the painting. This is really incredible."

Li Wei smiled, which was a sign of being close to the Tao. Just like the famous oil painting "The Scream", those who watch the scanned and printed version will not feel anything after watching it. However, only when you really see the actual painting in person will you know how mentally polluting this painting is.

There are four versions of "The Scream" in total. The third version was exhibited at Dongyi University. The third version is in the hands of a private collector. The old principal was so proud that he was able to persuade the collector to sell the work. Since then, the students and teachers of Dongyi University were "blessed" to be able to view this "wonderful work" up close. During that time, Levi clearly felt that the sanity of everyone in the school had dropped significantly. , that painting has the ability to contaminate spirits in a real sense. Looking back now, Levi feels that the creator of that painting must have seen some supernatural existence that should not be seen, and his spirit was stimulated, so he did it. Create this spiritually polluted wonder to take revenge on society.

The real world is not without supernatural powers, but they are very rare in number and cannot become a climate. However, some people with "high inspiration" are more likely to be exposed to dirty things in this area than ordinary people, so they will get some quite weird things. Inspiration, some strange "famous paintings" in history, and some strange written records were created under such circumstances.

Levi said: "When I was creating this painting, I wanted to bring happiness to the audience who watched the painting. I wanted this happiness to be contagious to others, so I used some special techniques. Look carefully. The details of this painting, you can see many rounded brushstrokes, this is the secret of this painting can bring happy emotions to people."

Some things are very mysterious if you don't explain them. But if you explain them, they are actually just that. Levi's creative techniques are quite simple, but he applied them to a very high level.

Jinchengzhai Qianye saw Li Wei's name and photo at the bottom of the work. In exhibitions like this, the creator's information will be marked below the work. Jinchengzhai Qianye saw the avatar on the photo, and Li Wei It seems that Li Wei is not bragging, but really has real talent and learning.

Jinchengzhai Qianye sighed inwardly, it was incredible that there was such a strange man like Li Wei in the world. A dazzling existence like Li Wei would shine brightly no matter where she went. In comparison, she was just an ordinary ugly duckling.

Jinchengzhai Qianye looked at Li Wei with admiration in his eyes. Neon is a place that respects art and craftsmanship very much. Here in Neon, there are people like traditional literary writers, mystery novel writers, painters, and dancers. These are related to Occupations related to art and writing have a very high social status.

Jinchengzhai Qianye realized that she had accidentally met a truly proud person. If her classmates knew about it, they would be jealous to death.

Chapter. Heading to the New World

Jinchengzhai Qianye felt a little ashamed in her heart. She felt that she was too realistic, just like those vulgar women outside. Li Wei had never expressed interest in her so far, and the two parties just didn't know much about each other. They have only been friends for a long time, and now that she is thinking about these things in her mind, it is simply blaspheming this relationship.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: "Before I met you, Li Weijun, I knew that geniuses existed in this world, but I didn't have a clear idea of ​​what geniuses looked like. It wasn't until I met you that I knew, What is genius?"

Levi said: "I just have a little more talent than ordinary people, and the energy and time I put into the things I love have made me who I am now."

The two held hands and continued to browse the exhibition. The exhibition had been open for a few days, and the peak period of the largest crowds had passed. Although there were many people in the exhibition hall, it was no longer as crowded as before.

The two of them were like fish among people, and under the leadership of Li Wei, they quickly browsed through all the works worth seeing in the exhibition. After visiting the exhibition, the two people left the exhibition area and found a dessert shop to sit down and rest.

After simply ordering a few desserts, the two of them sat in the open air and enjoyed the food. Jinchengzhai Qianye will have to work in a convenience store in the future. She has plenty of time now, but Jinchengzhai Qianye has the habit of preparing for work in advance, so Li Wei drove her to the convenience store where she worked. Then he said goodbye and left.

Returning to the apartment, Levi recalled his thoughts about using mind-reading skills to peek into Jinchengzhai Qianye's heart. This girl was more stubborn than he imagined, but this kind of self-respecting and self-loving girl made Li Wei feel that he had a close friendship and a good character. Girls are a rare breed in this day and age.

You must know that among today’s neon girls, there are many people who worship money. Would rather cry on a BMW than laugh on a bicycle. It can be said to be the norm in the neon female marriage market. You must know that Neon is the original base of female boxing in Asia. When Neon women started boxing in the 1970s, the country was still developing, and women could truly hold up half the sky.

Therefore, the marriage and love market on Neon's side has formed a staggered pyramid. Most women only accept upward compatibility, and few are willing to be downward compatible. Therefore, for people like Levi, the marriage and love market on Neon's side is very Popular.

But Li Wei, who knew these things very well, was very cautious in this matter. He didn't want a "monster" that could knock bones and suck marrow to lie on him and suck blood.

After staying at home for a few days, Levi was restless and thought about going to a new world again. However, there were many places he wanted to go, so he had to make a decision on which world to go to first.

The strength that Levi now possesses is enough to protect himself in most worldviews, so now Levi has naturally more options to choose from.

