At this time, not far away from Chifuyu Orima, Reiko Kobayakawa, who had just escaped from being chased by the students, was excitedly "punching at the dog." Levi won. For her, it would be a year's worth of drinking money. times, she was naturally excited.

Oribara Chifuyu looked at Levi's confident expression on the projection and smiled. This time Levi gave her a big surprise. As the representative of the class, Levi's strength is absolutely beyond words. This means In the next three years, the class she leads will receive more teaching than other classes, which can raise the training level of the entire class to a higher level, forming a snowballing advantage.

The three referees also came up. The referee tapped Li Wei on the shoulder with his long stick and said, "The game is over. The winner is classmate Li Wei! Congratulations, it was a wonderful game."

"Thank you." Levi said with a smile.

Under the guidance of the three referees, Levi and Cecilia switched the armor to actual combat mode and began to lower the height. The logistics department has begun to recover fallen armor parts on the ground. IS armor is quite valuable. Even those armor parts are recycled as much as possible and reused if they can be recovered.

When Levi returned to the duel field, the audience cheered and applauded. The duel between Levi and Cecilia was quite exciting. They were no longer ordinary students. Everyone felt that their trip was worthwhile. It's just that people who lose money will still feel a little uncomfortable inside.

Chapter The dust has settled

Not everyone in the audience applauded Levi and Cecilia. There was a figure sitting in the corner with a twisted expression. Although he tried his best to suppress his anger, emotions were not that easy to control. The anger in his heart made it impossible for him to control his expression.

"Damn it! Why is it that the person standing there is not me? Why can he get everyone's applause, but I can only huddle in the corner!" Ori Madara's face was ferocious.

However, now Oribara Xia can only stay in the corner, unable to rage. After suffering a loss at the hands of Levi, after returning to his dormitory, he told the "Deng God" about the incident, and the "Deng God" "The advice given to him is not to take the initiative to provoke Li Wei. He has been a transparent person in the past few years and spent his student life honestly. If he really can't survive it, he can drop out of school. Anyway, if you survive for ten years, you will be able to get ahead. At worst, you will have to live a hard life in the past few years. When the "Deng Shen" regains his strength, he will be relieved of all the hardships.

However, Ori Madara is not willing to leave the academy in such a mess. After all, this academy means many privileges. As long as you stay here, even if you are just a tailgater, your life will be better than outside. The flowers that come from the academy every month Money is really good. If there is no other income and no skills to make a living besides working, leaving the academy means giving up this money. Oribara Xia is reluctant to part with such income.

After all, the future king of the world also has to make a living now, and it is common to see heroes stumped by money everywhere.

In order to have a higher quality of life than the outside world, as well as the money that the college received every month, he chose to be patient. Oribara Xia forced himself to remember one thing. He was a transparent person with no sense of existence. He had to remember it at all times. Don't try to be in the limelight, especially when Levi is around, and you can't even think about being in the limelight.

Ori Madara stood up and left the duel field through a relatively remote exit. He knew that this place did not belong to him.

Levi and Cecilia both landed, and the head referee of the three referees came to Levi's side, grabbed Levi's wrist, and raised it high.

"The winner of this duel is classmate Li Wei! Let us cheer for him!" The referee's tone was also a little excited.

IS Academy is a place that worships the strong. Because of their gender, the girls in the academy had a very conflicted attitude towards Levi. After all, a handsome man like Levi, even if he can't eat, can just look at it. It is also pleasing to the eye, but before he has proven his strength, Levi is just a "vase" in their eyes, so their attitude towards Levi is vaguely condescending.

However, now, Levi has proven his strength in a duel. Being able to defeat the national representative candidate shows his extraordinary strength. If it were just to simply defeat Cecilia, there would always be people in the academy who would be unconvinced, but the anti-human high-speed maneuvers that Levi showed in the duel were something that most training teachers could not do. This kind of harmonious His strong physique, like a lump of clay, conquered them.

Both Levi and Cecilia removed their armor. Cecilia looked at Levi, pursed her lips tightly, and her eyes were full of unwillingness.

Cecilia took a deep breath and adjusted her mood. She was not a sore loser. She lost to the boy she liked, and she couldn't defeat him even though she tried her best. This made her I saw the strength of the boy I liked.

Cecilia's heart is actually very sensitive. Nowadays, in a world where women are superior to men, she is not worried about other people's eyes on her, because she doesn't care about such things at all, but she is afraid that Levi will care.

After all, people's words are formidable, and the Orcutt family itself is quite attractive. If those with ulterior motives are allowed to criticize Levi, she is afraid that Levi will not be able to withstand such external pressure.

However, now, Li Wei has proved herself. Everyone in the duel field has seen her defeat to Li Wei. For them, Li Wei is now a strong man who must face up to them. This can also reduce many rumors. Rumors.

