In the lab, Lovela was nicknamed "Dolly," which literally means "doll."

Although Lafla is still a little green now, she has a very good foundation. As long as she is not deliberately ugly, she will be very beautiful no matter how she dresses.

Levi said: "Come out now, we will stay outside for two days and will not come back until Sunday."

Lafla grabbed Levi's arm and walked towards the station. She didn't realize that she was acting like a girlfriend to her boyfriend. However, she lacked the common sense of normal people's lives. She still needs time. She came to study, but she couldn't learn much in just a few days, so it was normal for her to be offline occasionally.

Levi saw Lafla's heart through mind reading. She had no thoughts in that regard, but simply didn't know what this behavior meant.

There are not many trains between the college and the mainland. After entering the station, the two people took their student cards to the station entrance to swipe the card, and then entered the train. However, the train still had to wait for a while, and there were only a few people in the carriage. There were not many people going to the mainland.

The two found seats side by side and sat down. Lafla sat on the side by the window, and then looked at the scenery outside the window with interest.

Lafla said: "I have never noticed before that the scenery of Academy Island is so beautiful."

Levi said: "Life has never lacked beauty, but many people find it difficult to see beauty for various reasons. You were the worst type before."

Lafla smiled and said: "But isn't it great now? At least in the past few years in the academy, I can get everything I wanted in the past."

Levi said: "But such beauty is too short-lived, isn't it?"

Levi wanted to use words to arouse rebellion in Lafla's heart. Maybe such language could not take effect in a short time, but as long as it could plant the seeds of rebellion in her heart, it would be enough.

In life, there are contrasts everywhere, left and right, present and past, many things, whether tangible or intangible, can be compared.

Lafla was silent. She didn't hate Li Wei saying such embarrassing words at this moment, because she was not a person who liked to avoid problems. She knew that she would eventually return to Germany. After returning to Germany, she Her fate will be forcibly turned back again. This is the price she has to pay as a German.

Chapter.Free Thoughts

Levi saw Lafla's unpleasant expression and said, "Do you think you have no choice?"

Lafla is not a fool. As the top artificial human, she has abilities far beyond ordinary people, whether it is thinking ability or learning ability. Therefore, she understood the hidden meaning of Li Wei's words.

No matter what is wrong with Germany, she is a creation of Germany after all. Without the needs of the military and the efforts of those research institutions, she would not be sitting here now. Her life was given by others.

So since she was born, she has owed a huge debt that is difficult to repay. After all these years of travel and hard work, she has only repaid part of it. There are still many debts waiting for her to pay off, and there is nothing she can do about it.

Levi continued: "Lafla, you need to know one thing. You are not born as a tool. You are a human being. Even an artificial human being has human rights after possessing the wisdom and soul of a human being. And you You have done so much for that country, even if you really have to count the debt, then it is not you who owe them, but what they owe you."

Lafla thought for a while and said, "How do you say this? Do they owe me?"

Levi continued: "This calculation is very cruel. Maybe you won't like to hear it. But if you want to hear it, I am willing to analyze it for you."

Lafla said: "I am very interested in this, you can tell me directly."

Love has been taught to be loyal to the country and the German nation. She does not need her own ideas and wishes, she only needs to complete the tasks assigned above.

Moreover, the Black Rabbit Troop itself has a lot of disgraceful black history. During the combat mission in the eastern region, they received orders to raid local villages suspected of being resistance organizations. After they killed everyone in the village, they carefully After careful identification, it was discovered that the intelligence given by the rear was wrong and that this village was just an ordinary person.

However, such manslaughter is not uncommon in combat missions in the eastern region. It can even be said that the commanders who formulated the missions in the rear did not regard the local people as human beings at all. Therefore, the orders they received were basically to purge and sweep away. Any locals they saw during the mission, regardless of whether they were men, women, old or young, were to be killed.

In the past, she had no feelings about such things due to emotional dysfunction caused by hormone chaos, but after she recovered her emotions as a human being, she realized what terrible things she and her companions had done.

