"Is that so?!" Bo Daochang couldn't believe it.

Levi said: "So I suggest you wear this outfit. Anyway, that Harmony Cult organization has been wiped out by me. Even if you wear this outfit, no one will come to trouble you. Moreover, it can also help you who are temporarily unable to contact the extraordinary power. It brings a certain amount of defense so that when you are in danger, you won’t be knocked down and taken away by the opponent just by looking at you.”

Haidao Dehai looked at herself reflected on the floor-to-ceiling windows. Wearing this set of religious clothes, she was breathtakingly beautiful, just like the person in the painting.

Levi continued: "In addition to having good defense, this set of clothes also has its own cleaning ability. It not only ensures your own cleanliness, but also allows you to say goodbye to bathing and washing your hair... As long as you wear this outfit, you can Maintaining the most refreshing state at all times Listening to Li Wei's explanation, Haidao Dehai was also a little moved. Although this religious dress is the property of the harmonious cult, it is undeniable that it is a treasure.

Levi didn't want to see Bo Dao take off his carefully crafted "ceremony" when he went out to sea. This set of formal attire can be said to be the culmination of the skills he has mastered now. It can be placed in any low-magic world view. It can be regarded as an "artifact"


The shape of this religious dress borrows elements from wedding dresses in many places. Whether it is the gorgeous skirt, the lace cutout on the back of the stockings, the sleeves with a hint of Lolita style, or the translucent pure white veil with a lot of tassels, you can see the shadow of the wedding dress. .

A dress like this, without the addition of weight loss spells, can weigh five to seven kilograms, and when the weather is hot, it will be very stuffy to wear. For a girl, wearing such a dress is a burden. kind of test. However, due to the blessing of the spell, this complicated and gorgeous dress weighed less than a T-shirt for Hashima Dekai. She did not feel any weight in the dress. Coupled with the built-in temperature control function of the dress, even if the dress is as heavy as 2.7, the body temperature can be maintained at the most comfortable level, thus achieving a certain degree of protection against cold and heat.

Levi said: "Although this dress is indeed very conspicuous, compared to safety, conspicuousness is just a harmless by-product." Izuku Hashishima blushed and said: "Such clothing, in the manga It doesn't feel out of place if you wear it at the exhibition. But do I have to wear it like this in daily life?" Levi said with a serious expression: "I don't want to go through what happened before again, so I advise you not to wear this dress casually. Take it off."

"Oh." Bo Daochang didn't say anything more, because after all, Levi was doing it for her own good. And if this dress has its own cleaning function, you don’t have to worry about the clothes getting stained. Even if you wear it in daily life, there won’t be too many problems. .

Chapter 138. New puppet

Bo Dao went out to sea and found that Levi had been looking at her. In addition, this dress made her look coquettish and charming. She blushed with embarrassment.

"Li Weijun, can you stop staring at me? I'm so embarrassed." Haidao said in a low voice.

"I was checking this dress to see if there were any hidden doors. After all, it is a piece of Harmony. But I checked it again and found that this dress is very safe and there are no hidden dangers." Levi said with a serious expression.

Now it was Namishima's turn to feel embarrassed. It turned out that Levi was checking the safety of the dress, and it was not what she thought.

Levi said: "The person who made this dress is definitely a master. Even I can't find anything that needs to be modified in this dress. It's so perfect. A slight change may affect the dress. Overall performance. Whoever made this gown is amazing.”

Anyway, Bo Dao didn't know the truth when he went to sea, so Li Wei Wang Po was selling melons and boasting about herself.

What Levi is most satisfied with about this dress is not its performance, but its ascetic beauty, a kind of holiness with a hint of charm that directly hits his strike zone.

Moreover, although Izumi Hashishima is not very old, in terms of figure, she is catching up with Kasumigaoka Shiu and Hyido Michiru, who are a few years older than her. I really don’t know if this girl is drinking papaya milk every day. This figure is enough to make Yinglili cried.

The set of underwear that can optimize the figure in Levi's hand has not yet been delivered to Yinglili. After all, Yinglili had just experienced the grief of losing her father before. It was too embarrassing for him to suddenly take out a set of underwear at that time. A little more.

"Just rest at home first and don't run around. I have something to do now and need to go out." Levi said.

"Are you going out again after just coming back?" Haidao Chuhai now regards Levi as her life-saving straw. If Levi is not around, she will not feel safe.

"What if another bad guy comes to catch me while you are away?" Hoshio Izumi said quickly.

Levi said: "Anxin, I have arranged a large number of defensive arrays in the apartment. This is the core of the entire defensive array. Not to mention frontal resistance to nuclear explosions, ordinary attacks cannot break such a defense."

Although Li Wei did not discover the existence of any extraordinary power in this world, and even the so-called Harmony was just directed and acted by him, but out of the most basic safety considerations, he still put the place where he lives on defense. The layout is as perfect as possible.

Haidao Dehai nodded. Since Li Wei had already said this, she would say nothing more.

"Li Weijun, do you have anything important to do when you go out now?" Bo Dao Chuhai asked.

