The corner of Levi's mouth twitched. To be honest, if he completely gave up the bottom line and used some bad methods, it would not be impossible for him to rule the earth at night, but he was not interested in such a thing. After all, Levi was also a very lazy person. When it comes to things that don't interest you, you have little motivation to act.

Gengshi Zhenwu looked at Li Wei with some hesitation in her heart. After the bold move just now, she felt that the current atmosphere was a bit awkward. Now she didn't know what to say or what to do.

But she knew that if this continued, the atmosphere would be so awkward that she wouldn't know what to do.

Levi took the initiative to break the silence and said: "To be honest, you feel very cute today, and you are different from usual you."

Hearing Li Wei's praise, even Gengshi Zhenwu, who was excellent at nourishing qi, couldn't help but blush on his face.

Gengshi Zhenwu said: "Thank you for your compliment. I am very curious about what kind of image I usually look like to you, Li Weijun."

Gengshi Zhenwu is also very curious about such things. She is a somewhat selfish person. Before entering the academy, she didn't care about what the men in her life thought of her. However, she did not care about Li Wei's opinions on women who want to please themselves. Care very much.

Levi, who is proficient in mind reading, has a considerable understanding of Geng Shizhenwu's past, and he knows what Gengshi Zhenwu wants to hear.

Levi said: "A strong fake strong woman."

Gengshi Zhenwu trembled in her heart. Her disguise was meaningless in front of Li Wei. Just like Li Wei said, she was a strong woman in disguise.

Gengshi's surname is not her real surname. She and her sister were originally just ordinary Rakshasa girls. However, due to various reasons, they had to join the Gengshi family and became members of the Neon Underground Force.

On the surface, Neon is not allowed to have a regular army. The current Self-Defense Forces are just outcasts that Neon officials put on the surface to attract attention. The true essence of Neon's military force is the underground dark department of all IS armor. , this army is Neon's true army, and she is a member of this army.

In order to protect her sister, she can only take the initiative to embrace all kinds of darkness on herself. Only if she endures all the darkness can her sister be able to live under the sun.

She was unwilling to accept such a thing, but the reality was so cruel. If someone walked under the sun, someone would be covered in mud. For her sister to know more about hairpins, she felt that all the efforts were worth it.

Humans are very strange creatures. When they are alone, no matter how big a problem they encounter, they can handle it silently. However, when outsiders mention it or show concern, the defense will be broken in an instant.

Now Geng Zhenwu felt an unspeakable grievance in her heart. The pressure she had endured over the years suddenly broke through her defenses. Gengshi Zhenwu gently wiped the corners of his eyes, wiping away the overflowing tears.

Gengshi Zhenwu looked at Li Wei and said with a smile: "Li Weijun, if you tell the girl's hidden side directly, you will be hated."

Li Wei said: "I am meeting your request. You have to bring this up first, okay?"

Li Wei sat up, held Gengshi Zhenwu in his arms, and said softly: "If you feel aggrieved, just cry out. I am a very good keeper of secrets. If you have any grievances that you hold in your heart, you can do it." Talk to me."

Chapter. Disclosure of information

Genjizhenwu felt Li Wei's warm and secure embrace, and her heart felt warm. Although she didn't know why Li Wei could see through her disguise, it felt good to be cared about.

Gengshi Zhenwu buried his head on Li Wei's chest and whispered: "Li Weijun, how did you see through my disguise?"

Levi said: "I'm not an ordinary person, so it's normal to know more things. To be honest, Neon's official approach is playing with fire. Those fools think that they won't be criticized for playing word games." Now, in fact, for big countries, this is not a secret at all.”

Gengshi Zhenwu suddenly covered Levi's mouth, with a hint of panic on his face.

Levi gently opened Sarashi's hand and said: "Don't worry, the people who manage the intelligence at the college are my people, and our words will not be heard by anyone, so I can say whatever I want. "

Gengshi Zhenwu was extremely shocked. She had not expected that Levi would have such power. She also became curious in her heart as to what Levi's true identity was and why he could have his own power within the academy.

