It took Xiao Zhizhen himself almost a year to master the lightweight vibrator, and what Li Wei used was a heavy-duty vibrator. This thing is very heavy and has a poor center of gravity. Mastery, being able to play with this thing, the weight of most swords can be easily controlled.

What is the concept of four kilograms? Most of the actual two-handed swords of Germany weigh less than three kilograms. The weight of Chongguo's horse-cutting sword is almost the same, with a slight fluctuation. Being able to play with a four kilogram vibrator, this kind of power can be used not only with a two-handed sword, but also with a mace and a flail.

Levi said: "It's a little light, and it feels too floating when swung. I remember that Yagyu Shinin-ryu has the technique of Nodachi, right?"

Levi likes swords very much, and among the various swords in Neon, his favorite is the nodachi. Most people can't play with this kind of large knife, but those who can play with the nodachi are all masters.

Sephiroth of Final Fantasy and the sword master of the samurai camp in For Honor are both users of the Nodachi. If you play well with this thing, whether it is a routine or a secret, it is very gorgeous.

Xiao Zhizhi said: "Senior Brother, do you want to learn Nodachi? The dojo has a heritage in this area, but my father is limited by his height and wingspan, so he is not proficient in Nodachi."

Li Wei said: "You should call me Li Weijun. The title "little senior brother" feels weird. I really want to learn how to use the wild sword. This is my personal obsession."

Xiao Zhizhihan hesitated and said: "Li...Li Weijun, with your height, wingspan, and strength, it is not difficult to control the wild sword, but the dojo can provide you with guidance in this regard." It is limited, and at most it provides you with a place to practice. There are only a handful of people who can control something like the Nodachi in history. Most of the time, this kind of thing is the saber of the honor guard, and it is more ornamental than practical."

Levi just smiled. With his height and wingspan, he could control even Nodachi's "shaku sword". As for Nodachi, he is learning to play. This thing is used to look cool. It is like playing the game of choosing a happy man in the league. If you are happy, it will be over.

Levi smiled and said: "As for the Nodachi, it can be considered as a balance. I mainly learn the normal Yagyu Shininryu. As for the Nodachi, I can learn it if I can, and forget it if I can't."

Xiao Zhizhi said: "Is that so? It's okay if you don't force yourself. Just now I looked at Li Weijun's stance. Because of other martial arts, your stance is mainly stable. This kind of posture is suitable for the exchange of strength. The difference between the standing posture of Yagyu Shinin-ryu and the standing posture of Yagyu Shinin-ryu is relatively large. The standing posture of Yagyu Shinin-ryu is more relaxed and more suitable for wandering. After all, Neon's swordsmanship is limited by the characteristics of the weapon itself. It is suitable for a pure frontal attack, which can easily injure the knife, so it is very important to use steps to find the enemy's weaknesses."

Xiao Zhizhi looked at Li Wei's performance and raised what he thought was the problem.

The fighting habits shown by Levi are all false. He just found an excuse to stay in the kendo hall so that he could attack the girl in front of him. This slightly cumbersome fighting style is his disguise.

Levi said: "I am interested in learning various martial arts. I have fought in BOTN before, which is the kind of people wearing dozens of kilograms of armor to fight each other. So my fighting style tends to be steady and steady, but I feel The limitations of such a fighting style, I want to change myself and become more flexible."

Of course, such a statement is just Li Wei's nonsense. If you really have to be flexible, isn't the Wudang Gua Dao delicious? Is there any need to come here and learn Yagyu Shininryu? But some things always require finding appropriate reasons.

Xiao Zhizhi nodded. She knew a little bit about BOTN. It was a special sport in Europe. It was a rare stage for traditional martial arts to show itself in modern times. It could play cold weapons openly and openly, and it was also a special sport in Europe. Not breaking the law.

