The innate vitality is rooted in the kidneys. Lafla's kidney qi was deficient, so the functions of the kidneys could not be performed well. She also suffered from frequent urination at night.

"`.My whole body is really hurt..." Levi whispered to himself in a low voice.

"I feel like I'm pretty healthy except for the hormonal imbalance," Lafla said.

Lafla was a little unconvinced. Her ability in the Black Rabbit Army was ranked first, and her physique was far stronger than that of her companions, so she couldn't read Levi's words.

Lafla realized that she felt a little impatient because of Levi's words. This shocked her. It was just an acupoint massage, but she actually responded emotionally.

"Me! I was so emotional just now! I am too now!" Lafla said in disbelief.

Levi held down Lafla who was about to get up and said: "Don't move around. You must do a full set of acupoint massage once you start, otherwise it will have a negative impact on your body. It is a good thing to be able to feel emotional changes. This shows that the effect is effective.”

Lafla looked at the ceiling with a smile on her face and said: "It's incredible. My mind is very confused now. I suddenly regained my sense of emotions. Now I feel like my brain exploded." , all kinds of ideas came out all at once, as if the whole world had become alive!”

Lafla finally felt that she was indeed alive. She was not a robot in human skin, but a living person.

Chapter 4. Outing plan

Levi didn't say anything and just continued what he was doing. In fact, ordinary massage is of no use for such hormone deficiencies. Although massage has a very wide range of applications, in general, the fields of healing are mostly in various fields. Diseases that can heal themselves. It does not have a direct therapeutic effect on the patient's own defects. It can only alleviate the condition to a certain extent and prevent the patient's condition from getting worse.

But Levi's massage is different from ordinary massage. Even if ordinary massage is supplemented with drugs, at most it allows the drugs to penetrate into the lymph layer of the subcutaneous tissue and activate macrophages and other antibody cells in the lymphocytes. Kill the germs present in the human body.

For defects such as hormone deficiency that belong to the patient itself, it is necessary to use "external supplementation", using some means to deliver what the patient is missing to the affected area, and then find a way to solve the rejection problem. Only then can the drug be used Take effect.

Lafla's own condition is that she lacks a lot of hormones, and the entire endocrine system is in chaos. If she repairs it with ordinary medical methods, it will be easy to "press this end, lift that end" and fight in vain.

In such a serious situation, external remedies are ineffective. Levi read Lafla's memory and discovered that Chifuyu Orimadara had privately asked the doctor to find a way to repair Lafla's hormone deficiency, but the top After a lot of attempts by the medical team, the final result was still not ideal.

Lafla relied on the remedies she found out from ancient books to barely keep herself from completely losing her emotions as a human being.

The mana penetrated into Lafla's body and began to slowly repair her body. Because her body was severely overdrawn, Levi did not dare to make a heavy move and could only solve the problem bit by bit.

More than half an hour passed by, and Levi let go of his hand and said, "That's it for today's treatment. It seems to be effective."

Lafla sat up in an instant. She felt that her whole body was warm. Where Levi had massaged the acupuncture points, even if the massage had stopped, the comfortable warm feeling still remained at the acupuncture points and would not dissipate for a long time. go.

She knew her body well. Long-term overload training gave her a warrior-level physical fitness, but every rainy day she would feel a dull pain in her body.

She is proficient in classical German medical skills and knows that her body is deeply traumatized. This kind of old injury can only be healed slowly over time. She has also tried classical massage, but it is the first time that the effect is so good.

However, the human body itself is very wonderful, and there are still many aspects of classical medical skills that modern science cannot explain. She has never been superstitious about science, and only believes in what she sees. Levi's treatment was very effective for her. Although she didn't know what the principle of this massage was, it was enough that the effect was very good. She didn't have the energy to understand this knowledge in depth.

Lafla gently touched the place where she felt comfortable. It was a kind of comfort that penetrated into her bones and flesh, which made her feel that her body had become much lighter.

Lafla said: "When is the next treatment scheduled?"

