The light flashed, and the girls realized that the scenery in front of them had changed greatly. What appeared in front of them was a quiet beach. In the distance, they could see rolling buildings on the mountains. It was a lively small town. Looking from here, You can also see various small sailing boats floating on the sea outside the port.

Levi said: "Welcome to my shelter, which is the last place for all kinds of homeless hapless people."

Chunyuan Ayaka said doubtfully: "Shelter?"

Levi said: "Yes, the original purpose of establishing this place was to serve as a refuge. However, after the development, it has become more and more perfect, so it feels like a refuge rather than a refuge." An idyllic resort.”

Chun Yuan Nainai put up an arbor with her hands and looked at the distant scenery. The scenery here was like a saturation filter. It was so beautiful and everything was so dreamy.

Chunyuan Nana said: "It's so big here!"

Levi said: "This is a small world that can grow with my personal strength. Compared with the beginning, the volume here has expanded several times. Now there are more than a thousand square kilometers of land, enough to accommodate Hundreds of thousands of people live a self-sufficient life here.”

Levi continued: "The residents here are very complicated. Some people have to migrate here because their world has collapsed and the planet has died. Some people have been persecuted because of their race. They could no longer stay in this world and had to leave with me. Others were even more unlucky and lived an ordinary life in their own world, only to be treated as playthings by higher-level beings and thrown into a purgatory-like cross-world space. On the battlefield, only a few survivors could survive. I was also involved in the chaos at that time, so I saved some unlucky ones. It can be said that most of the residents here have A reason or a reason why I had to come here.”

Sui Jin sighed and said: "This is really fantastic, but then again, the collapse of civilization and the death of the planet is too exaggerated. What kind of things can lead to such a situation? "? "

Levi said: "You should know about zombies, right?"

Several girls nodded.

Levi continued: "That's easy to explain. The Earth over there has experienced a biochemical crisis for unknown reasons. A large number of zombies have appeared simultaneously all over the world. It is these undead and non-living existences that have brought down the entire human race. Civilization has collapsed, and there is chaos in the apocalypse. Most people will not be able to survive."

Levi's words made several girls fall into silence. After all, compared to those unlucky ones, they and Levi entered this world because they were already very lucky.

Li Wei said: "Next, I have to arrange your residence properly. Chunyuan Village has been completely destroyed in the previous battle. But I will rebuild Chunyuan Village in this small world. In this world, there is no In the sense of social survival pressure, the supply of materials in the small world here is unlimited. Even if everyone does not work, they can still have the materials to nourish life. So in this small world, you can follow your inner thoughts and live your own life. The life you want. I will talk to you in detail about this aspect later. For now, let us go to the urban area and find you a piece of land to rebuild Chunyuan Village. "


It also took Levi a lot of energy to settle a few girls. When the girls saw that the streets in the city were full of beautiful girls and there were no men, the smell of jealousy could be smelled from a distance, even if they were Mature older sisters like Haruhara Ayaka are not immune to this.

After rebuilding Chunyuan Village, Li Wei was pushed back by several girls. The girls vented their dissatisfaction in this way, and then, they were all knocked down by Li Wei. After all, they were practicing "Huang Di Sheng". "The King of the Crystal Palace", a few girls want to drain his energy, it is simply a fantasy.

After "persuading" several girls with physical means, the girls finally settled down and accepted the fact. After spending a few days getting familiar with life in the small world, after confirming that the girls were all After being able to survive independently, Levi left the small world of the floating island.

After returning to the world of "Miss Manager of Spring Garden Manor", Levi spent some time to find the body of Shiina Aki, and then found Shiina Aki's soul through the soul-inducing technique, and made a physical body for it to possess. body, temporarily resurrecting it in this way.

The next operation was when Levi became a human being. After Levi resurrected Shiina Aki, he watched the complete anime series of "The Manager of Spring Garden Manor" and once again resurrected Shiina Aki without showing up. My mentality was broken, and I racked up points again.

After draining Shiina Aki's use value, Levi directly pulled his soul out of the temporary body, blew it gently, and the soul was scattered, leaving no chance for him to be reborn.

After doing all this, Levi left the boundary with satisfaction and returned to the real world.

The real world at this time was still in the middle of the night. Although he had stayed in the world of "Miss Manager of Spring Garden" for several months, Levi's sense of time was not confused. He had surpassed ordinary people. This kind of understanding The problems that bother ordinary people are nothing to him anymore, such as jet lag and the like, they don't exist.

And when he returned from that world, it was also night, so he didn't feel any discomfort after returning to the real world.

