Whether it is neon or Europe, there is a saying similar to "being in love makes women more attractive", but this statement is more like a romantic rhetoric, and the real situation is another matter.

Xiao Zhizhi said: "The effect of cosmetics is so good? And I have been to the beauty salon in the college, and the effect is just average. If it was really so powerful, I would have lined up to do it. Moreover, Sister Maye is like this It took some time for such changes to occur, so the argument made by cosmetics and beauty salons is untenable.”

Cecilia said: "That's right, and sister Zhenye would laugh in class. Although she used to love to laugh, her smile now is different. It is a smile that can only be had after happiness, and If a woman wants to be happy, besides falling in love, what else can she do?"

Shino no Hoshi said: "That's right, Sister Maya must be in love, that's why she smiles like that. And there are only three men in the academy, excluding that disgusting guy Oribara Natsu, and Charles Deno That new student, the biggest suspect, isn't you?"

Both girls showed unwilling expressions. When they were fighting fiercely, they did not expect that someone else would pick the peach. Moreover, this person was their teacher and was nearly ten years older than them.

Cecilia said unwillingly: "I didn't expect you, Levi, to like the big sister type. Damn it, I lost!"

Levi knew that if he continued to let these two girls talk, his "I want them all" would most likely cause complications.

Levi said: "If you are really curious about this matter, I can tell you the secret of Sister Zhenye becoming beautiful. However, this is not the place to talk. Wait until after school in the afternoon and go to the beach."

"Okay!" the two girls said in unison, they both wanted to know what happened.

The day passed by, and soon it was time for school to end in the afternoon. After the practical training class, the three of them went to the cafeteria to solve the problem of dinner, and then went back to the dormitory to clean up each other. After washing off the sweat, they walked at the door of the dormitory building. We gathered together and went to the beach.

Levi and the two girls walked side by side on the beach. The waves continued to wash over the beach. The sea was up to the ankles of the three of them. As the sea receded, a cavity appeared in the sand under the three of them. If they stayed still, , it is easy to lose balance and fall into the sea after a long time.

Cecilia looked at Levi and said, "Now you can tell what's going on. Are you really in a relationship with Sister Zhenye?"

Levi did not rush to answer the question, but stretched out his hands and placed them on the slender waists of the two girls. With a slight force, the two girls leaned into his arms.

Cecilia and Xiao Zhizhi were caught off guard by Levi's sudden attack. When the two girls faced each other, they could see the shock on each other's faces, as well as the blush that appeared because of shyness.

Chapter 4. Forced showdown

Feeling the shock of the two girls, Levi said: "You did guess right, the relationship between me and sister Zhenye is just like you thought, and sister Zhenye will become more beautiful, and it is indeed because of me. "

Cecilia felt a little disappointed in her heart, and said with a forced smile: "I didn't expect that I would lose to the teacher. Both Chen and I lost."

Levi said: "Why did you lose? Do you feel that you are out? It is far from the end."

Xiao Zhizhi said: "But Li Weijun, you already have Sister Zhenye, who are we? Although there is still a chance without marriage, do you think we will be such shameless people? Can we maintain the most basic Being calm and still blessing Sister Zhenye is my limit."

Xiao Zhihan's eyes were a little red. As a martial arts practitioner, her ability to control emotions was stronger than that of other girls of the same age, but now such a thing was beyond the limit of what she could bear.

Levi said: "I will not give up on any of you personally. Although it is a bit domineering and shameless for me to say this, this is what I really think."

Levi tightened his hands, feeling the hot body temperature of the two girls, and said: "I never do multiple-choice questions, because I want them all."

Cecilia put her hand on Levi's waist. Girls are very knowledgeable about things like twisting someone's soft flesh.

Cecilia sighed and said: "I have nothing against such things, but in life you always have to face various multiple-choice questions that you have to do. It doesn't mean that you can want them all if you want them all. Take me for example, Levi, how are you going to convince my parents?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "Of course I have a way. Since I said I want them all, then of course I will do it."

Li Wei is not worried about such things at all. The girls around her are all important plot characters blessed by luck. Naturally, he will not use mental spells on them. After all, this can easily cause some negative effects.

However, the families of these girls do not have such treatment. As long as he wants, he can always make the other party into a yes man who says and listens to him. It is precisely because of this that Levi does not care about such problems.

To other people, Cecilia's parents were powerful aristocratic figures who were rarely seen by ordinary people. But to him, Cecilia's parents were also able to Ordinary people who can control it easily.

For Li Wei, things like wealth, power, and status have no meaning. In front of him, they are just ordinary people.

There are some secrets that cannot be told even to the people closest to him. After all, these secrets can be said to be the foundation of Levi's life. He can only selectively reveal some unimportant information to his partner, such as When it comes to skills and floating islands, as for more, it depends on the situation.

Cecilia said: "This is what you said. If it goes wrong, you will be the one responsible for ending it."

