Levi looked at the weather and saw that it was not too hot yet. He put the time to announce the appointment arrangements to now in order not to offend the students.

The students who lined up neatly looked at the stage and whispered, because the Levi and Abigail puppets were also on the stage. Whether it was Levi or the Abigail puppet, they were very eye-catching.

Komuro Takashi looked at the Levi and Abigail puppets on the stage, and whispered to Igo Haonaga on the side: "Are those two people the new teachers? That big guy, that kind of muscle, is really something that humans can have Of?"

Jing Haoyong laughed softly and said: "Ah Xiao, it's time to start, stop talking."

Chapter 148. Reasonable addition of self-defense courses

Komuro Takashi looked at Rei Miyamoto who was standing next to Igounaga. Miyamoto Rei noticed his gaze and turned her head decisively. Komuro Takashi opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he was unable to say anything.

Standing on the stage, Levi relied on his powerful perception to notice the current situation of everyone in the "Protagonist Group". The Resident Evil Crisis has not yet broken out, and there is no group of people in the group yet, and most of them don't know each other yet. .

There are still forty or fifty days before the crisis breaks out, and Levi still has plenty of time to prepare.

The chairman puppet walked to the temporary podium, patted the microphone gently, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with the microphone, he said: "Because the weather is hot, my speech will be brief and will not delay everyone too much. time."

Listening to the words of the chairman puppet, the students in the audience began to whisper.

"Please be quiet, everyone. I only want to say one important thing here. I hope everyone can listen to it quietly." Chairman Puppet said.

After the chairman puppet repeatedly emphasized that he would not speak for too long, the students in the audience finally stopped making noise.

Chairman Puppet 26 said: "I think everyone should be aware of the so-called monster killings in recent times. The entire Bedlord City is panicked. Although the police are working hard to track down the real culprit, the other party's arrogance cannot be ignored for a moment. Stop, and the places where the recent crimes have been committed are very close to our school. To be honest, I was scared to the point of breaking out in a cold sweat. The so-called monster has no pattern in his attacks. Men, women, and children may become his victims. Target, and naturally, students in our academy are also likely to encounter that monster."

The students in the audience also showed expressions of fear. The gossip-loving students naturally knew about the monster murder case that had been causing quite a stir during this period. The death of the victim was extremely miserable, and the torn wounds made it look like... It's scary when you look at it. The Chairman Puppet saw that the atmosphere below had reached the level he wanted, and continued: "In order to ensure the safety of the students in the academy, I specially hired two top experts from outside to come back, which can not only ensure the safety of the campus, but also I can also teach you some self-defense techniques. Now, I would like to ask two teachers to introduce themselves."

The big puppet Abigail walked up to the chairman, took off the microphone, and held it in his hand. Ordinary people use a microphone that is just right. For a big guy like Abigail, it is like a pocket toy.

"I'm Abigail, a fighter from the University of Massachusetts. I'm not very good at talking, so I'll leave it to my colleague Levi." The big puppet handed the microphone to Levi.

Levi took a step forward and said: "Abigail doesn't like to talk very much, so I will explain the chairman's arrangements. The so-called monster is actually just a human being. According to Abigail and I Analysis of the victim's body led to a series of inferences. The murderer's height should not exceed 170 centimeters, his weight should not exceed 70 kilograms, and he was not very strong. The wound was caused by the use of a strange weapon called a hook."

Levi took out a strange-looking claw weapon from under the podium and continued: "Because the perpetrator is not confident in his own strength, most of the time, he attacks from behind, and there are signs of the victim struggling. It is also quite obvious that he will only attack from the front or side when attacking old people and women. In other words, in one-on-one situations, as long as everyone here has been trained and is equipped with self-defense weapons. , can drive away or even defeat the murderer."

Hearing Li Wei's words, the students in the audience went crazy again. The chairman had to stand up and shout for silence, and then the noisy students calmed down.

Levi continued: "The murderer is not terrible. As long as you receive professional self-defense training and try to avoid relatively remote roads, you can ensure your own safety. To introduce myself, I am from Chongguo. The martial artist here is Levi. Abigail and I will be responsible for the self-defense classes for all the students. Next, all physical education classes will be changed to self-defense classes. Abigail will be responsible for the training of the male students, and I will He is the trainer of female classmates.”

