The tallest of the three Jinshan Mountains is only about fifteen meters, and its slope is very gentle.

Li Wei did the math. He now has more than 8,000 tons of gold in his hands, of which more than 7,000 tons were taken from the treasury of Amei. The rest is from the puppet's side. The inventory plus the recent convergence.

It is precisely because of this crazy gathering of gold that the puppet gives outsiders a feeling of final madness that shines through. In the eyes of people who don't know the inside story, the puppet's crazy gathering of gold is completely because it wants to be crazy before it dies. .

After exiting the consciousness space, Levi appeared in his apartment, but now he was the only one living in the apartment. Compared with Yingying Yanyan before, it seemed a little deserted.

Just when Levi was packing his personal belongings and preparing to completely empty the apartment, he received feedback from the system that An Yilun also collapsed and committed suicide.

An Yilun also suffered a psychological breakdown and committed suicide because he could not bear the blow of social death. Earned 3,000 points and now has 18,200 points remaining.

Levi felt a little regretful. He originally planned to let An Yilun enjoy more fun treatment (cgch), but who knew that the opponent actually chose to kill himself, which made all his original plans come to nothing.

"Since An Yilun has died, there is no point in continuing to stay in this world." Levi said to himself.

Levi cut off the connection between the thinking circuit and the puppet. At this time, the puppet, who was meeting with many shareholders in the conference room, suddenly covered his heart and fell to the ground with a painful expression on his face. "President!" "General Commander!"

The whole conference room was in chaos...

After packing up his personal belongings, Levi thought, and his figure disappeared from the place and left the current world.

When Levi opened his eyes again, he was sitting on an ergonomic chair. The surrounding environment was exactly the same rental apartment where he lived before he got the gold finger.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. After getting used to living in high-end apartments, it is difficult for Levi to be satisfied with this small apartment with poor lighting.

Levi left the apartment and headed to the bank.

The bank here in Neon has a very niche service that is specially provided for the rich, that is, the exchange between precious metals and currencies. It only requires a very small handling fee to complete the conversion between the two. Unlike in Chongguo, there is no direct exchange channel between precious metals and currencies. If a person wants to turn precious metals into cash, he can only recycle them in gold shops or pawn shops. The prices will be lowered anyway, and the prices are even lower. Extremely cruel.

The precious metals and currency exchange that Levi wants to use only need to add a handling tax of 3.5% of the total amount. Although it is not low, it is much better than gold shops and pawn shops for recycling.

Levi went to the bank and quickly completed the currency exchange. Now there was a huge sum of money in his bank card. The first thing he did when he got the money was to find a house.

Although Levi can now live in the Sea of ​​Consciousness space most of the time, in the real world, he still has to find a convenient place to stay. He has had enough of a cramped small apartment, even if it is just a small apartment where he can live for very little time. A temporary residence, and he didn't want to live in such a torturing place.

After paying full price for a small villa in a high-end residential area in Chiyoda District and a large flat on the first floor of a high-end apartment in Shinjuku District, Levi ended his day's trip.

After throwing the note with the phone number quietly handed to him by the beautiful girl from the real estate agent into the trash can, Levi lay on the big bed in the master bedroom of the apartment.

After getting the golden finger, Levi's mentality has quietly changed. Originally, buying an apartment in Shinjuku District was his long-term goal for himself, and he has been working hard for it. But now, this goal has been achieved easily. He didn't even feel the slightest excitement in his heart. Buying two houses was like buying two boxes of convenience store lunch boxes.

Maybe the life of rich people is so boring. Li Wei began to understand Mr. Dan’s thoughts. When a person feels that life is boring, he will instinctively pursue stronger and more excitement. This is why some people went astray due to reasons.

But Levi doesn't have to face such a problem. After all, he still has a lot of unknown worlds waiting to be explored. In addition to the two-dimensional animation world, there are also the worlds of movies and games, and even the worlds of TV series and novels waiting for him. As long as With the medium, he can use it as a basis to travel to the target world.

The infinite world means infinite adventures, and there are countless wonderful things waiting for him. Naturally, he will not lose his enthusiasm for life like ordinary rich people.

