The old man entered the inner room and walked out with two small wooden boxes with simple packaging.

"Everything you want is here, you can check it out as an expert." The old man said with a smile.

Levi nodded and opened a box. Inside was a dark round cake-shaped object. This mysterious object looked like a large number of mosquito coils coiled together. It was Deer King Musk, which was more effective than ordinary musk. Much more.

Levi pressed it with his fingers, put it under his nose and smelled it, then put it back in the box and sealed it, and said: "This is no problem, the quality is better than I expected. I'm thoughtful."

The old man said: "Musk is relatively easy to find. As long as you throw money at it, there will always be someone willing to take it. Those pharmaceutical companies have stocked up on such good treasures, and they like you who are in a hurry to take medicine. , if you are not in a hurry, the purchase price can actually be lower by another %."

Levi said: "This kind of thing doesn't matter anymore. I need things urgently. Problems that can be solved with money are not problems."

The old man smiled. She had seen Levi's arrogance before. Just giving her the right to pay a premium to purchase drugs was not something that ordinary people could possess. As long as she had a dark heart and moved a little bit on the purchase price. With both hands and feet, this transaction can generate hundreds of thousands of dollars more in net income.

However, she is not a short-sighted person who engages in hammer trading. A young tycoon like Li Wei can use this transaction to build a good relationship. She may be able to get more good business in the future. Why rush to break up the relationship between the two parties at this time? The relationship is limited to business relationships.

As an old fox who has matured with age and has lived for decades longer, she sees these things very clearly, so in this transaction, she only earns what she should earn. Even if Li Wei goes to investigate, she is not afraid. After all, in this transaction, she can be said to be upright and not afraid of shadows.

Li Wei opened another box containing old wild ginseng and pretended to check it. In fact, his spiritual consciousness had already scanned the box of old wild ginseng. The old man did not deceive him into passing it off as inferior. The contents in the box , worthy of the purchase price.

Levi took out his mobile phone and started to make the payment. Before long, the old man's mobile phone sent a notification that the account had arrived.

Lafla was a little surprised by the number shown when the account was received. The old man did not lie to her. The medicinal materials purchased by Levi were indeed more expensive than the same weight of gold. She knew that the favor she owed was huge. Yes, with her current abilities, it would be difficult to repay this favor.

However, as long as she can learn magic, she will have the ability to make a lot of money, and then she will be able to repay this debt of gratitude. But she also knew that such a favor could not be measured by pure money, so she had to become more useful and powerful.

Levi put all the medicines into the bag and said: "The two main medicines are enough. I will need more auxiliary medicines later. I will have to trouble you then."

The old man said: "The auxiliary medicines you want are always available in the store, and the quality is absolutely guaranteed. As long as you need them, you can come and get them at any time."

"Then goodbye." After Levi said that, he took Lafla and left the pharmacy.

The moment he went out, Levi put a large bag of medicine into his sea of ​​consciousness. Lafla was already used to it. Levi's various magical methods made her realize how "magic" is. The power of reason.

·Asking for flowers·· ······

Lafla said: "What do we do next?"

Levi said: "As for me, go back to the hotel. I will slightly modify the hotel room to make a temporary alchemy room to refine the elixir that can cure you."

Lafla said: "In terms of alchemy, isn't it the power controlled by the gods in Eastern legends? Isn't this no longer a category of magic?"

Levi said: "I never said that I only know magic. For me, various types of power are essentially the same. It's just that the external manifestations are different. As long as I want to If you use it, you can use it.”


Lafla nodded. Levi's words made her realize that Levi was more complicated and powerful than she thought. This also made her curious and wanted to know more about Levi.

"Can I watch?"

"Of course. After all, this furnace of elixir is refined for you. The elixir is the most powerful when it is refined. When the time comes, you can swallow it directly and you will be able to completely eliminate the hidden dangers in your body."


"Why do you say this suddenly?"

"Because now I can't do anything else except thank you. If I don't even have this thank you, then I'm not qualified to take your elixir."

Lafla also has her own pride in her heart. She cannot accept that she has received charity from others, and this thank you lets her know that she has received help from Li Wei. It is a favor, and she will eventually find a way to pay it back. Instead of unilaterally accepting Levi's charity.

Levi, who has seen Lafla's heart through mind reading, can understand the girl's thoughts. After all, the debt of gratitude is the hardest to repay. She is also using this method to remind herself that her dignity does not allow her to be alone. Accept charity.

Levi said: "Since you want to thank me, you can't refuse when I ask you for help in the future. Of course, I won't embarrass you with difficult problems."

Lafla smiled and said: "It doesn't matter even if it is a difficult problem, I still have certain confidence in my own ability."

Chapter. Dancheng

The two people did not stay outside. After getting the medicinal materials, they returned directly to the hotel.

It only took Levi a very short time to complete the renovation of his hotel room, and at the same time he took an alchemy furnace from the floating island.

There were mysterious talismans everywhere in the room. Lafla swallowed as she looked at the room that seemed to be in another world.

She only saw a strange seal on Li Wei's right hand, and in an instant, the whole room changed drastically.

