"Disgusting?" Levi wanted to complain in his heart, what kind of statement was this.

Lafla said: "This feeling is like when using ground meat to make meatloaf, kneading the ground meat with your hands, the ground meat mixed with starch, the feeling of kneading is somewhat similar to the feeling of the body being wrapped in a hot spring. .”

Levi smiled and said: "Then the meat you use to make the minced meat must be very fresh, maybe it was just cut from the prey."

Only meat that has just been cut from an animal can give people a steaming feeling, and the fresh meat that is ground directly and used to make minced meat, the feeling of grabbing it with your hands is indeed... disgusting and refreshing.

Lafla slowly sat in the hot spring and said: "Well, it is indeed very fresh. It was a hunted wild boar. We dismembered the wild boar and made various dry foods."

Levi smiled and said: "That wild boar is really unlucky. You met a professional."

Levi saw Lafla's heart through mind reading. The wild boar met a miserable end. All the flesh on its body was cut off, and its skeleton and internal organs were discarded directly in the forest and became the remains of bears and wolves. Extra meals.

·Asking for flowers·· ······

"Wow...I didn't expect the hot spring to be so comfortable. I really want to sleep..."

Lafla's whole body floated on the surface of the hot spring, and the beautiful spring scenery was exposed in front of Levi.

Levi gently shook the bath towel on his body and covered Lafla's body.

Levi said: "Maybe it is human instinct to like warm places, and in hot springs that are not too deep, you feel like you are back in your mother's belly. This is one of the reasons why many people like to soak in hot springs. Because it gives people a sense of security.”

Lafla looked at the darkening sky and said: "My mother's belly... I don't feel anything about this kind of thing. I just feel comfortable soaking in the hot spring. If this is what it feels like to be in my mother's belly, That’s really good.”

........ .. .. .. ..

Lafla looked at Levi and said: "Actually, in the past period of time, I regarded the instructor as my mother. When I learned that I would come to the academy to study, I I came here without any hesitation. Even in that state, I knew what my heart was longing for."

Levi can understand Lafla's previous state. Lafla's previous state was more rational. She would weigh the pros and cons like a machine when doing anything. She would only do it when the probability of obtaining benefits was greater than a certain value. Take action, and after taking action, you will do your best to expand the probability and lead the result in a direction that is beneficial to your own power.

Now Lafla has her own personal feelings. When she does something now, she is no longer limited to interests and influence, but will listen to her inner voice and make choices that meet her inner expectations.

Levi said: "Sister Qianfuyu is special to you, which I didn't expect."

Li Wei pretended to be confused, pretending to understand.

Lafla said: "It is true, she is the girl who can become my mother. Before, everyone treated us as tools, and only she would fight for our rights as human beings. To be honest, I actually hate those people in my heart. Researchers and military personnel, but limited by my own position, I must obey their orders, otherwise, I, and even the entire Black Rabbit Team, will lose their place."

Chapter. How about brother?

Levi looked at Lafla floating on the surface. The girl's silver long hair floated on the surface, like a blooming silver flower.

In fact, hot springs will cause certain damage to the head because they contain sulfur. Therefore, most women who love beauty will tie their heads with a scarf before entering the hot springs, because after their hair is exposed to the hot springs, it will be difficult to maintain. Relatively troublesome.

Lafla has no worries in this regard. Levi has mastered so many spells, which are not just good-looking. He has integrated the use of spells into every aspect of life, such as the spell to quickly dry the head and perform scalp care. He also mastered it.

Levi said: "When I return to school, I will ask for leave from the chairman, and then go to Europe to solve your problem. I have read your information. You are a member of the Black Rabbit Army, and you are also a member of the Black Rabbit Army." Project Rabbit’s androids.”

Lafla was not surprised that Levi knew her so well. She knew that with Levi's ability, if he wanted to know something, no one could stop him.

She is an artificial person of the Black Rabbit Project and the sister of other members of the Black Rabbit Force. As the first individual created, she can be said to be the prototype of subsequent individuals, and she is also the experimental individual with the most flaws. But because of her personal efforts, her overall performance is not considered to be very strong, but she has become the strongest individual in the Black Rabbit Force.

There are still many eliminated individuals in the Black Rabbit Project. These individuals either had congenital defects and were destroyed before leaving the cultivation tank, or they died in the training the day after tomorrow. Some of them did not survive the training. The process of reconstructive surgery is death.

To be honest, if it had been before, although Lafla would have felt pity for the death of her companions, she would not have felt the emotion of hurting others. But now that she has normal human feelings, she realizes that the German country The military and research institutions, as well as the existence behind the scenes, how much blood is on their hands.

Lafla just counted the androids she knew how to make, and there were no less than a hundred of them in the same batch as her. However, the number of individuals who finally qualified to join the Black Rabbit Team in the first batch, including her, was only three. .