After a day's rest, Levi went to the university the next day to answer questions. However, in order not to attract attention, he used magic to minimize his presence and avoid the fate of being watched.

After all, his current face, even if placed in the two-dimensional world like "How to Raise a Passerby Heroine", is considered top-notch. In the real world, he is already inhumanly handsome. If If you don't cover it up, it can easily cause unnecessary trouble.

Levi misses his puppet a little bit, but in the real world, there are certain restrictions on the use of the puppet clone technique, but like in other worlds, it can be done without restraint.

Because when he leaves the real world, the puppet will inevitably lose control and fall into a "sleep" state.

However, Li Wei also has a way to deal with this situation. The way is also very simple, that is, to adjust his travel time here and set the time to go to other worlds during his rest time in the evening. At this time, most people are resting and falling into a deep sleep. The puppet in this state will not be noticed by others.

Coupled with the huge time flow difference between different worlds, as long as Levi does not deliberately expose himself, there will be no flaws. .

Chapter 146. The layout of the real world

In the real world, Levi does not have the level of assistance from the Sawamura family, so it is relatively complicated to collect intelligence. After going through the black market, it took two days for Levi to find an intelligence dealer, knock him out and read I took my memory and obtained a reliable list through this informal method.

In the neon world of the real world, there has never been a true underground emperor like Dai Yuanpinglong. Although the collusion between power and money is still very serious, there is no "big boss" like in anime or game movies.

It is quite a troublesome thing to cultivate a puppet clone of the underground emperor, but there are some things that you have to do no matter how troublesome it is. If you don't take small steps, you won't reach a thousand miles. If you can't even take the first step , then never think about having a useful clone.

Considering that power and wealth are relatively scattered in the neon world in the real world, Levi chose the route of one person and one dark, controlling two puppets at the same time.

A powerful boss and an upstart in the business world are enough to do a lot of things.

The neon yakuza in the real world can often be said to be synonymous with shame, but don’t think that these yakuza are kind people just because of their stupid things and funny news.

The Yakuza have never been like those in movies and TV shows. They pay attention to the so-called loyalty and integrity. The Yakuza are just the sludge in the stinking ditch, social dregs with no bottom line. No matter how much they whitewash themselves, they can't change themselves as evil people. fact.

After careful screening, Levi chose to start from scratch and chose a new gangster who looked a bit like the "Dragon of Dojima" Kiryu Kazuma.

For Levi, who has mastered extraordinary power, it actually doesn't matter who he chooses on the Yakuza side. Compared with choosing a ready-made large-scale Yakuza organization, creating a Yakuza organization from scratch also has its own benefits, that is The entire organization is in the hands of the founder. Unlike those old organizations that have existed for a long time, the eldest brother cannot control the entire organization. The power within the organization is relatively dispersed. The subordinates and branch organizations often appear and follow the instructions but not the propaganda. Condition.

The "lucky guy" chosen by Levi was named Xiangliang Feng. The reason why he chose this person was that his name resembled an anime character that Levi liked, and he also had a decent and manly face.

The Yakuza organization that this puppet will create is called the "Chinese Group". From the name, those who don't know it might think it is engaged in animation or novel translation.

As for the white line, the chosen puppet is an upstart in a technology company who developed through software technology. The two puppets, one bright and one dark, are enough to establish a sizable force. When Levi has more After developing his thinking circuit, he will also make more puppets to expand his power.

After spending a few days building up his organizational structure in the real world, Levi calmed down a little.

For the two puppets in the real world, Levi made great efforts to carry out precise transformations. Both puppets have considerable strength. The individual strength of each puppet is higher than when he just obtained the Golden Finger. Levi's body is much stronger, and in addition to good combat effectiveness, the two puppets also have unique temperament bonuses. The Jida puppet has an "intimidation aura", while the business puppet has a "friendly aura", which is consistent with In addition to its identity, it can also add a lot of convenience to it.

Levi's body gave the Yakuza puppets a start-up capital and asked them to recruit the first batch of younger brothers. Then he used extraordinary means to target an existing established Yakuza organization. In just one day, the entire hostile organization was wiped out. The person disappeared, gained a reputation in the area, and gained the "right to rule" a street.

