"But the things I have used, including the places where I have slept, will still leave my smell. Levi, if you are more careful, the possibility of me being exposed will be greater," Charlotte said.

"I'm not a pervert. I can't come to your bed and smell it. It's precisely because I want to avoid suspicion that I can let you hide it from me for so long." Levi said with a smile.

Charlotte opened the bag containing the food. In addition to the three foods she asked for, Levi also brought her a bottle of hot milk. She thought for a while, probably because the food she wanted was relatively dry. Levi had always been very considerate in such details. He was like sunshine, spreading his tenderness equally to everyone around him. people.

To be honest, Charlotte likes the gentle Levi, but she doesn’t like that Levi is so gentle to everyone, because doing so is easy to suffer, but not everyone will accept Levi’s kindness and be willing to reciprocate kindness to Levi .

The environment in which Charlotte grew up made her more mature, or darker, than her peers when thinking about various things.

For some reason, she suddenly became jealous of the two girls around Li Wei, Xiao Zhizhihuan and Cecilia. These two girls were very close to Li Wei. They had become more than friends and lovers. She was so full that, inexplicably, she felt a little envious.

Charlotte felt a little disappointed, and the smile on her face seemed a little forced.

Levi's mind-reading skills have already seen such changes. He sighed inwardly, this jealousy must have come too quickly, and now the two parties have no confirmed relationship at all, and they haven't even said a word. What kind of jealousy is this? .

However, girls' thoughts are often so delicate. If you don't have the ability to read minds, it is not easy to see through a girl's heart.

"Levi, you are very popular with girls." Charlotte said softly.

Levi smiled and said: "There is nothing we can do about it. I have faced such troubles since I was a child. I remember when I was a child, there were girls fighting over the opportunity to play with me."

Levi was not bragging. He had actually experienced such a thing. At that time, because of such a thing, he became an alternative in the male body and was ostracized. It was precisely because of this that Levi made up his mind to be a transcendent. The elegance of an ordinary person and the extraordinary person made him what he is now. Many current symptoms can often be seen in childhood.

Chapter.Elegance and Girls

Levi has a very clear understanding of his own charm. He is very handsome and handsome, just like an observer at a latitude, that is, a gentleman reader.

The real ugly duckling can never become a white swan. The ones who can become a white swan are the white swan's babies, not the wild duck's babies. Before Levi gained extraordinary power, he was a handsome and heroic man.

When he was studying abroad in Neon, walking on the streets of Shibuya, he would be approached by talent scouts from time to time, asking if he would like to debut as an idol. Because Levi's face, if not concealed, would be too eye-catching.

It is precisely because of his extremely handsome face and the strong figure maintained by regular exercise that he is the most dazzling presence no matter where he goes. In order to solve the problem of being too dazzling, Levi learned the neon makeup technique, one of the four evil arts in Asia, and used makeup skills to look ugly. He finally controlled his charm within a reasonable range, but even if In this way, he can still be regarded as an outstanding handsome guy, but think about how good his foundation is.

After embarking on the path of cultivating immortality and becoming a Qi practitioner, his charm has been gradually enhanced to the point where even makeup can hardly cover up his charm. Fortunately, the power of magic is much better than makeup. More, and more convenient.

In a dimensional world where the average person's appearance is very high, Levi no longer suppresses his own charm. Therefore, the women around him will unconsciously focus their attention on him, but some are in love and some are possessive.

However, Levi's popularity is not only due to his good-looking skin, but more importantly, the temperament bonus brought about by his strict requirements on himself. Li Wei's family is quite ordinary. He is not a rich and powerful family. It can only be said that he is not as good as his predecessors but more than his inferiors. However, his parents are very concerned about his education. This concern is not about his grades, but about his grades. It is the shaping of Levi's personality that makes Levi become as complex as he is now. He has both an evil side that breaks the bottom line, and a side that is almost a saint. This fusion of good and evil gives him an almost saintly personality. To the charming charm.

To those he cares about, he can be the savior who brings light and hope; to those he hates, he is the devil of the bottomless abyss, bringing only destruction and disaster.

A good family education allows Levi to instinctively show his gentlemanly side in his daily life. Even when he is alone, he will maintain an elegant posture. The elegance that Levi pursues is not to win the approval of others, but to win the approval of others. It is to set a benchmark for yourself, and try your best to prevent yourself from falling below the benchmark.

