Levi nodded. He was in Neon. Every time he visited a bookstore, he would pass by the comic bookshelf. Although most of the works would not give him the desire to buy, he still had certain expectations for the comic industry in Neon. He knew it well. After all, he was an illustrator himself, and his industry was related to comics.

Suijin said: "Actually, comics can already explain a lot of problems, because the more people lack something, the more they emphasize it. For example, the friendship and passion, family and bonds in those shounen comics. The shojo comics Innocent love, handsome men and beautiful women. To be honest, these are just placebos for ordinary people. It is precisely because of the lack of them, and precisely because the neon lights of reality are too indifferent, that people will indulge in the illusory world."

Levi said: "You are too sober, you are not as romantic as a girl at all."

Sui Jin shrugged, can romance make her life better? Precisely because romance has no use other than lying to herself, she looks at the world with a clear eye. But she didn't give up romance completely. At least by Li Wei's side, she could let go of all the burdens and experience what it was like to be a little woman.

Chapter 4. Looks like a couple

The two of them walked side by side and strolled slowly along the shopping street. Although there are still many shops that have not been able to resume business, those lucky shops that survived the previous fire are still open for business, but because of the The overall number has experienced a short-term decline, so the flow of people here has inevitably been affected, and the business of these surviving shops has also dropped a lot.

Li Wei bought two ice creams from the canteen at home, one for Sui Jin and the other.

Sui Jin took the ice cream and said with a smile: "Here in Neon, eating while walking is considered impolite, but more and more young people are ignoring such old rules. I have long thought That’s it, eat while walking.”

Sui Jin took Li Wei's arm and leaned against Li Wei intimately. In the eyes of others, the two of them were a talented couple.

The chirping of birds, the chirping of cicadas, and the sound of wind chimes. Looking over here, you can see the vermilion torii gate of the shrine adjacent to the shopping street. Levi also has a very intuitive experience of how crowded Tokyo is. For example, the shrines in small cities are not small in scale, but here in Tokyo, after excluding a few large shrines, it is absolutely impossible. Most small shrines are very narrow and are placed in various areas. The smallest shrine covers an area of ​​less than a hundred square meters. After entering the torii gate, you can only walk two steps to the main shrine of the shrine. In addition to the main shrine and the There are no other buildings except the side rooms used for the rest of the clergy.

Levi and Suijin stopped at the door of the shrine.

Suijin said: "If there really is a god in this world, why doesn't he come out to stop what is happening here in Tokyo?"

Levi said: "Probably because God is not strong either. If he is strong enough, who would dare to cause trouble in Tokyo?"

This world is not without local mysterious power, but from Levi's perspective, the extraordinary existences in this world are too weak. Even if he sends out the most inferior clone, it is enough to destroy the entire world here. In the extraordinary world, the gap between the two sides is really too big.

But this time in Tokyo, in the so-called battle for secret scrolls, the local gods have become cowards, hiding in their own shrines and temples and not daring to go out. The vast majority of small shrines are actually not inhabited by gods. In addition to being extremely weak, the gods and demons in this world are also very rare. Even though Neon claims to have millions of gods and Buddhas, the actual number of gods is less than two hundred. This is the truth about the gods and Buddhas in this world. Precisely because they are weak and few, these beings do not dare to act rashly when facing the dragon crossing the river.

Sui Jin looked at Li Wei and said, "Do you want to go in and have a look? Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't visit."

Sui Jin considered that Li Wei was from Chongguo and was not interested in neon gods and demons, so he would not force Li Wei to do something he didn't want to do.

Levi said: "Then let's go in and take a look, but the two of us are like we are on a date now."

Sui Jin's face suddenly turned red, but in response to Levi's statement, she felt a sweet feeling in her heart. Indeed, now is the time for two people to be alone. When a couple goes out on a date, they just go shopping and find a place to eat. , then get up to watch a movie, or go to the theater to watch rakugo or live-action dramas.

Sui Jin said: "This kind of thing doesn't matter anymore. Others can say whatever they like and do whatever they like. If you always live in the eyes of others, it will be very tiring."

Levi said: "You really don't look like a neon person, but this is pretty good."

Sui Jin smiled and said: "Li Weijun, you are not the first person to say this about me, but I always appreciate such comments. Being a traditional neon person is too tiring and too hypocritical, so I should throw away some of it appropriately. Masks can make one's life more comfortable. But this is probably because I run a store myself. If I were just an ordinary member, or a dispatched employee working under others, I would never be able to maintain the same status as I do now. Such an optimistic attitude.”