Geng Shizhenwu was not an idiot. The intelligence department in the college was actually controlled by an "outsider", which made her realize the seriousness of the problem. Moreover, considering Levi's own nationality, she had already sketched out Levi in ​​her mind. Li Wei is likely to be related to Chong Guo.

Gengshi Zhenwu raised her head and looked at Li Wei, her heart was very complicated. If her inference was not wrong, then Li Wei himself was the heart of the storm and sent his sister to Li Wei for shelter. She didn't know whether this was It's a bad move.

After Levi knew Sarada's inner thoughts, he understood that he had to dispel the other party's concerns, and unlike Cecilia and Shino Zhizhen, Sarada was a very smart girl, so there were some things that could be done Reveal the part to her in advance. And she is smart and knows that some things must be kept in her heart, so Levi is not worried that she will become a leak.

Levi said: "As a friend, I hope you can withdraw from the ANBU. There is no future there, and the whole world will soon change dramatically. The IS armor will be swept into the trash heap of history, and the relevant personnel will not say it will All will be liquidated, but they will all be dealt with seriously."

Geng Shizhen was shocked. She didn't know whether she should believe Li Wei's words, because they were really shocking.

In the White Knight incident ten years ago, all kinds of traditional weapons were swept into the garbage heap of history by IS armor. Whether it was tanks or aircraft, they were mature weapons that had been in use for decades. After the birth of IS armor, they were said to be eliminated. disuse.

However, now, the IS armor that was so well displayed was about to be eliminated. Such a thing made her feel unbelievable and frightened at the same time.

Genji Zhenmu asked: "Is it a male weapon?"

Li Wei nodded. The Hundred Armed Crystal itself does not have a gender lock. However, the domestic senior officials have considered the possible backlash and resistance they may face, and if there is no gender lock, the female body of the vested interests is likely to use the Hundred Arms Crystal. The use of Armed Crystal to show resistance would have a negative impact on the operation to bring order to the chaos. Therefore, at the request of his superiors, Levi's researcher clone also added a gender lock setting, turning the Armed Crystal into a male-only one. Armed.

There is nothing you can do about it. Any struggle will bleed. If you don’t hold the power in your hands, but let it flow out, then the struggle will become more cruel and your own sacrifice will be doubled. growth of.

Levi said: "I don't want to see you involved in such chaos. The latest weapons have no absolute advantage in performance compared to IS armor, but the advantage of this kind of weapons is the extreme quantity. Imagine , that kind of weapon has a power that is not weaker than IS armor, but the number can reach more than 10,000 units."

When Gengshi Zhenwu heard Levi's words, he only felt his scalp numb. This is a terrifying and desperate force. The existing world order will be reshaped, the old world will be destroyed, and a new world is coming.

Gengshi Zhenwu remained silent for a while and said, "Is the dragon about to wake up?"

Li Wei nodded. In fact, the dragon has woken up, but now it is still accumulating strength. This dragon is obviously super strong but overly cautious. This is the current situation. Unlike Neon who likes to walk a tightrope and bet on the fate of the country, Chong Guoxiang likes to be fully prepared before taking action to avoid too much damage to himself.

Reshaping the distorted order will inevitably touch the interests of existing vested interests, so it will also face the pressure of backlash. If we have foreseen that such a thing will happen, we must accumulate enough strength to be able to do so. With the power of thunder, all these monsters and monsters will be swept into the garbage heap of history.

Levi said: "The whole world will fall into turmoil for a period of time, and the entire system built by IS armor will be liquidated. You know what I mean, no one can escape. Because every pilot is a vested interest. .”

Geng Shizhenwu just felt a chill running down his spine. The tide of this era was simply not something that a mortal like her could resist. The power of an individual was too small in such a changing era.

