Charlotte was a little confused in her heart, but she thought to herself that this was probably a man's friendship. It was just an agreement, a promise, and she could give her life for it. Men are idiots who are extremely romantic at heart, and Charlotte has now begun to understand what a real man is.

Levi's words were not completely deceiving Charlotte. After all, Charlotte was one of his intended partners, his own wife, and he could only bully her. If outsiders complained, he would slap her back with a big mouth.

Charlotte said in a panic: "Is this too much nonsense?"

Levi patted Charlotte on the shoulder and said: "Before I found out that you were a girl, Charlotte, I really regarded you as a close friend. Although we didn't get along for too long, didn't you find out that you were a girl?" Do we have a good understanding? And I can see your kind heart. You are a very good friend, at least to me."

Could there be no tacit understanding between the two? Levi himself has the ability to read minds. He knows what Charlotte is thinking in her heart, so he said that Charlotte is a kind girl who obviously has a gloomy past, but she doesn't. She was resentful and did not vent her resentment on others. Instead, she silently accumulated strength and prepared her own way to avenge her nominal mother. But even in revenge, she never thought of taking the other person's life.

In Li Wei's opinion, this girl has gone too far. If anyone dares to hurt his family, he will definitely make him unable to live or die. He will suffer from pain forever and will never be reincarnated.

Chapter 4. The embarrassment aspect

Everyone has their own weaknesses, and Levi is no exception. His weakness is the people around him, especially his family, which can be said to be his weakness.

Long before, he had already used various spells, cast spells across borders and over long distances, and placed various spells around his parents to ensure that their parents would not encounter accidents in their daily lives.

After all, accidents are everywhere these days. Accidents are as inevitable as diseases, so it is always good to take precautions in advance.

Levi didn't know whether Charlotte, a girl, had a good life or a bad life. He could only say that the grievances of her predecessors implicated her, forcing her to be involved in the vortex of power struggles.

Because of his ability to read minds, ordinary people are undefended in front of Li Wei. Levi can easily see the other person's true inner thoughts, so it is impossible to fool him with words.

As she said, Charlotte has no interest in the family's power and wealth. She just wants to live an ordinary life with her parents. Unfortunately, her mother has been poisoned. This little The wish is no longer possible to come true. After all, there is no underworld or hell in this world. After death, the soul will return to the core of the earth. After the earth's power is purified, or formatted, it is thrown to the surface again and merges with the fetus to form a brand new one. Personality.

Therefore, on Li Wei's side, he couldn't even use the resurrection technique to bring the opponent back.

However, Levi could also feel that because of her mother's death, Charlotte felt alienated from the world. Because she had lived with her mother since she was a child, she had very little time to see her father, so there was no established relationship between father and daughter. To form a strong emotional bond, her attitude towards her father is that this man is her father, and she must fulfill the obligations and respect of her children, and then it is gone.

The only relatives who could give her warmth were gone, and the so-called family was just a collection of intrigues and interests, and she couldn't find where she belonged at all. For her, the college is a place where she can escape temporarily. Here, she does not have to worry about being involved in power struggles. She can sleep peacefully every day, which she cannot do in Europe.

Levi looked at Charlotte, who was still chewing bread, and said: "I always thought you had a feminine face before, but of course it seems now that I was blind and couldn't realize you were a girl. I really don't know How should I treat you from now on, should I treat you as a boy or a girl?"

Charlotte swallowed the last bit of bread in the bag, grabbed the drink next to her and took two sips, and said: "Just treat me like a boy. In fact, I quite like this feeling, with you. It's been a lot of fun together, and you've shown me that there's a wider world out there."

When Charlotte was with Levi, no matter what kind of questions she asked, she could always get answers, which surprised her because Levi's knowledge was so broad that it was like a personal library. When getting along with Levi, she even felt that she was a fool, but it felt good, and Levi's humor also made her know that she was a human being, a flesh-and-blood person with normal human feelings.

In the big house in her hometown in Europe, everyone lives with a mask, even her father is no exception. She knows that her father loves her and wears a mask to protect her. In order to repay her father's kindness, she also You have to wear a mask, but here, you can live without wearing a mask. This is something she never dared to think about before.

Levi pointed at the empty bottle and said, "I drank from that bottle. By the way, when I drink, I habitually cover the entire mouth of the bottle, as you know."

