Lafla took out her mobile phone and searched for hot spring keywords, and a lot of options popped up in an instant.

Lafla said: "The nearest hot spring with a high rating is an hour away from Tokyo by Shinkansen."

Levi said: "Distance is not a problem. Show me photos of the surrounding environment so I can locate it."

Lafla said in surprise: "You can locate the location just by looking at the photos. How can you do this?!"

Levi smiled and said: "It's a joke, but before we teleport there, we need to use invisibility and magic skills to avoid being caught by surveillance cameras or being unlucky enough to appear high in the sky."

Lafla said: "Then after the room is restored, I will check it out, and then we will leave."

Levi made an OK gesture.

Chapter. Go to the hot springs

It only took a very short time for Levi to restore the room to its original state, and then he went to the front desk of the building to meet Lafla. The hotel staff enthusiastically welcomed them out.

It has to be said that Neon is very involved in the service industry. Even in Chonghua Street, in order to compete with Neon's local counterparts, they have to follow the Romans and implement the service industry rules of "the customer is God" . In the service industry here in Neon, the staff are inferior to others while at work. Only after get off work can they regain their dignity as normal human beings.

After leaving the hotel, Levi cast a spell to hide the existence of himself and Lafla. Following the previous photos, he roughly located the location, and then teleported over, spanning hundreds of kilometers in an instant and arriving at the location. A hot spring tourist town located in Mt.

Neon's tourism industry is relatively developed, so the number of hot spring towns like this in Neon is no less than a hundred, but not every hot spring town can do well. Some hot spring towns in relatively remote locations, The passenger flow is not as much as that of the "Internet celebrity" level towns.

However, Levi and Lafla chose a relatively remote hot spring town. Since the number of tourists in such a town is not large, the environment is more quiet, and they do not have to worry about being disturbed by others when bathing in the hot spring.

The two of them were walking on the streets of the small town. This small town with only two parallel streets was small and located right between the two peaks. If you raised your head slightly, you could see the green hills behind the buildings on both sides. The scenery was indeed amazing. Nothing to say.

Lafla looked at the surrounding scenery curiously and said: "This place is very different from the small towns in Germany. It feels more refined, but I don't know why, but it always feels a bit stingy."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Each nation has its own architectural style. Here in Neon, due to the limitations of building materials and the location in the earthquake high zone, wooden buildings will not be built too high, so they look low and stingy. , which is understandable. However, their attention to details still has its own characteristics."

Li Wei has been in Neon in the real world for a few years, and he has some understanding of the physical characteristics of Neon people. It is true that a huge body must have good people and bad people, excellent people and not excellent people, follow the rules Those who abide by the law and those who break the law. However, there are some things deep in the bones of all people that cannot be changed. This is the so-called national habit.

From the neon people's "sadness for spring and sorrow for autumn" aesthetics, Li Wei saw something in the bones of this tribe, which is that they often like to be more realistic and go to extremes. However, this kind of realism is not entirely negative. At least when it comes to face projects, their realism gives them certain advantages. Even if their appearance is completely rotten, Neon people can still maintain their face. This is considered a talent. Do you know the art of bowing and apologizing?

Lafla only noticed Neon's stinginess, which was just on the surface. If you really understand Neon people, you will find that these people have a very twisted self-destructive tendency. This is a very repressive tendency. In order to cover up the deep inside, Problems, they will deliberately suppress their inner mental illness and show their perfect side. It is not until their own problems can no longer be suppressed that they are exposed.

In order to make themselves look normal, Neon people will really take care of their own image. At the same time, they will also keep their residences clean and more relaxed. Neon people who work in the service industry will do this when they are at work. He will demand himself with an almost harsh attitude, which can give outsiders a good impression and make people think that Neon people are qualified. In fact, anyone who has studied psychology can see that this is a disease and it is very serious. of mental illness.