Levi said: "It hasn't been decided yet. At least I have to wait until I solve the problem of medicinal materials. There are no medicinal materials I need in the college. On Sundays, I plan to go to Yokohama Okihua Street, where there are There are many pharmacies, and they should be able to procure medicines for treatment.”

Chongguo people can be found all over the world, and Neon is no exception. Moreover, Chonghua Street in Neon also has something special. Things that are rarely seen in China can often be found in places like this. .

Lafla said: "Can I get up with you?"

Although Lafla is still emotionally sluggish now, she is no longer like a robot like before. Now, her curiosity about Levi was aroused in her heart, so she wanted to follow Levi to see a new world that she had never seen before.

Love has been working in the military and research institutions, and has little knowledge of the outside world. If she was in the same state as before, such things would naturally not matter, but now she has recovered her feelings as a human, she wants to Satisfy your curiosity.

Levi walked to the next cubicle, turned on the faucet and started washing his hands, and said: "If you don't mind it, it's no problem to follow me. I'm here to collect medicinal materials for you, not to play, so it may be a bit boring. .”

Lafla said: "It would be good to be able to go to the outside world. I am not familiar with the people here. If I go out alone, it is easy to cause trouble because I am not familiar with the local customs. I have someone who is familiar with the local area to guide me. No matter what, it’s better than me going out alone.”

If she were in her original state, once she decided what she wanted to do, she would go into full action and collect a lot of information to ensure that she could achieve her action goals.

Now that she has restored human emotions, her mobility is not as strong as before. Now she chooses to let Levi take her out. This is already a kind of laziness for her, but she likes the feeling now, she is absolutely rational. , is not a pleasant thing.

Levi saw Lafla's heart through mind reading. She has indeed changed, which is a good thing. Moreover, it is also a good opportunity for two people to go out alone to cultivate a relationship. For a simple girl like Lafla, the difficulty of the strategy is not too high.

"Great! It's settled then. We will leave the academy and go outside on weekends." Lafla said excitedly.

Levi calculated that the effect of his massage this time could last for about a week. After a week, the mana will gradually disappear and the therapeutic effect will fade.

The microscopic systems currently lacking in Lafla's body are all supported by his mana. Once the mana is consumed, the original therapeutic effect will be lost, and soon it will be under the metabolism of Lafla itself. Excretes various therapeutic substances from the body.

Mana is a nearly omnipotent force, but ordinary people cannot bear it well because ordinary people themselves are too fragile. The only way to improve Lafla's magic tolerance is to let her embark on the path of cultivating immortality. However, Lafla herself does not have the talent to cultivate immortality, even if she is the destiny of this world. My daughter is surrounded by luck, but without quality, there is no quality. This is an unchangeable fact.

Because there are no immortal cultivators in this world. Becoming an immortal or becoming a Buddha is just a legend. Even as a heroine, she is just an ordinary person.

Chapter. IKEA

After finishing the treatment, Levi said goodbye to Lafla and left the infirmary.

When Levi returned to the dormitory, he saw Charlotte who was practicing the harmonica. Charlotte was a girl whose hobbies were biased toward literature and art. She also had a certain talent in music and knew several instruments. The harmonica was her latest stage. The newly learned instrument seems a bit unfamiliar compared to other instruments that I am already proficient in.

Charlotte heard the door open and stopped playing.

Charlotte smiled and said: "You are back, how is that girl?"

Charlotte knows about Lafla. This is what Levi told her. After all, there is no need to hide such things. Charlotte already knows that he has extraordinary power. Lafla's recklessness His lost character would be easily exposed in front of the girls around him, so he had no intention of hiding such a thing.

Moreover, after learning about Lafla's past, several girls sympathized with her and did not mind Levi's "nosy".

Levi took off his sneakers and put them on the shoe rack nearby, and said: "The effect is quite good. Her condition is more stable than I expected. Next, she only needs some medicine to solve the problem from the root." .”

Charlotte opened the curtains. Due to the spell, the situation inside the window could not be seen from the outside. It was precisely because of this that she dared to open the curtains at will.

