Levi said: "After all, the officials are also deliberately controlling the news. From the time when the three secret volumes were leaked in Tokyo until now, the officials are trying their best to cover up the cover. That is to say, Tokyo Metropolitan TV, this weird TV station, is still broadcasting it to the outside world. With all kinds of information related to chaos, what other major TV stations do every day is either to quarrel with Tokyo Metropolitan TV or to wipe the official’s butt, trying to eliminate the negative impact of chaos as much as possible.”

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Shiina Jasmine is a smart girl. She already understands why she outside is not able to know much news related to Tokyo. When the official situation is closed, it is indeed very troublesome for ordinary people to pass on the news.

Levi said: "The main reason is that today's young people watch less and less TV news, and most of them are accustomed to exchanging information through the Internet. But Neon officials started from scratch, and ordinary people cannot find anything about Tokyo on the Internet. They have a dedicated team of hackers to do this. As long as information related to this appears on the Internet, they will find ways to eliminate it. If the person who posted the information does not listen to the warning, they will even Enforcement measures were taken.”


Shiina Jasmine is very dissatisfied with the official behavior. In her opinion, this is not only deceiving the people, but also a waste of human life. Her brother Aki Shiina doesn't like to watch TV news. If her brother saw TV news, such as the news from Tokyo Metropolitan TV, he might not run out rashly and would not be in danger. .

In Shiina Jasmine’s view, when her brother disappeared, those outside lunatics must bear certain responsibilities, and the official’s inaction must also bear certain responsibilities. Then it is a human trafficking organization, but if the official public security is good, those human trafficking The organization dares to kidnap ordinary people in broad daylight?

So the more she thought about it, the more Shiina Jasmine felt that the government was primarily responsible for her brother's disappearance.

After figuring out the problem, Shiina Jasmine became even more depressed. After all, it was the official government that ruled the entire country. It had a complete ruling organization and a large number of violent institutions. She was just an ordinary person. Even if she knew it was because Official inaction has caused so many problems, so what can she do? It's not like nothing can be done. Thinking this way, she became even more panicked.

Levi next to him, after using his mind-reading skills to read Shiina Jasmine's thoughts, he just smiled. No matter which neon official world you are in, stretching your hips is an everyday person.

Chapter 4. Poisonous solution

Levi unscrewed the cap of the Coke bottle and handed it to Shiina Jasmine.

"Thank you." Shiina Jasmine whispered with a slight blush.

Levi said: "My personal suggestion is that you can drink something sweet when you are in a bad mood. Sweetener can make people feel happy and forget their worries in a short period of time. Although it is not a big deal to rely on a placebo A good thing, but sometimes sweetness can be redeeming."

Shiina Jasmine nodded and took a big sip of Coke. The smell of the Coke made her want to burp. This strange but refreshing feeling made it difficult for her to suppress it. But if she burped in front of Levi, she would be a lady. The image is finished.

And at this moment, Levi, who was drinking Coke next to him, let out a long burp without any trace of image.

Shiina Jasmine looked at this scene and was a little surprised in her heart, because before, Levi always looked mature and steady. Hiccups while drinking drinks were something only immature children would do. If Levi wanted to do it, give it to her. A strange feeling. But, I don’t know why, but it seems to be very refreshing.

Levi said: "Someone once said something very reasonable. He said that life is hard enough, so drinks should be consumed before dessert. I personally admire this sentence, so when it comes to drinking Coke, I always I like the traditional type, the new sugar-free Coke, I don’t really like it.”

Levi personally does not hate Diet Coke. For those who like to drink Coke but are troubled by their weight, Diet Coke can be said to be the best alternative to deceive the body. However, sugar itself is a necessity for humans, so this kind of deception will cause certain negative effects over time. For example, for those who need to use their brains intensively, drinking Coke occasionally is not a bad thing.

Shiina Jasmine said: "I couldn't drink these drinks at home before. My parents have very strict requirements for me. They think that a girl must be a lady and be educated and sensible, so when I was in elementary school , I began to learn the knowledge of tea ceremony. The only drink I have ever drunk is tea. "

Levi said: "Then you have worked really hard. The tea ceremony here in Neon is famous for its complicated rules. I never thought that drinking tea would be so troublesome."

Shiina Jasmine smiled and said: "That's because people in Okinawa have integrated tea drinking into their lives. Apart from the price of the tea itself, there is no distinction between tea drinking and tea drinking. But here in Neon, tea leaves It’s very expensive, and drinking tea itself is a way of emphasizing social class. Tea has many other labels attached to it, which is why it’s so troublesome.”

Levi said: "Yes, you see things like this very clearly. Girls of your age hate the cumbersome rules of the tea ceremony the most."