Li Wei could feel Ori Madara's departure, but he didn't care that much. Ori Madara's psychological quality was quite difficult to deal with. He had given up the idea of ​​finding trouble in the minutiae. If he wanted to come, he would just come with a big one. Don’t do so many fancy things.

If he continued to stay in the duel arena, he would probably be harassed by others, so after receiving the result, Levi left the duel arena through the player channel.

When Li Wei walked to the exit, Xiao Zhizhihuan was already waiting there.

"Congratulations, Li Weijun. From today on, everyone in the academy must face up to your strength." Xiao Zhizhihan clapped his hands and smiled.

"Thank you for your kind words, but this was all expected, and I have to congratulate you. You must have made a lot of money at the odds of losing three." Levi said with a smile.

"It's just a small amount of money. After all, my capital is not big. It would be great if I could invest more." Xiao Zhizhi felt a little regretful. After all, although her money usage is compared to that of her peers, It's relatively much, but that's all. Those training teachers can spend tens of thousands of dollars to participate in the bet, and she can spend hundreds of thousands of neon yuan, which is already considered good, and this amount of money is She saved it for a long time.

Xiao Zhizhen patted her cheek, and the excitement in her heart kept a smile on her face. Seeing that Levi defeated Cecilia, she was happier than she had won the game.

"Let's have barbecue tonight, and then we'll get up when Cecilia comes back." Levi said.

Xiao Zhizhi nodded. She didn't mind letting Cecilia attend Levi's celebration dinner, as long as Cecilia didn't feel uncomfortable. After all, Cecilia was the one who lost the game. I also need some comfort.

The two of them waited for a while at the exit, and Cecilia, who had already packed her things, came over.

"Those guys who lost money didn't make things difficult for you, right?" Xiao Zhizhihuan said.

Cecilia said: "The people in the college are not that bad. Moreover, the Orcutt family's name is quite resounding, and there are no unscrupulous people looking for trouble. Of course, will it happen afterwards? Someone is looking for trouble, and I can’t be sure about this kind of thing.”

Although the average quality of the students in IS College is higher than that of ordinary students outside, as normal people, they must have seven passions. She has made so many people lose money, and there may be something weird among them. Even if someone really causes trouble, she won't be surprised.

Chapter. Confidence like the sun

The three of them went directly to the nearest cafeteria. Although there are supermarkets and convenience stores in IS College, the only place that mainly sells food is the cafeteria. The craftsmanship of eating in the cafeteria is guaranteed, so the students are There is no resistance to the fact that we can only eat in the cafeteria.

In a small private room in the cafeteria, three people sat on the floor around a small square table. Because the college and neon are very close, the architectural style and interior decoration will be more or less affected by neon, just like this small private room. There are no Western-style seats, but tatami mats, which are very common here in Neon. Fortunately, Li Wei, who has stayed in Neon for such a long time, has gradually accepted sitting upright. Of course, when there are no outsiders, He still likes to cross his legs.

This kind of thing was first introduced to Neon from China. Due to the emergence of chairs in ancient China, sitting upright, which was not good for the legs and feet, was gradually eliminated by the times. However, in Neon, sitting upright became A tradition has been passed down.

The three of them asked the canteen staff to get teppanyaki and barbecue tools, and Li Wei acted as the chef for the two girls.

"Congratulations, Levi, I am convinced that I lost. You are like a monster." Cecilia said with a sigh.

"Don't make me sound like a human being. The human body has huge potential. As long as this potential can be unleashed in a reasonable manner, ordinary people can achieve this level without the intervention of any external force." Li Vi-said.

"It's a lie. If Chen hadn't told me that you have been practicing martial arts for a long time, I would have thought that you were injected with nanobug medicine." Cecilia said.

In this era of the world, compared to the same time in the real world, technology is much more advanced. Human beings already have the ability to leave the earth and quickly travel between Mars and the earth. However, because the use of IS is limited, and the earth is now Because of various protection strategies, they have become more durable, so humans are not eager to set their sights on outer space. However, the technological progress brought about by the technological explosion has also allowed the world here to have many things that seem pure in the real world. It is a black technology-like technology, and nanobug injection is one of them. It's just that this thing is very dangerous. If it weren't for a desperate situation, and there would be no chance at all if you don't try hard, no one would make such a vulgar joke with their own lives.

Levi said: "Nanobug injections are useless to me. My cells are already so powerful that they are superior to nanobugs. Any foreign matter that attempts to enter my body will be killed by my immune system." .”

Levi is not bragging, but the cells in his body have completed the "extraordinary promotion". Each cell has stored a large amount of mana. A single cell has the destructive power of the weaker monsters in the Ultraman worldview. The nanoworms would be killed by his body cells as soon as they entered his body.