Li Wei saw the beauty in the hot spring town, but this kind of beauty was the existence of "wusai". This kind of Wusei aesthetic that went deep into his bones was something that Li Wei, a Chongguo native who liked liveliness and celebration, couldn't like in his heart. type.

Just like the funeral of the Neon Man, the atmosphere will be very sad. Just walking into the mourning hall will make people feel depressed and breathless, but Chongguoren is different. The optimism in his bones gave birth to Chongguoren." This concept of "happy and sad" means that after someone in the family passes away, as long as the person does not have huge regrets during his lifetime, he can hold a big banquet, bring all relatives and friends over to have fun, or even hire dancers to play a real-life version of the graveyard disco. This is the difference in the bones of the two races. One keeps looking forward, but the other likes to linger in the same place. As a native of Chongguo, Li Wei still likes the lively and joyful atmosphere of Chonghua Street. This kind of hot spring town can only be regarded as a short-term adjustment for him. Staying in such an environment for a long time, He will be bored.

The small town is not that big, but there are more than a dozen hot spring hotels of various sizes. On both sides, there are various residential hotels and residences of local residents.

Li Wei opened his spiritual consciousness and instantly locked in the hot spring hotel with the best environment. It is good to have spiritual consciousness. He will not be misled by travel brochures. Don't think that false propaganda is only available in China. In fact, it is all over the world. All the same, neon is not exempt from vulgarity.

Levi took Lafla and stopped at the door of the hot spring hotel where his consciousness was locked.

"This shouldn't be the one we looked at before, right?" Lafla said curiously.

Levi said: "My mystical intuition tells me that this store is better than the one we searched through the Internet before."

"Is it mystical intuition? If that's the case, then I'll listen to you."

Lafla now has 100% trust in Levi. After all, Levi can do things that ordinary people can't do. What he says is naturally more reliable than what others say.

The two entered the store and stayed there under the arrangement of the clerk. Because the passenger flow here was not large, and it was not the peak tourist season, there were only less than ten large hot spring hotels, including Levi and Lafla. There are only a few guests, so the facilities don't seem crowded.

Levi looked at Lafla who had put on a small yukata, and wanted to complain in his heart. The yukata that Lafla was wearing was a small children's version. Lafla was now a high school student, but her figure looked like she had just grown up. She looks like a young child, although there are curves, but they are very immature and not obvious.

Lafla took out a bottle of ice milk from the freezer and drank it with her head tilted back. However, the sudden cold stimulation made her feel short of breath and even had a headache.

"Wow..." Raph made an uncomfortable voice.

Levi tapped Lafla's head lightly and said, "Idiot, when you drink ice, drinking it so quickly is very harmful to your body."

Lafla said: "I saw people in anime drink ice milk like this, isn't it? If you go to a hot spring, you must play table tennis, drink ice milk, and swim in the hot spring."

Looking at the serious expression on Lafla's face, Levi said: "There is a gap between animation and reality, and it is impolite to swim in a hot spring. Of course, if it is a high-end private hot spring in the human pool, then you can indeed think of it. You can do whatever you want, and swimming doesn’t matter. But if it’s a public hot spring, swimming is prohibited.”

Levi made a big X with his hand.

Levi knew that Lafla lacked common sense in life, and it was normal for her to make jokes in life. These were just minor problems, as long as they were corrected in time.


Levi and Lafla were both wealthy owners, so they booked the best rooms and accompanying private hot spring pools.

As the best hot spring hotel in the town, a relatively high-end private hot spring like this is considered standard, and it can also be regarded as a reflection of the hot spring hotel's positioning as a high-end hotel.

The two people arrived at the sports room. There were several table tennis tables in the sports room, and table tennis rackets were neatly placed on the shelves on the cabinet.

Lafla walked over, picked up a racket, and made a sharp air swing, quite like a professional athlete.

Lafla said: "I once went to Chongguo to participate in a military competition, where I learned to play table tennis. I have to say that this is an interesting sport that does not require high requirements for the venue and is fun for everyone. It’s appropriate.”