After quickly weighing the pros and cons, Cecilia made an instant decision, because she could not find a better man of the same age than Levi, and she believed that Levi was by no means a talent and his future was limitless.

Different from the more innocent Xiao Zhizhi, Cecilia, who comes from a powerful family, has a clear plan for her future. She has already thought about how to let Li Wei marry her. With Li Wei's excellence, It was actually very easy to deal with my parents.

However, what Levi said now makes Cecilia feel bad. Her parents are very realistic people. Although Levi is very good, so good that he directly compares with others, but her Her parents would not allow Li Wei to have a woman other than her. Even if she could accept this kind of thing, her parents would not be able to get through it. After all, the most important thing for the powerful is face, and this kind of thing would make them embarrassed.

Levi said: "You have to have some confidence in me. After the game with Lafla is over, I will ask for a leave from above, go to Europe, and have a showdown with Cecilia's parents. My uncle and aunt will definitely agree with us." thing."

When Cecilia heard Levi's words, she still felt a little worried in her heart, and said, "Do you want me to accompany you? Personally, as long as you explain your purpose, I'm afraid that you won't even be able to get in, and you will be kicked out."

Cecilia feels that she is a relatively easy-to-talk person, but her parents are very traditional aristocratic people. They can be said to be very old-school people. In other words, they feel that they are superior to others in their hearts. She is afraid that Levi will disagree with her. Her parents had conflicts because she knew that Levi was actually a very proud person inside.

When proud people on both sides meet, there are likely to be two extreme situations. One is that both parties appreciate each other and get along well, the other is that the two parties completely dislike each other and are like mortal enemies.

Li Wei said: "'. It's useless no matter how much you talk about this kind of thing. Only when the results come out, will you believe the facts. The same is true over there. I will handle all the problems properly, and, It’s also time to let you know something, something about the future.”

Levi repeated his old trick and told the two of them the future he had made up. After showing off his extraordinary power, the two girls were so frightened by him that they believed his story.

The original hatchet crisis was properly resolved under Li Wei's tough attitude. However, the fact that the relationship could go so smoothly was also related to the fact that Li Wei had boosted the two's favorability to the extreme before. Originally, Levi planned to take down the two girls one by one, but who knew that he would get to this point in advance because of Yamada Maya's matter.

Fortunately, the problem was solved before it broke out, and Levi did not take advantage of him like Brother Cheng.

In Li Wei's opinion, if Brother Cheng had been braver and a little more responsible, even if he shouted, "I want them all," it would not be impossible to arrange all the girls around him. It's a pity that Brother Cheng is too passive and cowardly to be able to make his palms and backs full of flesh, so he tragically suffered a fatal blow.

In fact, the audience doesn't hate the anime male protagonist having a harem, they just hate the incompetent and annoying male protagonist messing around. The audience puts themselves into the position of the anime male protagonist, and most people can compare to that trash male protagonist. There are much stronger ones, such as Brother Cheng in "Sunday on Campus" and Ruyue Yulu in "You Are the Only One Who Likes Me". These are typical examples of poor cards played with good hands.

Chapter 44.Charlotte’s troubles

After finishing the affairs of the two girls, Levi sent them back to their respective rooms before returning to his dormitory.

When Levi returned to the dormitory, Charlotte, who had changed into women's clothes, was sitting on her bed, reading this thick tome.

The level of technological advancement in this world far exceeds that of the real world. Smartphones and network technology are both very advanced. Most ordinary people play with their mobile phones in their free time. Compared with those who are still willing to read paper books, In the past, there were much less.

Levi looked at the cover of the book. It was a novel with an unknown name. It seemed that there should be no peers in the real world.

"You're back, have everything been resolved?" Charlotte looked at Levi closing the door and asked curiously.

"It's just a small problem. It was solved quickly. The massage we agreed on before will start now?" Levi said.

Charlotte would feel uncomfortable from time to time because of the bra wrap. Chest tightness and shortness of breath were common occurrences for her while wearing the bra wrap.

Levi naturally didn't want to see Charlotte's body have problems, so he suggested giving Charlotte a massage every once in a while.

Charlotte has also seen his skills and knows that Levi's massage is very effective, so she does not intend to refuse Levi's kindness.

Charlotte closed the novel she was reading and took off her nightgown. Underneath the nightgown, she wore a sportswear, the kind of tights that women use in the gym. It absorbs sweat while being close to the body and ensures that she will not Exposed, but this kind of thing that can perfectly highlight the figure, although it will not be exposed, it may not be another benefit for men.

Levi said: "I am going to Europe in a few days, and I will solve your problem Charlotte then. After all, it is too hard for you now."

Charlotte said: "So fast?"

Levi said: "I'm going to Europe to deal with some personal issues, and I just happened to be on my way there. I've gone there anyway, and it's more convenient to solve them."

