Li Wei smiled and said: "How could I avoid you, but people have three urgent needs, and I'm back now."

Li Wei knew the information about every girl in the class. The girl who just spoke also appeared several times in the original plot, but most people would not pay attention to this kind of little girl with a fleeting name. She Her name is Bufo Benyin, and she also has a sister, Bufoxu, who works in the student union.

·Asking for flowers·· ······

The girl Bufo Benyin is also quite interesting. People call her "Suijun". She always looks lazy and hasn't woken up. She also wears a school uniform that is a few sizes too big. The sleeves of the school uniform are longer than her arms. This makes Li The sleeves of domestic classical opera come to mind.

Bufo Benyin showed a puzzled expression, and then blushed again.

Levi saw her inner thoughts through mind reading. This girl was quite dirty, and her mind was already imagining a lot of content that needed to be mosaicd. It has to be said that in this environment where almost all women are present, a man, as long as he is not too bad, is a good guy.

"The teacher is here!"

I don't know who shouted something. When the girls heard this, they all returned to their seats. Levi's side was originally surrounded, but it suddenly became peaceful.

......... ... .....

The next class is for Maya Yamada. Maya Yamada herself does not have such a deterrent effect. Maya Yamada, who has an easy-going personality, is treated as a peer by the students, but the surveillance installed at the back of the classroom is a weapon to maintain discipline. I don’t want to lose points or even get a demerit due to inexplicable reasons.

A few days passed by, and several students sent by the subjugated machine industry also entered the college through various methods and arrived at the college one after another.

The subjugated machine industry has carefully disguised the identities of these students. There is no apparent connection between these students. Even the means of transportation and even the place of departure are different. If Levi hadn't received the news in advance and there was a target that was very conspicuous to him on the opposite team, it would have been really difficult to catch these people.

These people arrived at the academy one after another. What Li Wei didn't expect was that the first person to arrive at the academy was Madoka Oribara. Of course, she now uses a pseudonym, and her nationality is also Amei. Look at her country. Her apparent identity is Neon-American girl, look at your nationality.

The pseudonym used by Madoka Oribara is Lydia Malti. The surname Malti is quite rare.

Li Wei did not approach these people in the subjugated machine industry rashly. At most, he observed them from a distance. Moreover, the people in the subjugated machine industry are now smarter. They probably plan to fight for a long time and prepare to lurk in the country for a long time. Within the academy, they will be quite honest in the short term, and it will be difficult for them to be caught and cheated.


In the retro-decorated Japanese-style teahouse, mist smoke rises, accompanied by the strong aroma of tea, and mixed in the aroma of tea. If you don't pay careful attention, it is easy to overlook the faint fragrance of flowers, and A hormonal scent for women.

There were only two people in the huge tea room. Li Wei looked at the girl opposite him, facing him in the standard sitting posture, and said: "President, I didn't expect that you, a Rakshasa countryman, would be interested in the traditional tea ceremony of Neon." There are also studies, which surprised me.”

The blue girl sitting opposite Levi, although she is sitting now, can still see her tall figure. Sitting there, she is like a white swan floating on the surface, noble and elegant.

Different from the Yamato Nadeshiko temperament of traditional neon women, the girl has a kind of confidence and tenacity, which is a bit like a civilized aristocratic girl in Europe in the century. Like a rose with thorns, she is beautiful and has the ability to protect herself. strength.

Geng Shixunwu gently waved his hand to cover his lips with a folding fan. With a springy face, he smiled softly and said, "Li Weijun, it's wrong to preemptively define others."

Geng Shixunwu looked at the handsome young man sitting opposite her, and her heart beat a little faster. She invited Li Wei out for tea. She just wanted to bring the relationship closer between the two parties. If conditions allowed, she could just use it. This is an opportunity to get to know Li Wei. After all, she still has to entrust her sister to the care of him, so it never hurts to be cautious.

Before, when people around her mentioned Li Wei, they all looked like nymphos, which made her sneer. The crazy girl acted like she had never seen a man before. She was so embarrassed that she started to look at Li Wei. Looking at the photos, I feel that although Li Wei is good-looking, it does not make the people around her look like crazy starstruck fans, completely losing their ability to judge.

But when she faced Li Wei herself, she realized that controlling herself in front of Li Wei was indeed a test of Qi cultivation skills. She had been the president of the student union for such a long time, and she had been able to Be calm when things happen so that you won't be embarrassed in front of Levi.

Geng Shixunwu skillfully served Li Wei some tea. Although she did not have the temperament of Yamato Nadeshiko, she still gave people a quiet feeling at this time.