Not knowing what to do in the middle of the night, Levi opened World of Tanks, hooked up the network accelerator, and began his journey to fight high blood pressure. Half an hour later, his blood pressure rose and he decisively closed the game. This is the current situation of the game. If you play it, your blood pressure will be high. If you don't play it, you will miss it.

Bored, Levi created a puppet clone to make up for it, while he lay on the sofa in the study room and connected to the domestic PiliPili with an accelerator to see what interesting content there was. Nowadays, it is very convenient for Levi to watch the show. After all, he is in Neon, and he can directly watch any show he wants. He can enjoy fresh content faster than in China. However, this also makes him watch new movies. It’s easy to get into trouble when playing.

So apart from the supplements, he prefers to brag with his friends on PiLiPiLi. However, now that the IP address has started to be displayed, friends will always post something like "`. Come back soon" when they see others on Neon. "Ah, there are gold bars in the village" and other funny messages. Considering the domestic housing prices and the pressure to survive, it is understandable that there are so many friends who would leave such messages.

Some people also suggested that if Li Wei is in Neon, he can shoot some life vlogs to satisfy the curiosity of friends. After all, Li Wei is a UP artist and is quite well-known in Pili Bili. Although he does not have many fans, he There are definitely a lot of them, and there is a gap between them and the top 100, but their influence is much stronger than the average small UP. Some people like to read content related to life. Levi was too mysterious before, so many people were curious about him.

To be honest, Levi thinks the suggestions from friends are quite fun. Sharing his life without exposing his privacy is also a fun thing. These days, the threshold for UP masters is getting lower and lower, but in Levi's view, this is not a bad thing. After all, everyone has the right to shine. Of course, whether you can shine or not depends on your ability.

Chapter. Return to old business

As far as UP is concerned, it has been since Li Wei posted his first painting video in Abi, but in the past few years, he has created all his own works and has never shown his face, which means that people in the industry know him With his appearance, he has no reputation outside the industry.

The more Li Wei thought about it, the more he felt that he could take some vlogs appropriately. After all, there is a saying that goes well, if wealth does not return to its hometown, it is like walking at night in brocade clothes.

There is actually no point in returning home after getting rich, because Li Wei's relatives are pretty good people. If he showed up in front of his relatives, it would easily cause trouble to his parents. He would not let his parents do it just for his own pleasure. Difficult to do.

Therefore, it is a very good choice to increase your presence on the Internet. Li Wei thought for a while and realized that he had not had any videos of board drawings for a while. Now he couldn’t sleep anyway, so he just took out a picture and showed it to Ah Friends announced that he, Hu Hansan, is back again.

Recovering the puppet clone who was watching the show, Levi sat in front of the computer. After connecting the tablet, Levi opened PS and screen recording software, and then started painting with exaggerated efficiency. Generally speaking, a painter The finished painting would take three to four hours at the fastest while maintaining fineness. But when it came to Li Wei, he could draw it within an hour. Now, it has been compressed to half an hour, and this Half an hour is not his limit, but only the limit of the software's response.

It's very simple for Li Wei's painting speed to be so fast. First, he has already completed the composition in his mind and only needs to transfer the contents of his mind to an external carrier. Secondly, his hands are very stable and he will not draw any deviations or mistakes. So there is no need to modify it. In this case, what limits his painting speed, apart from software performance, is only the difficulty of the techniques used in painting. The more complex the techniques required, the slower the painting will be. But at his speed, it can't be much slower.

In more than half an hour, Levi had already touched up the finished product, and then came the post-production editing and soundtrack. These things were very simple for him. He had reached the point where practice makes perfect. It only took ten minutes. In time, he completed the post-production work, and then put his work on the upload channel in the background, waiting for the upload to be completed.

Nowadays, the review speed of Abi is faster than before, but the review intensity is becoming more and more strict. The old MMD in the animation area and many content with benefits have become invalid, including the authors of those old MMD And most of the porters have also retired.

Videos in the painting area like this are reviewed relatively quickly because the content is not harmonious, unless the creator is trying to draw something political or pornographic. But for Li Wei, he usually draws concept drawings and high-precision illustrations, and the creative scope of these two types is relatively wide, and there is basically nothing to harmonize with. Unlike MMD videos, they will be sent back for revision at every turn. .

Almost half an hour later, the video showed that the review was completed and the delivery was successful. Seeing this, Levi put his chin on his hand and began to refresh his comment area to see what kind of comments there would be.

Because he is the UP owner of the painting area, there are always message reminders in his backstage area. Those old videos from the past still have people leaving messages. Regarding these messages, Li Wei will keep them, but if he encounters When someone comes to make trouble, he used to spray them directly back, but now, he just wants to hit people along the network cable.