After hearing Li Wei's words, most of the female students in the audience became excited, chattering and whispering to each other. The male students were wailing.

"This is unfair! Why is it that the girl's side has a handsome instructor, but our side has a muscular guy!" Some boys wailed. "That's right! We also want beautiful instructors!"

"The chairman is too partial!"

Facing the wails of the male students in the audience, Levi just smiled and said nothing, and then handed the microphone to the chairman puppet.

Chairman Puppet said: "Because physical education classes have been cancelled, and there are only two teachers teaching self-defense courses, the school will reschedule classes, and multiple classes will receive training in the form of large classes. The training venue will be It is arranged in the basketball hall, so students don’t have to worry about exposure to the scorching sun.”

The chairman puppet said a few more words to appease the students, then announced that the meeting was over and the students could go and do whatever they were supposed to do.

As for the physical education teachers, they have been forgotten by the students and teachers. In order to safely send away a group of physical education teachers, the puppet chairman also paid a sum of money to "persuade" the physical education teachers who wanted to cause trouble. , Convincing people with money is often much easier than convincing them with reason.

Soon, the monitors of each class got a new class schedule from the Academic Affairs Office. The self-defense course was considered an important course, and it also squeezed some time for liberal arts classes. Even the teachers had to participate in the course study and study. The most basic self-defense skills.

The monster murder case that caused an extremely serious incident in Kozumi City. Although no one at the private Fujimi Academy has encountered the murderer yet, there are some things that are not afraid of ten thousand or just in case. It is precisely because of this that the director The Long Puppet made arrangements that all staff in the academy must learn self-defense techniques and be equipped with the most basic self-defense blunt weapons.

In fact, all this is Levi's arrangement. This can be regarded as a reasonable increase in the combat effectiveness of the students and teachers of the private Fujimi Academy, so that when they face the outbreak of biochemical crisis, they will not face the same situation as in the original plot. Slow zombies can even deliver food.

You know, the individual combat capabilities of the zombies in this worldview are not very good. Compared with the highly mobile zombies in "World War Z", they are incredibly slow. Compared with "Resident Evil" and "Journey of Survival", it lacks various mutant individuals with high-end combat power. Compared with the "Night Stalker" in "I Am Legend", he is just a brainless idiot. Compared with "ZQN" in "Call Me a Hero", there is a huge gap in basic abilities.

But this kind of weak zombies turned the whole world into chaos in a very short period of time. After all, the world has been peaceful for so long that ordinary people have completely forgotten how to fight, which is why Because of this, when facing zombies, the survival rate will be so "touching". .


Chapter 149. Teaching time

During teaching time, in the basketball hall, male students and female students are clearly separated. With the middle line of the basketball court as the boundary, each occupies half of the field and receives different styles of training.

On Abigail's side, a group of boys were tortured to the point of wailing.

"Boys, are you complaining about this little training? The real training hasn't even started yet! Are you afraid of hardship or death!" Abigail's puppet has a sinister face and a fierce look. The shadow cast by its tall body makes it look small. Any boy would be completely enveloped.

"Teacher, your training volume is not prepared for ordinary people at all, right?!" A slightly thin boy lay on the ground, unable to get up.

The Abigail puppet lifted the male student up with one hand and said: "I haven't asked you to wrestle with the brown bear. If you can beat the brown bear in wrestling, you don't need to undergo these boring trainings." Okay, just arrest the murderer who disguised himself as a monster and throw him to the ground."

"Wrestling with a brown bear is something that humans can't do, right?" Takashi Komuro, who was exhausted, sat on the floor of the basketball court and didn't know how to complain.

The Abigail puppet squatted in front of Komuro Takashi and said: "Komuro, you were lazy during training. Look at your friend Jinghao. Training as seriously as him is the right way. And you said, wrestling with a brown bear Humans can't do this kind of thing?" Komuro Takashi said: "This is not a shonen manga, how can there be people who fight wild beasts?"

Abigail Puppet laughed loudly and said: "Komuro, do you know why the chairman asked us to be teachers of self-defense classes?" Komuro Takashi shook his head.

