"Awesome..." An Yilun leaned over unconsciously, staring straight at the screen.

Chapter 16. The Cost of Making a Game

"Li Weijun, your skills have reached a professional level. It should be said that even among professionals, you are one of the few people standing on the top of the mountain." An Yilun also said.

An Yilun was also a little tangled in his heart. His original plan was to persuade Yinglili, but he failed to persuade Yinglili two days ago and the other party did not give him a chance to continue.

Originally, he planned to ask Yinglili again. Who told him that he was not good at painting? But now a new candidate has appeared, and the person in front of him has even more exaggerated painting skills than Yinglili. This gorgeous and soft Her style of painting has far surpassed that of Ying Lili. If she could draw the man in front of her into her production team, she wouldn't need Ying Lili's unstable time bomb.

"An Yijun, you look very troubled. Did you encounter some trouble?" Li Wei showed a gentle smile.

"I am indeed in trouble, but I believe I can solve it." An Yilun also said.

"Don't keep things in your mind. If it's school bullying, you can tell me. I'm quite confident in my physique and fighting skills." Levi said with a smile.

"It's not that kind of trouble, it's other things." An Yilun also said.

"Oh? There is an old saying in the Chongguo that there are three stooges who can stand up to Zhuge Liang. It is not easy for you to solve the problem by yourself, but if you have one more person to help you, you may be able to solve the problem." Li Wei said.

Levi showed his gentle side. He knew that An Yilun was also worried about something, but he needed a reason to intervene.

An Yilun also put his schoolbag on the ground and said: "During my previous vacation, I met a very beautiful girl on a slope. I wanted to recreate that throbbing feeling in my heart. So, I wanted to make a love game with this theme, but I didn’t have enough people.”

Levi nodded, crossed his arms, and said with a smile: "So that's it, An Yi-kun, you want to make a game, but making a game is not something that one or two people can do. Are you serious?"

An Yilun also heard that Li Wei doubted his determination, and his voice increased unconsciously, saying: "Of course I am serious, but I also know that this matter is not easy to accomplish. Now, I am the only one in the entire production team. one person."

Levi nodded and said: "Then you have to work hard. I don't know much about love games. Compared to love games, I prefer various 3A-level large-scale RPG games. For example, The Elder Scrolls and The Witcher, And Devil May Cry and stuff like that.”

An Yilun didn't feel offended by his hobbies. Everyone has different hobbies. This is normal. It is surprising that a sunny boy like Li Wei can be an otaku. No, he didn't expect Levi to be his same hobby.

"I know about The Elder Scrolls. It's really an epic game. I also know about the wizard. It's a national treasure game in the country of Dabobo and a perfect embodiment of the ninth art. I have to say, Li Weijun, your taste is really top-notch. "An Yilun also sighed.

The mainstream games on the market now are all about cars, guns, and balls. Whether it is The Elder Scrolls, The Witcher, or Devil May Cry, they are all very plot-focused. It can be seen that Levi is an "experience party" who likes to immerse himself in the world view.

"I used to work in Chongguo. Over there, love games were a niche within a niche. Whether it was looking for resources or buying spot products directly, it was very inconvenient." Li Wei said.

The romance game industry in the real world has begun to decline. Various game masterpieces are constantly appearing. Unless a romance game that takes the visual novel route is full of novelty, it will be difficult to attract players whose appetites have changed.

But what else can be new about love games? Various plot games and plot games have appeared in turn, and all kinds of routines have been exhausted. Later, it has been difficult for the love game production company to produce innovative games. It is precisely because of this that the entire love game The gaming industry is in decline.

Levi continued: "What kind of members are needed to make a love game?"

An Yilun also thought for a while and said: "It's just a group of a few people. One person counts for scripts and dialogues, one person for illustrations, and one person for programming. As for music, it depends on the situation. It may be recruiting members, or it may be It's outsourcing. But if you outsource the music, the cost will go up all of a sudden, and if you need to add voice actors for dubbing, it will be another expense to hire voice actors for dubbing."

Levi said: "The threshold for making a love game is really low. Not counting music and dubbing, a team of ten people is more than enough."

An Yilun also said: "To put it simply, five people are actually enough."

Li Wei said: "Well An Yijun, what is the approximate cost of producing a love game? After all, the production staff also have to eat. How much salary are you going to pay the production staff?"

