Levi did not stay in the lounge, but came to the auditorium of the venue to watch the upcoming game. In this round of competition, less than half of the senior class representatives were present to compete. In fact, the competition circle composed of class representatives was very small. They would only participate in inter-grade competitions and individual championships after they were in grade. Get lively.

The total number of students in the entire college, including the upper division and the undergraduate division, is less than 2,000. Each class in the upper division only has more than 30 people. It is a typical small class system, and every student can get as much information as possible. There may be more teaching, but this is different from the large class system that Levi experienced in China during his childhood. Levi remembers that when he was in elementary school, there were nearly ten people in each class, and more than ten classes in each grade. The entire elementary school added up. There were seven thousand people.

However, the current real world has already entered an era of declining birthrate. In the current real world, the number of primary school students is no longer as exaggerated as it was in Levi's childhood.

As for the college, there are ten classes in the senior class alone, and the ten class representatives will determine the points of each class through competitions. The points can be exchanged for various welfare facilities in the college, so ~ this kind of thing The more the better.

Li Wei looked to the side. Not far from him, there was a slightly petite silver girl sitting. The girl looked about thirteen or fourteen years old. Her skin was as white as snow, and her silver hair was glowing. The light metallic luster gives people a strange and ethereal feeling.

The girl was very sensitive. When Li Wei looked over, she also looked over. She had an eyepatch on her left eye. This dress was not because she was sick, but her left eye was indeed different from - Ordinary people.

It's not that some evil king uses colored contact lenses to disguise himself as having super powers. To a certain extent, Silver Girl is indeed similar to a person with super powers. As an artificial person, her physical abilities are better than those of ordinary people. Thanks to the transformation she received, it would be no exaggeration to call her a "little superman".

Lafla Budiwei looked at Levi, who was about to compete with her in the next battle, with a serious expression. She was an active soldier herself. She had grown up in a research institute and the army since she could remember, so her There is a lack of personal emotions. She doesn't know how to adjust her mood, just to complete one task after another.

Levi said: "Classmate Lafla Budiwei, I will give you more advice in the future. This is our first time fighting against each other."

Lafla said: "I will try my best to defeat you."

Lafla doesn't like to talk like others. She was born in the military, and her words and deeds are all influenced by the military, so she gives people a feeling of being capable and decisive.

Li Wei just smiled at Lafla's indifference. She knew about Lafla's special situation. The technicians were like Santoku's mad scientists, and the soldiers in Germany had already fallen, so they allowed it. A being like Lafla was born and joined the army.

Levi deduced Lafla's true age based on the information he had arranged from inside sources. This girl looked like she was fourteen years old, but her real age was actually only fourteen years old. As an artificial human born in a mechanical womb , her body was adjusted and she quickly passed through the most fragile childhood period. When she came out of the mechanical womb, she was already equivalent to a normal human being of four years old.

As a man-made "little superman", it only took Lafla three years to learn all kinds of knowledge from elementary school to university. Although the university part of the knowledge is narrower, it must be admitted that she already has all kinds of knowledge. The knowledge of a college student, and her learning ability allow her to learn any new knowledge faster than ordinary people.

·Asking for flowers·· ······

However, this kind of learning ability also has limitations. In order to increase her stability, those technicians blunted her emotional system. For ordinary people, it is a relatively large emotional stimulus, but for Lafla, it seems a bit It's not enough. This state is a good thing for a soldier, but it is a disaster for a normal person, because it is difficult for her to find interest in daily life, and her life is like a machine.


Levi said: "Girls should smile more. If you are willing to laugh, you can gain many things that you could never imagine before."

Lafla looked a little confused, and it was difficult for her to understand the meaning of Levi's words.

"The meaning is unclear." Lafla said expressionlessly.

Levi turned his head, looked at the people who had already walked to the field to prepare for the game, and said: "It's normal that you don't understand now, but you will eventually understand."

Humans are animals that are affected by hormones in the body. Lovela's emotional system is very slow. It is because the hormones in her body are artificially induced that it is so dull.

The skills of those technicians are not yet high enough to operate directly on the brain. After all, the brain is the most sophisticated organ in the human body, and there are still a lot of unsolved secrets. Although directly operating on the brain can be done once and for all, but now Germany does not have such technology. What they are good at is hormone induction. For ordinary artificial humans, hormone induction technology is enough.