The remaining individuals all died due to various reasons. Now recalling such things, Lafla felt very uncomfortable inside. Even though she was still soaking in the hot spring, she still felt scared.

If she hadn't been able to grit her teeth and persist, if she hadn't been lucky enough, then the current captain of the Black Rabbit Team would have been someone else, and she would have left nothing behind.

Lafla felt uncomfortable and said: "I had hateful thoughts in my heart."

Levi saw Lafla's heart through mind reading. Regarding the arrival of the members of the Black Rabbit Force, he felt it was too much when he saw it from the materials. Now he sees such a scene through Lafla's memories. , he could only lament that the lower limit of human beings is indeed horribly low. For the sake of profit, they will do anything. Devils and devils are not as ruthless as humans.

This time we are going to Europe to resolve the affairs behind the three girls. Lafla's side is the most troublesome because there are too many people involved, and all the materials must be destroyed to ensure that the artificial humans will not appear again.

Levi also has a plan in his heart. Just by physically eliminating the relevant personnel, there will still be people in Germany who want to restart the plan. But if things like the Black Rabbit Project are revealed, the German officials will be Angry feminist organizations were crushed and even triggered more incidents.

Levi calculated the time, and found that this was the right time to leverage his strength. Europe was considered the stronghold of feminist forces. Once the Black Rabbit Force was exposed, the madman would not be able to demolish the German government building in a matter of minutes. Although these The crazy ones will be swept into the garbage sooner or later, but the disgusting people who use their power now are still pretty good.

If he procrastinates and waits until Tu Jiawei to deal with this matter, all those monsters and monsters will have been defeated, and he will not be able to use the power of these monsters to cause trouble. He will not be able to witness the comedy of dog eating dog. That would be a real pity. some.

Levi said: "Any normal person will have changes in his heart after experiencing what you have experienced, but I can understand why they want to delete your emotional perception. If they don't do this, the Black Rabbit Team estimates that Already rebelled.”

The members of the Black Rabbit Team are all powerful surviving individuals of the Hundred Miles. The Hundred Miles here are calculated based on the high standard of artificial humans. If this standard is used to benchmark ordinary people, every member of the Black Rabbit Team will , are all beings chosen among millions of people. It is precisely because of this that Lafla showed her actual combat strength that is not weaker than that of a teacher in the original plot. As the captain of the Black Rabbit Team, it is normal to have such strength.

Lafla said: "Now, I am the only one who has the idea of ​​​​rebellion. The others are still controlled and do not even have independent self-will. But having said that, Levi, won't you make more preparations? Germany Not a soft persimmon."

Levi said: "No matter how much preparation you do, many things can only be done on the spot, so it is better to solve the problem as soon as possible. Besides, the school festival will be in a few days, and I want to bring your sisters back." , let them also enjoy the joy of the school festival."

Lafla didn't expect Levi to have such a plan. However, if such a thing can really happen, it will indeed be a good thing for the members of the Black Rabbit Team. This can also be regarded as their first festival.

In the past, when they were in the army, they would also celebrate Christmas, but to be honest, they didn't even have personal feelings. They didn't have any celebrations on Christmas. For one thing, they all slept with their heads covered. Take a short vacation to recuperate.

But if she were to come for Christmas now, she would definitely take Levi out to have fun. Levi's ability to teleport quickly allows her to go wherever she wants.

Lafla sat up and said seriously: "Thank you."

Levi smiled and said: "You have said thank you enough, and haven't you already decided to be a maid? If that's the case, then don't say thank you."

"Well, I will learn how to be a qualified maid, but do you need me to call you master?"

"That's not necessary. After all, in the academy, such a title is too eye-catching."

"Then what should I call you?"

"How is brother?"

"elder brother?"

"That's right, brother. How about it."

Lafla's eyes shone brighter. Levi's words made her feel that she was needed. From now on, she had her own official family.

Looking at Lafla with an excited face, Levi just smiled. This girl Lafla is too satisfied because of her past experience. Of course, he will not look down on her because of such things. Lafla She is a good girl who deserves to be cherished, and he will treat her well with all his heart.

Chapter.Happiness starts from now

Lafla whispered to herself: "I also have a family?"

The word family is very unfamiliar to her, because she does not have a real family, but now, she has a brother. Although this brother has no blood relationship with her, she is still affected by this word in her heart. warmth.

"How does it feel to have family, Lafla."

"It's amazing. It feels like the hole in my heart has been filled. I feel like I have a place to go back to."

"This is family. As long as the family is here, anywhere can be home."

"I understand, wherever you are, that's my home, right?"

"Yeah, that's it."