Levi said: "I thought of a sentence. Sartre once said that others are hell. This sentence is very suitable for a depressive social environment like neon. After individuals are oppressed, they will vent their resentment. to the next person, and then a vicious cycle is formed, turning the entire society into a hell where the big fish eats the small fish.”

In fact, this kind of thing is similar in China. After the collapse of the social moral system caused by the elderly care case, everyone was forced to become an egoist, so that the entire social moral system became cold. .

So in this regard, Li Wei can only say that the two sides are evenly matched. Although the reasons leading to this situation are different, the final results are similar.

Sui Jin smiled and said: "That's why I say that Neon's service industry will make people distorted. If foreigners only travel here for a short period of time, they won't notice this situation. They will only think that Neon people are very... It’s about etiquette, but this in itself is a kind of distortion. Suppressing yourself for a long time will make people perverted. Even people like me who are my own boss cannot avoid being angry, let alone those who make a living under others, so I just said that neon itself is a living hell."

Levi nodded. This kind of thing is not only the neon in the world here, but also the neon in the real world. After all, there are only a few people who can live as they please. Most people have to compromise with life and lower their heads.

The two people arrived in front of the main shrine.

A girl wearing a long traditional witch robe came to the two of them and said softly: "Are you two lovers? The marriage luck of our shrine is very good, you two can give it a try."

Li Wei secretly laughed in his heart. This shrine didn't even have a god, so there was no god who cared about marriage. However, the other person looked timid and cute, and he had always been more tolerant of cute girls.

Li Wei smiled and said, "Really? Then let's seek marriage."

Hearing Levi's words, Sui Jin was stunned for a moment, and then blushed on her face.

The little witch had an excited expression on her face. Levi had already read her thoughts through mind reading. This shrine was her family's shrine. Things were relatively easy in the past few years, but the economy has declined in recent years. She came to the shrine to pay homage. There are fewer and fewer people, and the income of the shrine has also declined. The girls who rely on the shrine to eat are naturally anxious.

Moreover, this girl's parents died young and she is now living with her grandma. She is considered an independent and self-reliant girl. Unfortunately, her appearance does not meet Li Wei's inner passing standard. At the same time, she does not have "great luck" and cannot reach the standard. The lowest standard of "Huangdi Shengjing".

It doesn't matter if he doesn't meet the standards of fellow practitioners, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't have great luck, but his basic appearance is not up to par. For Levi, who has an animal appearance, he can only say it is a pity.

Chapter 4. Not enough fate

With the expectant eyes of the little shrine maiden, the two of them came to the front of the shrine main store. After completing the process of cleansing their hands, they began to pay homage. Of course, although Li Wei was not sincere in his heart, he had gone through the necessary procedures. Even a professional like the little witch could not find fault with this etiquette.

Li Wei thought to himself, it's a good thing that there are no gods living in this shrine, otherwise due to the personality gap between the two parties, if he worships the other party, the other party will have to kneel down and kowtow to him in order to pay off the gap in personality. . And if that happens, the little witch's outlook on life will definitely collapse.

After completing the worship, Levi took out his wallet, took out the Fukuzawa Yukichi, and put it into the money box.

Seeing this scene, the little witch's eyes widened with an incredible expression on her face.

But yes, ordinary pilgrims just throw a few coins casually, and a little more generously, that is, one thousand yuan or two thousand yuan. One thousand yuan is very rare.

And like Li Wei, he threw a pile of large bills directly into the money box. The thick stack of banknotes almost got stuck on the wooden seal on the surface of the money box. Such a thickness is conservatively estimated to be more than one million yuan, so Rich people are hard to find.

After the two people left the shrine, Sui Jin asked curiously: "Li Weijun, did you donate too much to the shrine just now?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "For others, it may be a bit much, but for me, it is just right. That child is destined to me, but the fate is not deep enough, so I chose to take the initiative to cut off this fate."

He has seen many relatively cute girls. Although he met a scumbag who fell in love with her, scumbags are scumbags. His vision is very high. She is not a top-notch beauty with a lot of luck. For him, He said that they were all "non-essential options". Taking the initiative to cut off the fate in this way was one of the few things he could do.

Levi did not look back, but he knew that the little miko was standing under the torii gate of the shrine, holding on to the pillars of the torii gate, looking at his back obsessively.

Levi knew that the little witch had fallen in love with him at first sight, and it would be difficult to forget his face in this life. Unfortunately, the little witch was still a little short of what he wanted, plus other reasons, so it was like this There was a girl passing by, and that was all he could do. As a heartthrob who is loved by everyone, it is impossible for Levi to respond to every girl's feelings. Therefore, he will only choose the most delicate flowers among the flowers. As for the more nameless wild flowers, he can only watch them from a distance. .