After taking over a street, the annual security expenses alone will be more than 30 million yuan. After excluding the contribution to the superiors, there will still be more than 20 million yuan left.

However, as a small organization, the Chinese team has less than twenty people in the entire organization. Its combat effectiveness is completely supported by the Yakuza puppet who is the team leader. With insufficient personnel, it is unrealistic to continue to expand its influence outwards. of. But if you want to increase manpower, you must have money. After all, the organization cannot always rely on Levi's body for financial support.

As a result, the Chinese language team started a side business. With the start-up capital provided by Levi's Ontology and a subsequent additional capital, they opened two new stores on that street, a pachinko store and a milk tea shop. Subsidy the expenses of the entire Chinese language group. . Asking for flowers.

As for the puppets in the business world, there is no way to develop as rapidly as the Yakuza puppets. After all, business matters are not that simple and rough. Every step must be done step by step. Being too conservative or taking too big a step will cause problems, so Even Levi can only follow the original development path and continue the strategy set by the puppet's predecessor.

Little half a month passed like this.

The Yakuza puppets have stabilized their rule on the street. At the same time, the pachinko shop and the milk tea shop have entered business. With the support of Levi's body, the decoration time of the two stores has been compressed to the extreme. It only took a few days to complete the renovation, and as soon as the mechanical crew was in place, the business could begin.

The members of the Chinese culture team are mainly responsible for security and the occasional delivery of takeaways. For the operation of the pachinko shop and the milk tea shop, the initial employee salaries are advanced by Levi Ontology. Once things are on track, it will be borne by the organization of the Chinese culture team. .

However, because it was a store opened by the Yakuza organization, we encountered a little trouble when recruiting employees, and it took a lot of effort to recruit all the employees. If there are not enough employees, the members of the organization will have to be tied to their posts and will not be able to accept the fighting training of the Yakuza puppets. The foundation of the Chinese team is combat effectiveness, so every member must receive combat training.

As for the puppets in the business world, they did not achieve much results. However, with the financial support of Levi Ontology, they opened up new projects, established a mobile game department, and began to recruit various technical employees and planners to prepare for mobile games. The tourism industry wants to take a piece of the existing huge cake.

The predecessor of Puppet originally had plans to enter the mobile game industry, but because it had insufficient funds and the risk of loans during this period was too great, the plan to enter the mobile game industry could only be put on hold temporarily. Now that Ontology has the financial resources, the problems that have plagued the development of enterprises have been solved. Since then, the puppets in the business world have also begun to make new big moves.

After sorting out everything, Levi chose one night to prepare to go to the second world of his career as a time traveler. scholar.

Chapter 147. Villain-style layout

He was still sitting on the ergonomic chair, but Levi now had a top-notch ergonomic chair. The previous chair had been thrown away by a second-hand store.

And this time, Levi is not in the cramped rental house before, but in the bedroom of his own apartment. Through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, he can see the prosperity of Akihabara. For a guy like Levi, As a house owner, this is a good location.

"I have made a lot of preparations for this time travel. I hope it goes smoothly..." Levi said with a sigh.

For the purpose of the plan, Levi selected a suitable body in the real world, made two puppets again, and sealed the two puppets in a special warehouse in the sea of ​​​​consciousness space, until the time of "School Apocalypse" It will not be officially launched until the end of the world. There are two puppets, one of which is more than two meters tall, has a fierce look, and has a strong body to the level of "Nine Seven Seven" non-human beings, named Abigail. This puppet was originally a death row prisoner. After being transformed by Levi, it focused on strengthening its size and combat power, and also had an intimidating aura, allowing it to better perform its duties.

Abigail's true form is the muscle monster in "Street Fighter 5", not the Abby in "Street Fighter 5". Please don't make mistakes.

Another puppet, whose predecessor was also a death row prisoner, was transformed into a monster by Levi, and was also specially transformed into something similar to a high-level ghoul.

In addition to making two useful puppets, Li Wei also hoarded a large amount of supplies in his consciousness sea space. He even went to Amei Youkan Country in the real world to pick up a handful of wool. , taking away a large amount of living supplies, machinery and oil. During this period, he also taught himself relatively simple mechanical and electrical knowledge. Now, he can build a survivor base by himself.

