"Do you know me?" Levi wiped his sweat and said.

Megumi Kato puffed up her cheeks and said, "I'm sitting not far from you. Class C."

Levi still looked confused and said, "Are you my classmate?"

"Li Weijun is so serious!" Kato Megumi felt helpless. Her abnormally low sense of existence made the people around her unaware of her existence.

At this time, the "jidao people" who were originally fighting in a group all put down their weapons, shouting "It's over, it's over", and dealt with the two cars that collided with each other, and the trailers were ready. He took the time to enter the venue and started towing the two damaged cars. After a while, the chaotic remote streets returned to their former tranquility.

Chapter 13. Remaining fear

Levi had already known Megumi Kato for a long time, but this time was considered the "first encounter" between the two parties, so Levi had to act the whole way and pretend not to know each other.

Megumi Kato found a bench on the side of the road and sat down, and said with a sigh of relief: "It was really dangerous just now. If you hadn't pulled me up, Li Weijun, I might have been hit by a car."

Levi bought two cans of drinks from the vending machine nearby, sat down next to Kato Megumi, and handed one of the cans of drinks over. Kato Megumi whispered "Thank you" in a low voice.

Rivera opened the tab of the soda, raised his head and took a sip, and said: "The extreme people are really crazy, they do things without considering the consequences."

Kato Megumi held the soda in both hands and did not rush to open it. Instead, he put the soda can on his face and said: "This is a characteristic of this country. Here in Neon, the Yakuza is a designated violence that legally exists. Those people in the group are very dangerous people, and ordinary people are not willing to deal with them."

Kato Megumi was also frightened. She almost died today. Although the speed of the car was not too fast, it was a yakuza. After hitting her, would those yakuza be kind enough to send her to the hospital? There is a high probability that she will not, and coupled with the fire that occurred later, if she is really knocked down, she will most likely become disabled or even die because she cannot receive timely treatment.

Thinking of this, Kato Megumi's hand holding the soda can trembled slightly.

Although she usually looks calm at all times, her calmness has its limits. It is limited to various things in daily life. Extraordinary events like today have exceeded the limit of her calmness. .

"You're scared, let's go." Levi stood up and threw the empty soda can into the small trash can nearby.

"Eh? Where to go?" Kato Megumi said curiously after coming back to his senses.

"When you're in a bad mood, go for dessert. Think of it as a celebration that you can escape from such danger. Losing books and stationery is just a small matter, but if you still have your life, that's the best thing." Levi said with a smile. .

Kato Megumi nodded. Although she was not that open-minded in her heart, what Li Wei said was true, and she didn't know what was going on where the two groups of Yakuza were fighting. She didn't dare to leave it like this. What if I encounter more Yakuza people when I go back?

The safest way is to ignore it for the time being and wait for the follow-up. However, she has no habit of writing names in books, and there are no notes or other things in her schoolbag that would reveal information. Even if those Yakuza people pick up her schoolbag, It is still impossible to obtain information about her from this aspect.

Her only worry is that she will be recognized by the Yakuza who have seen her, but Tokyo is a super giant city cluster with a population of nearly 20 million. If she wants to recognize her among 20 million people, it will be impossible. It's not an easy task. If those Yakuza people have such ability, they don't need to be Yakuza.

Thinking of this, Kato Megumi calmed down.

"Where are we going?" Kato Megumi said slowly.

"Hmm... I'm not particularly familiar with Neon. Kato-kun, do you have any recommendations?" Levi asked.

Levi is not that familiar with neon in the real world, let alone neon in this world.

"It's Li Weijun who saved my life. It's me who should say thank you, and it's me who should treat you." Kato Megumi said.

"The tradition of Chongguo is that by default, men invite women." Li Wei said with a smile.

"That's traditional male chauvinism. We don't talk about it now, and I want to thank you." Megumi Kato's expression was serious, but her tone was still soft, and her presence was seriously lacking.

Levi nodded and said, "Okay."

Under the leadership of Megumi Kato, Levi followed her by train to the port area. After walking for almost ten minutes, he came to a dessert shop that was slightly remote but had a very stylish interior decoration.

