The speed of this kind of ghost animal is quite similar to that of a rabbit running at a fast pace.

Chapter. Bragging and deception

IS College doesn’t have many holidays. It doesn’t have Sundays every week like those in the outside world. IS College only has monthly vacations every month, as well as summer vacation and winter vacation after the end of the semester. After a few days, Li Wei waited for the opportunity to go out.

Xiao Zhizhen and Cecilia were asked by the teacher to practice more, so only Li Wei left the academy. If it hadn't been for such an unexpected situation, then there would have been two more people around Li Wei. Without using clones, It is not easy to connect with intelligence personnel sent from China.

Levi, who had no one following him, went directly to Tokyo, where the meeting point was, after leaving the academy.

In the family wine shop, Levi saw his "offline contact", a slightly slovenly-year-old uncle. It was obviously a hot day. He was still wearing long clothes and trousers, with a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, which made him look very attractive. An indescribable literary style.

Levi sat down opposite him in a booth located in the corner of the izakaya. Except for the owner and waiter of the izakaya, no one would pay attention here.

The inside of the izakaya was quite lively. Even though it was still daytime, there were already many people drinking.

"It's true that people cannot be judged by their appearance. You must be Comrade Li Wei. You are more handsome than you look in the photo. You must be very popular with girls." Uncle Nian pushed a cup of Coke in front of Li Wei.

Levi didn't even look at it, he just raised his head and drank it. Uncle Nian raised his eyebrows and said, "You really believe me, don't you worry that I put something else in the Coke?"

Levi has the ability to read minds. He can tell with his own eyes whether others have ill intentions towards him. Uncle Nian in front of him is a reliable comrade lurking on the underground front. Comrades are often much more reliable than compatriots. They belong to the same camp. existence, even without the ability to read minds, Levi dared to drink this cup of Coke with confidence.

"I believe that comrades on the same front will never harm me. This is a kind of trust." Li Wei said with a smile.

Uncle Nian took a deep breath. Before he came, he was given the task of handing over to Li Wei. This task was quite dangerous and might expose him who had been lurking for more than ten years. However, this task was very important, so He also risked his life to come here, and he was very touched to be trusted by Li Wei like this.

Levi said: "Before entering the store, I have already checked here. In the store, except for other people's phones and the store's own landline, there are no monitoring devices, and I don't have to worry about ECHO's monitoring here. , we can talk about the problem directly, we just need to keep our voices down.”

Uncle Nian was stunned for a moment by Li Wei's words. He also had a good understanding of IS Academy's ECHO. He was quite surprised when he heard Li Wei say that he didn't have to worry about the ECHO's recording.

"Are you sure, if what you and I are going to say now are exposed, there will be big problems." Uncle Nian said helplessly.

"No problem. I already have considerable power within the academy. The intelligence personnel responsible for monitoring me are already my people. I think after a while, I will be able to completely control ECHO's monitoring authority. "Levi said.

"Hey, hey, hey, this is incredible. How did you do such a thing?! Sorry, I didn't mean to find out your secret, but this kind of thing is really curious." Uncle Nian realized that he had made a mistake , shut up quickly. It was because he was too surprised that he couldn't control his words. After all, what Levi did was really incredible.

"It's very simple. I just convinced them. Thanks to all the women in the academy." Levi smiled.

"Persuasion? I didn't expect that your eloquence would be so good, that you could even deal with them all in this way." Uncle Nian said with a sigh.

"After all, you have to make full use of your advantages. In order to achieve your goals, it's acceptable to give up some things appropriately. Thanks to my parents for giving me this face, I can do things that others can't do." Levi said calmly. said.

Hearing Li Wei's words, Uncle Nian sighed inwardly. Although he knew that a handsome guy like Li Wei would definitely be quite popular with girls, he didn't expect that even in a place like IS Academy, Li Wei could You can rely on your own charm to make ends meet.

"Could it be that this is how you develop your power in the academy?" Uncle Nian looked at Li Wei with very complicated eyes, as if he had met a rich man in an abandoned house.

"Well, that's true. After all, except for me, everyone is surrounded by girls. To a certain extent, it's no different from heaven. The most valuable thing is that the lovely girls in the academy There are so many, how can I refuse?" Levi opened his hands to make a hug and said with a smile on his face.

"You will be killed one day..." Uncle Nian said softly.

"Let's wait until that day. And I know which girls can be attacked and which girls can't be touched. Now, my power has entered the key departments in the academy. This is a good start. Maybe in less than a year, I will be able to become the person behind the scenes who affects the direction of the college." Levi said.