Be knowledgeable but not show off, have strength but not bully the weak, know how to be considerate of others and become mature, have rich experience but not be surprised by changes. The so-called Mount Tai collapses in front but remains unchanged, and the elk rises to the left but does not blink, which are high-level expressions of elegance.

Adhering to such an elegant concept, Levi is like a cup of mellow coffee or a cup of fragrant brandy in the eyes of women. Just standing there is like a collection of stories.

Young women see stability in Levi, and mature women see childishness in Levi. There are thousands of Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people, but there are countless Levis in the eyes of a thousand women, because Livy, who wanted to sum up the contradictions in a specific style, would encounter the problem of lack of vocabulary. He is the masculine charm itself.

At first, a woman only cares about Li Wei simply because of his appearance, but as long as she gets along with Li Wei, she will soon be captured by Li Wei's interesting and charming soul and become Li Wei. of prisoners.

Charlotte looked at Levi and felt that the food in her mouth became more fragrant. Although she felt uncomfortable with the many girls around Levi, those girls could not get along with Levi like her. Room, thinking so, she ran to the front of the crowd, and her originally depressed mood suddenly became clear.

Li Wei took out his drawing board and colors and began to practice his daily brushwork. Li Wei's love for painting is not mixed with any profit factors, so even after embarking on the path of extraordinary, he will still use it personally. Hands and pens paint on canvas or paper. His love for painting is no worse than his love for games.

Charlotte watched Li Wei take out the painting tools, and simply came behind Li Wei with the food. Watching Li Wei's paintings was a double enjoyment for the spirit and eyes, because the pictures Li Wei painted were breathtakingly beautiful. degree.

Because he was in his dormitory, and there was no dedicated painting studio in the dormitory, he did not use oil paints with a pungent smell. After all, oil paintings can easily affect the surrounding environment, so he chose paints that were more convenient to control. The smell of color is not that strong, and even if it is accidentally spilled on the floor, it is easy to clean up.

"Levi, what are you going to draw today, scenery or characters?" Charlotte swallowed the food in her mouth. Because she swallowed too quickly, she quickly hammered her collarbone a few times, picked up the hot milk from the side and drank it. I took a sip so I didn't choke.

"Characters, the past few days were all about painting scenery, so today I'll just paint people." Levi turned over to Charlotte, and gestured with his hands to make a picture frame gesture. The picture frame was upright, just right. Charlotte eating.

"Eh? Do you want to draw me?" Charlotte said in surprise. At the same time, she was also a little happy in her heart. She knew how superb Li Wei's painting skills were. In her opinion, even those so-called famous artists were Not as good as Li Wei's opponent, this is not because of the filter, but because Li Wei's own painting skills have reached an inhuman level. No matter what he paints, he can show the most stunning beauty.

"Isn't this a matter of course? Originally, I convinced myself in my heart that I would never paint men, but considering that you are my friend, I broke my own rules. Who knew you were actually a girl? If you are a girl, there are not so many restrictions. I want to draw your beauty so that no matter how much time passes, this beauty can remain." Levi smiled.

"Levi, you don't paint men. Are there any rules?" Charlotte asked curiously.

"Because painting requires careful observation of the subject, I am a man with a very normal orientation, so I have no problem when looking at women. But if I look at men, the more carefully I look, the more disgusting I will feel. It makes me feel like I’m a gay picking out prey, so I never draw men. Of course, I can draw illustrations of dimensional men without reference objects,” Levi said.

"I see, it's such an honor to be your friend." Charlotte smiled.

"When I planned to draw you, I didn't know you were a girl. At that time, I had an idea in my mind. Even if I used you as a model for painting, it would be easy for me to paint you as a girl. , who knew you were really a girl." Levi smiled.

Chapter. Made for you

Levi stood up and kept adjusting the angle of the picture frame with his hands. Charlotte put down the food in her hands and actively cooperated with Levi, trying to make her posture as non-discourteous as possible.

It only took Levi a few seconds to finish collecting materials.

"So fast! Is this enough?" Charlotte picked up the food again.

"Of course, your image has been imprinted in my mind. I have completed the observation of your face from all angles, and there is no need to re-draw materials for subsequent paintings. As for the background, how about just sunflowers and blue sky?" Li Wei He picked up the brush and took out the paint from the painting kit. Levi personally felt that it was more convenient to mix color than oil paint. He took some from the bathroom as a backup for color mixing, and the preparation work was completed.