Kato Megumi took Levi and found a seat and sat down. Just after the two sat down, the service staff came over with the menu.

Kato Megumi said softly: "When I came here before, I sat down for a long time, but the waiters didn't come over. It was me who called them, and they discovered my existence."

Megumi Kato ordered something skillfully, then pushed the menu in front of Li Wei and said: "Li Wei-kun, your sense of presence is really high, I am very envious."

Levi took the menu, glanced at it, ordered a few inexpensive desserts and drinks, and returned the menu to the waiter.

"Could it be that, Kato-san, you have no sense of existence?" Levi asked knowingly.

"Well, I'm like a transparent person in the class. Even if I don't come to class, the teacher won't notice anything wrong. I almost got hit by a car this time. It's probably because those Yakuza people didn't notice my existence at all. Right." Kato Kei smiled bitterly.

Megumi Kato knew that she had a weak sense of existence, and being ignored was a daily routine. She was even forgotten by her family. Originally, the family had arranged to go on a trip, but the whole family went out, and she was alone because she needed to go to the toilet. , was left at home. When she went out again, the family cars were already far away.

Her thin sense of presence also made her be extra careful when crossing the road, because if she didn't take the green light zebra crossing, the driver would not be aware of her existence at all. Today's situation is almost like this. The other party has no clue when they see her. Slowing down, it was probably like those drivers in the past who didn't notice her presence.

Levi nodded and said, "This is really a troublesome problem. Is there no solution to this problem?"

Megumi Kato shook his head and said: "My parents have tried every possible method. They have also visited all the hospitals they can. They have even tried methods in shrines and temples, but they have all failed."

Chapter 14. Comfort

In Levi's view, Kato Megumi is very abnormal. The ultra-low sense of existence like Akarin has reached a morbid level. Although it is not like the bunny girl senior sister Sakurajima Mai in Youthful Pig Head Boy, she has It's to the point where it won't be observed at all, but it's quite serious.

It can even be said that because of her low sense of existence, Kato Megumi faces far more dangers than ordinary people in her daily life, which makes her have to be cautious.

Levi said: "It seems that the problem is very serious. Kato, has your sense of existence problem become more serious little by little, or has it been like this from the beginning, but it has not changed much in these years?"

Levi wanted to determine some issues. The most important thing was whether Kato Megumi's sense of existence problem would continue to worsen.

Megumi Kato said: "My sense of existence has been like this since I was a child, and I have become accustomed to it. As for changes? Over the years, it has neither increased nor weakened. It has always been like this."

Levi nodded and said, "I will find a way. Although I don't know if it will work, multiple choices are always good."

After a while, the desserts ordered by the two were brought out.

Megumi Kato held a small spoon in her hand, taking small sips, tasting the dessert in a ladylike manner. Her movements were not too fast, soothing and indifferent, giving people a feeling of observing the waves without being surprised. This excessive calmness also makes her lack her own personal style. If she is a man, such calmness is a good thing, but as a woman, Kato Megumi's such calmness makes her have no clear attributes. A "passerby" feeling.

The time of tasting desserts is pleasant, and desserts can heal people's spiritual wounds to a certain extent. There is no basis for this, but it is a fact. At least according to Levi's observation, Kato Megumi has stabilized now.

Levi also likes desserts, but he has never dared to indulge himself because he was afraid of affecting his health. He was afraid that he would eat and become a ball. After all, where he lived before, the distance to the gym was quite far, so taking a car was not cost-effective and walking was time-consuming. , so he didn’t want to waste time on losing weight, so he could only control his appetite.

Things are different now. Because he has become a transcendent being, Levi can now enjoy delicious food with confidence, and finally no longer has to worry about gaining weight. Now Levi feels like a "planeswalker" in the DND worldview. Of course, the planeswalker has been renamed "Planeswalker", but Levi still thinks the name planeswalker sounds better.

The so-called planeswalkers, or planeswalkers, are powerful beings in the DND worldview who can travel through different times and spaces at will. They can jump repeatedly between multiple universes and gain various experiences in different worlds. The existence of materials, spells, technology, etc., and use them to strengthen themselves and achieve their own goals.