"Then don't you have to capture all the top brass in the academy?! This kind of thing is impossible, right? As far as I know, there are intelligence officers from other countries among the senior brass in the academy. Are you sure you can do that? Controlling the academy under such circumstances?" Uncle Nian expressed his inner doubts.

Levi said: "I'll try my best. I have to say that the senior officials in the college are quite beautiful. It should be said that when foreigners select female intelligence officers, they always choose beauties first?"

It is said that the students and teachers of IS Academy are all good-looking. For Li Wei, who comes from the real world, even a so-called "passerby" has good looks that surpass those of celebrities and entertainers in the real world. If he wants to be in the real world, To be honest, it is quite difficult to find someone with good looks to compete with dimensional beauties in the real world. Li Wei is quite experienced, but after so long, he has met Jincheng Zhai Qianye. How can he find a beauty in the real world? What a difficult thing.

Uncle Nian no longer knew how to complain. He didn't expect that Levi would really dare to do this. If the ship capsized, it wouldn't just be as simple as being hit by a hatchet, he would be stuffed into a cannon and shot out. The kind that won't leave a whole corpse behind.

"You will be hit with a hatchet... No, you will be thrown into the sea and fed to sharks. Are you really planning to do such a dangerous thing?" Uncle Nian could hardly hold back his expression.

Chapter. Receipt of goods

"Uncle, you ignited my passion. Originally, I never thought of using such a method to secretly control the academy, but now, I am betting. If the plan succeeds, maybe we can have more weapons that can be used. Strength," Levi said.

Uncle Nian had already revealed his dead fish eyes. He could only sigh that there is a gap between people. Unlike him who has no relationship with women at all, Li Wei is a handsome guy who is very popular with women, so he uses his face. Things like eating are impossible for him, but if it is Levi, it is worth trying.

"Forget it, if something happens to you, it won't be good. It's enough to be able to have a certain influence within the college and to be able to stably provide college-related information to the country. There is no need to use your own life. Just kidding." Uncle Nian said in a serious tone.

Levi is quite important to the country. Although he does not know the extent of Levi's importance, the information briefing he received repeatedly emphasized the importance of Levi, so he did not want to see it. Levi went to seek death.

"Don't worry, I am measured. If the situation goes wrong, I will stop immediately. After all, my life is of greater use. Losing it in a place like this is a loss." Levi said.

Uncle Nian breathed a sigh of relief. He only felt tired when communicating with young people with out-of-touch personalities like Li Wei. He felt that he was a little behind the times. He always felt that there was an obvious generation gap with today's young people.

"As long as you know, I came here this time because there is something in the country that I want to hand over to you. Since you can interfere with ECHO's monitoring, I don't bother to play charades. You should know about the Hundred Armed Crystal, right? With your Confidentiality level, you should know more about this than me." Uncle Nian's expression became serious.

Levi nodded and said: "I received information in advance that someone would hand over a special Hundred-Armed Crystal to me. For this matter, I made a lot of preparations to ensure the existence of the Hundred-Armed Crystal." It will not be known to the college."

The Hundred-Armed Crystal has the ability to mimic. In addition to the basic mode that has been logged in within the crystal, users can also customize their own weapons according to their own characteristics. If they just change their appearance, the Hundred-Armed Crystal can unfold their own weapons. Arms disguised as IS armor, as long as you don't take them apart to look at them, they can look real from the outside.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that in addition to the silent mode of the domestically produced Hundred Arms Crystal, the factory also added two special mimicry modes, one is the first-generation mass-produced IS Warrior, and the other is the third-generation mass-produced IS Ankylosaurus. When users of the Hundred Armed Crystal need to hide their identity, they can disguise themselves as military IS armor, which is very useful to confuse the enemy's sight.

Of course, there are not that many IS armors in China. After all, the core technology of this thing is not in our hands. If you want to make new armors, you have to find Xiao Zhizhi to buy them, so there is no such thing as output. Stablize.

The IS armor camouflaged by the armor of Taiwan Crystal can only use the "deck" method to hide itself. That is, many Taiwan Crystal Arms share the IS armor. After saving enough, the rabbit will have the ability to lift the table directly, and then he can just say, "I won't pretend anymore" like Wang Duoyu.

Uncle Nian looked at Li Wei and said softly: "Since you already knew it in advance, I don't need to explain it to you."

Uncle Nian took out a small box that was only half the size of a palm from his pocket, pushed it in front of Li Wei, and said: "The instructions and everything are in the box. Remember to destroy it after reading it. Don't let anyone from the academy Now."

