Taking advantage of the time difference between the Consciousness Sea Space and the outside world, after Levi completed the production of two sets of religious costumes, he flew to the old house where the puppets were.

After the puppet put on the gorgeous papal attire prepared by Levi's body, his whole aura changed, becoming sacred with a hint of weirdness, holiness with a little bit of evil, like two sides of a coin, fused together. They are the same together, giving people an indescribable sense of weirdness.

Mainly pure white, embellished with a large number of golden threads and decorative religious clothing, as well as the crown and golden scepter symbolizing the papal power, make the puppet look like a character in the game. Just standing there is enough. Attract everyone's attention.

The saint suit worn by Haidao was put on by Levi himself by controlling his spiritual power. It was a saintly suit with a hint of charm. The base was a tight translucent white that wrapped her entire body. The whole body stockings are made of layers of silk robes on the outside. The silk robes are fixed to each other by a large number of golden ribbons and fit tightly on her body. They are obviously tightly wrapped, but there is an indescribable feeling. A sense of coquettishness...

Li Wei took care of his short and medium red hair himself, and then put on a saint's crown with golden tassels.

"Tsk tsk... It turns out that people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. Bo Dao's background in going to sea is already very good. With a little dressing up, she becomes an ascetic and holy beautiful girl." After Levi finished all this, he began to transform this girl. After using various spells to strengthen and expand the volume of the room, a large number of silver and copper ornaments were used inside to decorate the entire room with a religious atmosphere.

At the same time, Levi carried Hashima Dekai to the altar in the center of the room. Levi did not intend to let the puppet do this for him, although the puppet could be considered him.

After doing all this, Levi left the old house where the puppet was and returned to the apartment. Next, it is time for the puppet to perform. Now is not the time for him, the real master, to appear on the stage.

When the maids returned to the room again, they saw the puppets that had finished dressing up, as well as Hashishima lying on the altar. In addition, the entire room had been recast by Levi's spell, and it had become like It is an independent small world, and the interior is like a church, giving people a very solemn feeling, which makes the maids unconsciously slow down their steps.

The ladies in the mansion also knew that their master was a religious organization, but they always thought that the puppet was just an empty frame, and the religious organization he established was nothing more than a harmonious religion. But in just a few moments, the entire room became like a church in a different world. This huge change made them feel scared.

"Old...Master, are we still here?" the middle-aged maid in charge said with difficulty.

"Of course, Her Majesty the Holy Maiden has not woken up yet. As God's people, we all have the obligation and responsibility to serve Her Majesty the Holy Maiden." The puppet spread his hands with a sacred and solemn expression on his face.

The leading maid swallowed. She now understood that her master was not an ordinary person. It was very possible that he really had magical powers. Otherwise, he would not be able to explain the huge changes in this room.

The exterior of the room has not changed at all, but the interior space has been expanded several times, and the entire style has become completely unfamiliar to them. Can ordinary people master such a method? .

Chapter 133. The show begins

When Haidao woke up, she saw a ceiling that was so unfamiliar that she could not recognize it at all. The giant ornate chandelier hanging from the ceiling illuminated the entire space. She turned her head slightly and found that she was in a building. In the church, not far from her, were a group of nuns dressed in exquisite and gorgeous black veils.

Hashima sat up and felt a headache. She unconsciously covered her forehead with one hand, trying to wake herself up.

Izuku Hashima looked down and saw that she was now wearing a set of weird clothes. Although she couldn't see the whole picture, looking at the complicated and gorgeous details on the clothes, she knew that this weird set of clothes was definitely very expensive.

When the nuns saw Hashima waking up from the sea, they quickly surrounded him.

A middle-aged nun said: "Your Majesty, how do you feel now?"

Haidao was a little surprised. The nun in front of him actually spoke neon language, and her face was also Asian.

"Saint? Are you calling me?" Izuku Hashima was stunned in her heart. The strange environment around her made her feel like she had traveled to a different world. If the nun opposite was not speaking Neon Language 26, she would I really feel that way.

"That's right, Your Majesty the Holy Maiden." After the middle-aged nun said these words, she took two steps back and stood there respectfully without saying a word.

Although Bo Daochang had a lot of questions, she didn't know how to ask them now.

"Where is this? I mean, which country is this? Or which dynasty is it?" Bo Dao went out to sea to think about it and asked his question.

The middle-aged nun placed her hands on her lower abdomen with a dignified posture. She lowered her head slightly and said, "This is Neon. Today is October 15th. Your Majesty, if you have any questions, you can ask me directly."

The middle-aged nuns were the maids before the puppets. In order to perform the full set, Li Wei naturally made props and costumes for these maids. However, the nun costumes made by Li Wei were all blessed with magic. At first glance, they were not the same. Mortal product, it is precisely because of this that Hashishima Izumi misjudged when he saw these maids, thinking that he had traveled to a different world.

Hearing that she was still in Neon and that the time had only moved forward by one day, Izuku Hashima breathed a sigh of relief. Although animations these days are very popular about reincarnation in another world, she has no such idea. She is in her own We live well in this world, we don’t lack anything, and we don’t want to go to another world to suffer hardships.