"Go and deal with some problems. There is not just one hidden Harmony Cult here in Tokyo. Those who do not have extraordinary power can naturally be left alone. But those Harmony Cults that possess extraordinary power will destroy the entire society. It's huge." Levi said seriously.

Bo Daochang thought about it for a while, and realized that what Levi said was indeed true. She herself was the best example.

"Come on! Li Weijun, we must destroy those evil people!" Bo Dao Chuhai clenched his small fist and encouraged Li Wei.

Levi nodded, jumped slightly from the balcony, and flew higher and higher. He lay on the balcony guardrail, watching Levi's figure gradually disappearing from the sea, and could only pray for Levi in ​​his heart.

After Levi left the apartment, it didn't take long to reach the destination of his trip. In a villa located in the villa area of ​​​​the port area, Levi appeared in the target's bedroom.

At this time, Levi was admiring the live version of multiplayer sports, but the image of the male protagonist was a bit eye-catching. A fat old man in his eighties was fighting against three young girls who looked less than twenty years old.

"Tsk, tsk, there are pear blossoms pressing against the crabapples. It's so exciting." Li Wei suddenly said, frightened the old man to straighten up instantly. Even the three girls looked pale and wrapped themselves in quilts nervously. Look around for the person who made the noise.

Levi appeared and came to the old man. Amidst the horrified eyes on the other side, he put his hand on his forehead. The old man saw from the corner of his eye that the three girls next to him had fainted at some point.

"I will not ask for your consent." Levi's expression at this time seemed a little evil.

"Spare your life, spare your life! No matter what you want, I am willing to give it. Please, let me go!" The old man with a splitting headache looked at Levi, who was covered in black smoke, and knew that he had been provoked. An incredible existence. Faced with this monster that was beyond the limits of his understanding, he could only beg for mercy.

"Why should I spare you? Once I control you, everything about you is mine." Levi smiled.

The old man's own physique is weaker. Compared with the leader of the Ji Dao who also exercises regularly, he is just a scumbag. Under Levi's erosion, his soul was formatted before he could even survive ten seconds.

Levi has finished reading the old man's memory. When he was young, the old man was considered to be the number one person. He dared to fight in the mall and founded a huge business empire from a humble guy. Unfortunately, 970 people have lost their ambition in his old age. Having lost his ambition and having no heirs, he became conservative and dim, and only wanted to enjoy himself better before his death.

"I will continue your ambition. It would be a pity not to take advantage of such a large business empire." Levi let go of his hand, and the puppet that had not been controlled by the thinking circuit fell softly and fell on the big floor. On top of the bed.

Under the influence of spiritual power, the puppet's originally aging body began to regain its inner youth, and at the same time, its physical fitness was also enhanced to the extreme.

Levi pulled the puppet into his consciousness sea space, and took advantage of the time difference between the consciousness sea space and the outside world to begin drastic transformation of this important puppet.

This puppet is very important to Li Wei. It is the core figure for him to make money. This obese old man is a "big man" who can indirectly affect the neon economy. It can be said that as long as the old man is ruthless, he can severely damage those traditional consortiums. With such a vest, Li Wei can collect gold and jade faster.

The transformation took much more time than the previous Yakuza boss, because the physical foundation of this puppet was so poor. In addition, it is a high-precision in-depth transformation, which involves much higher precision than the previous puppet, so it naturally takes more time. .

Chapter 139. Your emperor is back

After completing the transformation of the puppet, Levi took the puppet and left the consciousness space.

Although he stayed in the consciousness space for more than an hour, only a few seconds passed in the outside world.

The puppet that had completed the transformation opened its eyes and stood up.

"Huh, this kind of fragile body is really unbearable. Now I want to stand above the gods and Buddhas, but I am trapped in this aging body," the puppet said in an old voice.

The eyes of the puppet's predecessor seemed dim and wretched, but the eyes of the current puppet are as sharp as a falcon, coupled with the serious expression, the traces of time left on its face give the current puppet endless majesty.

Being in a high position for a long time gives people an inexplicable sense of oppression. Although this sense of oppression has no effect on the body, it is enough for ordinary people.

When Levi transformed the puppet, he did not deliberately strengthen the extraordinary power. He only optimized the puppet's physique and equipped the puppet with two self-made small magic weapons for self-defense to prevent the puppet from being assassinated. However, the transformation did not completely involve extraordinary power. Levi's body added "aura" to the puppet.

The spiritual power stored in this puppet's body allows the puppet to maintain an ability similar to an "intimidation aura" for a long time, making everyone around him unconsciously intimidated by his aura.

In other words, it's a bit like the Overlord Haki in One Piece, but without the direct damage ability.

Li Wei gave the two puppets different positions. The previous Jidao boss was just a consumable, so the transformation was quite rough. However, this old man's puppet possesses "overlord-colored domineering energy" and the conditions for its use are extremely harsh. Therefore, Levi paid special attention when constructing the spiritual power circuit in this puppet's body.

The spiritual power circuit in the old man's puppet is much more delicate than that of the Ji Dao Dao Dao puppet, but its complexity is several times that of the latter.

Li Wei nodded with satisfaction. As long as the current old man's puppet restrains his momentum, he will be almost the same as before being transformed. Even the people closest to him will have difficulty detecting his changes.