Levi said: "Don't worry, I'm quite reliable when it comes to business. At least, I won't use it rashly until I can completely control this guy. Although I can use IS, it's like being left with a backdoor." Who dares to use it with confidence? The domestically produced armed crystals are still reliable."

Uncle Nian nodded. In fact, he was also assigned a hundred armed crystals, and the crystals hung around his neck. After all, being an intelligence agent meant working with your head on your waist. There was no way to guarantee their safety in the country before. , we can only provide intelligence cover for lurkers like him as much as possible, but now that there are good things like the Hundred-Armed Crystal, experienced lurkers like him will be assigned the Hundred-Armed Crystal as long as they are loyal. Used to save lives at critical moments.

The Hundred Armed Crystal has an advantage over the IS armor, that is, it can still deploy the shield when it is not deployed. Therefore, intelligence personnel with the Hundred Armed Crystal can use this life-saving trump card to do more dangerous but important things. work.

"`. The things have been delivered, so I'll leave first. I've settled the bill, so you can enjoy your vacation. I still have to deliver goods to other people, and you're not the only one receiving the goods this time. "Uncle Nian picked up the hat from his seat, put it on his head, stood up and said.

Levi nodded and took the Hundred-Armed Crystal on the table into his arms. Now, he had reasonably acquired a Hundred-Armed Crystal. He would not have to worry about making excuses when using it in front of people in the country.

After getting the things, after leaving the izakaya, Levi went to Akihabara and started shopping at the dimensional gathering place in this world. This kind of thing can actually be done with a clone, but if he uses a clone, Levi feels that Without the sense of ritual, to do such a thing, you still have to use your own body. This is respect for the dimension, and it is also his inner persistence as a otaku.

After spending the whole day wandering outside, until the night was getting dark, Levi got on the sea track that spanned the sea and connected the college to the neon lights, and took the last bus back to the college.


In the dean's office, the dean was dealing with daily chores, and the application for admission caught her attention.

"The person you want me to pay attention to has appeared. What a coincidence..." The dean of the college took out the student application separately from the file and put it in the front for processing, trying to implement the matter as much as possible.

The dean turned his head and looked out the darkened window. He narrowed his eyes slightly and his breathing became rapid. He saw Levi's figure outside the window. However, here was the building, floating in the air without any external force. Who else could do such a thing besides her master Li Wei?

Chapter 4. Students with complex situations

"It's been a hard time." Levi walked up to the dean, gently stroked her coiled hair, and said softly.

With a faint blush on his face, the dean suppressed his inner excitement and said, "For your plan, my lord, all this is what I should do."

Li Wei is quite satisfied with the performance of the dean. After all, the internal atmosphere of the college has undergone two rectifications during this period, and there have been good changes. The students' obedience is much higher than in the original plot. This is beneficial to Li Wei's personal plan. After all, students are willing to obey orders, which is better than being scattered.

The dean leaned on Levi's arms and said softly: "The person you asked me to find has now appeared. Charles Denoa, a student from France, is also the third known person in the world. A man who can use armor."

Levi gently patted the dean's shoulder and said, "Show it to me later. For now, let's do some serious business first."

The principal of the college changed his usual strong and majestic attitude. The little bird snuggled into Li Wei's arms and nodded slightly. Before she could react, she was already hugged by Li Wei like a princess. Get up and walk towards the lounge.


An hour later, Levi was sitting on the dean's office chair. In front of him was the information of a student named "Charles Denoa". As for the dean, he has already taken a rest due to overwork.

Charles Denoa, formerly known as Charlotte Denoa, this student is actually disguised as a man, just like the legendary Hua Mulan. His true identity is the chairman of "France Denoa Heavy Industry" Illegitimate daughter.

Levi estimated that the reason why the chairman of Denoa Heavy Industry sent his daughter here was the result of a compromise in the internal struggle. Using the intelligence network of the researcher's doppelgänger, Levi obtained many things that could not be obtained as an ordinary person. France de Noa Heavy Industry is the largest IS manufacturer in the world. Without it, the Rabbit family would naturally be wary of such targets, so a lot of relevant intelligence was collected.

According to the information obtained from the Rabbit Family Intelligence Department, Levi knew that the internal strife in Denoa Heavy Industry was very serious now. Charlotte's father himself relied on his mother-in-law to get to power, so he took a shortcut, and shortcuts are often accompanied by hidden dangers. Now that hidden dangers have emerged, the internal situation of Deno Heavy Industry is in turmoil.