The dormitory has been transformed by Levi using a large number of spells. Although it looks no different from the original, the inside is very different from the original. Levi made a simple and intelligent "Qi Ling" as the smart core of the dormitory, making the dormitory like a complete smart home installed. As long as the residents make requests in language, the "Qi Ling" can be used smoothly ~ Mana casts various spells.

Whether it is cooling or heating, sound insulation or anti-peeping, or other strange instructions, they can all be executed with precision.

Charlotte stretched out. Under the glow of the setting sun, the nightgown on her body was somewhat transparent. From Levi's perspective, her graceful curves could be clearly seen.

Charlotte said: "It would be nice if it could be cured. That child is really pitiful. Compared with her experience, what I experienced is nothing at all."

Charlotte is very sympathetic to Lafla. Although she has gone through a lot of things, at least she still has people around her who care about her. Even if her mother is gone, she still has a father who loves him. Although she was an illegitimate daughter, her father tried his best to fight for her. No matter what the situation, she was loved.

But Lafla is different. Lafla is truly alone. She hardly feels much sunshine in her life. Growing up in such an environment, Lafla does not feel sorry for herself, but survives tenaciously as a soldier. Come down.

Putting herself in her shoes, Charlotte felt that she couldn't do such a thing. She probably wouldn't be able to survive the cruel training alone.

Levi said: "Charlotte, you don't need to belittle yourself. In fact, you are very powerful. The point of grievances between wealthy families is no worse than the military training. You are also walking a tightrope. If you are not careful, you will get killed." Unfortunately, if someone were in your position, it would be difficult for them to survive until now."

Levi saw Charlotte's heart and knew that this girl was a bit over the top, so he used this method to regain her confidence.

Charlotte's living environment was very repressive. As an illegitimate daughter, she lived a very humble life in order not to reveal her female identity. It was only after she left Falasi and came to the academy that she was able to show her full potential. Yan Huanxiao. In Falasi's old house, when she saw her nominal mother on weekdays, she had to be careful even when she smiled, for fear that she would cause trouble.

Among the girls Levi met in this world, Lafla and Charlotte could be said to have the most miserable fates. The other girls faced more or less various problems, but none of them had any problems. Things like these two were so sharp that it was even life-threatening.

Levi walked up to Charlotte, hugged her in his arms, put one hand on her head, gently rubbed her crotch, and said: "Charlotte, you are also very powerful, so Don’t feel that you are inferior to others. You are calm, courageous, and charming. You don’t need to compare with anyone else. You are just you, a girl with great content.”

·Asking for flowers·· ······

Charlotte was a little embarrassed, but Levi's warm embrace made her reluctant to push him away. She whispered: "Am I really that powerful?"

Levi said: "Isn't this an obvious thing? There are thousands of beautiful skins and interesting souls. Don't you like reading very much? Every book you read makes your soul deeper."

Levi is not simply coaxing the other person, he is rarely telling the truth. Because Charlotte likes to read, her depth of thought far exceeds that of her peers. Communicating with her sometimes feels like talking to her. This talking storybook is very interesting. There are very few girls who can make Levi feel like this. Communicating with Charlotte is very "pleasant" in Levi's opinion. There are some psychological and literary jokes that other girls can't pick up, but Charlotte is. I can catch it and throw it back.


Charlotte smiled and said: "I'm not a little girl, so there is no need to comfort me like this. If Lafla recovers her emotions as a human being, she is the one who needs comfort the most. Levi, you should actually stay with her for more time. To accompany her."

Levi sighed in his heart, Charlotte is a girl with a delicate heart. She does not use her meticulous observation power to messy places, but cares about the people around her with kindness. Such a girl can be said to be the best in Yishi. From IKEA.

If I have to say, Levi sees the shadow of Megumi Kato in Charlotte. Both of them are very sensible, but Charlotte is more ladylike. She is sensible and considerate, but not jealous at the same time. She is quite big. Womanly style.