Lafla showed a puzzled expression. Because her emotional system was blunted, she could clearly feel the emotions of her own life. Apart from the fear of death, the only thing left was the bad feeling caused by hunger.

Lafla thought for a while and said: "I hate the Riddler who talks half-heartedly. If you have something to say, please say it directly."

Lafla has a typical military mentality. At a time like this, she will suffer a direct loss.

Chapter 4. Revealing scars

Lafla's directness is very different from other girls. There are relatively few women who are so straightforward. Most women will think carefully when speaking and make sure that there are no big problems with their words before speaking out.

Levi said: "If you say it now, it will disrupt your state of the next game. If you are really curious, I will tell you after the game is over."

Lafla had some doubts in her heart. If Levi wanted to use psychological warfare to interfere with her, there was no need to do so, because she was not a person who was easily disturbed. As a professional soldier, she was not someone who could be said casually. The sentence will be shaken.

The competition on the court has begun, but the level is not high. Not every class is considered strong in terms of overall strength. Before entering the freshman class, except for a few good prospects, most of them have real strength in the college. They all don’t know, so the random division system is implemented when dividing classes.

However, in order to comprehensively combine the strength of each class and prevent individual classes from being too strong or too weak, good students have been divided into classes before entering school, so as to ensure that the top students in each class have the same physical strength as possible.

It's a pity that this year there is a weird guy like Levi, who has invincibility written all over his face. In every game, he unilaterally beats the class representatives of other classes, which almost leaves a psychological shadow on the opponent.

All the class representatives from other classes who had competed with Li Wei did not want to compete with Li Wei again. However, the class representative competition is a round-based competition. In addition to the opponents you can choose to challenge, each round will be randomly selected and paired in pairs. Of course, because there are ten classes in the grade, one class will be lucky enough to get a bye, but a bye does not matter. You will get points, which can be considered as gains and losses.

Lafla frowned and said, "What if I want to know now?"

Levi smiled and said: "Then I will also say that I heard other people talking about you. They said you were a robot that couldn't laugh. I was very curious about this matter, so I went to investigate and then... I saw your past."

Lafla raised her eyebrows. She didn't care about others investigating her past. She had already accepted her identity as a homunculus. Although she couldn't accept her coming at the beginning, a living person can't suffocate to death. Now that she has come to this world, even if she has no relatives, she must live, and she must live better than Everyone else is happier, but it's not always easy.

In the darkest moment of her life, a ray of light pierced the darkness in her heart. Oribara Chifuyu, who went to Germany to serve as an instructor of the IS special forces, gave her salvation, allowing her to let go of her past and see the future with hope. Moving forward also gave her a future.

Because of Orima Chifuyu, the hole in her heart has been filled, so now she has no spiritual weakness. She doesn't know what difficulties can defeat her.

Lafla said: "I don't intend to hide the fact that I am an artificial human. If you want to use this kind of thing to interfere with my sight, then I am really sorry."

Levi said: "I don't intend to say this kind of thing. It's a good thing that you can get out of that limitation. I just found that your mood is very single, and nothing around you can attract your attention. This makes me Hormone induction came to mind.”

Lafla's face changed and she looked a little ugly. This was the most unacceptable physical defect for her. Commonly known physical defects are generally amputated limbs, blindness, or deafness, which have an obvious negative impact on daily life. However, physical defects are not so narrow. There are many hidden physiological defects. , although outsiders cannot see it, people with defects can feel the pain caused by this defect.

For example, in sickle platelet anemia, the platelets of ordinary people are round cake-shaped. The round cake shape is the shape that normal platelets should have. However, due to genetic defects, a few people's platelets are incomplete sickle-shaped. This kind of abnormal platelet , the ability to stop bleeding is very poor, which means that people with this physiological defect will not stop bleeding even if they are only slightly injured, and they are also prone to various disease symptoms, and even phantom pain. It can be said that this is a physical defect that tortures both the body and the mind. People with this defect live in great pain.

As an artificial human, Lafla was very healthy when she was created. Except for the fact that her growth and development time was artificially shortened, she was no different from a normal person.

However, the research institute and the military wanted an obedient weapon, not a living person, so the endocrine system in her body was artificially changed, dulling her emotions.

