The two sides were going back and forth, and the fight was extremely lively. In this gap, Levi also released a shield and put it on Haidao Chuhai, so that the spells between the two sides would not affect her. .

After Haidao Dehai discovered that the shield did not restrict her in place, she ran far away and hid behind a bench, with only one head exposed, watching the two people not far away exchanging spells.

"My God! Give me the power to destroy the heretics who are blaspheming the true God right in front of me!" Veins appeared on the puppet's face at this time, and the whole person looked ferocious and terrifying.

Bo Dao went out to sea and found that although Puppet 970 had the upper hand on the surface, it was always in a state of excitement and seemed to be very strenuous. The handsome young man opposite him was showing off his tricks with a smile on his face, constantly Compressing the puppet's range of activities seems to be at a disadvantage, but in fact it forces the puppet into a desperate situation.

The puppet looked like a madman, with dazzling golden flames rising from his body, and a huge firebird spreading its wings from his back.

Bo Dao Dehai only felt that it was a little difficult to breathe. Even if there was a layer of shield between them, she could feel the amazing heat. Just when a huge firebird appeared on the puppet's body, everything in the church was like The ice floe encountered high temperatures and began to melt rapidly.

Bo Daochang felt terrified in his heart. This was such a terrifying high temperature. It could ignite and melt the surrounding things from a long distance away. This was even scarier than magma. Although she does not draw fighting-type shounen comics, she has read a lot of comics and learned a lot of knowledge that cannot be learned in textbooks. At the same time, she has a bigger brain than the average person.

Being able to do something like this means that the temperature of the firebird is at least two thousand degrees, otherwise, the surrounding things would not be so fragile.

Just when Namishima was hiding behind the bench, (cgch) the bench in front of her suddenly burned, and the entire bench turned into a torch.

The huge golden firebird suddenly became strange, and the original golden-red flame suddenly turned into a cold blue flame. Bo Dao went to the sea and felt like he was thrown into the ice and snow. Inside the body of the huge blue firebird A large number of deformed and grotesque tentacles extend out, and it is almost impossible to maintain its own bird form.

Seeing this terrifying scene, Hashima Dekai quickly covered his mouth, afraid of what noise he would make.

Levi still looked calm and composed, as if the giant bird in front of him that almost melted the entire space didn't exist.

Izuku Hashima's heart was already in her throat. Now, she could only pray for the strange boy who broke in, praying that the handsome boy could defeat the weird pope.

The person who just claimed to be the Pope, looking at it now, is indeed not a good thing. If he falls into the hands of such a person and becomes a saint, the end will definitely not be much better.

Li Wei twisted his neck slightly and said: "After playing with you for so long, I finally tricked the incarnation of that flat-haired beast out. Remember, in the next life, don't always think about taking people's money and eliminating disasters for others. , some money cannot be earned by you gutter rats."

"What?!" The puppet responded with a shocked expression.

Levi snapped his fingers, and with him as the center of the circle, invisible shock waves spread out instantly, and everything in the church was instantly shaken to pieces.

The huge grotesque blue firebird was instantly shattered to pieces, and the puppet was also swept away by the shock wave. After rolling a few times, it lay down not far from where the wave exited the sea.

Because Haidao Dehai was wearing a shield, his hair was only blown by the strong wind of the shock wave, and the tassels on his crown fluttered in the wind. He was not as miserable as the puppet.

The puppet wanted to struggle to get up, but now he looked extremely miserable, with burn marks all over his body. He was lying on the ground like a puddle of rotten meat. He could only cast a begging look at Hashima Dekai beside him.

Levi walked over calmly, stopped next to Haidao, flicked his finger on the shield, and with a sound as clear as glass breaking, the shield turned into pieces and disappeared.

"Eh?!" Haidao Dehai exclaimed in a low voice. The shield that had saved her more than once was now shattered, which made her feel very insecure.

"You're safe now. What the hell?" Levi smiled.