Gengshi Zhenwu thought of her sister, who was already covered in mud. Even if she was punished one day, she would not deny the mistakes she had made. However, her sister was innocent.

Gengshi Zhenwu tightly grasped the sleeves of Levi's T-shirt, her finger joints turned white from the excessive exertion. She felt fear in her heart. It was the fear that the beauty she had would be destroyed. If her sister really If something happens to her, she will go crazy.

Everyone has a family, and for individuals, family members are often their spiritual support. No matter what difficulties they encounter, as long as their family members are still there, there is a safe haven to return to.

However, if the family is gone, then the whole world becomes a boundless ocean of loneliness, invaded by terrifying waves one after another. The lonely person with no way out can only drift miserably in the sea.

Sarashi Tadamu's weakness is her sister, whom she depends on for life.

Li Wei gently stroked Xiu, who was more aware of Zhenwu, and said, "Why don't you ask me for help? As long as you are willing to ask, I will help you."

Gengshi Zhenwu said: "In such a big environment, asking you for help will only harm you. Hairpin and I will find a way to survive in such chaos, but I don't know if we can enjoy it if we surrender now. To treat prisoners preferentially.”

Geng Shizhenwu can only force himself not to think about those bad things, because the more he thinks about some things, the more terrifying he feels.

Chapter. The fear of knowing too much

Li Wei placed his generous palms on Geng Shizhen's head, gently rubbed her crotch, and said: "Actually, you can rely on me more, I don't mind. In fact, I quite enjoy being treated by girls. The feeling of dependence, although this will cause me a lot of trouble, but I still enjoy it."

Gengshi Zhenwu looked at Li Wei's smiling face and said, "You are so cunning. After telling me these things, you admired how I lost my composure. Li Weijun is really a bad person."

Levi smiled and said: "I have never said that I am a good person. After all, the world today is neither gentle nor correct. The price to pay for being a good person is too high. So, I just need to be the person around me Just the good people you need are enough. As for other people, whether I am good or evil, what does it have to do with them?"

Levi is very gentle towards the girls around him, but he is not like this towards strangers whom he does not know. He is cold and ruthless, which can be said to be a true portrayal of him.

Li Wei said: "Zhenwu, do you know why I came to the academy?"

Gengshi Zhenwu shook her head, how did she know such a thing? Originally, she thought that Levi came to the academy simply because he could activate the IS armor, but now it seems that things are not that simple. Intelligence itself is not something she is good at. Any resourcefulness and foresight are based on the unequal advantages of intelligence. Now she is just a small role in this great era. How could she Will know about Levi.

Levi said: "I am not afraid of your jokes. I am a compassionate person. The college will not be able to escape the big events that are going to happen next. Sooner or later, I will be involved in the chaos. So, I came to the college, I want to protect this place and the girls here."

Geng Zhenwu was surprised. She had imagined several reasons for Li Wei coming here, but her several predictions were far from Li Wei's true purpose.

Levi's purpose can be said to be quite absurd in the eyes of others, almost like a joke. However, even more ignorant, from the perspective of the girls in the college, there is a reliable protector. is a good thing.

Gengshi Zhenmu said: "Is it okay to leak such secrets to me? I won't be silenced because I know too much."

Levi smiled and said: "How is it possible, but now, come with me."

Levi held Saradaji's hand, and the two of them disappeared from the tea room in an instant.

Geng Shizhenwu could only feel that the surrounding environment had undergone tremendous changes. At this time, they were above the clouds, and it was certain that this was definitely not above the academy.

Because the time is not right, at the longitude and latitude where the college is located, this time should be when the sun is setting, but now it is clear above the clouds and the visibility is very high.

One more thing he discovered was that now she was floating in the sky without any external force. She seemed to have the ability to move, like a fish in the air, able to move freely.

This incredible thing made Geng Shizhenwu realize something. Levi was not an ordinary person. He was able to enter the academy. In addition to being able to activate the IS armor, there must be other reasons.