An Yilun also choked for breath. Li Wei's question directly hit his Achilles' heel. He originally planned to have sex for nothing. The artist was Riri Zemura, the script was Kasumigaoka Shiu, and then he used the fame of the two of them. , paint a big pie, trick a program into joining the team, and the basic staff structure of the production team is complete. As for the subsequent soundtrack and dubbing, we can only wait and find other ways to raise funds. Or trick other people in the group to pay. After all, Shiu Kasumigaoka is a light novel writer and is not short of money. Eri Sawamura is a famous fan artist and a young lady herself, so she is not short of money either. Money. As long as two people don't want the project they have worked hard for so long to fail, they will inevitably pay for it, and all he has to do is act as a lubricant for the team.

Li Wei asked this deliberately. He knew that An Yilun was also short of money. As a senior blogger with millions of fans, An Yilun still had some influence in the geek circle, but An Yilun did not act like Abi's UP master monetizes his influence, so his income is earned by working on his own, and the money from working can support his consumption in the two-dimensional circle. However, if he wants to make a A love game, that’s not enough.

Levi had already checked that a love game, without dubbing and soundtrack, would cost about three to four million neon dollars to complete. After all, painters and copywriters cost money, and programs The requirements for employees are not that high, as long as they know basic production, and the salary only accounts for a small part of the team. If dubbing and soundtrack are included, the cost of a love game is about 6 to 8 million yuan, which is equivalent to two years' salary of an office worker.

In Li Wei's view, if it were not for Kasumigaoka Shiu and Sawamura Eri to work for free, An Yirunya's love game plan would be pure talk.

Chapter 17. Plan establishment

Li Wei smiled and said: "Is it possible, An Yijun, that you don't have enough savings? Although I don't know much about love games, I also know that making games costs money. If you don't have millions of yuan, you want to make a love game." Empty talk. Unless there are fools in this world who are willing to work for others for free, otherwise, I really don’t know how a love game can be made under such circumstances."

Li Wei's words were like a sharp blade that pierced An Yilunye's heart. He originally planned to have sex for nothing, but looking at Li Wei's smile, he didn't know why, but felt panicked in his heart.

Levi received feedback in his mind, which made An Yilun doubt his own plan. He obtained 500 points and now has 500 points left to officially open the redemption mall.

Levi smiled. Although 500 points was not much, it was at least a good start. There would be milk and bread. He was not in a hurry.

Li Wei's expression gradually became serious, he patted An Yilun on the shoulder and said: "As an otaku, I have some savings. If you really have no money, I can sponsor some for you. Just treat it as a otaku." It’s an investment project. I don’t need you to pay back the money, no matter how the game is sold in the end, I only need to get a share based on the investment share.”

An Yilun also showed an excited expression. There was no way out, and there was a bright future in every village. He originally thought that his plan would fail like this, but he didn't expect that at this darkest moment, there would be a turning point. With funds, he could Formal recruitment does not require coaxing and lying like before, so that the project can advance more smoothly.

Levi continued: "I don't know much about love games, but I also know how important qualified production members are. If you have someone you think is suitable, An Yi-kun, I will contact you."

An Yilun was also a little surprised and said: "It's not my fault, Li Weijun, why don't you personally take care of this kind of thing? It's very troublesome."

Li Wei smiled and said: "This is one of my rights as an investor. After all, I have to review the members to see if they are qualified to join the project team. I am a painter with guaranteed skills. I have to ensure that other people in the project team are not It will hold me back. Moreover, I have also studied music quite a bit, and I have obtained certificates in piano and violin."

An Yilun also looked at the handsome and tall sunshine boy in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Levi was really too dazzling now.

The reason why Levi wants to review the rights of members is to improve his score, and as the "big brother" of the investment, it is normal for him to have more rights.

An Yilun also suppressed his inner excitement and said: "Li Weijun, are you going to join the project team?! This is really great!"

Levi smiled and said: "I can put out 10 million as a starting capital. If the funds are not enough, I will add additional funds later, but I need to supervise the use of funds and ensure that the funds used to make the game are not spent carelessly. I This person has a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder. If you either don’t do something, or do it to the best of your ability.”

Levi had long wanted to directly intervene in An Yilun's love game plan, but he couldn't make it too obvious, so he could only use this fishing tactic to catch An Yilun.