While the two were talking, the puppet turned over with difficulty and crawled toward the exit. Levi glanced at it, stepped on the puppet's back, and said, "Did I let you go?"

"Spare my life...spare my life!" the puppet shouted inarticulately, but now his whole body was severely burned, even inside his mouth, so his speech was like a broken bellows, hoarse and unpleasant.

"When you faced those innocent people who were weaker than you, did you ever listen to their pleas for mercy? And why should I spare you? Should I let you run out and continue to help that flat-haired beast look for blood?" Li Wei had a sneer on his face. Bo Dao Chuhai mustered up his courage and said, "Sir..., do you know what happened to my parents?" Bo Dao Chuhai's biggest concern now is whether his family is safe.

Levi turned his head, looked at the cute red-haired girl, and said, "Your family is all gone." Izuku Hashima's expression froze.

"Wait for me a moment." Levi took out the samurai sword that he had drawn ten consecutive times from his consciousness space, and pointed the blade at the puppet's vest and stabbed it.

The puppets whose use value had been drained were disposed of by Levi in ​​this way. He no longer needed to control the puppets. The liberated thinking circuit made Levi feel that his thinking had become without sluggishness.

Levi led the absent-minded Bo Dao Kai out of the church. Outside the church was connected to the courtyard of the old house. Bo Dao Kai saw two middle-aged men with broken limbs lying on the corridor, one with an afro like a pineapple. , and the other is as thin as a bamboo pole.

"I just read their memories. If you want to know the truth, hold my hand first." Levi said, squatting down with Bo Dao out of the sea, and grabbed the explosive head with his other hand. head.

In an instant, Hashima Dekai began to experience everything in Afro's last night from a first-person perspective. Because of Levi's thought acceleration, Hashima Dekai already knew what happened last night in just a few seconds of outside time.

When she learned the truth, she was devastated. .

Chapter 136. Aftermath

Levi placed the knife in front of Hashishima Izumi and said: "If you want to take revenge, now is a good opportunity. Otherwise, with your current ability, you will never find another chance after you walk out of this door."

Namishima Dekai nodded, picked up the samurai sword placed on the corridor with firm eyes, aimed at the explosive head and slashed it wildly, like chopping meat sauce.

Although the samurai sword produced by the system lottery is only the lowest white quality, for ordinary people, it is already an indestructible magic weapon. With just a few swords, even Hashishima Dekai's own strength is not outstanding, and it will still explode. Cut into pieces.

After chopping the explosive head into pieces, Bo Dao went out to sea and looked at the comatose thin bamboo pole on the other side. It was this thin bamboo pole that stabbed the knife into her mother's heart. Such a blood feud made her Her eyes were a little red. Although the thin bamboo pole in front of her was just an executor, and the person who actually gave the order had been executed by Li Wei, she still felt that she couldn't vent without cutting something.

After killing the two executors, Hashima gasped for air, blood spattered, but after the blood splashed on her clothes, it all fell to the ground. Except for a little blood on her face, the rest of the place was clean. Incomparable.

"Are you feeling better?" Levi looked at Bo Dao Chuhai, who was kneeling in the corridor with empty eyes, and knew that at this time, Bo Dao Chuhai had to be alone to calm down.

Haidao nodded, sat down slumped, leaned on the pillars, and looked at the scenery in the courtyard in a daze.

Through the memories she saw from the explosive head, she already knew what happened in her family. Not only were her parents and brother killed, but the entire house was burned to the ground. Even if she went back, there would be no room for her. place.

Although according to the current law, she can inherit her parents' bank deposits, a sum of money is needed to rebuild the house. After the house is rebuilt and the most basic furniture is purchased, there will not be much money left.

As a junior high school student, it was difficult for her to work because of her age. She was confused about her future.