Gengshi Zhenwu tried to swing her legs like swimming. She just exerted a little force and her whole body rushed a long distance. This experience was different from using external force to swim. While she felt excited, she also A little bit of fear.

Levi appeared in front of her instantly and said: "Don't be afraid of this kind of thing. Now you have the ability to fly freely in the sky. As long as I don't cancel the spell, you can fly freely like a bird." "

Genji Zhenmu looked at Li Wei who suddenly appeared, and was surprised. What Li Wei used just now was like teleportation in those science fiction movies. The corner of her eye saw Li Wei's previous position, because Because she left her original position, the straight-line distance between the two sides was at least a hundred meters, but Levi suddenly appeared in front of her. Levi's ability was even more exaggerated than she imagined.

Gengshi Zhenwu hesitated for a moment and said: "Li Weijun, who are you? You make me a little scared now."

This is not the first time that Sarada has felt so powerless. Her personal power is still too small. It seems that it is not easy to protect the safety of her sister.

Levi said: "There is no need to be afraid, I am just an ordinary man who cares about women."

·Asking for flowers·· ······

Geng Shizhen knew how to complain. What Li Wei had done now was extraordinary, but she suppressed her desire to complain.

Li Wei took out the Hundred Arms Crystal from the consciousness sea space, displayed it in front of Geng Shizhenwu, and said: "This is Chongguo's secret weapon. It is similar in nature to IS armor, but its performance is a new weapon with absolute advantages. , its name is Bai Armed Crystal."

Under the watchful eye of Sarada Shizuru, Levi activated the crystal, and the light flashed. A set of armor with a sci-fi military style was already covered on Levi's body. Different from the gorgeous style of IS armor, the armament of the hundred-armed crystal , full of visual aggression, this is a war machine.

......... ....

Although the crystal armor is slightly smaller than the IS armor, it is equipped with many weapons and is almost armed to the teeth, so it gives people a visually "heavy-loaded" feeling.

Levi said: "Zhenmu, you should know the performance of the special blacksmith type I use."

Gengshi Zhenwu nodded and said: "Well, I specially collected materials, and relied on some connections to get the data."

Li Wei wanted to laugh in her heart, and she knew that the data that Zhenwu had obtained, if not for his nod, she would not have been able to get it at all. After all, there were people from him in the scientific research department, although not many, but They are all in key positions, and any disturbance in the department cannot be hidden from his eyes.

Levi said: "Since you know the data of the special blacksmith type, I can explain it easily. This is the first-generation mass production machine of the new armor, and its performance is far superior to the special blacksmith model I am using now. This is a sharp blade forged for a peaceful future. By the way, the cost of this thing is less than 1% of the special blacksmith model. It is a real bargain price. It can be compared to the T- of the Great Rakshasa Alliance during the war. 4 tank prototypes can be produced in large quantities."

Hearing Li Wei's words, she realized that Zhenwu was really numb. She originally thought that this new weapon would be as expensive as IS armor, but she didn't expect it to be so cheap. It was even cheaper than the old era weapons that had been eliminated. Troop carriers and armored vehicles are even cheaper, so what can I use to fight IS armor? The sheer number alone is enough to completely destroy the current order.

Chapter. It’s hard to get back

Geng Shizhenwu felt that his brain was a bit out of control. If the cost of this new type of weapon is really as low as Li Wei said, then it won't take too long for Chongguo to accumulate a weapon that is so large that it can be called The terrifying invincible army, and by that time, the whole world will have to bow its head.

Genji Zhenmu looked at the unfolded crystal weapons and said: "This new type of weapon should also have a gender lock, so only men can use it."

Levi said: "Yes, after all, the bloody lessons that IS armor has brought to men have also made many people realize one thing, that is, power must be in their own hands to be reliable."

Geng Shichen didn't know what to say, but she already knew in her heart that the reshaping of order would involve bloodshed, and it was likely that a lot of blood would be shed.

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