Abigail's expression became serious and he said: "Fighting with ferocious beasts is part of our personal training. I personally killed many brown bears with my bare hands. I was also sued by the animal protection organization for this." .I not only wrestled with brown bears, but also wrestled with rhinos, boxed with lions, and raced with cheetahs. I have surpassed the limits of human beings, so I can have the strength I have now"r."

The male students all showed expressions of curiosity or shock, but they looked at Abigailna's upper arms, which were thicker than some girls' waists, and swallowed. The humanoid monster in front of them might really be able to do this. to such a thing.

The Abigail puppet looked at Levi's body and said: "That guy is the real monster. He actually fought with killer whales and great white sharks in the sea. In the water, my strength cannot be used as well as on land. Half, so I will try to avoid confrontation with the big guys in the water. But as far as he is concerned, he once had a record of killing anacondas and alligators in the Amazon. He even knocked out a humpback whale with an inch punch. That guy , there is a nickname in our circle called 'Earth's Strongest Creature'."

A group of male students looked at Abigail Puppet with expressions of fear and fear. They all looked like they had seen a ghost. You know, Abigail Puppet had previously performed for them the unique skill of twisting steel bars with bare hands, and could also do it. It was incredible to them that a monster like this, which could punch through a concrete pillar with a punch that could deliver several tons of impact, was actually afraid of Levi.

Although Levi is tall and fit, he is only less than 1.9 meters tall. Compared with the Abigail puppet who is over 2.3 meters tall, he is more than a step behind. Although Levi has a fit figure, he is not Abigail. The Abigail Puppet is so exaggerated that it is comparable to an average bodybuilder. From a purely appearance perspective, the Abigail Puppet is more intimidating.

Komuro Takashi noticed "our circle" in Abigail Puppet's words, and asked curiously: "Teacher Abigail, are all such powerful people in your circle?" Although Abigail Puppet He has a fierce appearance, but he has a very good temper when getting along with students, so the students are not afraid of him and can ask any questions directly.

"That's right. There are not many people in our circle. They are all top fighters or martial artists from all over the world. The most basic requirement for entering this circle is to go to Africa and kill a male lion with bare hands. Or to expose it. Over there in West Asia, I killed a Siberian tiger with my bare hands." Abigail Puppet said with a smile.

All the male students took a breath. How inhuman must they be to be able to enter that circle.

"What a dream! It's a pity that no matter how hard we train, we can't keep up with the two teachers." said the thin male student from before.

Everyone nodded. The threshold for entering that small circle was too high. When ordinary people encountered an African lion or a Siberian tiger, they had no choice but to deliver food with a shovel and see if they could outlast the enemy with more people.

On the other side, the tall and handsome Li Wei mingled among the girls, feeling happy inside.

It has to be said that the overall figures of girls in this world are quite domineering. Not only do these female high school girls have exquisite faces, but none of them are smaller than D, which makes Levi feel a little incredible.

It's just that the two-dimensional world is often unreasonable. Each world has its own "y characteristics". Although the overall appearance of the women in "School Apocalypse" is compared to "The Raising of a Passerby Heroine" The women in "Method" are a notch lower. Except for a few important female characters here, they are all like this. However, the female characters in this world also have huge advantages.

Li Wei held a swing stick in his hand and said: "I have just explained the advantages of the swing stick to all the students. This kind of easy-to-use self-defense weapon will not be judged as a murder weapon. It is very suitable for those with stronger physical fitness than men." It is said to be used by more vulnerable women, it is concealed and safe. If it is a more advanced swing stick with an electric shock function, it can be easier to protect oneself when encountering danger."

Li Wei placed the folded stick on the outside of his thigh and said: "The stick can be fixed on the outside of the thigh with a special strap. It can be easily covered with a skirt. When faced with danger, it can be used to hit the murderer. Caught off guard. But the best situation (Nuo Zhao Zhao) is to run. If you can run, don't fight with the opponent. Girls' physical fitness and strength will eventually suffer some losses. Try to rush to crowded places as quickly as possible. The most correct approach is to use the speed to open the distance between the two sides. Fighting is just a last resort and has no choice. Now I want to ask a classmate to cooperate with me to demonstrate how to use the stick."