"How did I get here? I remember I was sleeping at home." Haidao Dehai looked at his gorgeous clothes, and he had more doubts in his heart.

The middle-aged nun said: "This kind of thing is not something that servants like us can know."

"Can I go home?" Haidao asked cautiously.

"We can't know this kind of thing." The middle-aged nun said.

The middle-aged nuns did not lie. Before changing into this nun uniform, their full-time job was as maids in the mansion. The nuns only worked part-time occasionally, and they only stood there to show off.

Although these part-time nuns are also members of religious organizations, they are all in a role of flower vase. They usually have no access to any real confidential information. Even if they want to answer Hashima Dekai's questions, they are unable to answer them.

"Then can I go outside for a walk? You can follow me and make sure I don't run around." Hoshidao tried his best to make his request less excessive. After all, she was here alone and was unfamiliar with the place. She became such a damn saint, and she didn’t know what the person who captured her was thinking.

And she remembered that she was sleeping at home before. If she wanted to take her away from home, it would be easy to alarm her family, but now that she is here, she is a little worried about her family's safety.

The middle-aged nun smiled bitterly and said: "Your Majesty, please don't embarrass us servants. We have received an order from His Majesty the Pope, saying that you should take a rest here. His Majesty the Pope must have known about the Holy Virgin. Wake up, you're already on your way here."

Haidao Dehai didn't say anything else. She knew now that she was already in trouble and it would not be easy to leave.

It would be unrealistic to forcefully break out of this church. After all, there are eight nuns here, and they are all adults. How could she, an underage girl, be a match for eight adults? If she really wanted to run away, It will only make yourself miserable.

After extinguishing the idea of ​​​​escape, Bo Daochang calmed down and waited for the so-called Pope to arrive.

At this time, Levi's body and puppets are ready to appear. I have to say that it feels good to add drama to yourself. It is actually quite interesting to fool others.

Levi can now understand why so many people like to prank others. Watching the people being pranked show various wonderful expressions, and the joy of succeeding in this kind of prank, it is estimated that not many people can resist it.

Levi remembered that he had watched a neon variety show before. The program team would select a sparsely populated remote street, and then randomly select lucky passers-by as prank targets. The program team would have a large number of crew members dress up as Yakuza people. When the selected prank target walks towards the direction where everyone is ambushing 970, a large number of "yakuza" will rush out from the corner of the street, waving various weapons in their hands, towards the lucky person being pranked. Passers-by came running wildly.

The comedy effect of the show is that the audience, standing from a God's perspective, observes the way passers-by are frightened into panic. Some passers-by are frightened and paralyzed on the spot, with their feces and urine spilled out, while others are frightened so much that they turn around. Run, there are many ways to deal with it.

But this time, the target of deception became a young and beautiful girl like Hashima Dekai. Levi, who has the art of puppet clones, can play multiple roles by one person, and achieve perfect coordination with each other, coupled with top-notch acting skills , let alone a girl like Hashima Chukai, even those with social experience will be fooled by the double-acting Levi's body and puppets.

Levi took more than one day off, so he had plenty of time to pay attention to the affairs of the puppets and Haidao, without having to worry about not being able to arrive in time.

Levi looked at the time. It was now around nine-thirty in the morning. He was the only one in the apartment now, which was convenient for him to do these things.

Li Wei left the apartment in a cloud, stopped above the puppet's old house, and used a blindfold to hide his figure, quietly waiting for the further development of the situation. .

Chapter 134. Double act

Bo Daochang felt that he was a little hungry, so he said to the nuns: "His Majesty the Pope has not come yet. I am a little hungry. Can you prepare some food for me? Anything that can satisfy my hunger will be fine." .”

Although Hashima Dekai is only a junior high school student, he is still a person who draws original comics after all. He often thinks about various comic plots in his mind. His mind is more flexible than ordinary people. He knows that he cannot act randomly in his current situation, so he needs to stabilize first. Let's talk about the situation, and she is really hungry now.

"Your Majesty, please wait a moment. I will prepare food for you right away." After the middle-aged nun said this, she whispered something to another nun beside her. The obedient nun clicked He nodded and quickly left the church.

After a while, the nun came back with a dining cart, which contained a variety of exquisite dishes.

Bo Dao Dehai's eyes lit up. Although she was in trouble now, she still had to eat. After all, if she didn't eat enough, even if she found a chance to escape, she wouldn't have enough physical strength to execute it. Call it a tragedy.

Hashima Dekai knew the importance of diet, so she was not polite. She grabbed various snacks from the dining car and began to fill her stomach. However, she did not dare to eat too much, because eating too much was not conducive to exercise. To put it bluntly, it is not conducive to escape over the wall. She is more mature than her peers. In such a situation, she did not give up on herself, but tried her best to think of ways to escape.

Just when Bo Daochang was seven-quarters full after eating, and was gently wiping the corners of his mouth with a wet towel from the dining car, a tall figure walked in.