Charlotte knew that Li Wei's painting skills were extremely good and he could control various styles and tools very well. Before, she had seen Li Wei use a brush to paint Chinese-style meticulous paintings, using only black and white. After stepping out of the majestic snow-capped mountains, the pressure that breaks through the paper comes to my face. This is no longer something that can be explained clearly using skills.

If Li Wei's meticulous paintings are the ultimate realism, then his color paintings are the ultimate romance. Levi is very sensitive to color and is always able to make the most amazing combinations, using unusual colors to create the atmosphere he wants. This is not something that ordinary painters can do.

In the early stages of learning in the painting industry, the competition is about who works harder and who has more solid basic skills. But in the later stage, everyone is so busy, and the ceiling of hard work will soon be touched by these people. Next, it is the stage of fighting for talent, and from this stage, skills are no longer what they were at the beginning. So important, because everyone’s skills are good. The next thing to fight for is the composition and sensitivity to color, as well as the deeper humanistic style. Every master’s work that has been preserved in history, especially those that have attracted the attention of viewers Each of the highly praised works contains a story, and is also a reflection and profile of the times during which it was created.

Charlotte herself does not know how to create paintings, but she is from a noble family after all. Even if she is just an illegitimate daughter, she has received a family education far beyond that of ordinary people. Therefore, she is far from mediocre in art appreciation. Far beyond ordinary people.

Because she understood, she was looking forward to how she would appear in Li Wei's writings.

After finishing the pasta quickly, Charlotte stood behind Levi with pancakes and fruit in her left hand and hot milk in her right hand. There was no image of a lady at all.

Whether it is color painting or oil painting, most people are accustomed to starting with pencil, and Levi is no exception. Although with his skills, it does not matter even if this step is not available, he has developed the habit of making line drafts. It only took two or three minutes for Levi to complete the line drawing. Although it looked a bit rough, Charlotte could already see that it was her, but she in the line drawing was wearing a tight-fitting dress. Wearing a white dress and a straw sunhat, she strolled through the flower field, turning her profile towards the person and squinting at the person outside the frame. This angle can be said to be quite characteristic of Levi's personal style.

In order not to be too shocking, Li Wei slowed down his painting speed. The painting that originally took less than ten minutes to complete was actually slowed down to nearly half an hour. However, half an hour is still a very scary speed for ordinary painters.

Charlotte has wiped out her dinner and thrown all the rubbish into the special trash can.

"Today's speed is faster than usual. Is it because the overall composition is relatively simple?" Charlotte asked curiously.

"No, it's the passion for creation. When there is passion for creation, people can unleash more potential than before, because the painting is you. After we have been together for a while, I have already mastered your appearance and characteristics. The most critical points can be completed quickly, and the other parts will not matter." Levi smiled.

Charlotte looked at herself in the painting. She was wearing a straw sunhat, with a gentle smile on her face. Her pure white dress was fluttering in the wind, surrounded by sunflower petals that were blown up, and the mountains in the distance were above her head. The blue sky and the surrounding sea of ​​sunflowers create a dreamlike picture.

Charlotte sighed and said: "In the real world, there is no such beautiful scenery. Those photos are the product of post-production adjustments, and they are not actually like this."

Levi smiled and said: "In this case, I am quite sure. There is a place that can meet your requirements."

Charlotte showed a curious expression and said, "Where is that? Is there such a place in the world?"

Li Wei said: "'. In Chongguo, there is a place called Zhaigou. The scenery there is as beautiful as a picture scroll. It can completely meet your requirements."

Due to geological disasters, Zhaigou in the real world has caused local turbidity and affected the landscape. It will take at least two to three years to complete natural restoration. However, Zhaigou in this world has not suffered natural disasters, so The view remains intact, something real-world visitors can only envy.

Out of his love for the scenery of Zhaigou, Li Wei restored the scenery of Zhaigou on his floating island, and also optimized it to a certain extent. It became one of the favorite scenery of his family members, more beautiful than the sunshine. White sand beaches are even more popular.

"If I have the chance, I will definitely go." Charlotte's eyes were filled with yearning.

Li Wei secretly thought in his heart that even if Charlotte couldn't go to the Zhaigou in this world, Yuanzhaigou on the floating island would still be able to meet her requirements.

Charlotte looked at the painting of herself and was a little lost. It took a while before she recovered and said: "Although this suggestion is a bit shameless, I still want to say, can you sell this painting to me?"