Li Wei picked up the tea cup and looked at the transparent tea. He realized that Xunwu had made some improvements to the traditional tea ceremony. The other party knew that as a Chongguo native, he didn't like matcha like the Neon Traditional Tea Ceremony that much, so he used the traditional tea ceremony. method, but what is produced is modern brewed tea.

Tea can be said to be two completely different drinking methods in ancient times and modern times. In ancient times, tea was really used as soup. Making tea in the true sense first began in the Ming Dynasty. Tea before that was more likely to be "eating tea" in the literal sense.

Li Wei took a gentle sip of this cup of tea. Geng Shixunwu put his heart into this cup of tea, and he knew that Geng Shixunwu had been investigating him during this period, but he did not hide his thoughts. After all, , there is no use even if some things are hidden, especially for a girl like Geng Shixunwu who is far more mature than her peers, strong straight shots can sometimes have better results.

Levi said: "I am just a layman, and as an individual, I am bound to make mistakes and have personal emotions. I am not as perfect as outsiders see, so when faced with unfamiliar things, I will make mistakes. There are certain stereotypes.”

Geng Shixunwu said with a smile: "Stereotype? So in your eyes, Li Weijun, what kind of existence do Rakshasa people look like?"

Levi put down the teacup, and his original sitting posture became a cross-legged posture, with his hands folded, his eyes closed and meditating with a distressed expression on his face.

After a while, Li Wei opened his eyes and said: "I sorted out my stereotypes about the Rakshasa Kingdom in my mind. Generally speaking, the citizens of this country seem a bit strange to me, but also a bit cute. For example, most of the men in the Rakshasa Kingdom are strong and hairy, and many of them have beautiful beards. They like to carry shotguns to hunt wolves and bears, and they can even fight grizzlies with their bare hands. Grizzlies and In front of the Rakshasa people, the brown bear is the humble and harmless Siberian hamster. Young male Rakshasa people like to wear Adidas striped sweatshirts, and especially like Asian squats and dance the saber dance. By the way, no matter Both men and women, Rakshasa people are particularly good at drinking, and they also like to drink cucumbers. There was an anecdote during the war that the tank soldiers of the Rakshasa Alliance became addicted to alcohol when there was no alcohol, and secretly drank from the tanks. antifreeze."

Geng Shi Xunwu listened to Li Wei's stereotype of Rakshasa people, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. This was not a stereotype, it was completely the daily life of Rakshasa people.

The Rakshasa people, nicknamed the fighting nation, are very tough, both men and women, because in that kind of freezing winter environment, it is difficult to survive without a strong physique. The reason why Rakshasa people like to drink and have so many customs that may seem strange to people from other countries is because of the harsh natural environment.

Li Wei's stereotype of Rakshasa people made him even more ignorant as a Rakshasa countryman, and he even wanted to complain about it. Previously, in Rakshasa Kingdom, two young people who were evading fares sneaked into the National Forest Park and encountered a brown bear in the forest. The two young people mistook the brown bear for a staff member in disguise and thought that the staff member was here to investigate. They had their tickets, so two panicked young people rushed up, pushed the brown bear to the ground and beat it until it fainted. In the end, the two people were stopped by the staff who came and were taken away for transport. to the police station.

The two young men didn't have any decent injuries. After simple treatment, there was no problem. However, the brown bear who was beaten unconscious by the two men was unlucky. He had stitches on his head and his mouth was full of blood. The fangs were all broken. (Real person and true story)

Geng Shi Xunwu wanted to cover her face. She felt that her image in Li Wei's heart had become inexplicably rude.

Geng Shixunwu sorted out his emotions and sighed: "This country is very big, and there are people of all kinds of personalities in it. Just like myself, I have lived in Neon longer than I have lived in my motherland. It will take a long time, and I will do as the Romans do, and now I have been assimilated by the environment."

Li Wei nodded and said: "The environment has a great influence on people. President, you are very different from the Rakshasa girl I imagined. You give me the feeling that you are more like the girl from Neon." girl."

Geng Shixunwu breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that her image in Li Wei's mind was saved.

Chapter. Friendship is often simple

Levi said: "Stereotypes are something that everyone has, just like Chongguo. It is obviously doing well now, but in the eyes of some Westerners, it is still synonymous with backwardness and ignorance."

The history of Chongguo in this world before the White Knight Incident is not much different from its counterpart in the real world, and the similarity is over 100%.

It is precisely because we have experienced too much suffering and taken too many detours that we have created the stereotype of being poor and weak in the West.