Levi looked at Bo Dao Chuhai in a daze, without saying anything, turned around and prepared to leave. There were other Harmony Cult members and Yakuza elements in this mansion. These people were all unstable factors. Before leaving, Levi planned to deal with these people as well.

"Where are you going?" Seeing Levi about to leave, Hashima stood up and grabbed the hem of Levi's windbreaker.

"Don't worry, I won't leave you here alone. I have to clean up the garbage. The set of weapons you have are conceptual weapons. Even tanks and guns may not be able to break through the defense. You will not be in any danger. Yes, stay here and wait for me to come back."

Levi gently touched Namishima Dekai's head and said with a smile.

Hashima Dekai nodded and retracted his hand obediently.

Levi still has to deal with the traces in the mansion. After all, the puppets can't deal with all the traces. Yesterday, he controlled the puppets to transfer various assets. Today, Levi is here to finish it off.

The puppet Chishima Kashiwa is gone, and Levi doesn't feel any distress at all. He has already found the target of the next puppet. Unlike the Yakuza leader like Chishima Kashiwa, the next puppet is the one behind the scenes of a large consortium. People, in terms of the speed of making money, is far faster than the Thousand Island Cypress that is currently being consumed.

Levi felt that he was becoming more and more like the mastermind behind the scenes. The magical power of puppet clones allowed him to support the entire huge force by himself. The only troublesome thing was that he had to act well in front of outsiders. character of.

Levi now enjoys the feeling of adding drama to himself. He has the whole world at his fingertips, but no one knows his true identity. This kind of interesting thing is just like playing a game. Addicted.

Levi did not master the spell that could finely modify other people's memories, so his method of cleaning up traces was quite simple and crude. He directly erased the entire recent memory of the recipient, and adopted a method of preferring to kill the wrong person rather than let it go, to ensure that no one would let go. No information will be leaked.

Kill what should be killed, cleanse the memory where the memory should be cleaned. It didn't take long for Levi to finish the aftermath. When he returned to the corridor, after cleaning the bodies of Afro and Slender Bamboo, he came Arrive in front of the sea of ​​Hashishima.

"What are you going to do next?" Levi said.

"I don't know." Izumi Hashima shook her head. After such a tragedy happened to her family, she could have relied on hatred to support her survival, but now that the culprit and accomplices have been killed, she has lost the goal of revenge. This left her confused.

"Do you need me to help you apply for social assistance? In your current situation, you can receive social assistance, and this matter has something to do with me. I will find a way to compensate you." Levi said. . …. . Asking for flowers.

Izuku Hashima looked at Levi, who had taken off his hat, windbreaker and gloves. He was stunned for a while and said, "Can I follow you?"

Bo Daochang thought for a moment and came up with this answer. It can be said that she has nowhere to go now, and there are dangers in this world that ordinary people can't imagine. Just like this time, she was taught by a harmonious teacher. The leader stared at her and said she was some kind of saint. After thinking about the causes and consequences, Hashima Dekai deduced that she was probably a very special existence. Even if she got rid of the control of this Harmony Cult this time, there might be other Harmony Cults or some dark organizations targeting her. She, although she has special characteristics, does not know how to use her special power. Facing those beings who can easily trample social rules, she is very weak on her own.

0 Being able to get rescued this time can be said to have a lot of luck involved. If Li Wei did not appear on the stage, the result waiting for her would definitely not be much better.

After figuring out the joints, Hashima Dekai has regarded Levi as a life-saving straw that he can grasp. At least until he masters extraordinary power, he must rely on Levi's protection, so he stays in Levi's Being around her is the best solution for her now.

And now she no longer has any family members, so no matter where she wants to go, it is up to her.

Levi pretended to be surprised and said: "Are you sure you want to follow me? Let me first say that I am not from this world. Although I am staying in this world now, I will leave this world soon. I can only do it for You provide relatively short-term asylum, and then it's up to you if you want to stay in this world."

Bo Dao Chuhai thought for a while and said: "Then I will always be by your side." Bo Dao Chuhai, who had no worries, had already made a decision.