Levi made a big plate and listed all the worlds he would go to next. He nailed the plate to the wall, and then moved the plate vigorously.

Levi did not use any extraordinary power, but simply looked at luck to see where fate would take him. When he opened his eyes, the disk had stopped moving, and the fixed pointer pointed at a string of words. superior.

"Infinite Stratos? A work by a great writer? The answer that fate gave me, is that where the next world will be?" Levi said to himself.

This time, Levi wrote ten works on the Great Roulette. These ten works are all works in which his power can move sideways in his world view. They are the kind that will never overturn no matter how much he wanders.

However, he did not expect that with a tenth chance, he would choose the work of a great writer. For great writers, Li Wei felt that he could not control his spirit of complaining at all. The masterpiece of the great writer is "Infinite Stratos". This work can be said to have been saved by the comic book adaptation production team. The quality of the novel itself is only so much. After that, the great writer was dragged everywhere because of his unbridled speech. Because of his hatred, he was abandoned by the publishing house. Later, he changed the publishing house and published his new work "The Battlefield After School".

Levi himself has not read "Battlefield After School", but according to feedback from veterans on the forum, this is a worse work than "Infinite Stratos". To a certain extent, the publisher I am a bit consuming the "dead author" of the great literary giant.

In the past, "Infinite Stratos" was treated as an anime adaptation due to various coincidences, which attracted great attention from the great writer, but as the saying goes, before an angel dies, he must first be made mad and his tail raised. The great literary giant of heaven is estranged from the entire industry and readers step by step.

According to the information provided by the forum veteran, the great writer was banned by the original publishing house after the series of incidents caused by "Infinite Stratos". The sales of the subsequent "Battlefield After School" were not very good. The great writer can be considered a complete of silence. Li Wei didn't pay much attention to the great writer. He just heard from people on the forum that the great writer went back to being a little butter. After all, before becoming a light novelist, the great writer was a scripter for the butter company Alicesoft.

It is a pity that the great writer is qualified as a script writer, but as a light novelist, his ability seems to be somewhat insufficient. Readers who have read "Infinite Stratos" will mostly complain about the great writer. The writer's writing style is poor, in the true sense of the word "I can do whatever I want".

Neon’s light novels, in order to take care of increasingly “younger” readers, can be said to be becoming more and more straightforward in terms of wording and sentence usage. In the last century, we could also see novels such as “Ten Kingdoms” and “Galaxy”. "Legend of Heroes" is a majestic light novel as traditional literature, but now, "Bone King" is considered a masterpiece.

Levi didn't have the BD of "Infinite Stratos" in his collection, so he directly set the computer page to the video on the paid website, and then started to make up for it.

Levi did not use fast forward, but honestly completed the two seasons of the anime, and then he wanted to complain in his heart. This work is a piece of work made up of various traditional routines. It can also be said that He is the predecessor of "Hundred Arms of War".

After completing the most basic preparations, Levi started the teleportation and entered the world of Infinite Stratos through the teleportation gate.

The place where he settled was the neon in the world of Infinite Stratos. Levi was already familiar with how to make his own false identity. He used some hacking methods to hack into the official household registration system of Chongguo and created his own. A full set of identity materials and relevant certification materials on Neon's side were also prepared, and it only took Levi less than a minute to do this.

Chapter. The twisted world

After settling the identity issue, Levi began to use person-finding and locating spells to locate the main characters. Then Levi discovered that he had entered a little longer, and there were still nearly a year before the beginning of the original plot. .

Levi immediately felt like shit. He did like to be stuck in time, but this time he made an obvious mistake. He entered too early.

After all, this world is not like the devil high school world he experienced before. When he entered the devil high school world, although he had a strength advantage, he could not guarantee that he could absolutely control the situation. He could only use tricks and smoke bombs to control the situation bit by bit. Cannibalizing the interests of that world, so it is very normal to enter the game early to make layouts.

But this time is different. The technology of the Infinite Stratos world view is just like that. Compared with the world of Hundred Arms War Chronicles that I have experienced before, it can be said that it is only half a pound. Levi was able to run rampant in such a world view even before. , not to mention that now he has achieved a leap in strength in the world of Devil High School. Now in the world view of Infinite Stratos, he is no different from the God of Creation. As long as he wants to, no matter what it is, there is no difficulty. , it’s just a matter of time~.

Levi came to the balcony of the apartment, spread his perception outwards, and then he discovered many interesting things. Of course, from a male's perspective, these things were not pleasant things.

First of all, you must know that Neon is an extremely masculine society. Although extreme masculinity is not a good thing, the situation here has gone from one extreme to the other. Today's Neon is an "extreme chauvinist society". Feminism”.

Levi's perception scanned outwards and found that the social status of the men on Neon's side had dropped again and again. Compared with before, they were two extremes. However, the national character of the Neon people itself is very extreme. There are many records of jumping from one stage to another extreme in history, so Levi is not surprised that such a change will occur.

Something like this will happen. Starting from the acquisition of an epoch-making weapon, a nearly "perfect" weapon appeared in the Infinite Stratos worldview. For convenience, it is referred to as "IS".