However, among the four ancient civilizations, only the Chinese nation has always been on the card table. The opponents have changed rounds, but only the Chinese nation has always sat firmly on its own position. Can other civilizations do this?

And now Chongguo has completed its revival secretly, and is just waiting for the right time to announce the return of Shenlong to the world.

Levi can understand the stereotypes of the Western world. After all, the information cocoon room has been understood by the Western world. The serious separation between the elite and the general public has reduced the general public to a ignorant mob, which is a counterfeit to the stereotype of the country. , mainly held by the mob, and the real elites have always been afraid of the dragon sleeping in the east, so they will spare no effort to slander and suppress the hedging countries.

Gengshi Xunwu said: "I can understand, at least my grades in world history classes have always been pretty good."

Li Wei said: "Isn't world history mainly about the history of the Western world? Do you also know about the history of Chongguo?"

Geng Shixunwu said with a smile: "I'm not afraid of your jokes, Li Weijun, because I am a firm advocate. I firmly believe that this ancient country is the future of the entire world. Moreover, the negative impact of the White Knight incident, Among the countries that have suffered the least negative impact in the world, Chongguo ranks third, second only to Ruidian and Deizhi. When the whole world is in ruins, only a few countries such as Chongguo are really dealing with various problems. The problem, considering its size, will inevitably reach the sky once the problem is almost solved.”

Through mind-reading, Li Wei saw the deeper thoughts of the inner mind, which surprised him even more. This girl really didn't tell lies. She was really a blowjob, and she was also very pure. .

Gengshi Xunwu continued: "So, I believe that this ancient country will one day smash everyone's stereotypes about itself."

Li Wei was already confused and confused, because this girl had a heart that was not weaker than his. To be honest, he admired such a "comrade". As a result, Li Wei was even more fond of her. Originally, he only liked her out of a collection habit and wanted to add more beauties to his crystal palace. But now, he treats her more wisely and has more pity in his heart.

Levi said: "Thank you, you have my favor. From today on, you are my friend."

Li Wei's reaction made Geng Shixunwu a little confused. She asked Li Wei to come out for tea with the idea of ​​​​bringing the relationship closer between the two parties. Now it seems that she has overfulfilled the task.

Geng Shi Xunwu felt that this situation was not bad. At least, it would be more convenient when asking Li Wei to do things later. She firmly believed that Li Wei was a dragon in the abyss, and he only needed a suitable opportunity to rise up. By grabbing Li Wei's thigh, she might be able to save ten years of her struggle.

Geng Shixunwu whispered to himself: "I didn't expect that I could have friends. It's really...pleasant."

Although Geng Shixunmu is the student union president of the upper division, and there are many girls who admire her, her real friends are very rare, and she can count them on her fingers. Levi is willing to be friends with her, and she is quite willing to do so. happy.

Levi didn't say anything. To be honest, most of the important female characters in anime have quite difficult personalities.

Not to mention all the problem children, but many female characters have their own knots or persistences. If you want to complete the strategy, you must meet the needs of the other party and solve the problems faced by the other party.

To a certain extent, this is cutting off the luck of the world. Whether it is the heroine or an important supporting actress, they are all people riddled with luck, and the skills practiced by Li Wei can use this luck to Strengthening one's own cultivation efficiency is a shortcut different from other methods.

In the real world, there are also some special women who are riddled with luck, but to be honest, in the third dimension, beauties who can meet Li Wei's aesthetics are very rare. These special women who are riddled with luck cannot meet the requirements of Li Wei's heart. , and its identity is also quite sensitive, which is not conducive for Li Wei to hide it. Besides, he doesn't have a strong taste. He really can't get rid of those grandmother-level beings, such as Queen Ying, and will vomit.

In the real world, Levi just wants to live a simple and peaceful life like a certain golden salaryman. He doesn't want others to interfere with him, and he doesn't want to interfere with the outside world.

Li Wei had read traditional urban supernatural novels before. After the male protagonist got the golden finger, he immediately became so big that he didn't even know his last name. He wanted to make big news every day and kill everyone.

He is different. He just wants to live his own small life, and the real world can maintain its current situation. This is his home, his own rear area, and he will only smash his own pots and jars if there is something wrong with him. Moreover, if he is not in his position and does not seek political advice, there are some things that ordinary people like him do not need to worry about.

Geng Shixunwu stood up and walked in front of Li Wei. Li Wei did not use mind reading, so he didn't know what the overly beautiful girl in front of him was thinking in his heart.

Geng Shixunwu put his hands on Li Wei's shoulders and applied a gentle force. Li Wei, who had no resistance, was pushed down on the tatami by her.