However, Neon's swordsmanship is not suitable for frontal tough scenes, so among the teams participating in BOTN, there is no Neon team. This is a pity for Neon people, but the traditional martial arts masters here in Neon know that they are The skills I have learned are limited, and I don’t want to join in the fun. BOTN is a armor-clad fighting style in which "big men" collide with each other head-on. Neon, whether it is a samurai sword or a traditional samurai armor, will not This kind of small venue is suitable for mutual fighting, unless the venue is expanded three to four times and RBI scoring is added. After all, the armor-breaking ability of the katana is still at a disadvantage when facing heavy armor.

In her opinion, Levi's ability to play BOTN, even at the amateur level, is not comparable to ordinary people. This shows that Levi has crushed ordinary people at least in terms of physical fitness.

After Li Wei showed his hand, the girls in the kendo club were very curious about Li Wei, but under the supervision of Shino no Hoshi, they all practiced the gorgeous swordsmanship of swordsmanship honestly, but their eyes would change from time to time. I will look over at Li Wei. After all, Li Wei, who really practices Su Zhen, has a different kind of charm.

Chapter.Each has its own pros and cons

Li Wei didn't train for long before he greeted Xiao Zhizhihan and left the kendo hall.

After all, his goal had been initially achieved. After looking familiar to Xiao Zhizhen, he decisively left the Kendo Hall.

The other girls in the kendo club have to practice at the kendo gym until around 1:00 p.m., and they will still stay at the training ground for a while. After Li Wei left, they immediately stopped training, got together, and started chattering. got up.

"Wow, that Chongguo man named Li Wei just now is so handsome! He is almost like Prince Charming in the real world!"

"No! He is a handsome black knight! He is not a vulgar existence like Prince Charming!"

The little girls started arguing because of Levi.

Xiao Zhizhi said: "Okay, don't argue anymore. Anyway, we will meet a lot in the future, right? Seeing that you are all so excited, why didn't you dare to speak when I was here just now?"

"I'm a girl, how could I take the initiative to say those embarrassing things!"

"That's right, the minister actually spoke to him!"

Little girls like to make fun of them, and Xiaozhizhihuan is quite strict with them on weekdays, so they are nicknamed "Ghost Minister" among them. Now that they have the opportunity to make fun of Xiaozhizhihuan, they are naturally I won't miss such an opportunity.

Xiao Zhizhi was also a little helpless in her heart. Li Wei was a student of the dojo. For a long period of time, the two sides would not see each other. If anything bad happened, she would also find it troublesome.

Xiao Zhizhihuan looked at the commotion and said helplessly: "You guys who are afraid of the world being in chaos, if you like Li Weijun, then go by yourself. I really want to practice swordsmanship. For other things, I didn’t think much about it at all.”

"Really? Minister? We will snatch Li Weijun away by then, so don't cry!"

Xiao Zhizhen is used to the teasing of her members. People all have bad tastes. Because she is usually serious, the members of the Kendo Club want to see her "break~¨ defense" ", but as the daughter of a professional swordsman, her mentality is much stronger than that of ordinary people of the same age, so facing everyone's ridicule, her heart hardly fluctuated much.

However, in her heart, she has indeed imagined what her future partner will be like. Now the world has become a mess because of her sister. There is now a gap between men and women, and she can detect it. , in school, the confrontation between male students and female students is quite sharp. She doesn't expect to meet a father-like man, but she also doesn't want her future partner to be a weak person or someone who is hostile to women.

Li Wei is a man who is a bit too good-looking. However, the more good-looking a man is, the more dangerous he is. She is still very clear about this. The reason is that when she is not familiar with Li Wei, she will consciously keep the distance between the two parties to avoid There are embarrassing misunderstandings.

Xiao Zhizhihuan said: "You damn girls, if you want to go up there, go up yourself. Don't hold me back. I'm a Xinjian Dao, and I'm ready to fight the Jade Dragon Flag."

Because of their sister Xiao Zhizhi, their family is now under surveillance. This situation is very troublesome and prevents them from doing most of the work. Although Neon officials have certain subsidies for them, their family members eat, drink and have sex. It all costs money, and the stingy official subsidies simply cannot support the expenses.

Therefore, there is a high probability that she will take over from her father and become the coach of the kendo gym after graduating from high school.