Charlotte was silent for a moment and smiled: "Thank you."

Charlotte knew that Levi, as a transcendent, possessed powers that ordinary people did not have, and that he also shouldered the mission of saving the academy. She felt a little sorry that Levi had to make a trip for her.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Friends have to help each other. After you have solved your worries, you can appear in the college as a girl. It is very hard to be harassed by other girls during this time." "

There are only three men in the entire college, and Charlotte is actually a fake boy. As a woman, her orientation is very normal, so it is quite difficult to deal with the enthusiasm of other girls.

After three years in the army, a sow competes with Diao Chan. Although it is not that exaggerated here in the college, as long as there are no problems, he can be welcomed by most girls. This is an indisputable fact.

Just like Levi himself, there will be big girls following him wherever he goes. He is not the wooden person that Orima Kasumi was in the original plot. Therefore, among the students, many girls have secretly established relationships with him, and Know some of his secrets.

Charlotte smiled bitterly when she heard Levi's words. As a woman with normal orientation, being surrounded by a large number of girls is not a pleasant thing.

If you think about it from another perspective, a man is surrounded by a large number of people of the same sex and being pursued. This is such a weird and philosophical thing, just thinking about it makes people's scalp numb. From a male’s perspective, it’s natural to think that girls’ posting is very eye-catching, but from a girl’s perspective, not every girl can accept such a thing. On the other hand, men's beauty is an interesting and eye-catching thing for women, but from the perspective of men themselves, this kind of thing is quite scary.

Charlotte said: "I can understand their good intentions, but they are too enthusiastic. I am not very good at dealing with such enthusiasm and kindness."

Li Wei smiled and said: "I can understand this. After all, if others treat you coldly, you can also treat each other in the same way. But the kindness of others has weight in itself, and you can also repay the other person with kindness. It is inevitable, but this kind of feedback itself will consume yourself. Over time, it is easy to make yourself burnout.”

Human psychology is so strange, and even has a tendency to tremble to some extent, but this is a deep consciousness that many people cannot escape.

Charlotte said: "If I were really a male, I would soon fall into such an environment. But I am a female after all, and this external environment is a bit like torture to me. "

Levi said: "So settling your matter early can also allow you to regain your true identity on the surface, which is also a good thing. Come and lie down, give you a back rub, and wait until you regain your female identity. You can go directly to the school doctor's office for a massage. I am a male after all, so just rubbing your back is the limit."

Charlotte could understand what Levi said, and she also knew that this was Levi's respect for her and he was unwilling to take advantage of her.

Charlotte turned over and lay down near the edge of the bed, putting her hands back and facing sideways.

Levi said: "There is no special massage table here, so we can only make do with it."

Tuina massage requires the recipient to relax wholeheartedly, but Charlotte turned her head sideways at this time, and the cervical spine was in a relatively tense state. When she pressed the shoulder and the junction of the cervical spine and thoracic spine, she would feel a slight tingling sensation.

Levi put his hands on Charlotte's back and began to massage it skillfully.

Charlotte only felt a stream of heat entering her body along Levi's hand. This stream of heat continued to circulate in her body, and the fatigue and muscle stiffness caused by training were quickly relieved.

However, after intense training, she suddenly encountered such a relaxed state, and she seemed drowsy. After a while, Levi heard a small snoring.

It is normal for people to fall asleep when they are tired and snore. Not only respiratory diseases can cause people to snore, tiredness can also do this.

Looking at Charlotte's slightly bad sleeping state, Levi just smiled, then turned her over, placed her in the center of the bed, and covered her with a quilt.

After doing all this, Levi returned to his bed and took out the information Cecilia had given him before, the information about Lafla.

There is a certain gap between the world that Levi comes to and the original plot. Just like the character Lafla, he learned it after the school started for a while in the original plot. On the day after Charlotte learned it, she Just came from Germany.

But Lafla in this world has been in the academy from the beginning, and she is not in the same class as Levi, but in another class.

There are certain differences between the real world and the anime plot. Levi can understand that this difference will not affect his plan at all.

Chapter 4. Soldier Girl Lafla

Early on the first day, Levi was ready for the competition. As a class representative, Levi needs to represent the class in various intramural competitions, so he has more freedom in time compared to other students.

For the cultural class in the morning, Levi does not need to go to class, he can go directly to the competition venue. The time arrangement for the class representative battle is very free. There is no restriction that it must be held on a fixed day. As long as it is gathered together, there will be a battle. For willing class representatives, even if there are only two people, the college will arrange the competition separately.

But this time, far more than just Levi and Lafla, other classes also sent their own class representatives to fight.

However, Levi doesn't pay much attention to these things. He only cares about his opponents every time. As long as others don't become his opponents in the next round, he will put it aside for the time being.

Because the competition was scheduled in the morning, there were no spectators here. Apart from a few staff and referees, there were only a small number of contestants.

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