Lafla, who lacked spiritual support, was confused because of such things. Lafla recalled the things she had done. Although they were all orders given to her by her superiors, as the executor of the orders, she could not escape the condemnation of her conscience.

Lafla didn't dare to recall the past. She had no feelings in the past and naturally wouldn't pay attention to this aspect. But now, the memory of past missions will become her nightmare.

Levi saw Lafla's memory through mind reading. It has to be said that sometimes the German country is really stubborn and dares to take action. Some of the dark jobs in the East are done by the Black Rabbit Troops. to execute.

The Black Rabbit Force is a very useful tool for the German authorities. Moreover, because the members of the Black Rabbit Force suffer from a lack of emotions, there is almost no communication with the outside world. It is very convenient to keep secrets, so all kinds of things are hidden from view. Light's dirty work was basically carried out by members of the Black Rabbit Force. To a certain extent, Lafla was a tainted witness.

Levi said: "Lafla, you were not conceived by normal parents, which means that the cost of your birth is much higher than that of an ordinary baby. In order for you to have the abilities you have now, the German artificial human technology team can It's said that a lot of effort was put into it. I checked the relevant information. Lafla, your manufacturing cost is 40,000 euros, but the benefits you have brought to Germany from the various tasks you have performed over the years are calculated as money. If it is, it has exceeded one billion euros. With such a gap, even if it is a hard redemption, you can redeem yourself."

Lafla mentally calculated the consequences of becoming an IS pilot. She fought all over the world, killed a large number of armed men, and destroyed a large number of various traditional vehicles. The value of those vehicles alone , it’s not a small number.

It’s not that she doesn’t know, it’s that she is frightened. It’s only now that Lafla has discovered how much contribution she has made to the German country. It stands to reason that even if she retires now, she has a reason. She has spent just a few years Time, after fighting enough battles for other professional soldiers to last a lifetime, her hands were stained with blood. In her opinion, these were all sins.

Lafla was silent. She understood what she had brought to the German country, but she also understood what kind of bastards her superiors were. The Black Rabbit Army was a quagmire. It was easy to get in and difficult to get out. Even if she was alone, It's not easy to get out of there.

What's more, she is no longer a ruthless war machine. She also has her own feelings. As the captain, can she abandon the teammates who get along day and night in the Black Rabbit Army?

She couldn't do this kind of thing. Just because she had feelings, she had a weakness. This weakness was her teammates. As long as her teammates were still under the control of the military, she had to ask the military for help. Lower your head.

Levi looked at Lafla's slightly ferocious expression and said softly: "Many times, personal power is limited. When you find that you can't solve the problem personally, don't panic. People always have to learn to ask others for help. Yes, if you can't do something yourself, it doesn't mean that others can't do it, and others can even help you achieve your goals."

Lafla took a deep breath. She felt that she was completely seen through by Levi, but Levi's suggestion was like a hammer, hitting her mind hard.

Lafla looked at Levi and said with a serious expression: "Everyone else in the Black Rabbit Force is like me, they all have hormone defects. They are now just like me before, a pure and ruthless war. Machine. If I want to save everyone in the Black Rabbit Force, what price will I have to pay?"

Lafla is very clear, that is, there is no free lunch in the world. If you want to get something, you have to pay something. After all, she has no connection with Levi, so if she wants Levi to do things for her, she must pay a sufficient price. And she is still not sure whether Levi has the ability to do such a thing.

Chapter. Nothing more to ask for

Lafla looked at Levi, feeling a little nervous. She was waiting for Levi's answer.

Lafla felt a slight push on her back. The rail train had started, and the electronic announcement sounded above her head. The sudden sound diluted the awkward atmosphere.

Li Wei said calmly: "I can do such a thing."

Lafla was happy in her heart. Levi said that he could do such a thing, which was beyond her expectation. Although Germany is only a powerful country, it is still a country, ranking among the top ten in global military strength.