Levi has tried that the products on the floating island can be brought to the real world. In other words, it should be no problem to bring them to the animation world. For this reason, he has also built a floating island on the floating island in the sea world. With a hydroponic farm, you can take advantage of the time difference between inside and outside to supply a large amount of fresh vegetables to the outside world.

"School Apocalypse" is a zombie apocalypse world similar to the Resident Evil world view. The whole world is experiencing a zombie crisis, and social order is rapidly collapsing. It is not easy to survive.

And because of the death of the original author, no one knows the future plot direction of the world of Academy Apocalypse. Levi's understanding of "School Apocalypse" is limited to the content of the ten or so episodes of the animation. He will follow up on the content of the comics. Not very clear.

But he never thought about saving that world. He just wanted to get a group of high-quality girls from that world to fill the floating island. After all, it was O-shake Apocalypse, and even the girls who were just passers-by had impressive figures. It’s hard to resist, choose this world, all the old guys know it.

"The time is about one and a half months before the start of the plot, when school has just started, and we are settled in Bedou City, Minato-ku, Tokyo. The identity of the main body is a martial artist from Oki who lives in Neon, and the identity of Abigail is a Canadian cannabis professional who lives in Neon. Fighter, there is no need to set the identity of the ghoul puppet. The plan is complete, the preparations are complete, and the condition is good. Let's go." After Levi finished talking to himself, the figure had disappeared from the ergonomic chair.

As soon as he closed his eyes and opened them, Levi appeared on the top of Tokyo Tower.

"The setting of Bedlord City is very similar to the Minato City in the real world. The author seems to have borrowed a lot of elements from the real world. This sense of déjà vu is really amazing." Levi sighed.

Looking inland, Levi felt quite familiar, but looking outside, Bedlord City was hugely different from the real world.

"Odaiba and Uinomori Park are gone and have become a sea airport located further away. There is only a bridge connecting it. It is a good place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack. As long as the materials are available, it is very suitable for setting up a survivor camp." Li Wei flew up. He climbed high in the sky and began to compare the differences between the two worlds. Then he discovered that, except for the Bedlord City, Tokyo in both worlds was very similar. He even found two of his residences in the same place in this world, but the two Everywhere is inhabited.

Levi had an identity provided by the system, and he was not considered a black banker. He went to the bank to exchange part of the gold, and then used the money to rent a high-end apartment. After having a temporary place to stay, Levi began to make his own arrangements.

Private Fujimi Academy, inside the chairman's office.

A middle-aged man with a slightly older face was sitting on an office chair. On the huge desk were various documents. When he was distracted, a burst of light and shadow flowed in front of him, and a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of him. in front of him. The startled chairman shouted loudly: "Who are you?"

Levi looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and said, "I will accept everything from you. I will agree first that I will not ask for your consent..."

Levi pressed the chairman's forehead, and in just a few seconds, he completed the soul formatting amidst the other party's yelling.

The entire chairman's office has been soundproofed by magic. Let alone the chairman's screams, even if there is a concert here, no sound will be heard.

After Levi read the chairman's memory, he decisively controlled him.

"The shareholders of the school are very weak. The chairman himself is the largest shareholder, which facilitates my plan. The ghouls have already started committing crimes. Next, it is time for my real body and the puppet Abigail to appear."

After Levi completed his control over the chairman, he did not stay here. He had other things to do.

Levi began to arrange safe houses in various areas of Tokyo, using magic to strengthen the safe houses. Without his permission, even the army would have difficulty breaking through the defenses, let alone ordinary people. Therefore, with the safe houses popping up everywhere, Levi could not Worried that other survivors would snatch away the supplies.

On the other hand, the ghoul clones committed murders in the Bedou City area, especially near the private Fujimi Academy, killing Yakuza, bosozokus, delinquents, girls, and the like, creating a continuous chain of events. panic.

A few days passed, and the monster killings in Bedlord City caused panic. And under the arrangement of the chairman's clone, Levi entered the private Fujimi Academy to teach.

The 2.7 murders committed by the ghoul puppet were just for this moment, so that Levi could legitimately open a new course.

On a beautiful school day, students from the private Fujimi Academy, all three grades, gathered on the sports field.

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