Levi's goal is not just as simple as traveling. He wants to become stronger and get everything he wants, so traveling is inevitable. Of course, he is still in the starting stage of a novice, so he does not dare to go to a world that is too dangerous. Instead, he is preparing to develop in this world, and then consider going to those worlds that are relatively dangerous but have more resources to "dig for gold". ". The road must be walked step by step, and the rice must be eaten one bite at a time. You cannot eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Kato Megumi looked at Levi and smiled.

Li Wei said: "I know that my method may not be effective, but stones from other mountains can attack jade, but Neon's method cannot. What if methods from other countries and regions can do it?"

"Thank you. Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, I still want to thank you." Kato Megumi said softly.

She doesn't have much hope for this. After all, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. And after so many years, she has become accustomed to this kind of lifestyle with a thin sense of existence. Although it is often inconvenient, as long as By being prepared in advance, the impact of existential problems on life can be controlled within an acceptable range.

"Say thank you to me when you succeed. There's no rush now." Levi said with a smile.

After enjoying the dessert, Levi sent Megumi Kato home before returning to the high-end apartment he rented.

At this time, Kasumigaoka Shiu was still in the activity room of the Literature Club, tapping the keyboard quickly with her fingers, muttering in a low voice, "Why didn't you come today?" The resentful look will definitely make people's jaws drop. Is this still the flower of the high mountain that makes all the boys in the college fall in love?

"Shiyu-chan, it's closing." Gao Chenglin said standing at the door. Now there were only the last few people left in the entire activity department, and they had already started to pack their things and prepare to leave.

"Okay, I'll turn off the computer." Kasumigaoka Shiyu clicked the save button, then started to shut down, taking her hands off the keyboard.

Kasumigaoka Shiha has been stuck in the past two days. She needs some new inspiration, and she wants to break through her own limitations, not just in the field of romance novels, so she needs someone who can provide her with valuable advice and An experienced person, this person's writing ability must be superior to hers. Among the people around her, Li Wei is the only one who can have such ability.

Although there are some powerful seniors in Wenku, those seniors have their own affairs and have no time to guide a novice like her, so she, who became a monk halfway, can only rely on her own exploration to move forward. If she wants to transcend the shackles of romance novels and enter a higher realm, she needs more learning.

"I hope he will come tomorrow..." Kasumigaoka Shiyu closed the computer, stuffed it into her bag, said hello to Gao Chenglin, and left the activity department room.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu recalled the words she saw yesterday. She felt her brain was trembling. Those were the words she wanted to write. She didn't want to just wander in the small circle of pure daily romance novels. She wanted to write To produce a truly shocking work, just like those powerful predecessors, she left a strong mark in the history of the light novel industry, unlike now, where she just keeps her cuteness in a small circle.

"Go home, check the information tonight..." Kasumigaoka Shiyu whispered to herself and embarked on the way home.

Chapter 15. Front layout

After returning to the apartment, Levi sat down at his desk and began to code honestly. He also had to go to the library to submit the manuscript. If he finished the first volume earlier, he would be able to submit the manuscript earlier.

Now Levi is no longer bothered by the writing. His thoughts are flowing like a spring, and his writing is as smooth as flowing water. The only thing that can limit him now is his typing speed.

Although Li Wei's coding speed is now top-notch even among professional writers, it is still at the mortal level after all, and there is an upper limit. A stable number of more than 7,000 words an hour is already his limit. Writing in two hours After writing almost 15,000 words, Levi stopped what he was doing and read through what he had written before and what he was writing now. After confirming that no modifications were needed, he closed the saved manuscript. "Little dark room".

Now Li Wei also pays attention to the balance between work and rest. As long as he can complete the manuscript deposit within a week, he will be satisfied. At least this coding speed is much faster than before, and the quality of what he writes is also different. The quality of the words Li Wei writes now has completely surpassed his past self.