Li Wei was able to have the confidence to confront a country. She didn't know why Li Wei had such confidence, but from her standpoint, such a thing would not harm her. If she could rescue and heal all her comrades in the Black Rabbit Unit, she would have nothing more to ask for.

Lafla quickly pushed out the confusing thoughts in her mind and said: "Then what's the price?.;'';??,:""!:!,Preparation?':Use"'...;『!. ?;,'';?:』:,;:『.,:..:'"』??';;;;:What?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. Let's just treat it as cash on delivery. Anyway, I won't order you around like the German military did." Levi said.

Lafla was still a little uneasy in her heart. After all, she could still try to pay off the debts that were visible to the naked eye, but the debts that could not be defined at the margin could easily snowball bigger and bigger, and finally exceeded the limit of her repayment ability, so that the benefactor became Enemy.

Lafla lacked the common sense of normal people's lives, but she was not stupid, so she still felt a little uneasy when faced with Levi's statement.

Levi saw Lafla's inner thoughts through mind reading. Most girls of this age are immature and have all kinds of fantasies. Things like pie in the sky, girls of this age It is difficult to tell whether the pie is poisonous or not.

In Lafla's case, it was because she had experienced too many cruel things, which forced her to grow faster than her peers, so she was afraid that she would jump from one pit to another.

Levi knew that he had to give an explanation. If he continued to let Lafla think about it like this, it would be easy for her to think wrong, which would not be conducive to his strategy plan.

Levi said: "If I really have any request, there is only one request."

Lafla pricked her ears. She knew that the key point was coming. Levi's request determined whether she was willing to accept Levi's kindness.

Levi said: "This requirement is also very simple, that is, you must find your own happiness."

When Lafla heard Li Wei's words, her mind was like thunder. She originally thought that Li Wei would make all kinds of harsh demands. Even if they were not as excessive as the German military, at least she had to fulfill some obligations. .

However, Li Wei's request was a unilateral benefit to her, which was difficult for her to understand.

Levi looked at Lafla's hesitant and confused expression and said, "Do you think this request is strange? It gives people an inexplicable feeling."

Lafla nodded and said: "This kind of request benefits me unilaterally no matter how you look at it. You helped me and caused yourself a lot of trouble without any benefit. This is unreasonable no matter how you look at it."

Love has always believed in one thing, that is, pie will never fall in the sky. People, not even relatives, can do such a thing. Levi and she are just classmates, why would this happen? Help her just because she can eat better than others?

Levi smiled and said: "I know that this kind of thing seems unreasonable to ordinary people, but this is a choice I make based on my own will. I don't have so many complicated thoughts, I just want to see you gain success." It’s just happiness. After all, you came to this world and didn’t experience even a single good thing. That would be a pity.”

Lafla felt incredible in her heart. Levi didn't feel like an extremely altruistic person to her, but she really couldn't understand what Levi was going to do now. However, there is no harm in such a thing for her. After all, if she wants to rescue her companions in the Black Rabbit Army, she cannot do it with her own strength.

Levi gently patted Lafla's head and said: "Who said that I am a compassionate person and don't want to see cute girls suffer. If I just sit back and watch what happens to you, it is against my personal principles. .”

Lafla still couldn't understand Levi's behavior. After all, Levi himself wouldn't get any benefit from such a thing.

Lafla is a fan of the authorities, and coupled with the lack of intelligence, it is normal for her not to understand Levi's true purpose. Because what Li Wei is looking for is not benefits in the ordinary sense, what Li Wei wants is her as a person and the luck that belongs to the heroine entangled in her as a heroine.

This kind of power related to destiny is the essence of a star. It can be said to be the essence of the planet. It is a great supplement for the Qi Refiner's practice. It is like an "Experience Potion" that can effectively improve one's own strength. Cultivation.

For Qi practitioners like Li Wei, cultivation is the foundation of Qi, and any means that can improve cultivation is good.