An Yilun is also short of money now. When he meets a sponsor like Li Wei who is willing to spend money, he is naturally not willing to let it go easily, so even if Li Wei has other purposes, he has to put this Swallow the hook bait.

An Yilun also said: "Li Weijun, why are you willing to invest in such a project? I am the only one in the team now. Even I don't know whether this project can be completed. Why do you, Li Weijun, have such confidence? Wan If my plan fails, won't your investment be in vain?"

An Yilun was also a little worried in his heart, whether Li Wei had other purposes, but then he thought about it, he didn't have anything to plot, he really didn't know what Li Wei wanted to do, and Li Wei was willing to pay for it Come sponsor him, this is a good thing for him.

Levi smiled and said: "Because I think your plan is very interesting, and I don't need this little money. As long as it doesn't cost me 100 million in one go, I think I can accept it. Besides, making games by myself is so romantic! In the past, I have similar thoughts, but the difficulty of the game I want to make is too high, and it cannot be done by a small team. As for the love game, both the labor cost and the capital cost are within the range that I can accept. Although the final product is not the AAA masterpiece I most want, it can at least give me the addiction of making games."

An Yilun was also a little shocked in his heart. Levi's ambitions were much greater than his. It was a 3A-level masterpiece. Most game companies could not produce such a work. It was indeed impossible for an individual to produce such a game.

To produce such a large-scale game requires not only money, but also a large number of skilled technical personnel. For example, Rockstar's GTA5 is a large company with more than a thousand people. It took five years and cost almost 300 million US dollars. Just finished the production.

Although An Yilun does not play GTA5, this does not prevent him from knowing the production cost of this masterpiece. After all, this is "basic public knowledge" in the geek circle, even for a neon like him who does not like European and American game styles. Hong people also know this kind of knowledge.

In his view, Levi's approach was like a small tycoon settling for the next best thing, just to "play house" to get addicted to game making. But being able to take out 10 million in one breath also shows how strong Li Wei's financial resources are. You must know that the average savings of Neon's elderly people is only a little over 10 million. This is a savings that only wealthy elderly people have. , for young people, let alone savings, it is already a matter of gratitude to be able to avoid debt.

An Yilun also thought about it. When he was the richest, he only had more than 500,000 yuan in savings, and he couldn't use this deposit wisely. Now he only has about 200,000 yuan in hand. It's just a deposit. To make a love game is a drop in the bucket.

"Thank you Li Weijun for your support. I will hand over an answer sheet that satisfies you." An Yilun also said with a serious expression.

Chapter 18. Everything goes well

Levi said: "Do you have the right people for your team?"

"So far, two candidates have been identified." An Yilun also hesitated in his heart, but when he thought that the funder in front of him was willing to invest more than 10 million yuan, and did not care about losses, he decisively let go. of hesitation.

"Which two?" Levi said.

An Yilun also said: "They are all people from the school. One is Eri Sawamura from Class G of this year. She is the painter I have chosen. Her ability is absolutely outstanding. She has been admitted to Tokyo Art University in advance. A top student, he is also an artist of 18-year-old doujins. His painting style is quite delicate and has been tested by the market. The other one is a senior in the third grade, named Shiyu Kasumigaoka. She is the strongest in the history of this school. A scholar, she ranks first in her grade in every assessment. She is a light novel writer with a very delicate writing style. She is especially good at describing emotional scenes. She is the best script writer I am looking for."

Li Wei pretended to be stunned and said: "Why are they all students from the school? I thought you would recommend professionals in the industry to me."

An Yilun also said with some embarrassment: "Because I don't have any connections in this area, I can only look for them nearby. Moreover, although these two are not too old, they both have skills beyond their own years. This aspect of technology is absolutely guaranteed." of."

Levi nodded and said: "Then I will believe you for now, but I need to evaluate two people. If they really have such ability, I will convince them to join the project team. Well, if their skills pass the test, I will also offer corresponding wages, after all, we can’t let people work for nothing.”

Hearing Bai Ganhuo's words, An Yilun also felt a little hot on his face. He was short of money and originally planned to have Bai Ganhuo. He first used a big pie to pull two people into the chariot, and then used the two people This plan is very risky to use his fame to trick more people into joining.

But now, with enough investment, he no longer has to do such illegal and dangerous things. After all, if the people who were deceived are serious about this kind of thing, he will really be sued. Who would want to take risks when they can take the high road seriously?