Shiina Jasmine said: "I had no choice. After all, I couldn't disobey my parents' will at that time, so even though I didn't like tea ceremony very much, I was forced by my parents to sign up for a tea ceremony training class. To be honest, it’s really troublesome.”

Shiina Jasmine's current words can be regarded as complaints against her parents. If it were in the past, she would not have said such words now.

However, because of the billion yuan incident, there has been an irreparable rift in the relationship between her and her parents, and this rift is still getting bigger.

Complaining like this now is actually an expression of dissatisfaction with her parents. However, Shiina Jasmine is a fan of the authorities and is not aware of her inner resentment.

Levi, who has the ability to read minds, is very aware of the changes in Shiina Jasmine. He used words to guide the other party, just to intensify such dissatisfaction and then detonate the problem.

Shiina Jasmine is already considered a very outstanding person among her peers, but she is only a teenage girl after all, and is not outstanding enough to survive independently. Therefore, when the relationship between her and her parents completely breaks down, she will inevitably There would be no place to go, and at this time, the only place she could stay was Chunyuan Manor, and she had no choice.

The only thing that can't be determined now is whether the relationship will break down quickly or slowly, but Levi is not impatient. He has never been an impatient person. The closer he is to his goal, the more calm he has to be.

This was a negative lesson given to him by a famous historical figure, so he paid special attention to such details.

This negative teaching material is the third emperor of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Guang.

Yang Guang's father, Emperor Wen Yang Jian, did not initially make Yang Guang the prince. After all, Yang Guang was not the eldest son, so it was normal for him not to be the prince. Yang Jian himself was a diligent and frugal person. As the founding emperor, his talent was undoubted. However, because he was a diligent and frugal person, he particularly hated extravagance and waste. The prince Yang Yong, Yang Guang's eldest brother, was addicted to sensuality. As a powerful man, it was normal for him to indulge in sensuality.

Yang Guang, on the other hand, was the opposite of his eldest brother. He always pretended to be diligent and thrifty, loved talents and cherished people, respected his teachers, and respected his elder brothers and parents. This disguise lasted for more than ten years. Using his disguise, Yang Jian finally changed his mind and made Yang Guang the prince.

Until Yang Jian was critically ill, Yang Guang's disguise was not broken. It was not until Yang Jian was seriously ill that Yang Guang, who couldn't bear it, took off his disguise and violated his father's concubine. But because of this incident, Yang Guang almost overturned. Fortunately, Yang Guang was well prepared. Even if an unexpected situation occurred, he relied on force to settle the problem, and then ascended the throne.

If Yang Guang didn't let himself go at the last moment, he could successfully inherit the throne without leaving any black spots in his life. And this is also one of the best negative teaching materials for those who are too anxious to eat hot tofu.

Taking history as a guide, Li Wei has never lacked patience. Whether it is national affairs or the love between his children, Li Wei is used to dealing with it patiently.

Levi said: "You can see the fireworks opposite without standing up. Go back to the house, the wind will start soon."

Shiina Jasmine nodded. Although she was a little shy when Levi hugged her waist, she didn't hate this feeling. On the contrary, when she was in close contact with Levi, she felt very happy. Under such circumstances, Even the grief of his brother's disappearance was washed away a lot.

Levi put his arms around Shiina Jasmine's slender waist, and lightly kicked her feet, and the two of them landed on the balcony. Levi sent the girl back to his room. The girl already had a good impression of him. After the showdown between the girl and her parents, he could start to close the net.

Chapter 44. Sui Jin’s sobriety

In the next few days, Levi waited patiently for the results. At the same time, he gradually increased his intimacy with the girls in the dormitory.

In the temporary "illegal building", Li Wei and Sui Jin were playing with a special-shaped machine. This is the latest wine-making machine, which simplifies the traditional process and achieves the effect of getting wine faster.

Sui Jin said: "Li Weijun, where did you get such a good thing? I've only seen this kind of thing in a magazine. This should be a machine from Chongguo, right?"

Levi said: "Well, this kind of machine has not been around for long. So far, it has not been popularized on a large scale. Because this thing will destroy the existing industry layout, large wineries, They all hate this kind of machine very much.”

Sui Jin nodded and said: "I can understand this. I consulted before and asked if this thing can be imported, but the reply given to me by the relevant department was that this machine is a type that is prohibited from being imported. Because it will damage the local area. In our wine industry system, if everyone can make their own wine, it will be more difficult for companies that specialize in wine production to operate. I can understand the official thinking."

Sui Jin knew that her thoughts were determined by her butt. After all, she was a wine seller. Naturally, she didn't want ordinary people to be able to make wine. Even with such a machine, the quality of the wine brewed by ordinary people was not good. How about it, but after all, it is brewed, right? This will always have a huge impact on the existing market.

