Some people believe not in science, but in a religion called science. They attempt to establish a simple and crude set of three insights to achieve logical autonomy. However, the world is so complex, and human beings have not even explored the depth of the ocean or the underground space. Exploration is not even as good as the exploration of the universe. There are still many things that humans do not know, but those people feel that human science is almost omniscient and omnipotent.

If science is truly almighty, how can we explain a Qi practitioner like Levi who can travel between worlds and possess a power powerful enough to destroy the earth? So Li Wei never superstitious about the Bachelor of Science.

Chapter. Thought it was nonsense

Precisely because his own existence cannot be explained by science, although Levi respects science, he will not blindly follow it. Moreover, with the power he possesses, if he really unscrupulously transforms the outside world, he can destroy the entire world in a very short time. The painting style is biased.

However, Levi didn't want to do this. After all, this was his hometown, his base camp. It didn't matter how he wandered in other worlds, but the real world was his root. Once it was damaged, it would be very troublesome to repair it. He didn't want to Make trouble for yourself.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: "If yin and yang eyes exist, then people with yin and yang eyes can see many things that ordinary people cannot see, such as ghosts and so on."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Well, it is indeed visible, so people who are born with yin and yang eyes without training will usually ask an expert to seal their yin and yang eyes to prevent them from seeing things they shouldn't see and hurting themselves. Of course. , for people in special professions, having double yin and yang eyes can save themselves a lot of trouble. Those who work in certain special professions without yin and yang eyes can only rely on the power of props, and this way of using foreign objects is It has limitations, and it is easy to be caught off guard when faced with unexpected situations.”

Jinchengzhai Qianye showed a surprised expression, but she still didn't believe it in her heart. After all, after ten years of materialist education, although Neon respects tradition, it is an old body. For young people, it is I don't care much about these things anymore. Of course, when young people spread urban ghost stories, they are still quite excited. People are curious, and this is normal.

She didn't really believe what Li Wei said. She just thought that what Li Wei said was nonsense from folklore enthusiasts. After all, people who engage in art often appear to be a little neurotic. Li Wei would believe these things, which seemed to her to be illusory. It's also a normal thing. Geniuses always have some quirks that ordinary people cannot understand. Those who believe in folklore are already relatively easy to understand.

Although she doesn't know much about art workers, she still knows a little bit. The more genius you are, the more different you are from ordinary people.

Jinchengzhai Qianye was playful and followed Li Wei's words and said, "Then what should we do if we accidentally see those things?"

Levi said: "Pretend not to see it, find opportunities to distance yourself, and don't let the other person know that you have seen it."

Jinchengzhai Qianye felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, because Li Wei's expression was very real, as if he was talking about how to escape from a wild beast. Moreover, the speed of answering was not making up a story on the spot. It seemed that it was really true. There are things that ordinary people don’t know.

Li Wei smiled and said: "I know Qianye you don't believe this. You are happy because you have not encountered those unexplainable phenomena. Those things often leave a lifelong shadow on an ordinary person, even... In life, people become suspicious and make their lives messy. In the world of ordinary people, it is better to be peaceful. In comparison, those who are more sensitive are more likely to see things under certain conditions than ordinary people. Things you shouldn’t look at, like you, actually have this kind of physique.”

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: "No way, I have never encountered anything strange."

Jinchengzhai Qianye is a cautious person and believes in the saying that a gentleman should not stand behind a dangerous wall, so she almost never goes out at night, is very wary of strangers, and does not go to nightclubs or bars. In the eyes of other young people of the same age, her lifestyle is simply that of a monk in a modern city. Because only those monks who are pure-hearted and ascetic can resist the temptation of wine, sex and wealth from the outside world.

Li Wei smiled and said: "That's because Qianye has very good living habits. You don't go to risky places and you can restrain your desires. With a temperament like yours, even if you are born with a sensitive constitution, you can rely on acquired Come and complete your defense. Well...sit tight."

Before Jinchengzhai Qianye could react, Li Wei's finger had already touched her forehead. She felt as if some switch had been turned on in her brain, and the whole world before her eyes became more vivid. alive.