Xiao Zhizhi is still self-aware of herself. She is not a genius like her sister. She is just an ordinary person with average talent. Therefore, ordinary people must have the consciousness of ordinary people. Don't think about things all day long. Fantasy is This cannot be eaten as food.

Graduate from high school honestly. If you can get into college, that would be the best. If you can't get into it, just graduate directly, and then go home and inherit the kendo gym. In order to build the reputation of the kendo gym, she must compete in the Yulong Banner competition in her early years, and she must achieve good results. This is a good opportunity to promote her kendo gym, and she will not miss such an opportunity.

Unlike the little girls in front of her who have no sense of crisis, Xiao Zhizhihuan has already made plans for her future path. She has no intention of dealing with her emotional problems until her life stabilizes. Because if her life is not stable enough, she is in no position to talk about emotional issues.


After Levi returned to his apartment, he began to perfect his Hundred-Armed Crystal Armed Gender Lock. In fact, the Hundred-Armed Crystal is more suitable for making gender locks than purely mechanical creations like IS, and the power of the Hundred-Armed Crystal is quite idealistic. As long as you have enough faith, you can really achieve the level of "output depends on roaring", and if you have enough faith, you can also armor the crystal weapon, stack multiple layers of shields, and even make it huge.

But Crystal Arms is not perfect. At least in the next few years, IS will usher in a more advanced development. At the same time, there will also be "pseudo-perpetual motion machines", which Crystal Arms cannot keep up with. , but now, the battery life of both sides is almost the same.

The problem with crystal weapons is that once the user's spirit experiences excessive negative fluctuations or enters a tired state, the performance of the crystal weapons will decline, which is irreversible. Therefore, users of crystal weapons are typical of those who can withstand crystals but cannot withstand humans. The IS does not have such a problem. The auxiliary AI is combined with an increase similar to the puppet system. Even if the driver is very tired, the combat effectiveness will not decline significantly.

However, the characteristics of both sides also have advantages and disadvantages. IS wins in stability, while Crystal Arms has the possibility of "explosive seeds". Once the user of Crystal Arms is in an extremely angry or excited state, the performance of Crystal Arms itself will also change. It will rise significantly, just like the OO series Gundam in three red states, but after the BUFF expires, the state will decline a bit quickly.

However, considering that the Crystal Arms are equipped for male soldiers, and the army generally fights together, even if a unit's status declines, friendly forces can still support it, allowing it to return safely, so the Crystal Arms squeeze Mental side effects are also acceptable.

After spending several hours, Levi finally added the gender lock, but he encountered another problem, that is, how to mass-produce the Hundred Armed Crystals. There is no alien invasion like "barbarians" in this world. Biology, so the crystal is also a problem. If this problem is not solved, the Hundred Armed Crystal will only be rarer than IS and can only be used by a few people. In this case, the Hundred Armed Crystal will not be of much significance.

Chapter. The clone is in action

The space in the apartment cannot be used, so Li Wei's transformation of the Hundred Armed Crystal was carried out in his own consciousness space. As his strength grew, Li Wei found that his consciousness space was gradually changing. Evolving towards the scale and laws of the "small world", its internal rules have become closer to those of the external world. Of course, in so-called scientific terms, a "cosmological constant" similar to the external environment has appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness space. .

In the next few days, Levi's life can be said to be quite fulfilling. During the day, he stayed in the apartment in the morning, using the time difference in the consciousness sea space to study the mass production technology of the Hundred Armed Crystals. When he was tired of the research, he ran away. Come out to take a breather, and then wait until the afternoon to go to the kendo gym to increase your presence.

After a few days, Li Wei has become familiar with the people in the kendo gym. In the entire kendo gym, the formal students, including Li Wei, are just individuals. In addition, everyone's training time is staggered, so Li Wei had never seen the scene where all the disciples started practicing.

It took almost half a month outside and more than two months in the Consciousness Sea Space. Levi finally overcame the mass production problem of the Hundred Arms Crystal and found a way to mass produce it with the existing technology level in the world. Technology.