Charlotte's face turned red instantly. She looked at the empty drink bottle, her mind in confusion.

Her drinking habits are the same as Levi's. That way was taught to her by Levi, because this way looks very rude and not ladylike at all. This makes her have a rebellious mentality in her heart. She just wants to use Such a rude way to drink. This totally unladylike approach is her spiritual resistance to the shackles on her body.

Charlotte hesitated for a long time and whispered: "Is this an indirect kiss?"

Levi nodded and said seriously: "Forget it, I brush my teeth really well. There will definitely be no strange smell from the bottle just now."

Charlotte covered her face, what she felt inside made her head almost smoke.

I really want to die! Charlotte remembered how she roughly held the mouth of the drink bottle in her mouth, mouthing it wide and wide, but ended up kissing Levi indirectly. She wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

Levi said: "There are always various little accidents in life. We all have to get used to this kind of thing. However, if I get the drink you drank, I will never dislike it."

"Ah ah ah, stop talking. Why don't you just forget about this kind of thing!" Charlotte said in confusion.

Levi said: "This is an important memory. How could it be forgotten so easily? My mind has saved the current scene. Well, Charlotte is quite cute now."

Shy girls have a unique flavor.

Levi knows Charlotte's character very well, so he also knows where the boundaries of jokes are and will not cross them.

Levi said: "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. Looking at you like this, you probably haven't had dinner yet. I'll go to the cafeteria to bring you some. After all, it will be quite troublesome to wrap that thing up again."

Levi looked at the bra that fell on the ground. This girl was really cruel to him.

Charlotte picked up the cloth with some embarrassment, wrapped it into a ball, and put it behind her.

Levi said: "You don't need to wrap your breasts in the dormitory from now on. After school, you can go directly back to the dormitory to take a shower. I will bring dinner for you."

Charlotte said gratefully: "It's really a big help. When I go to the cafeteria, I'm always stared at. I'm afraid that people will see my flaws, so I can only deal with it hastily every time I eat. However, this way Won’t you be in trouble?”

Levi said: "I also want to go to the cafeteria, but it's just a side trip. Every day in the training class, you will be exhausted and sweat. It's uncomfortable to have sweat sticking to your body. Come back early and take a shower, so you can feel refreshed earlier."

IS armor, whether it is a real machine or a virtual machine, has internal air conditioning, but the high-intensity actual combat training puts great pressure on the pilots. Except for monsters like Levi, others are finishing the training. During the training, everyone looked like they had been fished out of a fish, even the "top students" like Cecilia and Shino Zhihan were no exception.

Chapter. Meeting with acquaintances

The teaching at IS College is very flexible. Each student has to face different training difficulties. Top students have the test of top students, and ordinary students have the corresponding difficulty level of ordinary students. In every practical training class, the teacher will try his best to squeeze out the potential of the students, so whether they are top students or ordinary students, they will be as tired as a salted fish every time after class.

Charlotte's strength is much stronger than that of ordinary students, but there is still a clear gap compared with the first echelon. She belongs to the lower order of eugenics. This ranking is not conspicuous. Levi knows that if she exerts her full strength , she could get a better ranking, but doing so would be more high-profile. In order not to attract the attention of people around her, she chose to let go. In addition, with his eye-catching presence as a shield in front of her, Charlotte was in the class. The sense of presence is not high.

Through mind reading, Levi saw Charlotte's heart. He originally had a good impression of him, but now it has skyrocketed.

It has to be said that being able to see through other people's hearts and achieve one-sided information transparency is such an advantage in interpersonal communication. As long as he wants, he can have a good relationship with anyone, but not everyone is qualified to let him do this.

Levi patted Charlotte on the head and said: "Wait for me in the dormitory. Remember to lock the door. Don't open the door to strangers. When I come back, I will use the key to open the door."

Charlotte gently patted away Levi's hand on top of her head and muttered softly: "I'm not a child anymore, I still know this kind of thing."

Li Wei smiled and said: "There is an old proverb in the country that you can never go wrong if you are careful. After all, you still want to hide your true identity as a woman, don't you? It will be very troublesome if someone reveals the secret."

