Of course, the first statement overturns the second statement. There are two possibilities for the origin of the subjugation machine industry. The first is the intelligence organization under the national flag, and it is combined with external forces. After a long period of development, , there is the powerful transnational terrorist organization Subjugation Machine Industry. There is also a possibility that the decline of men was caused by the White Knight Incident. The subjugation machine industry was an organization created by neon extremists who were unwilling to fall into this status quo. Later, many forces joined this organization, and this is how it came into being. The current scale of the subjugation industry.

But no matter what kind of conjecture it is, it has its own reasons and untenable points. Forum friends have more conjectures, but those conjectures are too unreasonable and lack even the most basic reasons.

It is precisely because the setting of the subjugation machine industry is huge, but there is a huge gap between the parts shown in the novel and the animation, so it has been collectively complained by the audience and readers. This is just like the promotional poster and actual sample of instant noodles. The promotional poster is for reference only, and the content should be based on the actual product.

Anyway, Li Wei's own private intelligence channels have determined that Xiao Zhizhi has nothing to do with the subjugation industry. This is the information he obtained through the puppet clone Sophia he planted next to Xiao Zhizhi. Xiao Zhizhu is also the person who tracks the subjugation machine industry, because Xiao Zhizhi has also been tricked by the subjugation machine industry. Taking the blame several times, Xiao Zhizhi's reputation is as bad as it is now, and it can be said that the subjugation machine industry has contributed a lot.

It is precisely because of this that Li Wei can't understand it even more. The organization of Subjugation Machine Industry is like a mad dog that will bite anyone it catches. Xiao Zhizhi is the master of IS armor after all, and so far So far, the core of IS armor is a product that cannot be copied by many major countries. If you want to buy it, you can only look for Xiao Zhizhi.

The status of Xiao Zhizhi is so transcendent, and she is a special existence that many big countries are unwilling to offend. Subjugation Machine Industry actually went to provoke her, which is equivalent to blocking its own channels to purchase IS cores in private. Isn't this true? Sick?

It is precisely because of this kind of confusing operation that Li Wei really can't understand the purpose of the mad dog organization, the Subjugation Machinery Industry. Perhaps, this organization is the product of the great writer's excitement, so the Subjugation Machinery Industry Organization in this world There will be all kinds of confusing operations that people can't understand, which is normal.

After sorting out all the documents, Levi put them back into the special folder. After returning to the lounge, seeing that the dean had not woken up yet, Levi did not disturb her and left a note, and After using magic to counteract the fresh lunch box, he left the dean's office.


The day of monthly leave.

In the northern park of the college, the chirping of cicadas in summer made the artificial forest seem too lively. Levi, lying on the lawn under the shade of the trees, looked at Cecilia who was sketching next to him and said: " I didn’t expect you to also like art, but it’s difficult to stand out in the circle with realistic landscape paintings.”

This is not Li Wei's nonsense, but the atmosphere in the circle is like this. Of course, types like Li Wei and Cecilia who are not short of money and just want to have fun naturally don't care about such problems.

Cecilia didn't look back, she just used a small brush to process the painting. Due to the weather, the paint on the small brush dried more easily than before, so she had to pay attention to efficiency when writing, otherwise it would affect the brushstrokes.

"I simply like to draw landscapes and buildings. I'm tired of drawing portraits." Cecilia said softly.

Levi was reminded of his war-era mustache.

If you don’t pass the exam, fight.JPG

Mustache was good at landscape and architectural painting, but the Vienna Academy of Arts at that time did not appreciate this style. They felt that Mustache's style was a bit dull, so they transferred him to the School of Architecture, and then he had a lot of fun. The young man who originally only wanted to live a small life as a painter, was driven by the tide of the times and became a ruthless man who stirred up the world.

·Asking for flowers·· ······

After the war, the aesthetic style of the Vienna Academy of Arts changed again, becoming the so-called abstract school. Li Wei went to see what the so-called abstract paintings were, and then he wanted to complain. It was really All kinds of monsters and monsters can enter. What kind of things are drawn? It should be said that maybe because of Mustache’s lesson, they now allow anyone to enter. The more complicated the drawings are and the less understandable they are, the better. It’s no longer like before. That sets the bar extremely high. They are probably afraid that there will be the first art student who fails.

......... .......

Of course, this is just Li Wei's personal thought. He has great respect for the so-called abstract painters. For those abstract painters who are truly capable, he knows how to appreciate the beauty of their works. But to be honest, in Li Wei's opinion, some so-called abstract artists just use the name of abstract school to cover up their poor painting skills. After all, with the name of abstract school as a cover, even those who appreciate their paintings can't see it. I don't understand. I think that person's paintings look like shit. The painter can also fool him by pretending that the person who appreciates the painting doesn't understand art. Anyway, Li Wei looks down on such people.