Now Levi, even if he goes to the Ultraman world view, he will not be completely unable to deal with danger, and with his ability, it is no problem to guest star as Abo or Ray Brando. , after all, making monster-type puppet clones is already a small problem for Levi. He has already made monster clones in the world of Academy Apocalypse. Now, with the technology he has mastered, it is not said that he can create Jeton or Elite Jingu. With a bridge like this, he can play with any monster he wants.

Cecilia only thought that Levi's words were bragging and said: "I don't believe it. The human body has its limits. It's stupid to want to compete with machines in terms of physical strength."

Levi just smiled without explaining. Now it was inconvenient for him to reveal his superhuman side to the two girls. Cecilia regarded his truth as bragging, which was not necessarily a bad thing.

Li Wei skillfully used the barbecue grill to grill the pork belly, and kept applying condiments on the surface of the pork belly with the small brush of his hand.

Cecilia was lying on the table, supporting her chin with both hands. Like Levi, she did not sit upright, but lay directly on the tatami. Although the space in the small private room was not large, it was There is still room for Cecilia to put her hand.

"Levi, you have entered the eyes of all forces. When you show stronger strength, there will be more and more problems around you. In the end, you will be caught like Mr. Orima Chifuyu. Live in weakness and become unfree,” Cecilia said.

"I am a person who likes freedom. Anyone who wants to deprive me of my freedom is my enemy. And I am very cold to my enemies. I am not afraid of being plotted at all." Levi did not stop. , said in a calm tone without raising his head.

·Asking for flowers·· ······

Xiao Zhizhi was a little worried in his heart and said: "Li Weijun, there is a limit to personal strength. Just like Cecilia said, Teacher Qianfuyu is the best example now."

Levi picked up the roasted pork belly and put it on the plates of the two girls. The hot meat slices exuded the strange aroma of meat and spices.

Levi said: "My relatives are not in this world. It is unreasonable to use my relatives to blackmail me. If you want to say Wei's weakness, it is you. Of course, I am confident that I can protect you. I will do what I say." Arrived."

.......... ...

Cecilia sighed inwardly. Levi still did not give up his own idea and wanted to have the blessing of everyone. Now it was her turn to have a headache. Although the Orcart family was not a top power, it was still considered a wealthy family. His hands touched the upper-level dignitaries next to the top dignitaries, and the most important thing for aristocratic families was their face. What Levi was going to do would be a slap in the face to the Orcutt family.

Cecilia herself can accept such a thing, but her parents and her grandfather's generation may not be able to accept such a reality.

Levi looked at Cecilia and said: "I know what you are worried about. Give me some time and all problems will be solved. Cecilia, you and Chen both have to have some confidence in me. I am nothing Ordinary people."

Cecilia rolled her eyes cutely and said: "Don't think that you are so powerful just because you beat me. This world is very big, and there are countless strong people hiding in the dark. Even Teacher Qianfuyu, They all have to keep a low profile."

Levi smiled, slowly raised his right hand, pointed his index finger to the sky, and said confidently: "Grandma once said, I am the sun, and everything in the world will revolve around me. Whatever I want to do, I will be able to do it." Do it.”

Li Wei's confident expression and words shocked both Cecilia and Xiao Zhizhihuan. They had never seen anyone as confident as Li Wei. Neither of them could understand why Li Wei It’s such a shame to be so confident.

Chapter. The revival of darkness

After dinner, Li Wei and the two girls each returned to their rooms. Just as Li Wei was about to rest, Huang Lingyin came over. She still used the special equipment given to her in China to interfere with the ECHO's positioning, and then ran to Li Wei. Wei left a note and two special quantum communicators and left.

After reading the note left by Huang Lingyin, Li Wei understood how to use the special communicator left behind. One of these two quantum communicators was used to keep in touch with Huang Lingyin, and the other was used to communicate with Huang Lingyin. Used to keep in touch with domestic docking personnel.

Quantum communication is difficult to shield and interfere with. In addition, it is the painstaking work of domestic scientific research rabbits. The quality of the communicator is absolutely beyond praise. Li Wei used the communicator to contact the domestic docking personnel and began to hand over his work during this period. Information obtained in the academy.

When the handover personnel heard that Li Wei said that he had taken control of some of the people in the college, they were also confused. Their idea was that if Levi could pass on some useful information, it would be considered as completing the mission. But now that Levi actually has some personnel in the academy, in their view, the mission has been exceeded.

The interfacing personnel did not ask what methods Levi used to control key figures in the academy. After all, everyone had their own secrets, and in their guess, the methods used by Li Wei were probably not suitable for children.