The prototype of this weapon is a space suit for outer space exploration, but under the template of the wicked female genius Shino Nobori, the original space suit became a war weapon, capable of traveling to and from the atmosphere and space in a single machine, which is not weaker than the main The firepower of battle tanks, the mobility that is not weaker than that of high-altitude interceptors, and the fortress-like defense instantly swept all the weapons of the old era into the trash can.

There is even a record of Taiwan IS destroying an entire naval fleet in this world. Since then, all countries in the world have focused their research on this brand-new weapon. The tactics and strategic status of this weapon have completely crushed it. All traditional weapons, even aircraft carriers, have become meaningless.

But there is also a problem with this weapon, that is, if you want to activate this weapon, you must be a female. This is genetically locked. Only females with XX chromosomes can activate it, and this weapon The core chip also has the ability to identify cheating, so major countries in the world have made a lot of cracking attempts, but in the end they were unable to break through the core secrets. As a result, the status of women began to abnormally improve.

Just now, Levi's perception saw something that made all men feel aggrieved. On the street, a young man and woman bumped into each other. The young woman lowered her head and played with her mobile phone without looking at the road, tripping the young man passing by. On the contrary, the young woman seemed very angry. She kicked the young man who was lying on the ground, mostly on the back of the head. She also said all kinds of obscene words. Judging from her dress, she should be a bitch. A white-collar worker, but now she is just like a little girl who is fooling around outside.

The young man curled up on the ground and did not dare to resist. He could only protect the back of his head. The young woman who hit the person kicked harder and harder, kicking more than 30 times in a row, and stopped until she started to gasp for breath.

The men around him were angry but dared not speak out, while the women around him cheered loudly, and some women even applauded.

The kicking woman raised her head, spat on the man who fell to the ground, cursed a few more times, and left amid the praise and cheers of many women.

Li Wei was surprised in his heart. The conflict between men and women in this world has reached such an acute level. This situation will cause problems sooner or later. How severe the oppression is now will be how brutal the retaliation will be when it comes back.

The is weapon has been around for several years. With the rise of this weapon, women's social status has been abnormally and infinitely elevated, so the picture is like this.

····Ask for flowers······

This is already the case even here in Neon, and it is estimated that the situation in other countries is similar.

The works of great writers, whether they are original works or subsequent animations adapted from comics, simply place the perspective of the works within the IS Academy. Compared with the outside society, an ivory tower like the academy can be said to be a blank slate. environment of.

Li Wei leaned on the railing and whispered to himself: "The scourge of Xiao Zhizhi has made this world a mess, but it doesn't matter. Since I came to this world, I naturally have to put things right. Since he made men all over the world feel pain, I’ll make her feel pain too.”

... .....

In the last world, Levi focused on increasing his strength. In this world, there were no factors that could increase his strength, so he planned to focus on gaining points. The more points, the better. , no matter how much it is, it won’t be hot.

Li Wei's keen sense can sense that huge resentment is gathering in the sky. If such resentment is turned into a curse, he will be crushed and cursed to death by such a power when he is in the world of passerby heroine. Think about it here The resentment of men in the world is so deep.

Levi felt that he should do something, otherwise if it continues like this, after the men reversely decipher the secret of the core of IS, a gender war will inevitably begin, and by then, some unimaginable tragedies will probably occur.

As the saying goes, the more severe the oppression is now, the more severe the retaliation will be later.

This is like a volcano exploding. Once something like this accumulates momentum and explodes, the entire human society will usher in a catastrophe, and even lead to the decline of civilization.

However, the current situation and the gender lock on IS were just things that Shinozuki thought was fun. However, considering that the great writer himself is not normal, except for a few characters whose IQs are barely online, most of the characters he created have worrying IQs.

At the beginning, many viewers complained about the plot of IS. They couldn't watch it with their brains at all. Many plots could not stand up to scrutiny. If you try to think about it, you will only find that there are not many normal people in the entire plot.

Chapter.The Bunch of Xiao

Li Wei decided to "learn from the barbarians and learn skills to control the barbarians." Since Xiao Zhizhi wanted to play gender lock, then he should also play it like this. He has thoroughly understood the technology of Bai Armed Crystal. This relatively "idealistic" The strength, whether it is explosive or endurance, will not be weaker than IS. It is a typical creation that the stronger the user, the stronger the feedback from the equipment.

Moreover, Levi has opened up a new branch line in the technology of the world of Hundred Arms War Chronicles. The current Hundred Arms Crystal, as long as the user's will can keep up, can make the armor huge.

This enlargement is a double-layer matryoshka structure, which means that during battle, even if the outer giant armor is severely damaged, it will be difficult to affect the core armor of the memory. When the outer giant armor was destroyed, the real battle had just begun. The faster and more flexible core armor gave the user of the Hundred Armed Crystal two lives.

What the IS Armed Forces can do, the Hundred Armed Crystal Arms can also do. What Li Weiwei has to do is to block the chromosomes on his head. Only men with XY chromosomes can activate the Hundred Armed Crystal Arms.

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