Li Weidao is not worried about too many people coming to the dormitory to see him. When he lived alone before, Xiao Zhizhihuan and Cecilia often came down to play, but after Charlotte moved in, the two girls I know I have to avoid it, so when I want to see Levi, I always make appointments outside and never come to the dormitory again.

Because neither girl knew Charlotte's true situation and treated him as a real man, it was inevitable to avoid taboos.

Charlotte said: "I know, after all, if I don't hide my identity well, I will probably lose my life. By the way, for dinner, bring pasta and pancakes, and a seafood-miso soup."

Li Wei smiled and said: "What a weird taste, is it a mixture of the three countries?"

The three kinds of food Charlotte wants can be said to have completely different styles. If they can make such a combination, others will regard them as weird.

Charlotte no longer cared about Levi's complaints and said: "Isn't my taste biased by you? And isn't it interesting to combine different styles of food from all over the world?"

With Levi, Charlotte learned a lot of new knowledge, and was also exposed to areas that she had no idea about before. At least in terms of eating, she is more tolerant now than before. Except for a few dark dishes that are anti-human, she is willing to try most foods, including preserved eggs, which are considered "devil's food" by Europeans.

"Okay, I'll be back in ten minutes." After Levi said that, he left the dormitory and went to the cafeteria.

Because it had missed the peak period, there were not many people in the canteen now, so Levi did not need to queue and quickly got the food he ordered.

In the cafeteria, Li Wei saw Xiao Zhizhishu, but they were not familiar with each other yet. Li Wei just nodded to each other, and Xiao Zhizhishu responded with a smile and a nod.

Looking at Li Wei's leaving figure, Xiao Zhizhi breathed a sigh of relief. When facing Li Wei, she felt an inexplicable sense of urgency in her heart. She was afraid of showing her ugly face in front of Li Wei. At that time, she just wanted to do everything she could. Look as elegant as possible.

Xiao Zhizhi was confused in her heart. She felt nervous, and it was because of a man she had only met once. This made her feel incredible.

However, she forgot about this matter. The college welcomed her willingness to stay here for a while, and even arranged a dormitory specially for her. She also contacted Sophia in the space station through special means and explained that it would take some time for her to return to the space station. Sophia said that after experiencing such an attack, it would not be safe to return to the space station immediately. She could stay in the academy for a while. That's fine.

Xiao Zhizhi didn't think too much about her chance encounter with Li Wei. In her opinion, the college was actually not big, and she would not miss it when she met Li Wei again. This was exactly what she wanted. To learn more about Levi, direct contact is essential.

When Levi returned to the dormitory, he saw Ori Madara who was just going out. Ori Madara saw him like a mouse seeing a cat. Levi just smiled, not even bothering to nod, and then the two parties passed each other.

·Asking for flowers·· ······

Cold sweat broke out from Ori Madara's back. Normally, he would try to walk around Li Wei as much as possible. After all, he was not a jerk who liked to be abused. He had been slapped in the face when he provoked and tested Li Wei's strength before.

Since then, Oribara Xia has put away his inner arrogance. In his opinion, it is unwise to continue to provoke Li Wei at this time. Thank God that Li Wei did not kill him last time. However, this feeling of powerlessness made Oribara Xia feel more and more uncomfortable, but he was not a fool. He knew that he would not be able to touch someone, so he chose to put away his few sharp edges.

"Damn, bad luck!"

Oribara Xia hesitated and chose to return to the dormitory. He originally planned to go out to buy some hungry food, but now, he had to return to the dormitory to ensure the safety of the magic lamp.


What he fears most is that someone discovers the secret of the magic lamp, especially the fear that this secret will be discovered by Li Wei. After all, Levi is a "magician" with extraordinary power. He is different from ordinary people. He has all kinds of magical means. Disguises that ordinary people cannot detect may not be able to hide from Levi, so he must be careful. Before making sure that he leaves the academy, this secret will not be discovered by Li Wei.

What Oribara Xia didn't know was that all his actions were under Li Wei's eyes, and his little thoughts had no secrets in front of Li Wei, who could read minds.

When Oribara returned to his dormitory, he saw the magic lamp on the desk and breathed a sigh of relief. In order to conceal the existence of the magic lamp, he bought many ancient Eastern-style handicrafts, and the appearance style was as similar as possible to the magic lamp, and then put it on Everything is laid out, making people think that the magic lamp is just an ordinary handicraft.