Lafla's eyes looked at the alchemy furnace located in the center of the room. The alchemy furnace was smaller than she imagined, only less than a person's height. It had a simple and graceful shape. It looked like copper and had a smooth surface. Can reflect people's figures.

Levi said: "Lafla, please step back a little. I need a few minutes here."

"Will a few minutes be enough?"

"Of course, I am not an ordinary alchemist. For other alchemists, it takes several days to refine the elixir, but I only need a very short time to complete it. This is the gap between them and me. "

Lafla didn't say anything more, and retreated to the back obediently, and did not stop until she was close to the wall.

Li Wei took out the medicinal materials from the consciousness sea space. All the medicinal materials were suspended in mid-air and slowly circled above the alchemy furnace.

The top cover of the alchemy furnace was opened, and some medicinal materials were put into the alchemy furnace. Li Wei pinched the seal with his hand, and the transparent material that appeared out of thin air entered the alchemy furnace at the same time.

In just a few seconds, a strange fragrance began to spread, and the whole room was filled with a fragrant aroma. Just after smelling the smell, Lafla felt invigorated. This effect was even more exaggerated than the powerful stimulants used in the military. It made her understand how special the elixir being refined in the alchemy furnace was.

Li Wei calmly controlled the alchemy furnace, adding new medicinal materials into it from time to time. As the refining progress progressed, the aroma in the room also changed to a certain extent, and the original strong smell gradually became The elegance finally reached the point of being inaudible.

"The fragrance is gone? What's going on?" Lafla was very curious about the world of extraordinary power. Such changes made her couldn't help but ask. But she regretted speaking out, because her current behavior was already disturbing Levi.

Li Wei smiled and said: "This is the gradual condensation of medicinal properties. Before, Lafla, you could smell the fragrance because the elixir in the elixir furnace was still in a liquid state, so the gas evaporated and the smell overflowed. But now The elixir in the alchemy furnace has already taken its prototype, and all the medicinal essence is firmly locked in the elixir, so naturally no smell will escape. The previous fragrance is the only shortcoming of the rapid alchemy method. It is easy to waste the medicinal power when you start, but from now on, the medicinal power will not be wasted in the subsequent steps."

Lafla barely understood what Levi meant. Although she didn't understand extraordinary power, Levi's explanation was relatively detailed and intuitive, so she didn't understand the Eastern power system. I barely understood Qiqi.

Lafla didn't know much about the extraordinary power system in the East, and what little knowledge she had was superficial, but she knew one thing, that is, alchemy was a difficult matter, just like what the alchemists in the West created. The Philosopher's Stone not only requires a lot of time and preliminary preparation, but the success rate is not too high.

But the techniques that Li Wei is showing now are really surprising. It seems that alchemy, which is extremely difficult for others, is just child's play for him.

Lafla was even more curious about Levi. She was very curious about who Levi was. Such a strong man could actually enter the academy and become an ordinary student.

"It's done." Levi wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead and said with a smile.

"Is it done?! Isn't it too fast?!" Lafla looked at the clock on the wall. From the beginning until now, Levi had completed refining the elixir in less than a minute. She Although he didn't know anything about extraordinary power, based on the average time it took for alchemists from myths and legends to make alchemy, Levi's performance was considered to be a monster-level existence.

The top cover of the alchemy furnace opened, and a small golden elixir came out, and landed lightly in Li Wei's palm.

Lafla came closer, looked at the golden bead in Li Wei's hand, and said: "It feels like a small ball made of gold. Obviously the medicinal materials come in various colors, why do the refined elixirs have different colors?" Is it golden?"

Levi said: "Because my magic power is usually golden, the elixir refined by me, no matter what the raw materials are, will most likely turn into gold in the end. If you swallow this elixir, the problems in your body will disappear." It will be easily solved, and the hidden wounds left by previous training and battles can also be healed."

Lafla didn't hesitate, took the elixir from Levi's hand, and stuffed it directly into her mouth.

The elixir was on the tip of her tongue. Lafla could feel that the elixir turned into liquid in an instant. However, the liquid did not flow down her throat. It penetrated directly into her body from the tip of her tongue. She could feel the strange energy. While constantly washing her body, her body functions, which had begun to decline, were gradually returning to their peak state.

Lafla has strength far beyond her peers, but this strength is obtained through overdraft potential. The cruel training has damaged her roots. The technical staff of the institute have tried their best, but they still can't prolong her life. The technicians concluded that she could only live to be thirty years old at most. If she could live beyond thirty years old, the extra money would be pure profit every day.

Lafla can feel that her body is constantly weakening. Now she has already passed her peak state. She only has about % of the strength of her peak state, and she will continue to decline. This is something that cannot be reversed. , after all, the transformation surgery caused great damage to her, and short life is a shortcoming common to all deeply modified artificial humans.

"I feel my vitality boiling, and my body is gradually being repaired! Incredible!" Lafla had a shocked expression on her face, feeling the changes in her body.

Levi smiled and said: "Congratulations, Lafla, from now on, you will have a normal body. Now you have the ability to embrace the future."

Lafla's eyes were a little moist, and she said excitedly: "Thank you.".

