"Uh, I'm disturbing you." Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't expect Li Wei to stop. She wasn't ready to talk to Li Wei yet.

"Do you want to disturb me? Senior sister, you seem to be troubled. Have you encountered some problem?" Levi said.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu pulled up a chair aside, sat down, and said, "I did encounter some problems, but I won't disturb you for too long. Just give me five minutes."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu knew that disturbing other people's work was a bad thing, and she never thought of wasting too much of Li Wei's time. The most fearful thing for creators is to be interrupted when they have inspiration. She understands how this feels. Feeling uncomfortable, naturally I don’t want to become that annoying person.

Levi smiled and said: "Senior, there is no need to be so restrained. If you have any questions, you can just tell me directly. And I also have something to ask you, senior."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu nodded. She didn't know what Li Wei wanted to say, but she now wanted to understand the problems she encountered.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Li Wei's laptop screen and said: "Li Weijun, your works seem to emphasize stories more than characters. Li Weijun, how do you view the ratio between storytelling and characters?"

Levi folded his hands, looking like he was thinking. He hesitated for a while before giving the answer: "My personal style is more inclined to the story than the characters. All characters must serve the story, otherwise, writing will be impossible." Then the rhythm fell apart."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said: "I see, but Li Weijun and I have the opposite approach. I am only good at depicting characters, and my grasp of the plot of the story is weaker. Probably because of the different types of works, I have never been able to follow the rhythm of the entire story. Holding it in my hand, I am like a bystander, giving a stage and letting the characters play freely. I just record their actions.”

Levi smiled and said: "This is a very good writing style. In this way, you can write a very real story, with twists and turns, which can easily arouse the interest of readers."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu sighed. Everyone likes to hear good things, and she is no exception. But it turns out that this writing method is not so suitable for her. The results of her first novel illustrate a lot of problems. , if it weren’t for An Yilun also promoting her on the blog, then her first work would have been cut in half long ago.

But even with An Yilun's recommendation, until her first work was completed, the total sales of so many volumes had barely exceeded 500,000, which shocked her. It is precisely because of this that she doubts her writing ability. It is not that she has never read other authors' works. The more she reads other people's works, the more she discovers that there are many shortcomings in her own works.

If these problems are not overcome, the new series will repeat the tragedy of the first game. Because of this, after the first book was officially completed, she did not rush to start the second one. Instead, she continued to polish her skills, hoping to make the second book reach a higher level.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu sighed and said: "Li Weijun, I am very grateful for your comfort, but it turns out that the writing technique I used is not so suitable for light novels. My first work used this writing technique , but faced the problem of being cut in half in the second volume. If it weren’t for someone’s help, my first work would have ended in a mess.”

Levi said "surprised": "Senior, are you a light novelist?"

"I don't have the qualifications to be called Jia. I'm just an ordinary light novel author, and I'm a third-rate author whose first work was not very good." Kasumigaoka Shiyu said with a bitter smile.

Li Wei pretended to be surprised, was silent for a while, and said, "Senior sister, can I read your work?"

Li Wei didn't know how to complain. Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked like a scumbag, just like Versailles. You know, many light novel authors' first works did not achieve very good results. The first work was able to sell 500,000 copies, which is enough to make many light novel authors jealous. You know, "Love Metronome" only has five volumes. In other words, Kasumigaoka Shiu's first work, the sales volume of a single volume It has exceeded 100,000 copies. Many old authors may not have such an achievement.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu stood up and said, "As for the physical book, I didn't bring it with me, but I have the original manuscript on my computer. Li Weijun, is this okay?"

Levi saved what he was writing and said, "Excuse me, I'm also very curious about senior sister's works."

Levi was really curious about what the legendary "Metronome of Love" was like. When he used to watch anime, even being curious was useless. He was not a character in the anime, so naturally he couldn't watch the anime. It was a "matryoshka doll work" that only appeared in the movie, but it was different now. What was in front of him was a living girl, not an anime character in the picture. Naturally, "Metronome of Love" is also a real work, It's a pleasure to see a piece of work that I've always been curious about.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu brought Li Wei to her computer. She pulled out the manuscript and said, "Please."

Levi nodded, sat in front of the computer, took the mouse and started browsing the manuscript.