Levi narrowed his eyes slightly. Part of his goal had been achieved. As the boss of the investor, he had far higher rights in the entire team than anyone else, which would also make it easier for him to cause trouble.

Levi said: "Do you have your own bank card?"

An Yilun also nodded: "Yes."

As an otaku, An Yilun occasionally recharges money when playing games. If he doesn't have his own bank account, recharging is quite troublesome. In addition, he also earned some money from his own part-time job, so his family felt more at ease with him and allowed him to register a bank card.

Levi said: "Since you have a bank card, it will be convenient. During lunch time, I will transfer 10 million to you through mobile phone transfer. I will bring the contract over tomorrow, and you can just sign it then." "

An Yilun was also a little surprised: "Li Weijun, do you just trust me like this? What if I take the money and don't admit it?"

Levi showed a mysterious smile: "No one can take my money and run away. I don't worry about such a thing at all."

An Yilun was also a little unsure about Li Wei's background. As a foreigner, Li Wei dared to say such things, which shows that he must be relying on something. No matter what the reliance is, it is not something ordinary students like him can provoke. He could afford it, so he just talked about taking the money and running away. If you lend him some courage, he wouldn't dare to do such a thing. After all, a monk could run away with this kind of thing, but he couldn't run away from the temple.

The bell rang for class, and An Yilun returned to his seat. The whole morning, he looked distracted, with a silly smile on his face, as if he had won the lottery.

Levi sat in his seat, looking out the window in a daze. He did not expect that his plan would go so smoothly, and An Yilun gave him the initiative of the team without the slightest alertness.

This time he got the initiative, and An Yilun's control over the team was completely over, because An Yilun himself was just a glue, ensuring that this grass-roots team would not fall apart so quickly, but now , Levi himself became the glue, and An Yilun was just a sidekick. His future was to suffer every day.

During lunch time, Levi transferred the money to An Yilun's account, and this also made An Yilun certain in his heart that Levi had financial resources and was the God of Wealth that he could not afford to offend.

Who can mess with a ruthless man who can spend 10 million in one go just to have a good time? Who would mess with such an uncle after eating too much?

Li Wei also legitimately obtained the information about Eiri Sawamura and Shiyu Kasumigaoka, and An Yilun no longer paid attention to this matter.

Now An Yilun's mentality has changed. With these ten million, and more funds will be supplied in the future, he does not need to limit his personnel to the original candidates. He can hire real professionals. He comes to do things, and what he has to do is to provide general inspiration and coordinate the internal affairs of the entire team. As for professional matters, leave them to professionals.

After school, Levi still did not rush to contact Yinglili, but went to the literature club.

The Literature Department did not close the door as usual. After Levi entered the room, his eyes met Gao Chenglin who was looking over. After nodding, he sat down at the door and calmly took out his laptop and computer. Keyboard, ready to start typing.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was sitting opposite, saw Li Wei's appearance and stopped typing his hands on the keyboard. But she didn't approach Levi rashly. For some reason, she, who had always been open-minded towards other men, felt a little nervous inside.

Li Wei pretended not to see Kasumigaoka Shiu and started today's coding work. He was about halfway through the first volume of the light novel, but he hadn't decided what to call his work yet, because The protagonist is a villain whose outlook is completely different from that of ordinary people. Although he repeatedly uses funny methods to dilute the villain feeling, the protagonist himself is a pathological existence, which became a difficulty in choosing a name.

"Let's just call it "Today's Demon King is also speaking rakugo". After all, for such a neurotic protagonist who likes to complain like Kyon, the word 'rakugo' should be more appropriate..." Levi whispered to himself.

In order to dilute the sense of absurdity, Levi constantly reflected the magical plot of the "Warrior Enters the Demon City" series in his mind when writing, just to prevent readers from paying too much attention to the dark side of the protagonist. After all, this is a protagonist who is even darker than Gu Aotian and Stick Hero. The description angle is wrong, and it is estimated that it may not even pass the initial preliminary review of the library.

Chapter 19. Versailles by Shiyu Kasumigaoka

Just as Li Wei was coding at a steady speed, Kasumigaoka Shiyu had already come behind him. Because he was stuck in a stuck state, Kasumigaoka Shiyu needed to find some inspiration and communicate with other creators. good idea.

Levi also noticed the gaze behind him, and after finishing writing a paragraph, he stopped typing on the keyboard.

"Senior, what's the matter?" Levi turned around with a smile.

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