After the researcher's clones have perfected the crystal weapons, the students will then switch to more advanced training aircraft.

These matters are top secret. All personnel and equipment are located in underground military fortresses deep in the mountains. Private contact with the outside world is completely cut off. There are only public contacts between fortresses and with the fortresses above. In terms of internal material storage, Also try to avoid going electronic as much as possible to avoid being hacked and stealing information.

It can be said that in order to ensure the safety of the crystal armed soldiers and researcher clones, the confidentiality level of the entire base was directly raised to the highest level.

Li Wei's plan was moving forward in an orderly manner. He had an in-depth understanding of the above ideas through mind reading. It was still the same old-fashioned way of building walls high, hoarding food widely, and slowly becoming king.

····Ask for flowers······

Although the crystal armed forces can achieve an absolute advantage in terms of numbers, the time is not yet ripe, so they still need to keep a low profile and bide their time. The "young ladies" are extremely hostile to anything that challenges their authority. The domestic IS pilots are okay, at least they are somewhat rational, but the foreign IS pilots and extreme feminist organizations, Knowing the existence of crystal weapons, they will definitely destroy the base before the crystal weapons are mass-produced, and completely eliminate the hope of men to regain their self-esteem.

In order to maintain absolute confidentiality for women, there are only male members in the underground base where the researcher's clone is located, and these male members have one thing in common, that is, they are all single, regardless of age.

... .....

Today's era is so bad for men. Only those with mental illness would want to fall in love. If you are living a good life, why do you have to find an ancestor by yourself? Therefore, these fortress personnel have no desire in that regard at all. Thinking of the faces of those women nowadays, how cheap they have to be to "get up". Maybe only those masochists will like the current world.

The above idea is very simple. First, wait for the researcher to perfect the crystal armament, and at least increase the battery life. After solving the battery life problem, take advantage of the low cost to create thousands of crystals in one go and cultivate a large number of them. Users of crystal weapons can achieve absolute military superiority. Once they have such an advantage, the problem will be easily solved, just like Lu Pingtui.

While the researcher's clone was working hard with the rough men in the underground base, Levi's body was enjoying life. After all, the clone had done everything, and there was no need for his body to appear, and this time he did not plan to use his body to directly Contact the officials, after all, he still has to go to IS Academy.

When the time is right, Levi will naturally use his crystal weapons again, but for now, he is prepared to follow the original plot route honestly, and take the IS Academy route with Kaori Orimaru. After all, he still thinks about it. Something is going on.

Chapter. Behind-the-scenes arrangements

As time passed, Li Wei and Xiao Zhizhihuan became quite familiar.

On this day, Li Wei was practicing in the dojo, and Xiao Zhizhihuan walked in carrying a bamboo sword on his back.

"Huh? It's strange that no one from the Kendo Club followed you today." Levi put down the wooden sword in his hand and stopped. At this time, apart from him, there was only Shino no Hoshi in the dojo.

The other disciples who came to practice today had already left in the middle of the afternoon, while Xiao Zhilong went out to do errands. Li Wei was here personally. If it weren't for the fact that Xiao Zhizhen was coming back, he would have left the dojo.

Xiao Zhizhi put his bamboo sword aside, took out a bottle of drink from the small refrigerator in the training ground, raised his head and drank a few sips, looking like he was relieved, and said: "They all have their own things to do. , for them, Kendo is just a bonus item for the exam, they just need to maintain normal training, no additional training is required."

Xiao Zhizhihuan seemed a little dazed, sitting there and lost in thought.

Li Wei put down the wooden knife, sat aside and said, "It seems that you have something on your mind."

Xiaozhizhihuan came back to his senses and said: "Well, that's true. Today the school informed that the people above are going to select IS candidates, and every girl in the school will participate in the test."

Levi smiled and said: "Isn't this a good thing? So many people want to become IS pilots, don't you have any ideas?"

Xiao Zhizhi opened her mouth and didn't know how to answer. She really didn't have many thoughts in this regard. Her feelings for IS are quite complicated. Because of her cheating sister, not only the world has become In the chaos, even their family's daily life will inevitably be affected.

Moreover, once a star weapon like IS becomes its pilot, it is easy to fall into the whirlpool of the current situation, be forced into everyone's field of vision, and even become the target of others' calculations. After all, she is Xiaozhizhi's sister, and she becomes the whirlpool of the situation. The IS pilot itself is something that makes people think too much.

Xiao Zhizhihuan said: "I didn't know that if you become an IS pilot, you can get high subsidies, and the family's expense problem can be solved at once."

Levi smiled and said, "Isn't this a good thing? Teacher Long has always been worried about money. If he becomes an IS pilot, the operation of the kendo gym will not be so troublesome."