Levi patted Lafla's head gently. With his mind-reading ability, he could intuitively see the excitement in the other party's heart. For a poor girl like Lafla, he didn't have any malice in his heart, and he didn't even have any male or female desires in his heart.

Levi truly regards Lafla as his sister. As an only child with no brothers or sisters, it is a novel thing for Levi to have a sister who is willing to rely on him.

To be honest, Lafla is very cute. Because she is an artificial human being, when the technicians made her, she completely adjusted it according to the ceiling standard of human appearance, so even the little girl who has not yet grown up is now From her appearance, it is still clear that she is a beautiful woman.

Levi used magic to deduce what Lafla will look like when she grows up. The so-called beauty disaster is nothing more than this. As an ordinary person, she has a look that is not weaker than extraordinary beings such as demons and angels. As a human being, Pretty awesome stuff.

That is to say, only a veteran like Li Wei, who has read all kinds of things, can control his heart. No matter how beautiful Lafla is, she is just a sensible sister to him. Of course, if Lafla had that kind of feeling for him, he wouldn't hang on to her, but would decisively choose to accept it.

Levi clapped his hands, and a tray appeared on top of the hot spring, with various foods and drinks on it. Originally, Levi had prepared a drinking glass. He didn't like spirits, but he didn't like various low-alcohol wines and beers. He refused. Low-alcohol wine was no different from a drink to him. Considering that there was Lafla, a minor, Levi just took out some drinks.

"Magic is so convenient. Brother, you haven't told me how to learn magic. When will I know the answer?"

"Ahem... let's wait until you become an adult to learn magic as a child."

Although Lafla was a little dissatisfied with Li Wei's perfunctory behavior, she had nothing to do. After all, except for Li Wei, she had never seen anyone else with extraordinary power, and other people with extraordinary power might not be like Li Wei. It's easy to talk, but rash contact may bring fatal danger to yourself.

Levi opened a large bottle of iced Coke. The plump bottle floated in the air and poured the Coke into the glass.

Lafla glanced at the drink, then fell down on her back in the hot spring and started backstroke. The hot spring pool was big enough, otherwise, her splash would directly hit Levi's face.

Regarding Lafla's childish behavior, Levi just smiled and didn't plan to say anything. Anyway, this is a private hot spring. There is no one else except him. Even swimming in the hot spring will not cause trouble to others. If it's troublesome, just leave it to her.

Lavla soaked in the hot spring for more than an hour, and then had to go out because she drank too much and became indecisive. Levi blessed her with a small spell that directly removed all the minerals from her body caused by soaking in hot springs, leaving her whole body clean and refreshed.

Because it was her first time to go out to play, Lafla was a little excited and pestered Levi to play board games until two o'clock in the morning.

The board game made using spells is like bringing the computer game to the real world. The two of them can control the characters using simple language. This novel experience allows Lafla to experience the magic of "magic". At that time, I also had an intuitive understanding of the game, and at the same time I also fell in love with the game.

Levi watched Lafla's heart through mind reading. Lafla was only interested in the board game made by this kind of magic. As for computer games, she didn't have a clear understanding of it, so there was no way to talk about her interest. Levi was also afraid that on his own whim, he would raise Lafla into a waste house, but now it seems that he is overthinking it.

"Okay, Lafla, it's getting late, it's time to say good night."

"Okay, brother."

Lafla looked at the clock on the wall and was finally shocked to realize that she had played board games for four hours without even realizing it. When Li Wei asked her to sleep, she stood up obediently, took out the bedding from the closet, and quickly spread it in the room.

Lafla is determined to be a qualified maid. She doesn't know what a qualified maid looks like for the time being, but she feels that as long as she can do everything she can, it will only be a matter of time before she becomes a qualified maid.

Because Lafla wanted to be a maid, Levi stopped being pretentious, lay down on the soft cushion and covered him with the quilt. The town where the hot spring hotel is located is located deep in the mountains. At night, the temperature will drop to only about ten degrees. In such an environment, even an android like Lafla will catch a cold if he does not pay attention to keeping warm. Of course, Levi simply likes the feeling of being wrapped in quilt. Sleeping is a different kind of enjoyment for his long-term existence.

"Good night, Lafla."

"Good night, brother."

After turning off the lights, the room was dark and extremely quiet. The only sounds that could be heard were the breathing of the two people and the sound of insects coming from outside the door.

I don’t know how long it took, but Levi heard a murmuring sound, and he felt a ball of warmth worming its way into his bed. Lafla carefully raised his hand and leaned into his arms, just like It was a koala that hugged him.

"Good night, brother..." Lafla said in an inaudible voice.

Levi didn't say anything and pretended to be asleep. After a while, Lafla heard slight snores. But even if she fell asleep, she still held on to Levi tightly, fearing that Levi would disappear. appearance.

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