What surprised her most was that Levi's body surface actually had a faint golden halo, and the same was true for her body surface. It was a golden fluorescence visible to the naked eye, but the brightness of her body surface was far less than The method is compared with Levi. If the vision on her body surface was of normal flashlight intensity, then the fluorescence on Levi's body surface was like a beacon in the night. Under the early morning sunlight, Levi, bathed in golden fluorescence, was like a mythical god.

"What's going on? Does everyone have this golden light?" Jincheng Zhai Qianye said in surprise.

Li Wei tapped her forehead again. Jinchengzhai Qianye felt that a certain switch in her brain was turned off. Her perception ability suddenly dropped significantly, and she returned to her previous mortal state. This made After experiencing a wider range of perception, she was not used to it.

Li Wei said: "Everyone has this layer of golden light, but most people's golden light is very weak and can barely resist various external evils. And modern people are addicted to all kinds of desires, which is even more... It weakens their own defenses, so those who often go to nightclubs, stay up late and dance to discos are more likely to encounter existences that cannot be explained by existing science than ordinary people who live a normal life."

Jinchengzhai Qianye thought about it for a while. Her daily life can be said to be very simple. She is either attending classes at school, reading in the library, or working in restaurants and convenience stores. Her daily life is very simple. It's regular, and I don't have the habit of staying up late or going to nightclubs to indulge, so it's normal that I don't encounter those things.

Levi continued: "The human body has a defense mechanism that cannot be noticed by its own subjective consciousness. It is like an individual who walks somewhere and suddenly feels cold and the hair on his body stands on end. In this case, you have to be vigilant. This It is the body's own defense mechanism that produces a stress response to the surrounding environment, indicating that there are dangers around that are invisible to the human eye. In such a situation, the best way is to go back the same way and try to find a popular place. , use the power of others to resolve crises.”

Jinchengzhai Qianye said curiously: "When you encounter those things, your hair will stand on end. What is the principle of this?"

Levi said: "There is no way to explain this principle using existing science. I can only describe to you the performance of this defense mechanism. When humans encounter dangers that are invisible to the naked eye, the The golden light will turn into golden steel needles, and the whole person is like a hedgehog of light. Beings with insufficient strength cannot break through such a defense. Therefore, such a defense mechanism can inspire fear in human hearts and make people Escape from dangerous situations faster. And those who have lost their defense capabilities due to drinking, sex and wealth, when encountering such a situation, will see some things they should not see because of their insufficient defense, or even be caught by those things. Of course, although some people have good living habits, their innate constitution is so weak that their own resistance is insufficient. Such frail and sick people will be more likely to encounter these dirty things than normal people. .”.

Chapter 4. The inner world of the real world

Jinchengzhai Qianye has begun to believe what Li Wei said, because of the magical experience before, the feeling that one's own perception has greatly expanded, and can even extend consciousness, is definitely not an illusion, although it is a very short time, but She did scan the entire apartment with her so-called senses.

Jinchengzhai Qianye turned her head and turned her body slightly, and then she was stunned, because in the place where her sight was blocked before, she saw a picture that was exactly the same as what she had perceived. This showed that what had just happened That strange super feeling is not fake.

Jinchengzhai Qianye suddenly realized that Li Wei was not just a talented new painter, but he also had other secrets.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: "What you did just now, does it count as opening the Yin and Yang Eyes?"

Levi nodded and said, "Don't you think it's amazing to be able to see through obstacles that ordinary people can't see through? That feeling of being like a superman will give people a sense of elation."

"Well, that's true. At that time, although it was only for a moment, I did have the feeling that I was superior to others. This can be regarded as a negative emotion." Jincheng Zhai Qianye had spent a long time in self-study, so He soon realized that his mood was abnormal just now.

The emotion just now was very abnormal for her, because she controlled her emotions very well, so under normal circumstances, such a situation would never happen.

Li Wei said: "The yin and yang eyes make people very sensitive, and once their own will is not strong enough to keep up with this power, the holder of the yin and yang eyes will easily fall into evil ways, thus making their body The righteousness on the surface has been reversed and turned into evil that attracts all kinds of weird beings, so there is a possibility of being attacked by those weird beings anytime and anywhere. It's fine during the day, but at night, the holder of the Yin and Yang Eyes has almost no way out. They can only hide in various religious places and find shelter in those places."