This kind of thing is very easy to understand. If you think about it from your perspective, if a god appears in front of you and gives you two girls to choose from, you can only choose one.

Both of these girls will be obedient to you, loyal to you, and have outstanding talents and extraordinary abilities. However, one girl has an ordinary appearance, while the other girl is Tifa Lockhart from "Final Fantasy". How would you choose who?

How many people would choose that ordinary-looking girl? Men are all visual creatures, and Levi and all the gentlemen here are no exception.

Sui Jin said in confusion: "Li Weijun, if you do this, it will leave a deeper impression on her, which is more cruel to a certain extent."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Because of this, I have to compensate her. It is such a cruel thing to completely cut off the fate. After all, my ability has its limit, and it is impossible to make every girl happy. , the only thing I can do is to make the girls around me happy."

Sui Jin didn't know what to say. Although Levi's words were very scumbag from the perspective of onlookers, it was also true. Being too popular was such a trouble. Human energy has its limits, and it is impossible to take care of the emotions of everyone in life, so it is not wrong for people like Levi to only take care of the people around them.

On the contrary, it can be said that Levi can be called a good man just by being able to take good care of the people around him.

The two people continued to walk forward, and soon left the scope of the shopping street and came to the main road. Compared with the commercial street that is purely a pedestrian street, the main road here has cars and cars, and the streets are full of people. A feeling of vitality, of course, in Levi's view, this is just an illusion.

Levi said: "I don't want to go home at this time. Where should we go next? Is there anything worth seeing nearby?"

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Suijin said: "This is not a place like Kyoto, but there are not so many scenic spots. The small shrine we passed just now is already the most famous scenic spot here."

Levi said: "Really? It feels like the shrine just now is really small. As a tourist attraction, it doesn't feel like it's impressive enough."

Sui Jin said: "There is nothing we can do about it. The area we are in is a well-known civilian area in District 13. The attractions here, whether in scale or features, cannot keep up with other areas. However, we At least it’s better than Nerima Ward. When it comes to Nerima Ward, the first thing most people think of is Daikon, but at least it doesn’t give people that stereotype.”


Levi wanted to complain in his heart. Nerima District can still be remembered as Bairadish. This area really has no characteristics. Not only is the economy at the bottom of the 13th ward in Tokyo, but it also has no sense of existence. In a sense Speaking of which, it's even more tragic.

Of course, Levi would not be stupid enough to speak out his inner thoughts. He was not interested in the neon lights of this world, but after all, this was the hometown of Sui Jin, Haruhara Ayaka and others. Even if there were any problems here , it’s hard for him to say it clearly. And there is no need to speak out about such a small problem.

Levi said: "Is there a movie theater near here?"

Sui Jin's face suddenly turned red. How could she not understand what Li Wei meant. The chaotic environment of a movie theater is just right for men and women in love to do happy things. Although she has no experience in this area, in this Internet age, if you haven't eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig running away? Therefore, her heartbeat began to speed up, and the blush spread to the roots of her ears.

Sui Jin said: "There is a small cinema nearby. I wonder if there are any good movies recently."

Sui Jin doesn't care what movie she watches, because this is a rare time for her and Levi to be alone. It doesn't matter what movie she watches. The key is that the person watching the movie with her is Levi.

Chapter 4. Let’s go to the movies

Sui Jin said: "There is indeed a movie theater nearby. It's not big. The owner is a very strange person. He always likes to show movies from the old era, such as sword and halberd movies and Yakuza movies."

The so-called sword and halberd films are Neon's local martial arts films. Most of them tell ancient stories. To some extent, they are equivalent to the predecessors of the so-called "Dahe Drama" today. Although they are limited by the technology and investment of the production era, , the expressiveness of the picture is not as good as that of current new movies, but because of its hard core, it still has many fans now.

Just like in China, although there are new movies every year, there are always many people who are fond of classic old movies. After all, new movies are really a mixed bag, and they will "step in shit" if they are not careful, so many people will not go there. Instead of watching movies in theaters, you wait until the theaters are finished and watch them online. By that time, which movie is good and which movie is shit will already have a reputation on the Internet, so the audience will not have to worry about stepping on shit. .

Levi said: "Old movies are also good. Those old movies that have withstood the test of time are all classics. The boss who specializes in showing old movies is willful, but also quite romantic."

Sui Jin said: "The boss is a rich man who is not short of money. He is not a prodigal himself. He is also very good at business. He has his property on the shopping street. His only hobby is watching old movies. He not only Watch it, and encourage people around you to get up and watch it. It is precisely because of this that the movie tickets in this store's theater are very cheap, and each movie ticket comes with a bottle of drink and a large bucket of popcorn."