Especially for this method of trying to seize the luck of the small world, it is very important that the luck plundered will not have a negative impact on the cultivation of the Qi Refiner.

In order to make faster progress in his cultivation, Li Wei doesn't mind spending some money or material resources. For him who will leave this world sooner or later, the wealth in this world, except for almost universal precious metals like gold, Except, everything else is meaningless.

Gold has special significance in mysticism, as well as in cultivating immortality and refining energy. Therefore, Li Wei has special puppet clones and subordinate forces to collect gold. As for real estate, stocks, funds, cash, antiques, cultural relics, and celebrities, Artworks and the like are rare treasures in the eyes of others, but they are meaningless to him. If they can be exchanged for gold, that is the best. If they cannot be exchanged for gold, just throw them away.

Levi looked at Lafla, as if he were looking at a human-shaped gold mine, but Lafla would not understand his feeling.

Of course, Levi's feelings for the girls around him are not entirely utilitarian. He has real feelings for each of the girls around him. It's just that he is very possessive and will not give the other party a choice in this kind of matter.

Lafla looked at Li Wei's sincere eyes, and her inner uneasiness gradually dissipated. As a professional soldier who grew up in an environment full of malice, she was very sensitive to the malice of others. She could not learn from Li Wei's body. Detect any malice.

Moreover, depending on how a person does things, you can’t just listen to what he says, but also what he does. Time will give her the answer as to whether Levi is doing her best or not.

Chapter. Kindness from another world

The rail train started, and Lafla looked out the window again. In the past, she didn't care about the scenery around her, which made her feel that she had missed many beautiful scenery in life, so she had to compensate herself from now on and use her own Observe this beautiful and strange world with your eyes.

But not long after, Lafla's eyelids started to twitch. Her head was nodding, and she gradually became weak. Levi moved his body a little closer to her, and the sleeping Lafla's head was already leaning against Li Wei. Wei's shoulders, but because her figure was too petite, her head could only be placed on Levi's upper arm.

Levi looked at the sleeping Lafla and pouted cutely, and used mind reading to read her dreams. This girl had already begun to dream, and the dreams she had were very childish. She dreamed that she was in various scenes in the film. In the colorful forest of snacks and ice cream, she relaxed her appetite and satisfied her appetite.

Because of the lack of hormones, she was one of the rare types who couldn't dream. She hadn't experienced the feeling of dreaming for a long time. For her, even nightmares were a novel experience, let alone now. Such a sweet dream.

Levi smiled, made a spiritual incarnation, entered Lafla's dream, and had fun with her.

When the train arrived at the station, Levi gently shook Lafla's shoulders. Although he was a little sorry for disturbing her sweet dream, if she continued to sleep without waking her up, she would most likely be taken back to the academy by the train. At that time, I could only use the IS armor to sneak into the land secretly.

"Are we here?" Lafla rubbed her sleepy eyes and stretched. Her body flexibility was far beyond that of ordinary people, giving her a cat-like flexible waist.

Levi looked at Lafla out of the corner of his eyes. This girl's body flexibility allowed her to unlock more new positions than an ordinary girl. This was really amazing.

"The train has arrived at the station, and we have now officially set foot on the land of neon." Levi said.

Lafla looked out the window. The scenery outside was of a different style than the one inside the academy. Because the academy was not short of money, the style of the buildings looked very futuristic, giving the impression that it was science fiction. Movie-like.

From the outside, due to cost and maintenance difficulties, various buildings would not use excessively advanced technologies, but this state of the environment was the one she was most familiar with.

Although high technology can bring convenience to life, it also has very high requirements for infrastructure. In places like the Eastern Region, due to years of war, the modernization process has been interrupted, and the dilapidated cities and regressed civilization have That inconvenient state was a type she was very familiar with.

The two walked out of the train and entered the interior of the station. Levi's peripheral vision looked back and saw the guards guarding the train exit.

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