Li Wei is telling the truth. Although ghosts are scary, the strength of ghosts is only so much. Although there are very few gods in the real world, even the aura of a religious place can suppress ghosts. After all, Religious places gather people's good intentions and various positive emotions, forming a large-scale "shield of righteousness" to protect them.

Therefore, if you encounter something that cannot be explained by science, don’t panic. Go to a local open religious place to seek shelter first. The situation is generally stable. Of course, there is nothing you can do about small informal religious places that are not popular enough to gather a shield of righteousness. Like small temples in the countryside, it is difficult to protect them, but in places where the incense is flourishing, the shield of righteousness is strong enough.

There is also the possibility that you are extremely unlucky and end up in the territory of a cult. This is really unlucky. You are in a dilemma. This situation is basically hopeless.

Of course, there are other special situations, such as the ceremony to invite gods in the Chaoshan area of ​​China, the Zhongkui dance, and the parade of generals in the Chaoshan area. At this time, a large number of people gather, and the positive beliefs of people's hearts increase infinitely, and at this time, Yang Qi At the most prosperous moment, even the lonely ghosts passing by will have to be beaten by two big guys. Those who have participated in the ceremony to invite the wandering gods can obtain a BUFF that lasts for a long time. During this period, such ghosts There is no way to deal with people who have BUFF.

Those who directly participate in the ceremony of carrying the shrine and mixing the gods will acquire more or less strange abilities after participating in the ceremony for a long time. This is the residue of power and rituals projected downwards by higher-level beings. The situation of individual fusion is a bit troublesome to explain. Anyway, it is a good thing for ordinary people. Not only can people turn bad luck into good luck, but it can also make the protected people have better luck than ordinary people.

It is precisely because of this that people in Chaoshan area, if you ask them to get up at midnight to go to work, they may not be able to get up. If you ask them to participate in the worship ceremony at early in the morning, they can get up at four o'clock.

Now, in fact, science does not deny the existence of A Piao, because the scientific system is a falsification system, so there is the so-called "superstitious science". A staunch Scientologist is the wave-particle phenomenon of light. I don’t agree with that. This kind of going from one extreme to another is quite scary to be honest.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: "Can a small shrine like this be okay?"

Levi said: "It's best not to go to small shrines. If you have a choice, go directly to the most popular large shrine in the local area. It is safer. Small shrines are not popular enough and can easily bring disasters to small shrines. On the contrary, It’s hurting the innocent.”

Jinchengzhai Qianye nodded, she already believed Li Wei's words.

The reason why Li Wei disclosed these secret knowledge to Jinchengzhai Qianye was also for his own strategy. After all, with a shared secret, he could develop a closer relationship. When facing Jinchengzhai Qianye, Li Wei Wei treated her with the same attitude as an anime heroine. She was very sincere. Although she was a little calculated, she was still sincere.

Ordinary people don’t know this secret knowledge. They are limited by their own outlook on life. To be honest, ordinary people’s ability to accept is not very strong. If the government really makes all top secret information public, ordinary people’s outlook on life will be shattered. It has to be crushed.

Precisely because it exists, it is even more important to say no firmly, otherwise, the entire society will fall into turmoil. This is a strategy that is implemented by the officials of all countries. Stability is more important than anything else, and this is true for any country.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: "Although the time just now was short, I had a feeling that I could 'see' the entire apartment, and everything further away, but I was not there. See anything weird in sight.”

Levi smiled and said, "I'm here."

Jinchengzhai Qianye nodded. Although Li Wei's words were short, the amount of information in them was quite large. Because he was there, those messy beings didn't even dare to get close. What kind of power was this.

Levi said: "I'm actually hesitant whether to tell you this, but I don't want to see anything happen to you. To be honest, Neon has a lot of negative emotions because of the repression of the entire society. , and such an environment can easily breed beings that go beyond ordinary people's common sense. If you know some self-defense methods, you can be safer when I'm not around."