"I just came from Chongguo not long ago, so I don't know much about the light novel industry. Hmm? Love Metronome, a very familiar name... Isn't this the newcomer award-winning work that sold more than 500,000 copies in its entirety?" Li Wei pretended to be stunned.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu sighed and said: "I created this work alone, that is, the first and second volumes. The remaining three volumes were all completed under the suggestions of others. It took a lot of compromise to get to a relatively good ending. It made me feel like a failure."

Li Wei pretended to be puzzled and said: "Isn't this result very good? Why do you think you have failed? The sales volume of 500,000 copies shows that readers like your writing style, senior sister, and there is no need to change your own style. ah."

Chapter 20. Love metronome

Levi looked at it seriously.

I have to say that Kasumigaoka Shiyu's writing style is very good, at least much better than him. But this is also normal. His own style is to focus on the smoothness of the story. As for the writing style, it is appropriate, and he does not excessively pursue gorgeous words.

But Kasumigaoka Shiu writes a love novel. If the writing style is not delicate enough, it will not be possible to write about the tangled emotions of boys and girls.

Therefore, in Li Wei's view, there is no real difference in writing style. Apart from the fact that it is a real dish, most of it is suitable.

"It's amazing. I can't write in such a delicate style." Levi sighed.

He reads very quickly, turning the pages steadily and quickly. From time to time, he will express his opinions on the content, letting Kasumigaoka Shiyu know that he is not perfunctory with her.

The more Kasumigaoka Shiyu listened, the more surprised she became. She didn't expect that Li Wei's level far exceeded her expectations. His sharp but to-the-point comments were similar to her editor's suggestions for him, and even more detailed. , it can be seen that Li Wei's level is also guaranteed.

Levi knew that there were some minor flaws that couldn't be corrected. They were personal styles, and a novel couldn't be liked by everyone. Kasumigaoka Shiu wrote light novels, not traditional literature. Compared with the irresponsible and free speech of those "critics", his suggestions can be said to be quite pertinent.

After all, Li Wei is also a veteran who has created millions of words of experience. Although his achievements have never been mediocre, he can be regarded as rich in experience, although it is just some detours in the street.

It took almost an hour for Levi to finally finish reading the first volume, "Metronome of Love."

The content of the first volume is quite amazing. No wonder it was able to fight its way through many competitors. Although it was stretched in the second round, it is undeniable that the first volume is a golden beginning in the light novel world. Just like the first three golden chapters in an online novel.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu had an expectant expression on her face and whispered, "How is it?"

"The overall quality is already very high. Senior sister, aren't you satisfied with this? After I go back, I will buy a physical book for my collection. Such a story is worth the money spent by readers," said Levi.

It's not that Li Wei is complimenting Kasumigaoka Shiu, but the quality of "Metronome of Love" is really high, and its graceful and gorgeous writing is considered to be relatively successful even in traditional literary circles.

As for the loose rhythm and cumbersome descriptions of details, these are common problems in neon light novels. Kasumigaoka Shiu is not the only one to have these small problems. If such small problems were looser, they would not be a problem at all.

Kasumigaoka Shiu said: "I spent a lot of effort on the first volume and completed this volume after searching a lot of information. However, because the starting point was so high, the rest of the content went downhill. Again Coupled with my somewhat problematic writing style, the whole story fell apart more and more."

Li Wei thought for a while, Kasumigaoka Shiyu had too high demands on himself. As a new author, it was already very good to be able to write to this level in his first work.

As for the second volume and subsequent contents, he has not read it yet, so he dare not express his opinion yet, but if it has the quality of the first volume, then it will be a masterpiece.

Looking at Li Wei's expectant look, Kasumigaoka Shiyu sighed and said: "There are five volumes of "Love Metronome", and the overall sales volume is about 500,000, but the sales volume of the first volume is 170,000, and the sales volume of the second volume is 170,000. The sales volume of the second volume was 120,000. From the third volume onwards, the sales volume of each volume was lower than the previous one. The fifth volume, which is the last volume, only sold 40,000 copies of a single volume."

Li Wei was stunned for a moment. This was no longer as simple as opening high and going low. It was simply a collapse. From the sales volume of 170,000 copies of the first volume to the sales volume of 40,000 volumes of the fifth volume, this was already a meltdown-like decline in the stock market crash. .