Li Wei has collected a lot of important female characters in the world. He has tasted all kinds of girls. Although some girls are very beautiful, they are not mature enough mentally, and their beauty is only superficial. , but some girls are rich in knowledge. In addition to their beautiful appearance, they also have a charm brought by knowledge. This unique temperament requires time and knowledge accumulation, and not every girl can possess it. Girls with this kind of temperament are all treasures. In terms of card drawing, they are all SSR-level existential shortcomings.

Chapter. Seeds of rebellion

Eye, it's week.

After school, Levi returned to the dormitory and took a shower, and then arrived at the station where he and Lafla had agreed to meet.

The college has a sea train that connects directly to the outside world. The long sea track gives the college a relatively stable transportation route with the outside world.

Lafla arrived at the station earlier than Levi. At this time, she had changed out of her usual school uniform and was wearing regular clothes. Lafla herself had a very good foundation, but her petite figure was as barren as a spring. In this way, the front is like a steel plate, with almost no curvature visible.

But these days, it is estimated that not many people know this cute god, and maybe not even Captain Kasuga knows about him.

Lafla wore a well-fitting light green gauze plain dress, her long silver hair was tied into two low double ponytails, and her eye mask was also replaced with a long strip of cloth with colorful patterns, her whole person's temperament He is much softer and not as murderous as before.

The black eyepatch covers her left eye. People who don't know better think that her left eye is blind. Coupled with her previous serious expression, Lafla gives the first impression that she is a professional soldier, and she is the kind of upright person. She was a professional soldier in combat mode, and ordinary people would have to walk around her when they saw her. She was the kind of bad soldier who would kick any stray dog ​​on the roadside wherever she walked.

After the black eyepatch was replaced with a long colored cloth, the left eye was covered diagonally. Not only did it no longer look sharp, but it had a half-covered beauty that made people want to lift the colorful cloth and take a look below. Eyes are just so stunning.

Now Lafla is like the girl next door, full of vitality and cuteness.

When Lafla saw Levi, she trotted over and said happily: "How is it? How is it? How is this outfit?"

Levi put his hand on Lafla's head and said, "It looks good. Did you pick it yourself?"

Lafla didn't slap Levi's hand away and said: "This is what my roommate picked for me. After she knew that I was going out, she took me around the shopping street in the college and picked out a few sets of changes. clothing."

Levi knew Lafla's roommate, who was a girl with the same petite figure. However, even though she was petite, she was bigger than a toddler like Lafla. At least her body curve was very obvious, unlike Lafla. Pulled like this, it feels like you are just getting started.

Lafla was very dissatisfied with her previous state. In the past, she would not even think about how to dress herself up, because she could not feel the happiness brought by such things at all, and she was in a depressing place like the Black Rabbit Army. , even if she is dressed up, who can she show it to.

But things are different now. The academy is not as oppressive as the Black Rabbit Army. Apart from school rules, she can do what she wants without worrying about any restrictions.

Moreover, Lafla felt a sense of pleasure in her heart when she was dressed up beautifully in front of Levi. This outfit was highly recommended by her roommate. It was said to be a girly style, which could give full play to her advantages. come out.

Lovela, who lacks common sense in daily life, has no research on dressing style, and has no way of talking about style, so she just listens to what her roommate says and just acts like a doll being dressed up. .

God is unfair in some places. Lafla has a doll-like delicate face. As an artificially created being, the obsessive-compulsive German researchers, although they are making biological weapons, still want to be perfect. To create a "Valkyrie"-like existence.

The Valkyrie in their minds must not only have great strength, but also have a beautiful appearance. And this is also a requirement of the military, because it is more convenient for the military to carry out propaganda. A young and beautiful girl is always more eye-catching than "Aunt Juncker".

Therefore, during the gene splicing stage, Lafla was set to be a beautiful woman with a graceful appearance. When her body is fully grown, she will become the most shining one. Of course, the prerequisite for achieving this effect is that she can grow that big, which is very difficult, because she is likely to die from cruel training, or she may die on the battlefield, even if she does not die from these things , may also die from organ failure caused by overdraft of the body.

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