"I don't have any particular preference. I can paint landscapes or figures, realistic or abstract, or impressions, but I still prefer painting people," said Levi.

Cecilia stopped writing. The paintings she drew could not be completed in a short time and required a lot of refinement in the later period. Now she was using real scenery to make a base. Then she would let herself go and use fantasy She uses unique brushwork to complete this landscape work. She no longer sticks to fixed color matching and structure, but only pursues the ultimate dream. This is her unique personal style.

"Levi, you like to draw portraits of girls, right?" Cecilia said bluntly.

At this moment, Xiao Zhizhen, who had lost the guessing game and went to buy a drink, came back with a drink and saw the painting that Cecilia had completed. She was a little surprised. She did not expect that Cecilia was not pretending, but I really have some accomplishments in painting.

Chapter. Trip to the beach

Xiao Zhizhi came to Cecilia's side and looked at the landscape manuscript on the canvas. Now, the manuscript is in a stage similar to "thick coating". Although it looks a bit rough, it has an indescribable coldness. Aesthetics, Xiao Zhizhen is a "rough man" and has no special understanding of painting, but he can still feel the "beauty" of this painting. Beautiful things, even if they are only semi-finished products, can still give people an indescribable sense of beauty. .

"I really envy you,:'";『?",!;,.』'",";!..『";??』'!::.!,;.!.!'?;Prepare, use ";?"'?"::!?';;;.Everyone is so good at painting. My painting is mediocre, still at the kindergarten level." Xiao Zhizhi said with a sigh, taking the drink he bought. Passed it to the two of them.

Cecilia does not have a sense of superiority in this kind of thing. She knows that Xiao Zhizhi also has his own strengths, such as kendo, tea art, and embroidery, which she does not know.

Cecilia began to pack up her painting tools and said: "Zhen, you will envy me that I am better at painting than you, but you know, I am very envious of your craftsmanship, especially embroidery and knitting. I have studied for a long time." You won’t learn it in time, but you can do it well.”

Cecilia is not fooling Xiao Zhizhihan. Autumn will come in a while. She wants to knit a scarf for Levi. She has learned this knowledge in the past, but her craftsmanship is quite bad. She has tried several times. All of them have failed. He can only customize a high-end scarf as a gift for Li Wei. But if it is Xiaozhizhihuan, he can knit a scarf and give it to Li Wei. This kind of thing can be bought or made by himself. , have different meanings, so she envied Xiaozhizhihan's craftsmanship.

Xiao Zhizhihuan said: "Today is the first day of the monthly vacation. It feels very boring to stay in the academy like this."

Cecilia said: "How about going to the beach? There is an artificial beach area in the west area of ​​the college. You can still enjoy the white sand beach without leaving the college."

The IS College's infrastructure was contracted by Rabbit's family. After all, Rabbit had thoroughly figured out the technology of reclamation and island building. Rabbit was doing all the foundation and consolidating parts of the entire island. The landscape and architecture on the island were later contracted by the Neon People who had a good life in their childhood. Although the Neon People were not as good as Rabbit in terms of infrastructure construction, they had two advantages in architectural design and landscape creation. Use the brush, otherwise the architecture and landscape would not be left to Neon.

The man-made white sand beach from the college to the West District is a benefit provided by the college to teachers and students. Due to the abnormal rise in global temperatures, the temperature in the area where IS is located is relatively high throughout the year, except from October to October of the first year. Except for a few months of the year, most of the time it is suitable to go to the beach to bask in the sun.

Xiao Zhizhi said: "I haven't bought a swimsuit yet. Swimming suits should be sold in the academy, right?"

No girl can say no to the sun and the beach, and the beaches inside the college are only for teachers and students. Unlike the beaches outside the college, there may be boring people when basking on the beach. If you strike up a conversation, there won't be such a problem on the beach within the academy.

"Of course, after all, there are thousands of people living in the college, so everything must be prepared. And even if we have a venue like White Sand Beach, how can we not have all the supporting facilities?" Cecilia said with a smile.

IS College has its own charm, so compared to ordinary schools, it is much more atmospheric in many places. The environment of the college, even those of world-renowned old universities, cannot be compared with IS College.

"Then let's go to the beach. I have never been to the beach seriously after coming to the academy for so long." Xiao Zhizhi said excitedly.

Levi didn't say anything, but he was looking forward to the next trip to the beach. Now is the monthly vacation period of the college. The monthly vacations of the college are the same for each grade, so there must be quite a lot of time on the beach now. Lively, isn't this a feast for the eyes for him?

After all, there is some beauty, even just looking at it, will make you feel physically and mentally happy. The so-called beautiful beauty is just like that.

The three of them went back to the dormitory, and after waiting for Cecilia to put all the painting equipment back in the dormitory, the three of them went to the beach area in the west area of ​​the college.