Shiyu Kasumigaoka had a bitter smile on her face: "In the second volume, this work actually collapsed because I allowed the characters to develop freely, so I deviated from the main line of the story. After the end of the second volume, Although 120,000 copies were sold, the reviews continued to decline, and there was even a saying at the time that I had exhausted my talents."

Li Wei was a little surprised that Kasumigaoka Shiyu also had such an allusion to the country as "the man's talents have been exhausted", but the second volume was about pulling his hips. To be honest, it was a bit unreasonable and it collapsed too quickly.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu continued: "Originally, I was about to cut it in half after two volumes, but with the help of a junior in my school, my first work was able to regain some reputation and gained the qualification to continue publishing a new volume. However, Even so, the performance continued to decline, and by the time it was finished, the performance had completely collapsed. However, the first and second volumes improved the average score, and the total sales volume barely reached more than 500,000 copies."

"Is it An Yilun?" Li Wei smiled.

"Li Weijun, do you know him?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was a little surprised.

Levi nodded, closed the document of the first volume of "Love Metronome", and said: "I know, he wants to play a love game in a whimsical way, and he is looking for members everywhere."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu sighed and said: "His idea is just an idea. It is too unrealistic. Without any plan, he can't do this kind of thing with only enthusiasm, enthusiasm and action. of."

Levi smiled and said: "I know, so I invested 10 million in him and let him work on it, just in case the game is made."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Li Wei with a strange expression. She couldn't figure out whether the young man in front of her had too much money to burn, or he was so stupid that he was willing to invest in such an unreliable plan.

Li Wei looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu's weird expression and still smiled: "Senior, you don't have to look at me like this. I'm just interested. Like Aki, I have a dream of making games, but mine The dream was too big to be implemented in a short period of time, so I funded An Yi to fulfill his dream. It also allowed me to get addicted to game production, and at the same time, I accumulated experience in independent game production, laying the foundation for my own games in the future. Base."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu still found it difficult to accept this statement. This was not a thousand yuan, but ten million, which was equivalent to the income of an ordinary person for two or three years. It was necessary to spend such a sum of money to invest in a company with no hope. Game, how great is Levi's experience. Anyway, she would never do such a stupid thing.

Chapter 21. Unexpected insights

Kasumigaoka Shiyu sighed. The sunshine-like boy in front of her was also a willful person like her. It should be said that Li Wei was much more willful than her.

At least she would never spend 10 million to let a person like An Yilun, who only talks in plain words, fool around. It is undeniable that An Yilun also has strong action power that most people cannot match. But some things cannot be solved by action alone. The world is so cruel. Without enough talent, no matter how powerful the action is, it will be in vain.

"Senior, you think my decision is ridiculous, right?" Li Wei also saw Kasumigaoka Shiyu's hesitation, but he didn't feel offended. After all, what he did was just a brain. Normal people will feel that they are burning money indiscriminately.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't speak, just nodded.

Levi moved his computer over, connected the wire to the plug in the corner of the wall, sat down in front of his computer, and opened the Little Black Room coding software again.

"I know that what I do seems crazy to many people, but if you don't go crazy while you are young, you may not have time when you want to do these things again in the future." Levi looked at this. Kasumigaoka Shiyu's pretty face smiled calmly.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu took a deep breath: "An Yilun is a person. We must admit that he has certain abilities, but he is not a qualified creator. Leave such an important matter to him, Li Weijun You don’t plan to recover your investment cost at all, right?”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu also told the truth. Although she was helped by An Yilun, her first work was brought back to life. Although the results were still not ideal, at least she was not cut in half. This is a treatment that many new authors dare not even think about. .

The competition in the light novel circle is very fierce. Most of the current powerful authors have not finished their first works. It is very common for them to be cut in half in the middle of writing. Most of the remaining unfinished parts are It was made with love and persisted in completing the work, and then put it online for free for readers to watch.

Authors who successfully complete their first work are rare, but certainly rare.