Therefore, it is normal for the official to ban this kind of cheap and high-quality small brewing machine from entering Neon. After all, every brewery in the wine industry is a major taxpayer in each region. Even if it is to protect their own interests, such machines must be prohibited from entering.

Sui Jin said: "Isn't this thing prohibited from import? Li Weijun, how did you bring this thing in?"

With a mysterious smile on his face, Li Wei said: "This is the importance of connections. As long as I don't take this machine out for imitation and destroy the industry ecology on a large scale, if I just use it myself, no one will take care of it." Mine. Moreover, the value of this machine is also for you to practice. After all, the recipe is already in place. The next step is practice. Practice makes perfect. After brewing more times, you will be able to brew new recipes that are as delicious as possible. Drinking."

Sui Jin said: "Until now, we have not been able to decide on a name for this formula. Li Weijun, you are an educated person, how about you choose the name?"

Suijin started the machine and began to process the raw materials. The fermentation process of the raw materials has been completed. Next, it has entered the formal brewing stage.

Although this machine is used to brew liquor, it can be used to brew other liquors. Chongguo’s mechanical manufacturing capabilities in this world rank first in the world, so the ability to use multiple things is important for For various machines manufactured by Chongguo, it is considered a basic standard capability.

It would not be so troublesome for Li Wei to use magic to make wine. All steps can be completed with magic. However, if ordinary people make wine, they must rely on the power of external objects. Even traditional craft brewing requires the most basic space and utensils.

Levi said: "As a layman like me, if I were asked to choose a name, I would just think of 'Sea Lover' or 'Blue Lover'. These are the two names I would think of."

Levi has a clear understanding of who he chooses his name for, that is, he is just like the guy in the Hong Kong comics, who is just barely fluent. He is a person who has difficulty with naming, and these are the things he fears most.

Sui Jin controlled the machine and watched as the raw materials began to slide into the trough. After the machine went through the next step, she stepped aside. According to the traditional wine-making process, it usually takes about half a month to brew sake from processing raw materials to producing wine. However, with such a machine, you can produce 40 to 10 kilograms of wine every day. If this kind of brewing efficiency becomes popular, it will directly turn Neon's brewing industry upside down.

Sui Jin said: "It's blue... Then it's 'Blue Girl'. To be honest, I'm not a good at choosing names, so I'll just make do with this name. Wait three days before the wine can be produced." Yes, this is my first time brewing Blue Maiden, I don’t know how it tastes.”

Suijin's brewing practice is very simple and crude, that is, brew according to the recipe, and then use the brewed finished product to compare the taste with the samples provided by Li Wei. The taste must at least reach % of the sample. Only then can she take it out and sell it.

Levi said: "There is no rush, there is still quite a buffer time before reopening anyway, and you still have enough time to practice."

Sui Jin nodded. If she can't open her business for two months, she will inevitably lose some of her original customers. She has already called those partners, and some important partners have even visited her in person. However, everyone is Realistically, few of those partners would be willing to wait for her. But it's understandable to think from the other party's perspective. After all, as a restaurant that sells alcohol, it can't do without alcohol. If she can't resume supply in a short time, those partners will inevitably choose new ones. supplier.

Sui Jin knew that such a thing was normal. If she had not met Li Wei and obtained this formula, she would indeed have had a headache over such a thing. She would even choose to temporarily rent a warehouse and urgently transfer goods from the winery. Maintain the existing supply system as much as possible.

But now, there is no need for her to torment herself like this. As long as she can produce her flagship product, those lost customers will soon gather again. In the past, she lacked such unique characteristics, so she could only earn profits through channels. But now, she can completely rely on the wine brewed with new recipes to restructure a new channel that is unique to her. This does not need to depend on people. Face business is much more enjoyable than before.

Sui Jin said: "That's right. Now I just need to calm down and polish my flagship product. This is much more comfortable than engaging in channel sales. Maintaining channels is very troublesome. I always have to beg for help. The money is really bad. Make money. By the way, I'm going back to the shopping street in the afternoon to check on the progress of the store's reconstruction. Li Weijun, do you want to get up?"

Levi smiled and said: "I'm also curious about the progress. If you don't mind, just let me follow."

Sui Jin said: "It's you who don't dislike me, right? I rely on you to be where I am now. If I hadn't met you, Li Weijun, I would be in a state of despair."

Sui Jin is a very sober person and will not get carried away because of other people's compliments. She knows very well that the biggest contributor to her ability to make a comeback is Li Wei. She is just the rookie who was led away holding the boss's thigh.