Charlotte knew very well in her heart that although Levi regarded her as a friend, the two had only known each other for a short time. At this time, she could not do such a shameless thing by asking Levi to directly give her something. , that’s why she suggested buying it. Although you help me and I help you maintain a friendly relationship among friends, when it comes to money and property, it is best to make a clear distinction.

Levi's mind-reading ability is always open, so he can naturally see Charlotte's heart clearly. He can understand the other party's unwillingness to take advantage, but he will not follow the other party's wishes.

Levi said: "I originally planned to give this painting to you. After all, this painting was originally painted for you.".

Chapter. Another lie

Seeing Charlotte about to speak, Levi raised his palms and said: "Don't refuse in a hurry. This painting originally belongs to you, and this kind of thing cannot be measured by money. I don't want to use money to taint it." Did I explain this feeling clearly enough?"

What Charlotte originally wanted to say was blocked, because Li Wei had already reached this point. If she persisted in her opinion, it would seem a little ignorant. Moreover, Li Wei sent the painting to The very act of giving her warmed her heart.

Levi snapped his fingers, and the paper on the easel stood up on its own. At the same time, the traces of dryness on the surface were dried instantly. This scene made Charlotte show a shocked expression.

"This?! Is this magic?!" Charlotte covered her mouth and exclaimed softly.

Levi said: "Magic can't do this kind of thing, you can understand it as magic."

Charlotte's mind was a little confused at this time. Europe is a region where faith has not been cut off to this day, but generally advocates science. Levi's sudden magic is already challenging her three views.

"You're kidding, right? Does magic really exist?" Charlotte shook her head and patted her cheeks with both hands, trying to wake herself up.

Levi snapped his fingers again. This time, a large number of Western musical instruments suddenly appeared in the room, and began to play briskly. The instruments seemed to be alive, jumping around, and the playing was accompanied by cheerful sounds. dance.

At this time, Charlotte was completely shocked. If making the paper float before could be explained by magic, then what could be used to explain the scene she saw now? Hallucination?

Charlotte saw a little boy passing by her, she grabbed the little boy who was still playing. After struggling twice, he found that he couldn't break free from Charlotte's hand, so he simply let her hold her, and it Then he kept up with the rhythm of other instruments and continued to play in harmony.

Charlotte felt the cold touch from her hand. What she saw in front of her was not an illusion. All the instruments were real.

"Levi, stop! You can't hide such a loud sound. What if someone else discovers it?" Charlotte said fearfully. She was afraid that Levi's magic would be seen by others. I am also afraid that my identity will be exposed due to such things.

"Don't worry, I have installed a soundproof shield. Now the sound in the room will not be transmitted at all. Even the sound of a bomb explosion will not leak out at all." Levi said with a smile.

Levi clapped his hands, and all the instruments that were playing stopped. At the same time, his body quickly became blurred and disappeared without a trace in just a few seconds.

Charlotte was so surprised that she didn't know what to say. Levi, who had magical power, was no longer a being that could be deduced using common sense.

Charlotte sat on the chair, stunned for a moment, and said: "It's incredible that a being with extraordinary power like you would still come to school."

Charlotte didn't understand that Levi could exist in the dark and enjoy life, but he had to go to a place like the academy to become a student. As the only male student in the entire academy, it could be said that he had attracted the attention of many forces. This is completely putting yourself in danger. She was forced to come to the academy, but she couldn't understand Levi's motive for his actions.

Levi said: "I am here to save this place. Since you know the power of magic, you should also know the prophecies of those myths and legends."

"Does it mean predicting the future?" Charlotte said. She also has a certain understanding of fantasy literature. In the past, due to limited personal freedom, she could not move around the outside world at will, so reading became her rare hobby. In an environment like Europe, she was exposed to Many of the strange contents in classical epic novels and fantasy literature involve prophecies.

Levi nodded and said: "I saw the destruction of the college. The teachers and students here will face catastrophe, but as long as I guard here, I can solve the problem from the root, so I am here."

Just like how he deceived Yamada Maya before, Levi transmitted the picture directly to Charlotte's mind. Charlotte really "looked" at the picture in her mind, and her face became more and more ugly, because the picture she saw was really too... It was a bit more tragic. Except for a few lucky people, most people in the academy died in the disaster that hadn't happened yet.

"Will something like this really happen?" Charlotte looked at Levi and asked with a serious expression.

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