The overall height of the beach area is lower than the other three directions. When they are still some distance away from the beach area, the three of them can take advantage of the terrain difference to take in the scenery of the entire beach area.

The beach area was quite busy at this time. Because of the holiday, many teachers, students and staff gathered here. However, because the beach area was relatively large, it did not seem crowded. There is a special leisure area on the beach near the inner shore. There is also a shopping street selling various items in the leisure area. However, the architectural shape of the shopping street is full of southern style. It looks like it is in Hawaii. There are a lot of Palm trees and coconut trees have created large shady areas, and now most of these shady areas are already occupied by people. Even the open-air leisure areas near the beach are overcrowded.

Li Wei put up a pergola with his hands and took in the scenery of the entire beach area. He said: "I didn't expect it to be so lively here. In a place like this, even if I play all day long, I won't get tired of it."

The main reason is that there are no other men in the academy except him and Natsumi Oribara, so on the beach, the girls' swimsuits are quite bold, which makes him feel like he is back on the floating island. Because his friends who stayed on the floating island also wore such cool clothes when playing in the beach area.

As for Ori Madara, he is currently sleeping in his dormitory, and Levi can understand him. After all, with the previous incident fermenting in the academy, no matter where Ori Madara goes, the women around him will look at him. His eyes looked as if he had seen a large mass of non-burnable garbage, and he did not hide his disgust towards it at all.

It is precisely because of this environment that Oribara Natsu seems to be very autistic now. Except for classes and training, he rarely leaves his dormitory. Even if he goes out, he always goes back quickly.

Through the Djinn God clone, Li Wei knew about the situation of Zhi Banxia. Zhi Banxia had become more "mature" because of the previous things. Of course, from the perspective that Li Wei was more familiar with, he had become more "mature". He had to be more tolerant and changed from a dog to a wolf.

Xiaozhihuan took Li Wei's arm and showed an excited expression.

Shino no Hoshi has a secret, that is, it is her first time to go to the beach. During the school trip during the country, every time she planned to go to the beach, she would put it aside due to external influences. In the end, she could only go to hot springs, so now she is very fond of hot spring travel. She is bored, but she is extremely longing for the beach, because the beach is very new to her.

In the past, she had gone to the beach with her family, but it was a completely different feeling to be with her family than to be with the boy she liked. When Xiao Zhihan thought that she would put on a swimsuit in front of Levi, she My face couldn't help but feel hot.

Chapter. Everyone has small thoughts

Cecilia looked at Xiao Zhizhihuan holding Li Wei's arm, and her heart did not waver. She had become accustomed to Xiaozhizhihuan's existence, and in her opinion, Xiaozhizhihuan was not a threat.

On the contrary, Xiao Zhizhihan is a wingman who can cover the flanks for her. After all, she and Xiaozhizhihan already have a tacit understanding. The two of them will instinctively exclude new girls from approaching Li Wei. The two of them will divide Li Wei. It's better than having a lot of messy girls around Levi.

Cecilia said: "Now we have to go to the swimsuit store first and buy a swimsuit that we can change into. Here, everyone else is wearing swimsuits, and we are the only ones wearing school uniforms, which is quite inappropriate."

Cecilia herself felt a little unjustified when she went to a place like the beach and dressed so formally. After all, the beach and swimsuits were a perfect match. Neither would be right without the other.

Cecilia would not have the guts to wear revealing clothing like a swimsuit except at the beach. After all, she was not a professional model.

For the sake of money and fame, professional models dare to wear bikinis even on the street, but she does not have the courage. It is only in an environment like the beach where everyone is wearing swimsuits that she dares to boldly show off her beauty.

Binhai Shopping Street was quite lively. When the three of them came to the street, they looked from one end to the other. Basically, there were customers at the door of every shop. Cecilia walked at the front of the team and stopped at the door of her swimsuit store with Levi and Xiao Zhizhi.

Cecilia said: "The taste of this swimwear store is quite good. Others in the class recommended it to me. This is a swimwear store where you can find any style, even if it is military style. They can all be found here.”

Levi's mind was reminded of the "Military God" pedestrian's trip to the swimsuit store in "Girls und Panzer". God is so military-style. He still prefers more conventional styles. Military-style or something like that is a waste of girls. Good shape.

Following Cecilia's footsteps, pedestrians entered the swimsuit store. The swimsuit store was a self-service store similar to a supermarket. The clerk simply said hello to the three of them and then went about his own business.

This kind of self-service store was a bit unaccustomed to Shino no Hoshi, who was accustomed to the neon and enthusiastic style, but the dazzling array of swimwear made her forget about it.

Levi's eyes swept across the store and he said in his heart, "Hey guys, the overall style of swimsuits in this swimsuit store is more mature, focusing on hot European and American styles. If you don't have a good figure, you want to control such a style of swimsuit." An easy thing.