Lafla achieved pretty good results in the military exchange competition. Her only disadvantage was that she was too petite and could easily fall into disadvantage in various events that required wingspan.

After the competition, Germany was not in a hurry to let the participants of the Black Rabbit Force return home, so they stayed in Chongguo's training base for a week. It was during this time that she learned many strange things. skills, and also learned table tennis, a national sport that can be regarded as the quintessence of the Chinese people.

Lafla said: "By the way, I ranked in the top ten at the training base. If we play table tennis, Levi, you may be my opponent."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Hoho, you're not too cute. I've been playing table tennis since I was a child. I also participated in many competitions when I was a child, and I got good results in all of them."

Levi took out a racket from the shelf and waved it twice to find out the feel. The rubber surface of the racket prepared at the hot spring hotel was relatively soft, and Levi preferred a harder racket, but this could be used now.

When his skills reach Levi's level, the quality of the racket is no longer the key factor in determining the outcome of the game. He can defeat Lafla even with a spatula in his hand. Lafla's skills are still at the level of human beings. Within the scope, but his skills have surpassed the limits of human beings.


Thirty minutes later, Lafla looked at Levi with tears in her eyes. She had her head shaved mercilessly by Levi and was unable to score any points from him.

"I am one of the top ten in the training base. Why is this happening? Isn't this unreasonable?! Even if I haven't touched a racket for a long time, I won't be crushed like this!" Lafla said loudly and unwillingly. said.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Don't underestimate my table tennis skills as a Chongguo native. You know, even the Olympic table tennis champion may not be able to win the domestic competition championship of Chongguo. Even being able to squeeze into the front is considered good." results."

Lafla was stunned for a moment, and realized that she was indeed a bit talented. Table tennis is a national sport that competes in the country. Being able to achieve top ten results in the training base only proves that she is relatively good in that training base, but The outside world is extremely vast, and just the results in a training base can't explain anything.

Li Wei just smiled. Table tennis in this world is still the most popular sport in China. When the world champion plays in the country, he will be beaten dizzy by the old players. It’s not like he doesn’t have very good table tennis skills. foreigners, but the number is quite rare.

Levi checked and found that the Chongguo in this world is very strong in table tennis, volleyball, billiards and basketball. However, the national football team is still very weak. Every year, a large number of people criticize the national football team and ask them to disband. Li Wei wanted to complain in his heart. Even in another world, the national football team is still like mud that cannot stand up to the wall. This makes him don't know what to say. In comparison, the women's football team in this world is still considered The world's top football team, no matter how ups and downs it is, has never fallen out of the first tier. Moreover, due to the rise of women's rights caused by the White Knight incident, women's football is now extremely prosperous, unlike women's football in the real world, which still faces a shortage of money. .

Lafla put the racket back on the stand and said, "It's really tiring to play with you. I'm sweating all over."

Lafla was bullied by Levi for her petite stature and insufficient wingspan. She was always hit with corner kicks, forcing her to run back and forth in order to save the ball. If she were an ordinary girl, she could catch the ball at such a tricky angle and run for just a few minutes. With no strength left, only an android with amazing endurance like Lafla was able to hold on in Levi's hand for half an hour.

Lafla's physical strength is still quite abundant, but her mentality is broken now. She has not been able to score points from Levi for half an hour. This is a huge blow to her heart. At the same time, she also realizes His skills were not yet perfect, and he was completely crushed by Levi's tactics and skills.

Levi said: "I'm sweating. Do you want to go to the hot springs?"

Lafla frowned slightly and said, "I have to wash my body before soaking in the hot spring. It feels so troublesome."

Levi snapped his fingers, and all the sweat on Lafla's body disappeared, and Nian Ben's bathrobe, which was wet with sweat, returned to its previous dry state.