Li Wei himself does not have a personality that likes to engage in scientific research. After all, scientific research is quite boring. Compared with doing experiments, he prefers artistic activities such as painting and sculpture.

But there are some things that must be done, even if they are boring. Normal people can't do this kind of thing, so he can only do it by himself.

After solving the problem of mass production of the Hundred Armed Crystal, Li Wei found an ordinary researcher in Chongguo who was depressed and committed suicide, and replaced him with this identity as his own vest.

From the beginning of fabricating a vest, there will always be flaws. Li Wei did not dare to underestimate the domestic intelligence capabilities, so he chose to replace them with local personnel. As long as he plays the role well, there will be no problems. of.

Using his identity as a researcher, Levi won a lottery prize in China and gave the researcher's avatar a legal start-up fee. Then, using this identity, he unintentionally obtained the Hundred Arms Crystal.

The researcher's clone had resigned from the national research institution before committing suicide. However, although he had left the official research institution, he still had a lot of connections with the research institution, such as the contact information of various key figures, which was in the hands of the researcher's clone. There is no shortage.

After going through a series of strict procedures, the researcher avatar handed over his research results, the Hundred Armed Crystal, to the superior unit of the research institution, and within a very short period of time, it attracted the attention of the military.

Because of his research results, the researcher's avatar was taken to a secret base in the mountains. Because of his research results, he was directly awarded the rank of a school military officer, and a large amount of money was specially allocated to allow the researcher's avatar to perfect his creation. .

The Hundred Arms Crystal that the researcher's avatar handed over before was a deliberately defective product. It has various problems, such as putting a lot of mental pressure on the user, easily making the user feel fatigued, as well as battery life and defense. Question.

This was Li Wei's deliberate move. After all, the researcher's clone was depressed because of his limited research talent. The original owner of this identity was not a genius like Xiao Zhizhi. It should be said that most unknown researchers, The original owner of this identity is just a mental migrant worker.

Because he is not a genius, he can easily be suspected by presenting a finished product in a tone of voice. This kind of "stumbling" semi-finished product is more justified.

The biggest advantage of the semi-finished Armed Crystal compared to the IS is its cost.

The current mainstream third-generation IS in the world costs an average of about one billion in soft currency, which is almost the same as a Taiwanese fighter jet. It's just that the annihilation in this world is really miserable. It took a long time for the technology to mature and large-scale mass production began. Who knew that a white knight incident would happen. In an instant, the top-generation fighter jets crystallized by high technology were swept into history. The garbage heap has become a discarded weapon.

The cost of the semi-finished weapon crystal is almost 20 million soft girl coins. Compared with the IS armor, it is no longer as simple as cabbage price. It is simply a white radish that the farmers in the land do not want. You can install it in a car for a little money. The price of carrots is too low.

Twenty million soft girl coins, for ordinary people, is a huge sum of money that many people will never make in their lifetime, but for a behemoth like the country, it is really nothing.

And now even a fool would calculate this account. Taiwan’s third-generation IS "Ankylosaurus" can cost up to 70 hundred-armed crystals, and even this kind of defective semi-finished crystal weapon can be killed with only a few. The third-generation IS Ankylosaurus, such a thing, attracted the attention of the above.

While Li Wei's body is enjoying his daily life with the beautiful girl, the researcher's clone has now become the treasure of Chongguo. His military rank has been raised from school to senior colonel, he has been provided with all kinds of benefits, and he has even been assigned a wife. However, Levi's main body controlled the clone to refuse such a thing. After all, he would eventually leave this world. If he accepted such a thing, wouldn't he be cheating the girl who was arranged? Although he, Li, is not a He is a good person, but he doesn't like to trick girls like this, especially girls who can be introduced in such situations. They are good girls themselves, and he is not willing to trick others.

Now, the researcher's clone is like squeezing toothpaste, improving the performance of the Hundred Arms Crystal bit by bit, and at the same time starting to repair the defects that were deliberately left before. In up to half a year, the researcher's clone will come up with a mature and complete Hundred Arms Crystal. Jing, although the cost will increase to a certain extent, it is worth it.