Li Wei smiled and said: "There are a lot of weirdos here in Neon, but I don't hate these weirdos. Isn't it nice to be able to live the way you like and share your hobbies with everyone? .”

Sui Jin said: "Yeah, if I were as rich as him, I would probably be as willful as him. That movie theater was operating at a loss every year, but he could afford the loss, so he kept the price cheap and the price was low. The free food and drinks have only had a minor price increase since the opening, and the audience can understand that business has always been good."

Levi can understand such behavior. This boss is by no means a fool. This can be regarded as a way to make money at a loss and build a character for himself. Although he is a weirdo, he is friendly and lovable. As long as If this person is able to set up, then he can completely earn back the money from other places by monetizing his fame.

Just like domestic online live broadcasts, it is very similar to this. You can monetize traffic, and traffic is a variant of fame. Whether it is good reputation or notoriety, as long as the traffic increases, you can use popularity to bring goods. Use this way to monetize.

However, Li Wei didn't intend to explain the principle in such a rude manner in a place like this, so he just let Sui Jin continue to be such a good friend. People always have to be a little romantic. If everyone is like him, he will If you see through everything, then this society will really have no color at all.

Not long after the two people left, they arrived at the cinema Sui Jin mentioned. The cinema didn't look too big, but after walking in, it turned out that it was really like this. There were only two screening rooms in the whole cinema, and Li Wei felt that , and found that this cinema only had more than 400 movie-viewing seats. He looked at the movie schedule and saw that the nearest movie was still about ten minutes away.

Suijin said: "Huh? "One-Armed Sword Fights Zatoichi"? What kind of ultimate suture monster is this?!"

Suijin is not surprised by this. After all, the one-armed sword and Zatoichi are two completely different stories. One is about using a broken sword with a broken arm, and the other is about a blind man wandering into the world, and both parties are considered positive characters. Such two people, and How did they get together and start a fight?

Levi just smiled. When he saw "Aliens vs. Predator", he also had this "fuck" expression, which was normal.

Neon Man is famous for his big imagination, let alone such a big fight between the protagonists in different plots, even if Godzilla vs. Ultraman appears, he will not be surprised. After all, the ruffian in the real world has not only filmed Godzilla, but also recently Ultraman, and is also preparing to remake the reset version of the first-generation Kamen Rider. This guy has taken all the romance of men, and, O The worldviews of Teman and Kamen Rider overlapped during the Showa era. Even if there was a big fight, it would be normal.

To talk about a more interesting thing, the world view of Showa Kamen Rider can even overlap and link with the world view of Marvel superheroes, because Neon once filmed "The Four Hundred Aunts", which is the English name of Spider-Man. This also has to talk about copyright. Marvel used to be very poor. It was so poor that it sold the copyright of its own characters. Spider-Man was sold to Sony. Then there was the "Four Hundred Aunt" full of flaws. , then Marvel reached out and wanted to buy back the rights to Spider-Man, but this time it was Sony's turn to refuse. Sony opened up the use rights to Marvel, but the core copyrights were tightly held in its hands, so both parties played their own roles and created many interlocking and exciting operations. The Showa Kamen Rider world view is for this reason , can connect the Marvel superhero worldview, and the bridge between the two sides is Spider-Man, or the "Four Hundred Aunt".

It is precisely because of this that a one-armed sword fight with Zatoichi is not a problem at all, and Levi is also looking forward to the movie. Let’s see what kind of content the Neon Man can do with such content. degree.

Levi said: "Then let's watch this one. I'm also very curious about the content of this movie. I'll buy a ticket right now."

Sui Jin said: "Okay, my curiosity has also been aroused. I hope the content of this movie will not be eye-catching. The owner of this cinema has a very bad taste. From time to time, he will add some ancient movies to the normal schedule. For B-level movies, if the audience is particularly lucky, they will recruit them.”

Li Wei bought two movie tickets at the front desk. As Sui Jin said, the movie tickets were very cheap. Two tickets only cost a thousand yuan. What can you do with a thousand yuan in Neon? Eat a simple set meal for one person at a family restaurant, or have a bowl of ramen at a ramen restaurant, or buy a few sandwich rice balls at a convenience store, and go to Yoshinoya to eat a small portion of beef rice. Cross out Yoshinoya. Yoshinoya has been on the rise recently. The price is over, a small portion of beef rice is already 1,300 yen.

Two tickets are the price of a fast food meal, and they also come with two 100ml bottles of iced drinks and two large boxes of popcorn. Damn it if you don’t lose money. With this kind of pricing, you can’t make back your money with movie tickets alone. , especially if the venue is rented.

Levi returned to Suijin and said: "A hundred-yen ticket, I feel like I have returned to the Showa era."

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