The girl's blue silk hair naturally hung down and fell on Levi's cheek. Her slightly heavy breathing and the fragrance of presence and absence made the atmosphere in the room a little meandering.

Li Wei said calmly: "There is no need for friends to test me like this, Xunwu, you tested me like that on the beach last time, and I will be angry if you do it again. And I am a man with a very normal orientation. , you are playing with fire."

Geng Shixunwu gently stroked his silk thread with one hand, and said in a voice as soft as a kitten scratching his heart: "It's not a test, I just want to see how good the legendary Rose Man is. , why are all those girls crazy about you.”

Li Wei was pressed by Gengshi Xunwu, lying on the ground with his hands in big letters, and said: "So now, have you got the answer?"

Geng Shixunwu shook his head, and the silk was like a small broom, scraping back and forth on Li Wei's face, giving him an itchy feeling.

Geng Shixunwu let go of Li Wei with both hands, rode on Li Wei's belly, and smiled condescendingly: "Although there is no answer for the time being, I understand why those guys are so crazy."

Geng Shixunwu was trembling in her heart. With Li Wei's charm, even she, who has a superhuman determination, did such a bold thing now. It must be said that Li Wei's charm is poison, but this poison is so The mellow fragrance made it difficult for her to resist the desire from deep inside.

Chapter. The truth is revealed

Levi didn't push Gengshi Zhenwu away in a hurry, and said, "Speaking of which, who got the name Rose Man? It feels very vulgar, like a Cowherd."

Rose man? This nickname can be said to be vulgar to the extreme. Even a vulgar person like Li Wei finds it a bit difficult to accept. This nickname is like the top brand in the Cowherd shop, and it is also the kind of person who puts himself in order to cater to the heavy taste of a rich woman. The kind that looks like a Shamate.

Gengshi Zhenwu gently tapped the tip of Li Wei's nose with his finger and said with a smile: "If you put it this way, the girl who chose this nickname for you will be sad. I think this nickname is quite suitable. In the minds of many girls Of course, you are that rose, beautiful and thorny at the same time.”

Levi was unable to complain and said: "This statement is more suitable for girls. I am a rough guy. It is not appropriate to use rose to describe me."

Gengzhi Zhenwufu lowered her body, her not-so-long head had already fallen on Li Wei's face, and the distance between the two people was not too far.

Gengshi Zhenwu sniffed gently like a puppy and said: "Li Weijun, do you know, you have a special smell on your body, very fragrant and very tempting, I don't know what it is." What a scent, but I think it smells a bit like roses, I really want to bite you."

Levi pointed his finger on Geng Shizhenwu's forehead and said: "You are neither a puppy nor a vampire. Forget about biting people. I am not afraid of leaving tooth marks, but my skin is very hard. , don’t break your teeth.”

Gengshi Zhenwu gently patted away Li Wei's fingers and said with a smile: "I don't believe it. This is not a martial arts novel. You also know how to wear a golden bell and an iron cloth shirt. I can bite you with my mouth and hurt you, and I can Leave a mark that you can’t erase for the rest of your life. When your wife sees this mark in the future, she will ask who left it.”

Do you know that there is no considerable bad taste, a trace that can never be erased? He is not Zhang Wuji. He has a passive character like Leader Zhang. He doesn’t say he hates it, but he doesn’t like it either. I want all the pure men. People like Leader Zhang who only tease but don’t marry are completely hurting girls. heart of.

Gengshi Zhenwu lowered his head fiercely and bit down on Levi's collarbone. Because it was school time now, Levi was not wearing a thick school uniform, just a T-shirt, so Gengshi Zhenwujing Biting Levi's collarbone.

However, Levi was not something she could bite at all. She felt like she was biting into a piece of rubber. The inside of the rubber was also wrapped with metal. She had no choice but to let go.

Geng Shizhenwu looked at Li Wei's collarbone. Except for the mouth she left, there were no traces.

Gengshi Zhenwu gently wiped the corner of his mouth and said: "Do you really know how to iron cloth shirt? It's like biting a piece of rubber."

Levi smiled and said: "I told you that you can't bite. I don't know how to use iron cloth shirts, because the things I know are much more advanced than iron cloth shirts. Believe it or not, I can dismantle the IS armor with my bare hands." .”

Gengshi Zhenwu said: "Although it is not illegal to brag, 『;!:",』?:.?.,『,?』,?..'?".' is this kind of obvious bragging, and I will not do it. Believe it.:'?,"?".?:..,;,'':?:Backup?,'?!'..!;I also said that I can rule the entire earth at night."

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