Levi has been here for a while, and he has a certain understanding of the operational crisis of the kendo gym. The current situation is that with prices rising rapidly due to inflation, the maintenance of the dojo has become a big hole in the family's financial resources. Previously, Xiao Zhilong planned to rebuild the dojo and dismantle the original parts of the dojo to reduce future financial expenses. Because there were not many students in the dojo, there was no need for such a large dojo.

In Neon, an average person's annual income of one million yuan would be considered good. If we just simply calculate the tuition fees brought by the students, it seems that the Xiao family is doing well, but this is just an appearance.

Ordinary people can save the money they earn without spending it. However, it is difficult for Xiaozhijia to save money, because the dojo, a gold-eating beast, will continue to devour the cash flow of Xiaozhijia. All kinds of maintenance of the dojo are It costs money. Cleaning and sanitation can be solved by yourself, but various consumables and the replacement of materials after the building ages have to be spent.

Therefore, Xiao Zhilong’s family’s annual income is above the average, but they are unable to save money like other people. Li Wei takes this problem seriously, but does not intend to say anything, because Xiao Zhilong himself has already made a decision After making a decision, Xiao Zhilong went out these days to contact the construction company and prepare to spend money to make the dojo at home smaller. This kind of thing is not as long-term pain as short-term pain.

Xiao Zhizhi said: "Yes, if I can become an IS pilot, my family's financial problems can be easily solved, but do I have that kind of talent? Becoming an IS pilot is not an easy thing. I am just a very good person." Just an ordinary female national student."

The selection criteria for IS pilots are stricter than those of the old generation pilots. Although Xiao Zhizhen's physical fitness is considered top-notch among his peers, there are too many people competing. It can be said that there are tens of thousands of people competing. A quota, this kind of competition for thousands of troops to cross a single-plank bridge is not something she can do just because she wants to.

Levi smiled and said: "How can you know something if you don't try it? Although I don't know much about IS, I heard that this thing depends on the synchronization rate between the pilot and the body core, right?"

Xiao Zhizhi said: "That's right. The higher the synchronization rate, the more body performance can be exerted. However, the synchronization rate of most people is less than %. Moreover, even if the physical fitness is passed If the synchronization rate cannot be improved, it will not work."

Simply speaking, in terms of physical fitness, Xiao Zhizhen is really not afraid of anyone. Her physical fitness can be said to be the best among her peers. However, this fitness test is open to women who are no more than thirty years old. The basic number is As it gets bigger, the pressure from competition suddenly increases.

For this test, Levi did some tricks behind the scenes. For him now, it is very easy and simple to do such a thing.

In the original plot, the male protagonist Oribara Natsu accidentally entered the backstage of the test site, and then saw the IS that was not activated on the station. He stepped forward curiously, and the IS was activated, so Oribara Natsu He became the only male in IS Academy and became the "Son of Destiny".

In fact, Oribara Natsu is a related household and does not have the qualifications to activate IS. Only by working under the background of Shino Nobushi can he activate IS.

Ori Madara Kasumi is Ori Madara Chifuyu’s younger brother, and Ori Madara Chifuyu is Ori Madara Natsu’s best friend. Then, Ori Madara Natsu is Shino no Hoshi’s childhood sweetheart, and Shino No Hoshi is a hopeless girl control. , as long as her sister likes and wants it, she will find a way to get it done.

It is precisely because of this dual relationship that Oribara Kasha was able to activate IS as a man and became the only male IS pilot in the world.

Therefore, even if Kaori Orimaru hadn't mistakenly entered the backstage of the test venue at that time, Shino no Hoshi would still have found a way to send him to IS Academy to accompany his younger sister Shino no Hoshi. But now, Levi used spiritual magic to interfere with the top executives of this test and prepared two more ISs in the background. In other words, there will now be three ISs in the background.

Two ISs and two men just started up. This seems a bit suspicious no matter how you look at it. If there are three ISs, this kind of thing will not be so eye-catching.

Levi said: "Go and try it, Chen. Everything needs to be tried before you can get the result. No matter whether you can pass the test or not, you will regret it if you don't take the test. The cruelest thing in the world The thing is, 'I could have'."

Xiao Zhizhihuan nodded. She felt that what Li Wei said made sense. If she went, no matter whether it was successful or not, at least there would be a result. If she didn't go, what would she do if she regretted it in the future?

Chapter. The way out for spreading martial arts

After getting along for a period of time, the knowledgeable Li Wei has become a kind of intimate big brother in Xiao Zhizhen's heart.

Levi knew that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so he didn't reveal any unnecessary thoughts. He just maintained the existing character image and did not cross that line. If the relationship is confirmed now, there will be no way to sway back and forth in the IS Academy. It is precisely because of this that Levi is not in a hurry.

Xiao Zhizhi looked at Li Wei and said: "There is a high probability that I will not be able to meet the requirements. It's just a formality anyway. I'd better follow the original plan honestly and get a good grade in the exam, and then Get good results in the Jade Dragon Banner competition in Gao."