Li Wei said: "In that case, let me introduce myself. I am Li Wei, a cultivator who strives for immortality, from Chongguo, a different world." Bo Dao nodded and said, "My name is Bo Dao Chuhai, as you can see, is an unlucky ordinary person." Shi.

Chapter 137. Arrival of Bo Island out to sea

Levi said: "If you want to follow me, then follow me, but I won't teach you how to develop the power in your body for the time being, because the power in your body is quite dangerous, and it will swallow you if you are not careful. Your sanity has been lost, especially now that you have experienced the major blow of the death of a loved one. If you are slightly stimulated, you can easily lose control."

Although Bo Dao Dehai was very reluctant, he still nodded and said: "I understand, but I have a question. I hope you can help me solve it."

"As long as it's not a sensitive question, I can still answer it," Levi said.

"The leader of the Harmony Cult just now said I was some kind of saint. What's so special about my body?" Izuku Hashima takes this issue very seriously. If she can't solve this problem, she won't even be able to sleep well at night.

Li Wei thought about it for a moment, and fortunately "Nine Seventy" is a setting person, and he pays great attention to such details. Even if it may not be used, he still made the setting honestly, otherwise, he would be like this now. In this situation, making things up on the spot can easily go awry.

Levi said: "Your physique is very valuable to those harmonious cults, because you can serve as a bridge between the two worlds, and the cult leader can use you as a medium to connect to the evil gods they believe in." , thereby obtaining the seeds of extraordinary power from the evil god. In other words, for them, you are a higher being who must be respected and treated with courtesy, and you can even become a so-called agent."

Haidao Dehai recalled the twisted and deformed giant firebird from before. If that was the so-called god, she would rather stay as far away as possible.

"I'm going back to my place now, do you want to come with me?" Levi said.

Haidao Dehai said directly: "I'll go with you."

Haidao originally wanted to go back to his home to take a look, but now there is only ruins there. Instead of returning to that sad place, it is better to open a new page and live together with his family. .

Levi took Bo Dao out to the sea and soared into the sky. It was the first time for Bo Dao to experience the feeling of flying. She was slightly afraid of heights, so she held Levi's arm tightly with both hands, fearing that she would fall.

When the two returned to the apartment, Izumi Hashima observed with curious eyes that the residence of Levi, an extraordinary person, was somewhat different from what she had imagined.

If Levi hadn't already demonstrated his abilities in front of her, she would have had difficulty imagining that this warm, home-like apartment could be the residence of a powerful extraordinary person like Levi.

The strength and ruthlessness shown by Levi before left a deep first impression on Haidao. However, now Levi is like the big boy next door, lying lazily on the sofa. The contrast made her unsure whether they were the same person.

"If you want to watch TV, turn it on by yourself. There are snacks and Coca-Cola in the refrigerator. There are already prepared lunch boxes in the kitchen. They are kept fresh with magic. You can eat them when you open them." Levi's lazily voice sounded like a big cat.

Izuku Hashima looked at the shameful religious clothes on his body, blushed and said, "Are there any clothes here that I can change into? I want to change out of this set of clothes."

Levi sat up and said, "Why? The dress you are wearing is a treasure. Wearing it, ordinary modern weapons and toxins, and even various dangerous chemicals, cannot do anything to you. This is something that can save your life." "

"It reminds me of that hateful leader of the Harmony Cult. If it weren't for that leader of the Harmony Cult, nothing would have happened to my family." Izuku Hashima said through gritted teeth.

Li Wei crossed his legs and said, "I don't think so."

"Why?" Haidao asked.

Levi said: "Because after you awaken your own characteristics, you will be as conspicuous as a beacon in the dark to those supernatural beings with malicious intentions. Even if you are not the leader of the Harmony Cult, there will be other people who will attack you. . And your relatives, no matter what, cannot escape this disaster."

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