Of course, the minimum threshold for people engaged in intelligence work is generally relatively low. Even the intelligence rabbits of the Rabbit family will not hesitate to do some unethical things in order to obtain information. After all, as long as they can obtain intelligence, it is not a big deal to occasionally trap the enemy. .

Levi selectively passed some information to the handover personnel. The touch screen of the quantum communicator was not very convenient to use. Levi directly used mana to transform into translucent mana tentacles, so that he could keep up with the typing on the other side. speed.

Just getting this thing, Levi hasn't been able to study it properly. After he deciphers the technology of this thing, he can connect it to a computer, or make a peripheral device and directly use brain waves to input content. , far easier to use than the current touch screen.

After completing the intelligence handover, Li Wei also obtained some domestic information, which was no different from the information he obtained through the researcher's clone. It can be seen that the people above him have considerable trust in him. In Li Wei's view, this trust is a little too much. heavy.

The country has no idea of ​​letting him do anything within the academy for the time being. They just let him continue to collect intelligence and control the academy in his own way. In fact, Levi has already completed control of the academy.

The domestic idea is that it is best for Levi to control enough key personnel so that the college can stand in a position at the critical moment and not interfere with domestic follow-up plans. If this is not possible, at least the college must be guaranteed. There will be no military intervention in the plan.

It’s not that the Tu family is not martially virtuous enough, it’s just that they simply don’t want to take meaningless risks with the lives of their soldiers. Moreover, the Tu family is not a black-and-white executive, nor are they those in the West who must rely on votes. It is a ZZ organization that maintains its own operations, so the Tu family knows very well who their enemies are and who are likely to become friends.

The academy is one of the forces that the Rabbit family wants to win over. As long as the academy can stand on its own and not cause chaos to the Rabbit family, then the Rabbit family can control the situation in a shorter time and prevent the world from falling into meaningless chaos. .

According to the Rabbit Family Intelligence Agency, Li Wei, who has gradually gained control over the key figures in the college, is also one of the key figures in the plan. The Rabbit Family has even prepared a special hundred-armed crystal for him, waiting for him to leave school on vacation. Give the thing to him when the time comes.

After ending the communication, Li Wei actually wanted to complain in his heart. Rabbit always made decisions and acted very cautiously and steadily.

But to be honest, sometimes like a cautious brave man, the preparation is too exaggerated. Levi himself is also a person who likes to prepare cautiously. He doesn't think there is anything wrong with this. It's just that he looks at it from the perspective of God. The rabbit battled wits and courage with a completely non-existent enemy, and he just sighed in his heart.

In fact, IS Academy is a strong force. On the surface, it seems that the academy is strong and possesses its own special technology. In addition, a large number of students and teachers have combat capabilities. As long as there are sufficient numbers, The armor is to destroy the country's troops.

But now that Li Wei is a member of the college, it is his own family who knows about his own affairs. Although the college has a large number of teachers and students, these people all have their own motherland. If something big happens, he is willing to stand on the standpoint of the college and fight against it. The college's common advance and retreat are not as many as the outside world imagines. The so-called country-destroying troops are just the imagination of the outside world.

If the domestic side starts to take action, the stable combat force that the college can mobilize will be less than 200 people and 200 IS units at most. In the old days, it would be no problem even if the country of Amei was wiped out, but IS is now in the hands of every big country, and even some small countries and terrorist organizations. The college actually has no advantage.

Therefore, the country regards the academy as a target to win over, and even provides certain preferential treatment. In Li Wei's view, this is not necessary.

It's just that the old tradition in the country is to make a few enemies and make a lot of friends. Even now, this old tradition is still maintained, so the college has a chance to escape and ascend to heaven. In Li Wei's view, if the country that obtained the Hundred Arms Crystal technology was the Rakshasa Kingdom, it wouldn't be long before the IS Academy would be completely overturned.

After the duel, Levi's daily life returned to normal, with regular exercises every day and minute-to-minute exchange of intelligence with the country. In this way, Levi also had a general grasp of the current situation. Perhaps, the domestic competition would be better than the physical reservation. Although he had to take action ahead of schedule, he still underestimated the industrial production capacity of the Tu family in this world.

The Rabbit Family in the real world has always had good traditional experience in gathering strength to accomplish big things. Therefore, in various large-scale projects, the Rabbit Family in the real world has created miracles one after another. However, the Rabbit Family in this world has a production capacity higher than The peers in the real world are much stronger, so the output of the Hundred Armed Crystals and the speed of production line modification exceeded his expectations.

Originally, Li Wei thought that a large-scale plan like this would take two or three years to complete the preparation work, and the specific implementation would take several years, but now it seems that the plan execution time is estimated to be more than a year in advance. , and the follow-up aftermath work also needs to be prepared in advance.

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