Oribara Natsu put his hand on the magic lamp, and the special touch made him sure that his magic lamp had not been dropped.

(Huh... It's really hard to keep a secret under the nose of that monster. However, in ten years, everyone will look up to me. At that time, Levi, I will take everything away from you! Your status, Your wealth, your women, all belong to me. I will possess your women in front of you, and then chop off the heads of all your family members!)

Ori Madara's expression was ferocious, and when he thought that he had to endure it for another ten years, his heart was filled with anger.


Oribara Xia resented Li Wei, more than anyone else, just like Zhou Yu resented Zhuge Liang. He hated why there was a monster like Li Wei in the world, and why this monster was in the same school as him.

The more he compares, the more resentful he becomes, and his resentment reaches the point where his heart is twisted. If he wasn't afraid of being noticed by Levi, he would have wanted to stab a scarecrow. After all, Levi is a "magician", and experienced magicians have mature coping mechanisms for curses. As a layman, if he uses various props rashly, he may be discovered by Li Wei. This was a warning given to him by the Djinn God, so even if he was resentful, he only dared to curse in his heart.

Oribara Xia mentally imagined that ten years later, he would be standing on top of the world, looking down at everyone. With his imagination, his emotions gradually calmed down. After taking a few deep breaths, his heart was no longer Think about things related to Levi.

(When I think about that guy, I will lose my balance. This is not good. If I lose my composure in front of that guy, it will be easy to be noticed that I am wrong. I have to think of a way. Then I will buy some books about acting and read them. , the library does not have this content, so you can only buy it outside.)

After Oribara's defeat last time, he understood the gap between the two sides. It was impossible for him to defeat Levi head-on, at least until he fulfilled his wish. Since he couldn't play it head-on and he couldn't play it in the dark, the only thing he could do was to lie down and pretend to be dead.

On the other side, Levi, who had returned to the dormitory, could fully see the current situation of Ori Madara through the magic lamp clone in Ori Madara's room. He even knew what Ori Madara was thinking. Levi didn't have any idea about Oribara Xia's current incompetent rage. He couldn't go over and beat up the opponent at this time. The good show had to be played at the most critical moment. Now was not the time to take action.

However, he remembered all the words that Ori Madara had scolded him in his heart. He couldn't blame him for being petty about such things. After all, anyone who didn't scold him like this would be angry, even if Ori Madara was his brother-in-law. Things were settled, and his relationship with Oribara Chifuyu was the same thing, but that didn't stop him from harboring ill will towards Oribara Natsu, especially in her current state.

Levi is like a fisherman who likes to write down the people who have offended him in a small notebook. In his heart, he has sentenced Oribara Xia to death, although he did not specifically record the other party's behavior in the paper notebook. But the notebook in his heart has already written more than one page, and even just one page of content is enough for Levi to kill him. As for the content of the page, Li Wei's verdict was that he could neither survive nor die.

Using the key to open the wooden door of the dormitory, Levi sneaked into the room while the girls around him were not paying attention, and then locked the door directly. Because the girls in the college are quite bold, if he doesn't enter the room quickly, he will be blocked by those girls, but he will be taken advantage of. Although he himself doesn't mind such a thing, there are too many people blocking him. It's easy to get on Charlotte's nerves at the door.

After entering the dormitory, Levi saw Charlotte who was reading a book.

"There's some noise outside, what happened?" Charlotte closed the book. She was now wearing a women's nightgown, and her white and slender legs were exposed in front of Levi.

"When you were at the door, you were almost blocked by the girls. Anyway, you have to pay attention to this situation. If you are touched by them, you will be easily exposed. Although your disguise looks good, you are wearing a It's hard to hide the taste of girls, and as women, they are likely to see through your disguise because of this," Levi said.

Levi put the food he brought back from the canteen on the table, pulled up a chair, and sat down.

"Thank you for your hard work, Levi. I will pay attention to that kind of thing. As long as the body is not touched by others, the possibility of exposure is not high." Charlotte thought for a while and said.

"I didn't discover your true situation before because I basically never got close to you, because those girls were spreading some rumors about me having a relationship with you. You know, fujoshi is It's quite a terrifying existence. In order to avoid suspicion, I have been keeping a safe social distance from you, so naturally I can't smell the girlish smell on you." Levi said.

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