【Fuck! The boss is thinking about his bad debt. There haven’t been any new videos for half a year, but there is an update this time in the underworld! 】

[If you have this technology, let me show you this, a pornographic picture! Bangbang gives you two punches! 】

[The master of UP is in Neon, I’m so envious. I’m taking the N test now. When I pass the test, I’ll meet the master of UP. (dog head)]

[UP Come and have a clear day, don’t draw Shiranui Mai all the time, I’m tired of it. (The panda has a bored expression)]

[UP’s Mai Shiranui and Chunli are the best, the sensual big sister is the best! How about UP drawing a Tifa? 】

[Grandpa, the UP you care about has been updated, I have cached the video for you to burn! 】

Within a few minutes of the video, the number of comments below the video had exceeded 100, and Levi's own number of fans was less than 100,000. It was incredible for Levi to be so active, after all, he had already taken advantage of it. It's been half a year. Logically speaking, half a year is enough time for friends to forget about him.

Li Wei didn't know how special he was in the painting area. He was a prolific and high-quality painter who could be counted on ten fingers, and he was one of them. In addition, his illustrations had a high degree of completion. It’s so scary that for ordinary painters, they can only rely on burning time. If he didn’t add the painting process every time, the audience would not believe that he created it in such a short period of time. It is precisely because of this "god talent" that although Levi has not made videos for half a year, the popularity he accumulated before is still there, and they are all real living human bodies.

However, Levi has no intention of monetizing his popularity. He is not short of money now, and the purpose of making videos is very pure, just to get positive feedback. A wealthy person like him who is not short of money can completely use it. The quality of the video has been improved as much as possible, far beyond that of others, and now he can no longer stick to the painting area, he can be a "free person" and make whatever type of video he wants. , If you don’t rely on this to make a living, he can be so tough when speaking.

Levi created a clone to read messages and interact with friends at the same time, while his real body pulled out a comic from the bookshelf and began to slowly appreciate it under the bright light.

The comic Levi is reading now is called "The Witch of Soar". It is a very slow-paced and heartwarming modern fantasy work. The story tells an interesting and heart-warming story about a witch hiding in modern society and living a life like this. This kind of story is very suitable for those who have been mentally damaged by Heishen Zanxiang's works.

Hurt by "From the Abyss"? Come on, get up and watch "Shou no Witch" and see the interesting daily lives of witches and ordinary people.

As for the manga "Shou no Witch", Levi has already read it, but this kind of warm daily fantasy manga is completely addictive. I have to say that the person who can create such a work is definitely a very gentle person. Because if you are not gentle enough, you cannot create this kind of work that can make even a big man laugh.

The puppet clone monitors the comment area, and the overall atmosphere in the comment area is good. It should be said that the painting area is one of the few areas without much quarrels, such as the music area, dance area, and animation area next door. The hardest hit area. Especially in the dance area, the little girls were scheming, acting like a palace drama, and some scoundrels were waving flags and shouting to lick their smelly feet. Levi couldn't help but laugh out loud while watching. I have to say, as a fun person, the Internet It really gave him infinite joy, because there are all kinds of strange behaviors on the Internet, and these strange behaviors are his greatest source of happiness.


Of course, the puppet clone monitoring the video comment area also saw some discordant remarks.

[I drew it so fast, I’m afraid it wasn’t done with AI, and then I said it was my own work. Also, the content of this painting is a misinterpretation of our traditional culture. I think this UP owner is a cultural spy. 】

The puppet's clone raised an eyebrow, and Levi's body already knew that the person tracing and locating spell was activated. Now relying on the electronic information medium, he could also perform tracing and locating. As long as there was information, there was no way to escape his location.

In an instant, Levi located the location of the netizen who said this. The IP address on the opposite side was displayed as Wanwan, and the person was indeed on Wanwan Island.

In front of the computer screen, a thin young man was leaning on an ergonomic chair. Above the computer desk were a mess of empty food packaging bags and fast food wrapping paper after eating.

Levi didn't hesitate, and jumped right in. The young man who was furiously typing on the keyboard to communicate with netizens had half of his face swollen, and at the same time, several of his teeth were sticking out.

Levi withdrew his hand that passed through the space passage, and gently knocked out his big penis. He only knocked out a few teeth on the opposite side without damaging the life of the opposite side. It was also a very test of strength control. If he had a slight problem with his strength control, Once in place, the head on the opposite side moved directly.

There are only a few people like this. There are always people who will vent their inner darkness on the Internet. This is normal. However, Levi will not accept such things. Now, he will not say that he has no taboos like the "ancestors", but he will also punish those who offend him, such as just like that, across the screen Give the other side a big dick.