Before Charlotte's father got married, he already had a lover, Charlotte's mother. For his own future, he hid his former lover, married into the Denoa family, and became the Denoa family. The eldest daughter Somanaya Denoa's son-in-law.

If it is the Neon Consortium, such a marriage is not a problem at all. The bosses of the old chaebols even hope that they will have daughters so that they can win over the capable upstarts and even the bosses of the old chaebols by marrying into the family. , he was born as a son-in-law, and Neon's side values ​​family name rather than bloodline, so they don't care about those trivial things.

However, the Denoa family itself is a family inherited from traditional nobles, and they attach great importance to bloodline matters.

Charlotte's father kept a very low profile in the first few years before his marriage, silently displaying his power while secretly caring for his lover.

It is a pity that there is no airtight wall in the world. The affairs of Charlotte's father, lover and daughter were known to Somanaya Denoa, the current head of the Denoa family, so Somanaya Denoa, who was jealous in her heart, became aware of it. Manaya, unable to do anything about Charlotte's father, sent a killer to assassinate Charlotte's mother.

However, because Charlotte's father arranged for his lover and daughter to be separated, Charlotte escaped. After that, her father adopted her and brought her back to him, nominally as his adopted daughter. , actually wanted to take Charlotte with him for protection.

As for Charlotte, it was faked as a suicide because her dependent mother was assassinated and caused a mental breakdown, so she committed suicide, which is quite reasonable. In this way, Charlotte escaped the fate of assassination.

The Deno family was also divided into two factions due to the discord between the head of the family and his wife. The two factions fought against each other, with cooperation and confrontation. The internal relationship was very complicated and could not be explained in a few words.

Charlotte's father suffered a lot of grievances in the past few years, but now he is full-fledged and can confront his wife head-on, so he chose to fight head-on. It is precisely because of the many internal conflicts that Denoa Heavy Industries situation will become what it is now.

Charlotte's father was afraid that her relationship with him would be discovered, so he planned to send her to the IS Academy. Although Somanaya was extremely powerful in France, she was beyond the reach of the IS Academy located in the East Asian waters, so she sent her to the IS Academy. Sending Charlotte here was a safe move for him.

As for why Charlotte entered school as a male, Levi couldn't figure out this question. If he wanted to know the answer, he had to ask Charlotte's father himself.

"It is convenient to have the advantage of intelligence and God's perspective. When attacking girls, you can know the situation of the other party so that you can make targeted arrangements." Levi sighed to himself.

Charlotte herself is a fan of the authorities and doesn't know what price her father paid to protect her, so simply using Charlotte as a breakthrough point has limitations. However, Li has mastered all-round intelligence. Wei, there is no need to worry.

After putting together Charlotte De Noa's false information, Levi opened another document. This document was information returned by the intelligence agency the college cooperated with outside. It was about the mysterious terrorist organization's subjugation machine industry.

To be honest, because the anime only lasted for two seasons, the terrorist organization Suiguo Jiye, a terrorist organization with few appearances, appears to be very mysterious in many places.

The subsequent novels involved the subjugation of the machine industry, but Li Wei read the text version of the great writer's work and was "poisoned to death" after just reading the volume. Therefore, his understanding of the content of the novel is all based on the drama on the forum. Brother Toru completed it during the analysis, but according to brother Toru, until the end of the novel, the organization of Subjugation Machine Industry seemed very mysterious. It was just a background version on weekdays. At critical moments, it was pulled out to whip corpses. In order to highlight the kingly aura of the main character Orimamura, she is just a tool person who is used and thrown away by the great writer.

In the past, he was observing through animation and text, through the medium, but now he has entered a real world, the mysterious veil of the subjugated machine industry, maybe he can tear it off with his own hands, and be able to solve this mystery that makes most IS viewers Everyone was curious about the secret, and Levi himself was quite excited.

Chapter. The mystery of the subjugated machine industry

"Great writer, great writer, if you write down the background of the subjugated machine industry clearly, do you still need audiences like us to formulate our own world view?" Levi closed the intelligence report with a sigh.

The reason why the Subjugated Machinery Industry appears mysterious is that its organizational structure and ultimate purpose remain unclear until the end of the novel.

According to the analysis of the forum buddies, so far, there are two more reliable theories. The second theory is that this organization is in a hostile relationship with any major country and is a pure terrorist organization. Because the original text of the novel was directly read by the forum buddy, it can be seen from the dialogue between the characters in the novel that this organization is jointly attacked by all countries, and many major countries have suffered real losses at the hands of this terrorist organization. When it comes to acting, no normal person would act without any bottom line.

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