Li Wei opened the programming software and began to write a program to steal videos. He taught himself programming and now has certain skills. Although he is still incomparable with those professional hackers, it is not a troublesome thing to do ordinary things. .

In the past, when Levi encountered a video that he wanted to download but could not, he would only look for various specialized video-grabbing software. However, as the technical countermeasures of various video websites become more and more powerful, the functions of video-grabbing software have also continued to increase. Shrinking, and finally being squeezed out of existence.

But now that Levi has mastered the technology himself, he can independently develop targeted video extraction software according to his own needs. As long as there is a video source on the web page, he can extract the video intact.

It only took about half an hour for Levi to finish writing the software. After testing it and confirming that there were no major problems, Levi sealed the program and started to browse videos on the website.

The laptop has been connected to the mobile hard drive, and the video that was removed will not stay in the laptop for long before it will be cut to the mobile hard drive.

Before Levi returned to his apartment, he made a special trip to the computer accessories store and bought ten 10TB mobile hard drives at once, which cost him a lot of money. But if you want to take away more data, this expense is necessary. The mobile hard drive technology in the real world is better than this world. The mobile hard drive with the largest memory so far has reached 12TB of memory space, but here The world's mobile hard drive has a maximum memory of only 10TB.

Levi felt that he needed a new computer. The performance of this old computer that had been used for several years was really behind the times. Moreover, when playing videos, the temperature rises uncontrollably. This is a natural phenomenon of aging laptops. Even if external air cooling or connected water cooling is added, it only treats the symptoms and not the root cause. Forced cooling is required for a long time. It will also shorten the life of the laptop to a certain extent. However, Levi does not plan to change computers in this world. He plans to change them after he returns.

Considering that the laptop was old, Levi did not stress his old friend too much. Before the temperature reached dangerous levels, he stopped the software and let the old friend take a rest.

But even so, there are already more than ten high-definition complete episodes of anime in the mobile hard drive. After going out to find a restaurant and having a simple dinner, Levi, who felt a little bored, continued to code, preparing to speed up the progress. He had never been so enthusiastic as he is now. This light novel, he not only plans to write in After submitting the novel in this world, after returning to the real world, he also plans to submit this novel to the library of the real world.

Although Neon was not strict about the source of his personal property, as a foreigner, he suddenly had a large amount of cash in his hand, which could easily arouse suspicion, so he needed a reasonable identity as a wealthy person.

Although the identity of a light novel author only treats the symptoms and not the root cause, it will be sufficient for a long time.

Although light novel authors belong to the bottom of the food chain in the literary creation circle, the income of light novel authors far exceeds that of ordinary people. For a light novel author to suddenly spend a large amount of money, in the eyes of most Neon people, it is a very reasonable thing.

The next day, Levi went to school early. The two lines of Kato Megumi and Kasumigaoka Shiu had already started, and he was almost ready for them.

As for why he didn't flirt with Eiri Sawamura, because Eiri is Ahn Yilun's loyal golden retriever, it's not easy to change her mind in a very short period of time, so Levi doesn't want to do it either. It's useless to work hard, his goal is to gain points, so he just needs to keep his basic game.

Yinglili is the most difficult to deal with. After all, she is An Yilun's childhood sweetheart. Even though she has not had normal communication for several years, she still misses An Yilun. Such a "loyal dog" wants to It is very troublesome to use. Instead of taking this trouble, it is better to consider other aspects.

Sitting in his seat, Li Wei was still drawing his own paintings as usual. Li Wei deliberately stayed away from other ordinary students to create opportunities for An Yilun. As long as An Yilun also had the ambition to make games, he would take the initiative. It was only a matter of time before we found him.

Levi did not draw various monsters like before. The painting he is drawing now is a picture of a girl full of cute style. Compared with the illustrations of ordinary love games, it is more refined. What Li Wei drew most was single illustrations. Without considering the overall workload, he naturally instinctively made the pictures as refined as possible. And this time, instead of drawing in black and white, he used colored pencils and colored pencils. The lead paints a dreamlike picture.

An Yilun, who was carrying a schoolbag, also walked past Li Wei and was stunned when he looked at the girl on the screen.

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