Levi said, "Aren't you going to go to college?"

Xiao Zhizhihuan said: "For me, going to college will not help me inherit the family gym. If I come out earlier, I can share the pressure for my father earlier. I know he has things he wants to do, but, He is not free because of the family ancestral gym, so I want him to retire early.”

Xiao Zhizhen respects her father very much. In her opinion, her father is a man who lives with dignity. Even the current social environment that is extremely unfriendly to men cannot make her father bow his head. , but this way of living is very tiring, so she wants to make him less tired.

Li Wei nodded. He knew Xiao Zhizhihan's thoughts. Many ignorant people always like to say that they should look for reasons in themselves before encountering problems. However, this sentence is not always reasonable. At least put it aside. It's inappropriate here. When the problem itself is an external problem, we still need to make people reflect and find the cause within themselves. People who say such things are sick.

When problems arise in the entire social environment, normal people will be treated as monsters, especially Neon's society itself is already twisted enough, and now it is just a complete mess.

Mr. Lu Xun once said, "Is it right to have always been like this?" This sentence is also very appropriate in today's world.

It can even be said that all the things that Mr. Wang scolded back then have come back at this time. It can only be said that history is a circle, and now it is just back to the original point.

Li Wei knows that Xiao Zhilong is unwilling to bow to life. Such willpower is worthy of admiration. It should be said that people who can not bow to the surrounding environment and compromise, the more they are in the mud, the more they struggle to save themselves. Such people All worthy of admiration.

Li Wei said: "Actually, if conditions permit, it is good to go to college. There is no conflict between going to college and inheriting the kendo gym. Moreover, in-depth study of human body mechanics can also better transform traditional swordsmanship and promote traditional swordsmanship. Guangda.”

Xiao Zhizhihan sat next to Li Wei and took off the foot bag to let his sweaty feet breathe. Li Wei looked at Xiao Zhizhihan's small feet and silently withdrew his gaze. This girl's Feet, for those who are foot obsessed, are a god-given treasure. She is obviously a sports girl, but there are no flaws on her feet.

Xiao Zhizhihuan didn't notice the instant change in Levi's eyes and said: "Human body mechanics, I don't know much about this aspect."

Li Wei said: "Any traditional martial arts, regardless of country, if it wants to continue to develop in modern times, it cannot avoid systematic and scientific training and reinforcement. Just like the traditional martial arts of Chongguo, in terms of boxing and kicking kung fu, in addition to Apart from Chongguo Wrestling, which has not changed much, other boxing and kicking skills have fewer and fewer places to display, and were eventually integrated into "Sanda". Sanda is a modern martial art that is very free and tests the imagination of practitioners. Neon This On the other hand, now that the fists and kicks are transmitted to Buri, after excluding Judo and Karate that have completed modernization, only Toyama Ryu and Bone Ryu are left with considerable modern practical capabilities. To continue to move forward, we must build on the On top of a complete understanding of past history.”

Xiao Zhizhi looked at Li Wei with a sincere look in his eyes and said, "Is there a way forward for the Yagyu Shinin-ryu?"

Levi raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Of course, do you want to see the results of my practice these days, the new Yagyu Shinin Ryuno Taitō swordsmanship."

"Have the results been produced yet?! So fast!" Xiao Zhizhihan said in surprise.

Li Wei had been practicing Nodachi swordsmanship before, but Li Wei rarely showed it in front of her. She thought Li Wei was just getting started. She heard her father say that Li Wei was a genius in martial arts. Now it seems that he is indeed Such.

Levi stood up and took down his own special training prop, the iron-wood sheathed Nodachi, from the training prop rack nearby.

This wooden nodachi used for practice weighs more than twice as much as a real sword due to the material, reaching seven kilograms. The blade is an inch long and the hilt is two and a half inches long. It stands taller than a human. There is simply no way to control such a weapon.

Li Wei carried the nodachi on his shoulder and drew it rapidly. The nodachi drew a sharp arc, and the wind pressure that made people's skin sting blew up the length of the shino no hoon.

Xiao Zhizhen narrowed her eyes slightly. It was clear that Li Wei was using a wooden training knife, but the moment the Nodachi was unsheathed, the wind pressure was even more exaggerated than that of a real sword. She could not even see Li Wei clearly. The movement of the arm at the moment of drawing the sword.

The Nodachi was unsheathed, and Li Wei's body moved. His whole body was like a tornado. The Nodachi in his hand made traces of traces, and a harsh sound broke through the air. This was only possible when the sword tendons were very straight. No matter what angle Levi uses to draw the sword, he can maximize the lethality of the Nodachi.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhizhen was stunned. It was not until Li Wei finished the two-minute drill that she slowly came back to her senses. Then, she began to applaud with an excited expression on her face. The skills of the nodachi shown by Li Wei, if it were a real sword, even her father would be no match. The shaku sword blade plus the two and a half foot hilt, unless it is used directly on a spear or a big gun. Long-handled weapons, like swords, will be suppressed by absolute distance and power before they get close.