Levi looked at the fat old puppet. He had already prepared a way to lose weight for the puppet. Spiritual power itself is the best weight loss medicine. As long as the old puppet pretends to exercise for a period of time, its body shape will naturally become more symmetrical, and then it will become more symmetrical. Gradually become stronger.

If the changes in the puppet are too drastic, it is likely to arouse unnecessary suspicion. After all, the puppet this time is named Da Yuanpinglong, and he is a ruthless character who can affect the entire Neon. Every move of the puppet is watched by others, and many people are waiting for him to die of old age. Those vultures do not dare to confront the business empire created by the puppet, and can only use the power of time to obliterate this man who once created miracles. Business genius.

Although the predecessor of Puppet was a business genius who started from scratch and built a huge business empire spanning many fields from a small trading company, the predecessor of Puppet also suffered from one thing, that is, he had no relatives to rely on, unlike those who The Chinese and noble families can use the power of their families to expand their influence as far as possible.

Without a successor, and getting closer to death day by day, the puppet's predecessor became desperate, so he indulged in pleasure. But even the puppet predecessor's overall shrinkage in the business field has made other consortiums afraid of it. They have to wait for the puppet predecessor to die of old age. Only after the puppet predecessor dies of old age do they dare to jump out and divide the huge business empire created by the puppet predecessor.

But now, under the control of Li Wei, the puppet has gained a certain degree of immortality. Those consortiums who want to outlast the puppet will be disappointed.

The reason why Li Wei chose Dayuan Pinglong is because this business genius, who conquered the world with his own hands, has no relatives or any constraints, and can perfectly control the business empire in his hands. Unlike those family businesses, even if it is the core The characters are made into puppets, and they cannot control the company with their hands and fingers.

For a lone wolf like the predecessor of the puppet to be able to develop in a feudal country like Neon, which values ​​one's origins, is already a miracle among miracles, and is an example that cannot be replicated. It is precisely because of this that Levi chose this ruthless character as the puppet base.

Levi and the old puppet looked at each other, as if they were complete strangers.

"I'll leave it to you to make money, my other self" r." Li Wei smiled calmly.

"Of course I know. After all, you are me and I am you. Am I not the one who is really busy?" The puppet showed a majestic smile that could scare a child to tears.

Levi smiled and said nothing more. After erasing the memories of the three unconscious girls in the past few minutes, he left here.

Levi felt that his thinking circuit was not enough. If he wanted to maintain high-intensity computing power and control more puppets, he had to find a way to increase the number of his thinking circuits.

However, this kind of thing cannot be solved overnight, and Li Wei can only continue to practice, hoping to get more benefits from the "Huang Di Fei Bible".

Just after Levi left the room, the puppet ignored the three girls who were still in a coma and directly grabbed the phone on the bedside and dialed a number.

The phone didn't ring a few times before someone picked it up. "Boss V, do you have any orders?"

"Tonegawa, inform all major shareholders that I will hold a shareholders' meeting." "Boss, when?" "Tomorrow."

"Ah?! Tomorrow, this is too hasty!"

"Whether they come or not, if they don't come, just let them go." "Boss... isn't this bad?"

(Hello, Nuo Zhao) "Tonegawa, your emperor is back." "Boss... Boss! I'll do it right away!"

The middle-aged man named Tonegawa suddenly became excited in his tone, and there was the sound of things being knocked over.

"I want to clean up the worms and bring this decaying empire to its peak again. The whole neon will tremble with my return." The puppet's voice was old and thick, like a returning king, full of scornful eyes. Vigor.

After hanging up the phone, the puppet began to change clothes. He had a lot to do, and he didn't have time to be stuck in the gentle country now. For gold and jade, the value of this business empire must not be fully utilized. Neon is very fat. With a little squeezing, you can squeeze out a lot of oil and water.

The main body can be lazy, but the puppet is not qualified to be lazy. After all, can the person behind the scenes be the same as the executor? .

Chapter 140. Became the Emperor of the Underground Empire

In the next two days, Li Wei's body was calm, and Bo Dao Chuhai had integrated into everyone's life. Bo Dao Chuhai, who had a miserable life experience, received everyone's pity. She had nowhere to go and joined the big team. family.

However, Hashima Dekai also faces some troubles, that is, the dress on her body seems to have its own will and refuses to let her wear other clothes. This makes it impossible for Hashima Dekai to wear the school uniform. She had no choice but to wear this dress to school, and this caused some minor troubles.

Li Wei asked the puppet to arrange two special cars for this place to facilitate the family's travel. Compared with the last Jidao boss puppet, this time the old man's puppet is much more powerful. It only requires two cars. It's drizzle. .

The power of the old man's puppet spreads all over the world, and his name can be seen in the shareholder lists of the world's most prominent large companies, as well as emerging technology companies.

Neon people have experienced a lost thirty years, but this is only for ordinary people. For business tycoons like Puppet, it is just moving their local investments to foreign countries. Only ordinary people have suffered losses. They are just people, and the powerful people of Neon not only suffered no losses during the economic crisis, but their assets increased several times, even more than ten times.

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