Chapter. Celebration of new life

Lafla felt uncontrollably moved in her heart. In fact, she had always been afraid. Even before she recovered her emotional perception, she could still feel the fear. The fear of death was chasing her behind her, even if she was just a human before. A war machine without emotions, she is also afraid of her own death.

When a person dies, there is nothing left. No matter what thoughts he had when he was alive, what achievements he made, whether he was hated or loved by others, once he dies, he is nothing more than a piece of cake.

Due to the reconstructive surgery, Lovela could only live until the age of thirty. Every day after the age of thirty was a treasure given by God. She felt deeply powerless about her future.

No one likes death, and she is no exception, but death cannot be escaped. She only has a human lifespan and has no choice when facing death.

But it was different now. The pill that she originally thought could only solve the hormone deficiency in her body could not even solve the hidden wounds and other problems in her body. This made her unable to control her excitement.

Thousands of words came to her lips, but only the word "thank you" was left. Lafla herself was a person who was not good at words. This thank you was of great significance to her, because Levi gave her life. At this moment, she felt the weight of her life, and the originally gray world suddenly turned into color. She finally had enough time to complete the life goals that she had not yet had time to set.

Lafla had no goals in life before, but he was actually able to list some very small goals for herself that didn't take much time, because her time was limited and was not enough to support her in completing long-term goals.

But now, she no longer has such worries. She can safely do what she wants to do, become the person she wants to be, and become better and more outstanding.

But she thought of the army, and her heart sank. Lafla knew that as long as she was not free from the influence of the army, she would not have absolute freedom. She is not an ordinary German girl, but a war machine artificially manufactured by a research institution in response to the needs of the military. Her life belongs to the country and the army. Once she pursues freedom, it means a loss for the army and the motherland. betray.

The Black Rabbit Force that Germany needs is a war machine that absolutely obeys orders, has no personal will, and will only fully execute the priority tasks of national interests. A war machine does not require personal emotions.

This means that when she returns to China, everything she has gained now will be taken away.

Lafla looked at Levi. Although it was a very passive thing to place hope on others, she had no other choice now. The only thing she could do was to believe in Levi. Levi can bring a new future to the Black Rabbit Force.

Levi saw Lafla's inner concerns through mind reading and said: "Your problem has been solved. Now we have to solve the problems of other people in the Black Rabbit Army. I will go to Europe in a few days. At that time, I will bring everyone in the Black Rabbit Force directly to the academy. As their captain, it depends on you as the captain how they adapt to life in a peaceful environment."

Lafla took a deep breath to suppress her inner excitement. Levi's words were like a heart booster for her. The gloom and hesitation in her heart were like rootless snow under the scorching sun, which was instantly melted.

In Lafla's view, Levi is as dazzling as the sun, but this dazzling light will not burn her eyes, but will only bring her boundless warmth. What girl can refuse such a sun? Woolen cloth.

Lafla didn't realize that she was part of Levi's plan from beginning to end. Levi did have a sunny side. When facing his relatives and partners, this warmth was enough to make people feel at ease. But Levi also has an extremely dark side. In order to achieve his own goals, he can use any despicable and dirty means without any psychological burden.

Li Weidan has no bottom line. He is so arrogant that he surpasses Gui Wuqian Wuhan and Dio Brando. There is nothing he can't do. In a sense, Levi is a chaotic person. He can be gentle and kind, or cold and cruel. He is like the yin and yang fish of Tai Chi, a blend of black and white. He is both a saint and a devil.

Levi knew that his strategy against Lafla had reached the final stage, and Lafla's favor with him was already full. Even if he couldn't rescue the people of the Black Rabbit Army, Lafla wouldn't. I resent him for such things. But since he promised Lafla, he would naturally do this, and some of the "Valkyries" in the Black Rabbit Force are all beautiful girls with stunning looks. Heroes save beauties. , but he will not refuse.

Levi said: "Lafla, you have completely returned to normal now. This is something worth celebrating. So, how about going to a hot spring hotel to celebrate?"

Lafla pulled out a tourist map from the cabinet next to her and said, "There is only one 'Oedo Onsen' here in Tokyo. Should we go there?"

Levi said: "It doesn't feel like a hot spring trip in a crowded place. Anyway, we won't go back to school until tomorrow afternoon. There is still plenty of time. We can go to a more authentic place."

Lafla thought about it in her heart. Levi has the means to quickly teleport to various places, so there is no need to waste time on the road. Even if he travels at high speed with IS armor, he can't keep up with the speed of teleportation. She and Levi can completely stay in the hot spring. Stay at the hotel until tomorrow, then teleport directly back to the station and take the sea rail train back to the academy.

Lafla said: "Okay, listen to you, this is indeed something worth celebrating."

Chonghua Street has already been visited by the two of them. It mainly focuses on the scenery and food. It doesn't have many features in terms of accommodation. It can be considered that there are gains and losses. If you want to enjoy your stay, you still have to go to a traditional hot spring hotel here in Neon. However, in this part of Tokyo, there are only one high-end hot spring hotel, and because things are rare and expensive, the flow of customers is always very large. , Li Wei didn't like this kind of atmosphere with too many people, so a good hot spring was made like a public bathhouse.

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