Taishan collapses in front but remains unchanged, and the elk moves to the left without blinking. This is a basic operation for her, which is what many ordinary people want. Indeed, it is a good thing to be calm when things happen, but it is not a good thing to be too calm. For a long period of time, she has lost even the most basic human emotions. If she had not experienced the emotions from the beginning, She won't feel so painful when she comes to happiness. It is precisely because she gained and lost that she feels like she is falling into the sea, and the pain is as if she is suffocating.

She couldn't be happy when she should be happy, and couldn't be sad when she should be sad. Her teammates died in front of her. She knew that she should be sad, and she had been sad about such things before, but she was insensitive at the time. She should be angry about the manipulation of research institutions on them, but she feels that these things are other people's business.

Lafla knew that she had become so twisted that she didn't want to become as ugly as a maggot.

Until that day, she met Chifuyu Orimadara, who rescued them from the research institute forcefully and trained them step by step on how to become qualified I.S pilots. Because of Chifuyu Orimadara, they were reborn. He gained his personality as a "human" and gradually recovered his own feelings as a human being.

Although, due to hormonal imbalance in her body, she has not been able to return to her original state until now, she is still better than she was at the research institution, which is a good thing.

The hormone-induced thing was Lafla's wound. The wound had gradually healed, but because of Levi's words, the scar was opened, exposing the bloody wound inside.

Lafla clenched her fists and said with a trembling voice: "If you want to anger me, you succeeded. In the following games, no matter whether you win or lose, I will leave the deepest impression on you."

Lafla almost said these words through gritted teeth.

Chapter 4. Hope of return to normalcy

Levi was mentally prepared for Lafla to have such a big reaction. Everyone has different psychological weaknesses, and Lafla's weakness was his own flaw.

And unlike congenital defects, Lafla's defects were caused by artificial intervention, and this happened after she had become sensible and started to receive training.

Lafla and other artificial beings of the same period were trained first. After the military found that their obedience and tolerance could not meet the requirements, the military asked the research institution to intervene on them.

If it was a biological weapon without emotions from the beginning, Lafla would not be so distressed. It is painful to gain and lose again. Even if the emotions have been blunted and it is almost impossible to respond to external emotional stimulation, this kind of Things will still make her feel painful, but she has lost the ability to express her pain. Apart from reformers like her, the only ones who can feel her pain are those who have taught her for two years before. Orimaru Chifuyu.

Levi mastered the information related to Lafla, and at the same time turned on the mind-reading technology to read Lafla's deep memories, so she understood what the other party wanted.

Levi said: "I have no interest in irritating you, and even if you are angry, you are no match for me. What I want to say is that your endocrine defects are actually treatable."

Lafla said with an ugly face: "This is impossible! The doctor said that my defects cannot be changed, just like a broken limb cannot be regenerated."

The technology in this world is much more advanced than the real world, but this advancement is not balanced. Compared with the exaggerated mechanical technology and cold fusion energy application technology in this world, the medical technology in this world is relatively backward. Although there is artificial human technology, the overall medical technology is only thirty or forty years more advanced than the real world. Compared with other technologies that are nearly a hundred years advanced in the real world, there is even a two-generation gap. , it seems a bit inadequate.

Technologies such as regeneration of severed limbs have been developed very maturely in the next door world of "Gundam OO", but in this world, such technology is still in a sci-fi state for the time being, because the technology trees of the two worlds are going in different directions, and each has its own unique features. own strengths and weaknesses.

Levi said: "Those technicians in Germany who care about human life are still too shallow in their knowledge of the medical field. Amputated limbs can be regenerated, and the endocrine system can also be adjusted."

The hormones in Lafla's body were artificially induced, and the related stem cells were suppressed and destroyed from the head. With the medical technology in this world, even a transplant operation cannot solve the problem of deep rejection. Lafla's symptoms , in the real world, it is a completely unsolvable problem.

But Li Wei is not an ordinary person. As a Qi practitioner, especially a professional whose skill tree has illuminated a large number of related skills in artificial puppets, Li Wei's understanding of the human body has surpassed the limits of the so-called master and reached the level of the Creator. of.

As long as Levi is given a stem cell, he can cultivate the stem cell into a complete person. After all, making a puppet clone is much more difficult than making an artificial human. It is like a university mathematics professor going back to do elementary school mathematics. The sample questions are not difficult at all.