Li Wei exhaled like an arrow, and slowly put the long knife back into the scabbard. The sharp aura on his body dissipated, and he became as warm as the sun again.

Li Wei smiled and said: "This set of swordsmanship has not been perfected yet. It is just a prototype now and needs to continue to be refined."

Xiao Zhizhi said: "Isn't this already very powerful? If it is a battle in an open place, with this kind of swordsmanship, even if you fight many times, you will not fall behind. Is this the result of the modernization of Nodachi swordsmanship?"

Li Wei nodded and said: "That's right, I took reference from the two-handed swordsmanship of the German Doppler swordsman and the ancient horse-cutting swordsmanship of the Chong Kingdom, and combined it to transform this set of swordsmanship. This is the modernization of traditional martial arts. result.".

Chapter.Sword Skills

Xiao Zhizhihuan showed a puzzled expression. She was just an ordinary female national student, not a knowledgeable person like Li Wei. When Li Wei talked about the Doppler swordsman and the horse-cutting sword, she was obviously confused. In a forced state.

Xiao Zhizhihui said: "I know a little bit about Zhanma Sword. What is the relationship between the Doble Great Swordsman and Nodachi?"

What Xiao Zhizhen knew about two-handed swords was the door panel swords in various anime, but she didn't understand the real two-handed swords. Although it is a bit funny for a martial arts practitioner who practices kendo not to know about the two-handed sword, but considering that she is only ten years old and a national student, her lack of understanding in this area is understandable.

Levi said: "The technique I used to dance the sword just now is the technique used by Doppler's great swordsman to use a two-handed giant sword. He flexibly uses the power of his forearm and wrist to make the wild sword rise, and uses centrifugal force to accelerate to increase the lethality. And the wild sword is used to increase the lethality. When wielding the nodachi, it can also form a different kind of shield. As long as the nodachi in the hand is not intercepted by the opponent, this kind of defense can play a very good defensive role in the face of most attacks. Of course, it can intercept arrows. , concealed weapons, and modern thermal weapons, these things cannot be done.”

There are limits to martial arts, and there are also limits to the human body. Unless someone like Levi surpasses humans, the current extreme human strength will be useless in front of hot weapons.

Levi drew the Nodachi again, but this time he used slow motion to unsheath it, allowing Shino no Hoshi to clearly see every movement of his body.

After Li Wei drew out the Nodachi, he began to use the sword slowly and steadily. Shino no Hoshi looked at the movements of Li Wei's hands and showed an expression of surprise. This kind of swordsmanship that was completely different from neon swordsmanship opened her eyes. A whole new world.

It is taboo to practice any martial arts or fighting skills behind closed doors. In the real world, some intelligence agencies have conducted a ranking of the "100 Most Powerful People in the World" based on the premise of an unruly environment and a death fight without any rules. The hundred most powerful martial arts masters in modern times were carefully selected, and among these people, no one worked behind closed doors.

It’s funny to say that in this ranking, Chen Haiwang, the founder of Unlimited Martial Arts (Mad Dog Fist), who looks like a funny character, ranks in the forties. This is the ranking of actual combat ability that pulls all martial arts masters around the world. , it’s pretty good for this old man with glasses to have such a ranking. You know, even Brother Xiao Long’s ranking has only entered the top ten, and Brother Xiao Long and Chen Haiwang have both suffered from physical disadvantages, and their bodies have improved, like Brother Xiao Long and Chen Haiwang are as easy to kill as killing chickens.

This list includes people from all over the world, but among the people on the list, there are many domestic masters from the late Braid Dynasty. Although these masters are no longer around, their actual combat capabilities have been recognized by intelligence agencies.

Levi said: "The technique of my sword is the basic training method of the German two-handed sword, but the techniques of the forward slash and the dragging sword are used to connect these movements. That's it."

Li Wei speeded up, and Xiao Zhizhi clearly saw the path of the Nodachi. It was a huge circle, and any point on the arc was the attack path. The attack radius was astonishingly large. Although it was not as good as a long-handled weapon, it was still comparable. Compared with other sword weapons, this distance can be said to be quite exaggerated.

Shino no Hoshi noticed that the Nodachi used by Levi had a special handle.

Xiao Zhizhihuan said: "Li Weijun, is this knife weighted?"

Levi stopped, put the long knife on his shoulder, and said: "Yes, without the counterweight, the handle of this knife will be longer, which is not conducive to swinging, so I personally asked you to make a practice prop. The master added a seed to the hilt of the sword and adjusted the center of gravity of the entire sword so that the center of gravity of the sword would not be too far forward."

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