Jinchengzhai Qianye understood the underlying meaning of Li Wei's words.

"Li Weijun, are you leaving Neon?" Jincheng Zhai Qianye said.

"Well, I'll leave for now. It will be the Spring Festival in Chongguo soon. I have to go home to reunite with my family, so I have to go back to Chongguo. As for you, I am here and have a sensitive constitution. Plus, with me You have been exposed to it, so you are easily jealous of dirty things, so I have to let you know how to protect yourself." Levi said.

Jinchengzhai Qianye thought of a question. If he went home during the New Year, wouldn't he attract those dirty things to his parents? This was also a big problem.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: "I can easily be targeted by those things, is that right?"

Levi nodded and said: "Because you get along with me, you have a stronger righteousness than ordinary people. This makes you like a beacon to others, and you will be more attractive to those things. But Because your own righteousness is stronger, so under normal circumstances those things cannot do anything to you."

Jinchengzhai Qianye felt that the breakfast in her mouth was almost tasteless. What she was thinking about now was the safety of her parents, just like Li Wei was about to return to China. There is also a custom of celebrating the New Year in Neon. When the time comes, most people will choose to go back to their hometown to reunite with their families.

But now, her situation is a bit special. She has acquired a resistance far beyond that of ordinary people. She is not afraid even if she encounters dirty things. However, her parents are just ordinary people. She goes back and takes away some dirty things. If you are attracted, it will only be detrimental to your family.

Chapter. Same everywhere

Jinchengzhai Qianye hesitated for a moment and decided to express his inner worries.

"Well, in my current situation, if I go back to celebrate the New Year, will it cause trouble for my family?" Jincheng Zhai Qianye said.

Levi said: "This is a problem. I actually forgot such an important thing. Today I will make some props for you. I can't say that I can solve all the problems 100%, but at least most of the problems can be dealt with. "

Jinchengzhai Qianye listened to Li Wei's words and noticed its details.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: "Li Weijun, there is no way to guarantee that there will be no problems with the props you make, right?"

Levi said: "Nothing is absolutely safe in the world, and when dealing with dirty things like this, even an old mage will capsize in the gutter. Naturally, there is no way to absolutely guarantee that it will be safe if you only rely on props. questionable."

Jinchengzhai Qianye imagined it in his mind. Although he didn't know what Li Wei's props were, most of the time it was safe when holding the props. But if you don't be afraid of ten thousand, be afraid of ten thousand. After all, there is no such thing as an accident. Who can say.

Props may be lost or damaged. If they are props that can only guarantee safety within a certain range, it means that if you want to be safe, you can only move within a safe range. However, you cannot avoid visiting relatives and friends during the New Year, which means that you will have to visit relatives and friends frequently. After leaving the safe area, risks will follow.

Jincheng Zhai Qianye, if you want to avoid causing trouble to your parents, the best way is to stay here in Tokyo. As for the apartment, she just discovered some special items through perception, which should be made by Levi props, which means that this side of the apartment is very safe.

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: "Then I won't be able to go home. If I go back, I will have to cause trouble to my parents. The most troublesome thing is that I still can't explain to them. In their eyes, my various Abnormal behavior. I'm afraid that when I go home this time, they will think I have a mental problem."

Jinchengzhai Qianye felt a little headache. Being regarded as a lunatic was not a pleasant thing, especially when the person who did so was his own parents, it would be even more uncomfortable.

Levi said: "Would you like me to go with you? I guarantee that I can take care of the safety of your hometown and your uncles and aunts."

Jinchengzhai Qianye said: "No, if my parents see you Li Weijun, they will definitely misunderstand you."

Jinchengzhai Qianye's cheeks suddenly turned red. After all, parents are very cautious when facing life-long events for their children. In particular, a handsome, talented and rich person like Li Wei is a very high-quality marriage partner in the eyes of the older generation. If she takes Li Wei back to her hometown, maybe the entire family will know that she has an excellent boyfriend, and then they will launch an offensive to urge her to get married every three days.