Li Wei likes beauties, and with her technology, beauties can be produced in batches. But what Li Wei likes is not only beauties, he also pays attention to the luck entwined in beauties. Why does he conscientiously capture the important female characters in each world? In this way, he seizes part of the luck of that world. Luck, and blessing this luck to yourself, so that you can gain abilities similar to the "Son of Luck" and improve the efficiency of your cultivation.

In Levi's view, the difficulty of Lafla's strategy is actually floating. If there is no way to know the opponent's pain points, then the difficulty of the strategy will be quite high. But if you know the opponent's pain points and can solve the problem, Lafla will For a straightforward girl like Fulla, the difficulty of the strategy is relatively low.

Lafla showed an astonished expression, then calmed down and said: "Are you sure? Although the medical experts in Germany are not as good as those in my country, they are also one of the best medical systems in the world. They have given me Sentenced to death, how can you, a student and not even a doctor, solve my problem?"

Lafla's mood did not fluctuate much. The negative effects caused by hormone imbalance were affecting her all the time. She knew how she should react to external stimuli, but this was no longer the case. It is within the realm of reason, and ordinary people don't need to think at all when faced with such things, they can just rely on instinct to deal with it naturally. This is what she wants.

Li Wei said indifferently: "Please don't compare me with those wastes. The technology I master is not something they can understand. And aren't there cases where individuals transcend institutions and master core technologies? For example, Xiao Zhizhi Dr. Shu, until now, no one has been able to crack the secret of the core of IS, and researchers from all over the world have been outclassed by her."

Lafla didn't know what to say about this kind of thing. Xiao Zhizhi was a special case that violated common sense. After all, under normal circumstances, the power of an individual cannot be compared with that of an organization. An organization owns everything an individual has. There are no human, material and financial resources.

Generally speaking, compared with unstable individuals, institutions are more likely to produce research results, and a scientific and technological branch cannot be supported by two geniuses. This requires national-level support behind it. Compared with individuals, Physically speaking, it is really too weak.

But as Levi said, countries all over the world are working hard to decipher the secret of the IS armored core, but until now there has been no result.

Of course, what Lafla didn't know was that because of Li Wei's assistance, Chongguo had secretly completed the reverse deciphering of the IS armor core and had perfectly bypassed the gender lock. However, Chongguo chose to change the situation. The safe way is to open a new technology line, directly to the technology line of Hundred Arms Crystal, and we don’t plan to bring other countries to play.

This was a case that went against common sense, and she didn't know what to say. She was still skeptical about Levi in ​​her heart. After all, Levi's words were unfounded and he had not yet proven his ability to her.

Lafla said: "Do you have the ability to prove what you say?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "This is a matter of course. After the game, I can let you experience the state of a normal person. Of course, if you want to completely heal your body, you need a certain amount of time, at least two to three courses of treatment." .”

Lafla nodded expressionlessly, knowing that she should be happy at this time, if this defect could really be cured.

Levi said: "But here comes the problem. After the hormone deficiency in your body is cured, will your army be able to do it? Others have cured their bodies here, and then they are tied up for surgery after they return, and hormone induction is performed again. , turn you back into a weapon again."

Levi showed a sneer, because the man from Germany could really do such a thing.

Lafla clenched her fists. Levi's words were not a threat. If the hormone deficiency was really cured, how to deal with the army's investigation would be a problem.

Chapter 4. So, what’s the price?

There was some hope in Lafla's heart again. She felt that she should be happy. If Levi did not lie to her, it meant that she could be a normal person again and have the joy, anger, sorrow and joy of a normal person again.

But she thought about what Li Wei said. It can be said that the sky is high and the emperor is far away in the academy. No matter what she does, the German army and research institutions cannot control her. After all, this is an academy and it is independent of the Outside each country, it is a reserved place of its own system.

She can indeed gain a certain degree of freedom here. The strict rules for her students are already very relaxed for her who came from the army. Coming here to study is like a vacation for her.

It's a pity, how many years can she be free?

Unlike other students who can study here until they graduate from college, she will return to Germany after graduating from high school. After all, she is an active soldier and must obey the orders of her superiors. For her, the will of the country is above everything else. above her own will.

Lafla was mentally prepared for the situation she was facing. After all, as an artificial human with no relatives, where else could she go other than returning to Germany. She felt that it was enough to be able to experience the emotions that normal people had in a short high-level career. After all, Orimaru Chifuyu was also here, and she was already very satisfied.

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