A passer-by and netizen who was having an intense confrontation with that young man found that his opponent suddenly stopped talking, and he became excited. It was exciting to defeat the opponent with words and words on the Internet. However, as everyone knew, his The opponent was lying on the ground at this time, unable to get up from the pain, so naturally he had no energy to fight him.

Li Wei, who was completely sleepless, saw that it was getting dark, so he simply got up to prepare breakfast. When Jinchengzhai Qianye got up, he saw Li Wei sitting cross-legged on the balcony, with his heart in the sky.

Jinchengzhai Qianye came to the balcony and looked at Li Wei who was meditating with his eyes closed, his expression was peaceful and smiling, and he sighed in his heart that this man was too good-looking.

Jinchengzhai Qianye didn't intend to disturb Li Wei. She didn't know what Li Wei was doing, but it was the most basic courtesy not to disturb what others were doing.

Just as Jinchengzhai Qianye stepped lightly and prepared to return to the house, he heard Levi's words.

"I woke up very early today. Breakfast has been prepared and is in the dining room. You can eat it without heating it." Levi opened his eyes, turned his head and smiled.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: "Thank you, but Li Weijun, what are you doing? It looks like Buddhist meditation, and a bit like Shinto meditation."

Li Wei stood up, patted the dust on his pants, and said with a smile: "It's just a simple Taoist entrance technique."

Jinchengzhai Qianye showed a confused expression. Although she had a certain understanding of Chongguo, she was not familiar with the folk religion, so when Li Wei mentioned "Tao Sect", she showed a confused expression. expression.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: "I didn't expect that Li Weijun, you also have a hobby in folklore. Li Weijun, do you study mysticism?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "A little bit, I have a wide range of interests and hobbies. Except for the very professional and the very partial, I know more or less."

For ordinary people, limited by their own learning ability and energy, it is very rare to be able to master a skill in a lifetime. Levi has also surpassed the limits of ordinary people, so he can be versatile, and his talents are also limited to a certain number. Within the scope, he is not very good at subjects such as chemistry and mechanics, or he is too lazy to spend too much time, because he is not very interested in this aspect. He can achieve it by directly using magic to "I Xunsi" Purpose, this is why I did not deliberately conduct in-depth research.

Jinchengzhai Qianye sat down on the floor-to-ceiling window porch and said: "I see Li Weijun that you practice very seriously. Is there anyone in this world who has really obtained magical power? Some so-called masters claim that they have magical abilities. , but in the end it was revealed and it was just magic. To be honest, I really want to see the real magical power."

Li Wei can understand the psychology of Jinchengzhai Qianye. Most people are like this. They are instinctively curious about the mysterious unknown. But when they really encounter mysterious powers, these people will also feel fear. The so-called Ye Gong loves dragons. This is the case.

Levi said: "Real magical power is not so fun. After ordinary people encounter certain mysterious powers, they will instinctively walk around when they encounter similar situations. However, within the city, the popularity is strong. Under normal circumstances, it is not easy for mysterious forces to appear."

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Jinchengzhai Qianye smiled and said: "Listening to what you said, Li Weijun, it seems as if these magical things really exist in the world."

Levi brought breakfast to the high round table on the balcony and pulled the chair in front of the table. The two sat down and started enjoying breakfast.

Li Wei said: "As for magical power, only a very few people with great courage can control it. Ordinary people can rely on hard practice to master some skills beyond ordinary people, but some people are also afraid of their own power and do not use their own power. After two times, you won’t need it again, like the Yin and Yang Eyes.”

Jinchengzhai Qianye showed a surprised expression. The exchange between her and Li Wei was inherently joking. She did not expect that Li Wei would mention the existence of Yin Yang Eyes. As a neon person, especially How could someone who has studied folklore not know what the so-called "yin and yang eyes" are.


The inner surprise made Jinchengzhai Qianye forget to put the food in his mouth.

When she came back to her senses, she quickly said: "Are there really ghosts in this world?"

Levi said: "There are indeed some, but not many in number. Times have changed. As human beings' footprints become wider and wider, the living space of various strange beings is also compressed."

There are also things in the real world that cannot be explained by existing science. Half-hearted materialists will directly deny the existence of these things, and use scientific theories to strengthen their own knowledge and tell themselves that those things do not exist. This is to deny some things that really exist, so as to prevent one's own three views from collapsing.

However, science is a methodology, a tool, and a ladder for human beings to understand the unknown. When a real researcher encounters an unknown existence or phenomenon, he will never rush to deny the existence of the other party, but will be curious. Research with heart and speak with facts and research.

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