"You won't know the results of some things unless you try them. Moreover, I will also participate in the production of the game. I will be responsible for it. The quality of the game should not be so bad that people can't play it anymore." Li Wei is multitasking. While typing on the keyboard, he communicated with Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

After NZT-48 developed the potential ability of his brain, Levi had the ability to think in multiple threads. It was not difficult for him to do two things at once. It was not a problem for him to work hard and do three things at once.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was a little surprised: "Li Weijun, are you going to write the script yourself? The script given by An Yilun himself is so crude that it can't even be considered a script. It's not possible to complete the crude existence like a stick figure. An easy thing.”

Levi tapped the keyboard quickly with both hands, and characters appeared on the screen quickly: "I am still confident in my abilities, and I have never introduced myself."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu became interested, and being able to let An Yilun play games well with that whimsical girl, I think Li Wei must have some special abilities.

Li Wei stopped his hands, looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and said with a smile: "Because I am an all-rounder. Not only do I have a certain ability in text creation, but I also have a lot of painting experience. I have also taken on many commercial illustrations before. , at the same time, my piano and violin skills have both passed level 10. Although they cannot be compared with top performers, they are not comparable to ordinary performers. In addition to playing, I am also good at composing music. I have a lot of talent. I can play three roles by myself. Even if An Yijun is not capable, the game can definitely be made with me as the backbone."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was shocked in her heart. She had always thought that she was already relatively powerful, but there was always a higher mountain. The existence of Li Wei made her know what it means to be powerful. With all three materials including writing, painting and music, ordinary people can do it. To this extent?

Kasumigaoka Shiyu took a deep breath: "I don't understand. Since you have such ability, Li Weijun, why don't you do it alone? An Yilun doesn't have any special talents. If you bring him together, for you What's good?"

Li Wei looked at the screen and continued typing: "This can be regarded as me crossing the river by feeling for the stones, and An Yijun is the stone. He and I each get what we need. After his love game is completed, I will also Being able to gain a lot of practical experience is a win-win for both of us.”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said: "Li Weijun, are you a young master who is not short of money? Ten million, just give it to a person who is not even half-hearted?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "I admit that An Yijun is indeed a dabbler. He has very professional appreciation ability, but his creative ability is about zero. However, what I need is his professional appreciation ability, this kind of whetstone, but Very rare.”

Looking at Kasumigaoka Shiyu's tangled look, Li Wei smiled and said: "Now, I sincerely invite you, senior, to join my team and play games with us."

"Are you serious? Li Weijun, that guy An Yi is fooling around, and you are also fooling around." Kasumigaoka Shiyu sighed inwardly, Li Wei is really rich and willful.

Li Wei smiled and said: "With me here, no matter how much nonsense you make, there will be a result. And I'm different from An Yijun. He always wants to trick others into working for him in vain, and he can't think of any other means except drawing cakes." , but I will give appropriate rewards to the participants. Let’s not talk about how to divide the revenue after the game is released. Just becoming a full-time scripter of the production team will earn 700,000 yuan a month. The production subsidy will ensure that you, senior sister, won’t have to work in vain.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu shook his head: "This is already higher than the monthly salary of many senior office workers. No reward for no merit. Such a subsidy is not appropriate."

Li Wei smiled and said: "I believe in your ability, Teacher Xia Shizi. This game production team will not be disbanded easily. I have a game to make later, and I need to trouble you, senior sister, to win over you in advance." , there is no harm to me. After all, I can only rely on you, senior sister, to make up for the delicate description ability I lack."

"Although I'm very happy that you praised me like this, Li Weijun, the monthly subsidy of 700,000 is too high. 500,000 is enough." Kasumigaoka Shiyu said.

Chapter 22. Successful deception

Kasumigaoka Shiyu can understand Li Wei's statement. After all, compared to An Yilun's method of drawing big cakes, Li Wei's method of taking what everyone needs is more in line with the needs of ordinary people. Pay and pay The rewards must be equal. There will be no reward if there is no reward. As time goes by, conflicts will naturally arise.

Kasumigaoka Shiu also understood why Li Wei wanted to bring her into the production team, because Li Wei needed her abilities to complement each other. What Li Wei is best at is the depiction of large scenes and the smoothness of the story's rhythm. Levi's handling of details is less than perfect, and this aspect is her strength.

Another advantage of joining Li Wei's game production team is that she can exchange writing skills with Li Wei at any time. For her, the scripter position in the game production team is only a part-time job, and her main job has always been a light novel writer.

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