Lafla sniffed the sleeves of her yukata and said, "You can't smell the sweat at all. Magic is indeed a convenient power."

Levi said: "Many people think that the use of magic must be high-end. In fact, the greatest significance of the existence of magic is that it can improve life and allow people to enjoy all aspects of convenience. Of course, this is just my personal opinion, not On behalf of everyone else, I don’t force others to accept my views.”

Lafla said: "I will definitely learn magic in the future."

Hearing Lafla's words, Levi's face showed a slightly embarrassed smile. As an actor, Levi manages his expression very well. He knows exactly what expression to use when. of.

When Lafla saw Levi's awkward smile, she felt a little puzzled. Could it be that the threshold for learning magic was something embarrassing? Her mind has begun to imagine that Levi suffered all kinds of hardships in order to learn magic, and even suffered the mental blow of social death.

Levi, who saw Lafla's heart through mind reading, couldn't help but want to complain, is the strength of girls' associations so terrible? Although this is not the first time he has seen such a situation, every time he faces the girl's thoughts, He felt that he would face a fierce battle.

Fortunately for Li Weiwei, Lafla is not a rotten girl. He doesn't have to use mind reading to see some very eye-catching scenes, especially the scenes where he is the male protagonist, which will do too much psychological harm to him.

Chapter. Lafla’s Desire

The two men returned to the room.

Levi looked at Lafla and said, "Why not book two rooms?"

Lafla said: "Levi, are you afraid of being with me?"

Levi shook his head. No normal man would refuse to be in the same room with a beautiful girl. He also understood Lafla's heart, but in order to make such a thing happen step by step, he had to pretend at certain times. stupid.

If you want to ensure peace in the harem, in addition to having sufficient abilities, you must also learn to pretend to be confused and be confused. If you can't do this well, Brother Cheng, who turns around, is often used as a negative example.

Lafla took off her bathrobe and wrapped her body only in a white bath towel, completely ignoring Levi's presence beside her.

Levi turned his head in a gentlemanly manner and said, "I am a normal male after all. It is a bit inappropriate to change clothes directly in front of me."

Lafla smiled and said: "What does it matter? You gave me new life and hope for the future. I don't know how to repay you. I just hope that I can be by your side and integrate into your life." After all, this is enough.”

Levi said: "There is no need to do this. You are a person with an independent personality. You have your own life, and you fight around me. So what should you do with your own life?"

Lafla said: "But without your help, I don't even know what life is like, I can only act like a robot. So, stay by your side and do what I can for you, That’s my life. By the way, I’m still learning how to be a maid. Although I’m German, I’m quite confident in my coffee-making skills.”

Lafla's words were extremely bold for an ordinary girl. To a certain extent, they were no different from a confession.

Levi said: "I am a very carefree bastard. Even so, you still want to stay with me?"

Lafla said: "Although this kind of thing is indeed a bit unpleasant, but what does it have to do with me? I want to be your hands and do what I can. As for how other vases look at me, it doesn't matter. I don’t deserve anything.”

Lafla has a very good impression of Li Wei in her heart, but she doesn't know much about relationships and doesn't realize how special this relationship is, so she doesn't care about the existence of other girls around Li Wei.

Levi said: "Vase? Is this what you think of them? Well, it's a little too much. After all, Lafla, you are a very special existence. It's too high to ask others with your standards."

Levi changed out of his bathrobe and simply wrapped his body in a bath towel, then walked to the courtyard. Close to the wall in the courtyard was an independent hot spring surrounded by round stones.

Stepping into the warmth, Levi sat down and let the warmth wrap around his body. He could understand why so many people like to soak in hot springs, because it feels really good.

However, it is also about enjoying the heat. Levi is not very interested in sauna. Compared with simply sweating, it is more interesting to soak in hot springs.

Lafla touched her face carefully with her toes and said: "Sure enough, hot springs and bathtubs are different. This kind of touch, um... disgusting and refreshing."

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