Levi's eyes turned to Cecilia and Xiao Zhizhihan, and he nodded. The two girls' figures were among the best among their peers, especially Cecilia, because Europeans have a longer childbearing age than Asians. Because of her early appearance, her figure is quite mature, and it is not a problem for her to control this type of swimsuit style. As for Xiao Zhizhen, she has to carefully choose her swimsuit. After all, her figure is not as mature as Cecilia, so she will suffer relatively in this style.

Before long, Cecilia and Xiao Zhizhi returned to Levi with the swimsuits they chose.

"So fast? It doesn't even take a minute, right?" Levi raised his eyebrows. He thought he would wait here for quite some time. After all, girls are very picky when it comes to choosing clothes.

Cecilia gestured with the chosen swimsuit in front of herself and said: "The living habits I have developed in the academy have made me do everything faster than before. This is probably the style of the army. Bar."

Cecilia herself comes from a noble family and pays attention to style and pomp, and likes leisurely elegance. However, after coming to the academy for a while, she was gradually influenced by the atmosphere of the academy and became as resolute as a soldier. Once you decide to do something, you will take action immediately and get results as quickly as possible.

Levi looked at the swimsuit selected by Cecilia and nodded. Cecilia chose a split bikini that was very flattering. The color was mainly sky blue with a small amount of white. In terms of style, it was quite classic and detailed. In the rope style, the top and swimming trunks can be connected by thin ropes, which increases the stability and integrity of the swimsuit. It can be worn by anyone, but it is very difficult to wear it to achieve the best results.

Li Wei's eyes turned to Xiao Zhizhihan again. Xiaozhizhihan chose a white one-piece swimsuit. From the front, it was equivalent to a reduced-material version of the school swimsuit, but from the back, it looked large from the waist up. Xue Ni is directly exposed. If the back line is not graceful enough, such a swimsuit will amplify her weaknesses.

Both of them chose swimsuits that fit them based on their body characteristics.

Levi said: "I feel like the clothes you two have are quite impressive, and you don't need me to refer to them at all."

Cecilia said with a proud smile: "Isn't this a matter of course?"

Cecilia herself has received special aesthetic training, so she naturally has to surpass ordinary people in terms of clothing. Just choosing a swimsuit is nothing more than a trivial matter for her. Even Xiao Zhizhen's swimsuit was made by her. The suggestion was that she would not engage in vicious competition with Xiao Zhizhihan in such a place, so that Xiaozhizhihan could also show her charm and make it easier for her to win over.

Levi said: "Fortunately, I brought my own swimming trunks in advance. I didn't expect that there was no men's swimming equipment sold here."

Cecilia said: "Isn't this a natural thing? You must know that this is a purely girls' school. You and Oribara Natsumi, that non-burnable trash, can be said to be the only males in the academy. It is impossible for the academy to be just for two people. Mobilize people to make changes.”

Li Wei just smiled. Now he has controlled the entire academy behind the scenes. Even if he really wants to mobilize troops, it is not impossible, but such a thing is too high-profile and not conducive to his hiding. Therefore, in the academy, Except for the toilet rules, everything else remains the same.

"Then let's go change into our swimsuits first. Li Weijun, we have to ask you to wait for us here." After Xiao Zhizhihan said that, he pulled Cecilia towards the dressing room.

Levi rubbed his chin. This girl had already taken the initiative by Cecilia. He just didn't know if the girl was aware of the problem. However, the relationship between the two of them is very good now, which is a good thing for him. After all, the back house is peaceful, so he can free up his hands to explore more characters.

As for the little thoughts of the two girls, he didn't care at all. After all, there were some things they couldn't control.

Chapter. College Holidays

The two girls changed into their swimsuits very quickly. After a while, they opened the curtain of the dressing room and came in front of Levi.

Wearing bikinis and beach flip-flops, the charms of the two girls were unreservedly displayed. Because there were only two men on the entire island, the girls tended to be bold when choosing swimsuits. Li Wei just looked at it. It feels like a feast for the eyes.

Cecilia, who was wearing a sky blue string bikini, reached behind her head with one hand and gently pulled it up. Her long golden hair floated like a waterfall, as if special effects had been added, like a dream.

Levi couldn't help but want to retreat tactically. Cecilia had a clear understanding of her own charm, so she used such small means to maximize her charm in an instant. I have to say that girls are really terrible in this regard. .

On the other side, Xiao Zhizhihan was leaning slightly sideways, with his hands folded on his lower abdomen, his body slightly leaning forward, and his legs straightened. Looking from this angle of Levi, we can just see the perfect curves of Xiao Zhizhi. Especially from this angle, we can see the white back, which makes the characteristics of the swimsuit and its own charm complement each other, and the beauty is not weaker than that of the swimsuit. Celia.

Levi raised his head and pinched his nose.

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