In more than half a month, the researcher's clone has become an important cornerstone of the rejuvenation of the country, and all information about the researcher's clone has been blocked and kept secret. At this point, there is no longer the researcher's clone's original identity in the world.

Nowadays, the power of extreme female supremacists is getting bigger and bigger. If those people know the existence of the researcher's doppelgänger, they will inevitably launch a series of conspiracies to get rid of the researcher's doppelgänger.

Except for Levi's true body, no one knows that the seemingly weak researcher's clone is actually extremely powerful and is not afraid of assassination at all. For safety reasons, the existence of the researcher's clone is completely blocked by the higher-ups to ensure the safety of the researcher's clone. . Although in Li Wei's view, such a thing is redundant, it can also illustrate the importance attached to the researcher's clone.

Chapter. The world is changing

Levi can understand why the above would keep the researcher's clone secret like this, because the extreme feminists in this world are very crazy. Now they are clamoring to kill all men, and aborting male fetuses is not a good idea for them. It is also a daily basic operation. It can be said that it is a stupid person with abnormal brain.

Now, extreme feminists have super weapons like IS in their hands. Although I don’t know where the IS in these people’s hands came from, they do have IS, even if they are just stacks and generation machines.

However, the White Knight Incident left an indelible shadow on many people's minds. As the rise of modern machines can destroy a country on its own, many major countries have turned a blind eye to these extreme feminists and can only turn a blind eye and pretend. Tsukuru didn't see it.

These terrorists who act without a bottom line can be said to be a cancer on the entire human society, and they are also the driving force behind the expansion of women.

Many women now feel that the world will be so peaceful because it is brought about by IS that only women can control. Therefore, they have a sense of pride deep in their hearts. They feel that men are now the vassals of women and should be the bullshit. .

Originally, such extreme ideas were just a small prod at extreme women. However, as time goes by, more and more women hold such extreme ideas, and they even affect the entire human society.

For example, in the workplace, some relatively high-end industries are monopolized by women. It is very difficult for men to enter these high-end industries. Some high-end majors in universities no longer even admit male students, which completely eliminates the possibility of men to climb up. sex.

In today's human society, all kinds of dirty work are left to men, while women do the decent and high-paying jobs. It is not that there are no men protesting against such things, but men who dare to speak out are treated in extreme ways. Feminist organizations have been "handled". The bloody reality has made men no longer dare to speak out easily, and the conflicts between men and women have become increasingly acute. This is the fact that this is the case in all countries.

Such things inevitably spread to Chongguo. Although the conflicts did not explode due to the efforts of the above to mediate, compared with other countries, the internal social environment and atmosphere are pretty good, but there are limits to such control. In a few years, the situation will be completely out of control. By then, China will become no different from abroad, and the whole world will become a hell for men.

And by that time, it was really "I'm sorry for being born a man."

Therefore, the emergence of the researcher's clone is a timely help to the big guys above. It is understandable that the researcher's clone would be protected in such a secretive way. After all, in the eyes of the big guys above, the researcher's clone is now , is the guide for men to regain their lives and dignity from a desperate future, and there must be no mistakes.

It is naturally difficult to keep the unique existence of Crystal Arms absolutely confidential. Therefore, the big guys above have put together a plan to explain to the outside world that this is a fourth-generation special IS that belongs exclusively to Chongguo. .

In order to disguise the Crystal Arms as an IS, the researcher's clone also received all requests, that is, to make the standard version of the Crystal Arms deployment mode more feminine, and at the same time, it must completely cover the pilot's body to ensure that the aircraft The identity of the teacher will not be revealed.

At the same time, the military also secretly summoned a group of former pilots and tank crews to conduct relevant training. Although there are still various problems with the current crystal weapons, the production department has obtained the drawings and crystal formulas and has begun mass-producing hundreds of weapons crystals in small batches, preparing to produce hundreds of them as early training aircraft.

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