Bo Dao went out to sea and observed the stranger who walked in. He was a middle-aged uncle who looked about forty or fifty years old. He was wearing a white religious dress that was similar in style to hers. The whole body was white with gold, gorgeous and dignified. . The other party wore a crown on his head, held a scepter in his hand, and looked like a high-ranking and powerful person.

Izumi Hashima thought to herself, this is the so-called Pope. It does look like that. There is a bit of kindness in the majesty, but it also gives her a vague feeling of discomfort.

The puppet stopped two meters in front of Bo Dao Chuhai, performed a religious ceremony whose origin was unclear but elegant, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I am able to invite you here. It’s really an honor for me”r.”

"Did you bring me here? How is my family?" Haidao couldn't control his emotions and asked quickly. After all, she is only a junior high school student. Although she is more mature than her peers, she is still at a disadvantage when facing a puppet who is good at acting.

There was a troubled expression on the puppet's face, and he sighed and said, "I didn't expect that Her Majesty the Holy Maiden would ask this question during our first meeting. All I can say is, please forgive me."

Hearing the word mourning, Hashima Izumi's pupils shrank suddenly, and the huge blow almost made her unable to stand.

"What happened to my family?!" Haidao became excited.

"I don't know where to start, but I will try my best to clear up the confusion for Your Majesty the Holy Lady. It's a long story, Your Majesty the Holy Lady has not been able to awaken, and it is inconvenient for us to appear in front of Your Majesty, so I will It was the old man who sent the masters in the Skitarii to protect you secretly. But last night, somehow, the aura of God in your body leaked out, attracting terrible demons who wanted to harm you. Protector The masters of the teaching army fought hard with the demon and managed to snatch you out, but your family...


Izuku Hashima couldn't accept the puppet's statement at all. However, now that she didn't know the authenticity of what the other party said, she couldn't be sure whether her family was safe or in danger.

"You must be lying to me!" Bo Duhai's voice grew louder unconsciously.

"There is no need for me to lie to you, Your Majesty. This is also our dereliction of duty. We failed to protect your family." The puppet's expression made people feel that he was really sad.

Bo Daochang was stunned. The pope repeatedly emphasized that her relatives had been killed, which made her believe it.

At this moment, the door of the church was kicked open from the outside, and the entire door panel was kicked away and fell into the church.

A tall figure walked in, and Hashima Izumi looked at the Pope, and his expression suddenly turned sinister. She was frightened by the sudden change in his face. It was clear that he had a kind appearance just now, but now he looked like a devil. Details like this made her suspicious of the so-called Pope in front of her.

Apart from Li Wei, there was no one else who kicked the door open.

Levi put on a gray leather trench coat over his casual clothes and a dark cowboy hat that could almost cover half of his face, looking like a "v professional".

"Old turtle, it's a bit too much to deceive a little girl." Levi put his hands in his pockets and walked into the church calmly.

When the nuns saw this scene, their faces turned pale with fright and they hurriedly ran out. Levi wouldn't let these insiders run away like this, but he couldn't kill anyone in front of Haidao. He had a few more steel marbles in his hand, and with a casual flick, he knocked all the escaping nuns to the ground. , passed out one by one.

Levi continued to walk forward calmly. As he walked, he said: "Old turtle, the two losers outside have been knocked unconscious by me. I won't be able to help you for a while. You Do you tie yourself up obediently, or let me do it? The puppet stretched out his hand to protect Bo Dao Chuhai, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, I am blocking you here. You can use the secret door on one side (Nuo Zhao). ) go. "

Bo Dao Chuhai was still a little unable to recover. The situation in front of her was beyond her expectation. Moreover, the handsome young man who entered the church seemed to know something. Because the young man just said that the Pope was lying to her.

"Oh, you have taken all the good guys and bad guys by yourself. You asked those two losers to kill this little girl and her family, and now you want to trick her into boarding a pirate ship. You guys who are practicing humor are really shameless. Pi." Levi had already walked in front of the two of them.

Haidao Dehai took a small step forward. From this angle, she could see the Pope's face, which was so gloomy that she could squeeze out water. She had already begun to doubt the Pope's previous words.

Because the current Pope really doesn't seem like a good person. Could it be that what the young man opposite said is true? Haidao Chuhai no longer knows who to trust. .

Chapter 135. Ending

"You have ruined my good deeds over and over again. Do you really think I can't kill you?" the puppet said through gritted teeth.

"Just because of that flat-haired beast behind you who can't even come to this world?" Levi's expression was slightly joking.

"Bloody my God, seek death!" The puppet waved his right hand, and with the movement of his broad sleeves, a large number of small firebirds flew out of the sleeves and flew straight towards Levi.

The small firebirds are very flexible, and coupled with their large numbers, they cover the entire space in an instant.

Levi took a step back. Where he was standing, with this as the center of the circle, an arc-shaped translucent barrier wrapped him like a spring roll. The firebird hit the barrier and instantly transformed. Make a trace of smoke.

Watching this scene that was even more exaggerated than a Hollywood blockbuster, Hoshio Izumi was so shocked that she stood frozen in place. The scene in front of her completely shattered the outlook she had cultivated over more than ten years.

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