Chapter 4. Return to the shopping street

In the afternoon, when the sun was not so fierce, Levi drove Sui Jin to the shopping street.

After parking the car in the parking lot, the two people walked to the shopping street.

Although some time has passed, the impact of the fire on this place has not been completely eliminated. Some traces of scorch can still be seen. However, most of the burned buildings have been cleared of ruins and are now being rebuilt one after another.

The two people arrived at the location before the liquor store. At the original ruins, all the building debris had been cleared away, and workers had begun to redo the foundation of the house.

Levi said: "The reconstruction has begun. Will the parts above the ground still be made of wood this time?"

Sui Jin said: "Well, although I have also considered using concrete, Neon is located in a volcanic seismic zone, and there may be an earthquake at any time. If the concrete structure encounters an earthquake, it is easy for cracks to appear, affecting It is safe to use. Although traditional wooden structures are indeed inferior in fire protection, they have more advantages in resisting earthquakes."

Sui Jin did the math and found that the cost of concrete buildings was higher, and it was not conducive to later modifications. If she wanted to expand her business scope in the future, the modification cost of concrete buildings would be more than twice that of wooden buildings. She is not someone who has too much money and no place to spend it, so she will naturally consider the cost and user experience.

Levi said: "I have a certain understanding of architecture. In my opinion, wooden buildings are an architectural system that is closer to the expression of art. Although concrete buildings are also very romantic, sometimes they still seem too cold. It’s too old and doesn’t have the human touch of a wooden building.”

As a student of Dongyi University, Li Wei majors in oil painting, but out of personal interest, he often goes to the architecture branch next door to take classes. He still prefers the traditional wooden buildings in Neon. It is said that the flowers inside the walls are fragrant outside. Although the wooden architectural style here in Neon is heavily influenced by the Chongguo and Tang Dynasties, so much so that you can now see the shadow of the Chongguo and Tang Dynasty buildings in many antique wooden buildings. , but after so many years of improvement, Neon has blazed its own path in terms of wooden architecture. As a player of the "Minecraft" construction party, Li Wei will naturally study this implication carefully. It is an architectural style with classical beauty.

Sui Jin said: "Indeed, wooden buildings also have an advantage, that is, they are easier to keep warm in winter. If it is a concrete building, the heating phase will take much longer."

Wooden buildings have experienced so many years of development in Neon and have not been eliminated because they have their own advantages. These advantages make ordinary people reluctant to eliminate them.

Sui Jin went to the nearby convenience store that was still open, bought some drinks, and distributed them to the busy construction workers. Although the neon society has many rules, it also has its own system and ways of interacting with people. As a wine shop owner, Sui Jin has very good control over these details.

After dividing the drinks, Sui Jin returned to Li Wei.

Levi smiled and said, "Would you feel more at ease seeing your wine shop being rebuilt?"

Sui Jin said: "Absolutely. After all, this is the foundation for my livelihood. A lazy person like me can no longer get used to working for others. I still have the freedom to be my own boss. Although I am a little tired, I am tired. The results are all your own. If you work for others, it doesn’t matter how big you make the cake. Anyway, I can’t eat the cake.”

Levi said: "It's rare to find people like you. Most Neon people don't mind working part-time. Being able to have a job to support yourself is considered good in today's world."

Sui Jin smiled and said: "Maybe I am more ambitious than ordinary people. I am not willing to get married early and then be a housewife at home, killing my time with housework and soap operas. I want to do something What. This is not about being competitive or trying to prove anything. I just simply feel that being a housewife is not suitable for me."

Levi said: "I can understand your thinking. Even if you start a family, you don't want to give up your career. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this. After all, you have been out of touch with society for a long time. Once the family encounters any unexpected situation, For example, the backbone of the family suddenly falls. At this time, it is not so easy for women who have been out of society for a long time to return to society."

In the real world, due to the global economic downturn, a large number of women in Neon are unemployed, and those women who became housewives early have to consider returning to society because their husbands are unemployed. However, due to being disconnected from society for a long time, these housewives have lost their ability to make a living in society. In order to make money, they have to engage in custom industries or even go to sea to shoot action movies.

Sui Jin said: "'. It can only be said that Chongguo men and neon men have different ideas. In neon, if a man has a good job and lets his wife go out to work, he will On the other hand, many women who are housewives are not allowed to go home early even though their husbands have already got off work, because other housewives around them will say that men who come home too early have no future. .In fact, everyone is persecuting each other.”

Levi said: "I have heard of things in this area, but there are fewer and fewer people who still abide by such rules. It is only the older generations who care so much about these things."

Sui Jin said: "Actually, nothing has changed. Li Weijun, you have also read Neon's comics, right?"

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