Don't think that urging marriage is something that only happens in Chongguo. Neon also has such a thing, but it is rarely seen under normal circumstances, because not every man is as good as Li Wei. Here in Neon The elders’ advice to their daughters is not to get married if you can’t find a high-quality partner, so as not to drag others down. But if you can find a high-quality partner, don’t hesitate to avoid being preempted by others.

Here in Neon, the marriage rate is horribly low, but this is the average of the data drawn by a large number of ordinary people. For those men with wealthy families, it is daily life for the red flag to stay at home and the colorful flags to flutter outside. If he is an even rarer and truly high-quality man, who dares to say that he doesn’t have many confidante?

The elders also work very hard for their daughter's happiness. It is precisely because of this that Jinchengzhai Qianye is even more afraid of taking Li Wei back to his hometown. After all, the relationship between the two parties is just pure friends. They are pure friends in the true sense. They are not the kind of friends who are called friends, but are actually ambiguous. object relationship. She also didn't want her relationship with Levi to become awkward because of her parents. To be honest, Levi was so good that she felt the pressure. She didn't know what kind of outstanding and beautiful woman she needed to be worthy of Levi.

It was precisely because of this that when Levi proposed to follow her to her hometown and arrange props there so that she could go home peacefully for the New Year, she panicked.

Levi said: "I almost forgot about such things. People of the older generation always like to think wildly, not just uncles and aunts, but even my parents. However, my parents pay more attention to my personal privacy. They won’t interfere too much in each other’s lives, which I think is pretty good.”

Levi's growth was not accompanied by confrontation with his parents like other peers. It should be said that he is very lucky to have enlightened parents, but this is also related to his parents' occupation and hobbies. One of his parents likes to study metaphysics, and the other likes various traditional cultures. Both of them have done a lot of research on ancient medicine. , precisely because he loves weird things, he is not so strict in controlling him, but encourages him to explore his own hobbies. It is precisely because of this that the relationship between him and his parents is relatively harmonious.

In the past, Levi was a staunch materialist. When his father happily explained to him his new discoveries about the human body's radiance and the body's health energy in the Chong Medicine, Li Wei pretended to be all ears on the surface, but he was dissatisfied with it in his heart. I scoffed at it, thinking that these things were all superstitions of ancient people. But when he himself became a member of the gods and demons, he recalled what his father said back then and found that it was really the case.

Li Wei deduced his father's level from those words back then. He found that his father was no longer inferior to some old mages to a certain extent. The only thing he lacked was his magic power, but there was no such thing as Dao Xing. If you have an epiphany of wisdom, or if you have a special cultivation method like him, you can only take time to get through it slowly.

When Li Wei's father was studying metaphysics, he also liked classical medicine. Although he was not short of money, he would treat others as a folk doctor from time to time. Of course, he did not charge money. If so, the nature would change, and it would become practicing medicine without a license, so his father never charges money for treating people, and he never leaves evidence of his medical practice.

The theory about the Yang and Wei Qi of the human body that my father and Li Wei talked about back then is actually very simple if it is explained in words that ordinary people can understand.

Chapter. Mortals have limits

Li Wei's father discovered some interesting phenomena through his own medical practice. After a lot of experience and summarizing the conditions of these phenomena, he unintentionally mastered the ancient method of "visiting a doctor", which is also a folk medicine. The so-called hope.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, looking at qi is a superstitious existence, but there are some things that cannot be explained clearly by existing science, such as the yangwei qi summed up by ancient Chinese, which is forcibly interpreted by modern science as "the radiance of the human body". "Light" and "natural thermal radiation of the human body", but this explanation can only be said to scratch the surface.

The ancients had already discovered this phenomenon thousands of years ago, and in the West, it was in the 20th century that a doctor from the Great Empire discovered that the patient's body was... Around the watch, a halo of light about ten millimeters thick appeared, which was thousands of years later than the ancients of Chongguo.

It is also very simple to test such a theory. Just try it yourself. Entry-level attempts are even simpler. Place the person in front of a white wall and look toward the person, but do not focus your eyes directly on the person, but look far behind the person. And in this state, the eyes gradually move closer to this person, and then they can vaguely see the glow on the surface of the human body. Ancient doctors were able to quickly locate the approximate location of this person through the color of the glow. Something went wrong.

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