As soon as they heard that Li Wei needed a partner, all the girls raised their hands actively. Even the female teachers who were attending the class had their faces flushed and felt a little moved in their hearts.

Levi looked at Rei Miyamoto in the crowd and said, "Please ask Rei Miyamoto to cooperate with me in the demonstration. After all, Rei Miyamoto is the main force of the Spear Skills Department and has certain fighting experience."

Miyamoto Rei was a little surprised. She didn't expect that Levi actually knew about her and asked her to go up and cooperate with Levi. Looking at the jealous eyes of the girls around her, Miyamoto Rei felt a little embarrassed, but she still walked forward. .

Chapter 150. Students’ enthusiasm

Although Miyamoto Rei is one of the main members of the Spearmanship Club, her training was in long weapon fighting. She had only heard of short weapons such as sticks before, and had never used them herself. Have not received relevant basic training. When she walked out of the crowd and came to Li Wei, she realized that her heartbeat would speed up when facing Li Wei, which made her feel guilty. After all, she already had a boyfriend. She was also attracted to another man, which made her feel a little scared when she was struggling in her heart.

Miyamoto Rei secretly observed Levi. Levi was the most handsome man he had ever seen. Even the models in those fashion magazines and even the top cowboys in women's custom shops couldn't help but be in love with him. Compared to this man who is as bright as the sun. Miyamoto Rei knew how attractive the person in front of her was. She had only been at school for a few days, and all the women in the school had already fallen in love with Levi's self-defense classes. You know, women are naturally averse to violence, but even so, Levi's courses are still so attractive. You can imagine how amazing Levi's charm is.

However, Levi's reputation among the male community is not very good, because Levi's charm is too dazzling, attracting the attention of all female teachers and students in the school, eclipsing the male teachers and students.

However, the Abigail puppet, who looks like a humanoid tyrannosaurus, is extremely popular among male teachers and students. The Abigail puppet, who has no airs of a strong man, uses his slightly ugly face to It brings out the appearance of male teachers and students. Levi threw out the swing stick in his hand, locked the structure, and said to Rei Miyamoto: "Miyamoto-san, let's show it to you. Just hold the swing stick in the position that feels most comfortable to you." Miyamoto Rei said from When Levi took the stick in his hand, their hands inevitably touched. Miyamoto Rei almost lost her grip and let the stick fall to the ground.

Rei Miyamoto used the posture she felt most comfortable with, holding the swing stick in her right hand, and waved it gently. The swing stick with a well-centered center of gravity was very comfortable to swing. Levi said from the side: "By the standards of beginners, Miyamoto-san's holding posture is actually good. Of course, this is only based on the requirements of beginners."

Levi stood behind Rei Miyamoto, grabbed her right hand, slightly adjusted the position of his fingers, and at the same time pulled the stick forward a little, and then released his hand.

Miyamoto Rei blushed due to such a sudden attack. Levi did not hold her hand all the time, and the time it took to adjust his grip was less than five seconds.

"Miyamoto-san's grip hides some minor problems that most students will make. I will explain these problems now." Levi said with a serious face.

Li Wei continued: "The throwing stick and the golden stick (Neon's name for the mace) are both blunt weapons. If you hit the target with a blunt weapon, there will be a backlash. After all, the effects of force are mutual. Attack the enemy with all your strength. , you will hurt your hand if you are not careful, so you can protect your holding hand very well."

Levi grabbed Miyamoto Rei's wrist, gently waved her hand forward, and then raised it slightly higher so that others could see Miyamoto Rei's grip clearly.

Levi still had a lot to teach, but he was not in a hurry because he still had plenty of time. In the past few days, she has taught almost the basics. Most female teachers and students already know the core points of self-defense. The weapons used now are only "skills" and "Tao". Li Wei has already taught Passed.

First of all, when facing villains, run away when you can, never confront them until absolutely necessary. Secondly, when fighting, always keep a safe distance, skillfully use the maximum attack distance of the weapon in your hand, and never let the villain touch you. After all, reality is not a game. Game characters will not fall down as long as their health bar is still there. In the real world, Once a person is stabbed, he basically loses his fighting ability.

In addition to the above two points, when encountering danger, try to find an open place as much as possible. In this way, whether you are escaping or fighting, the initiative is always in your own hands.

While teaching these things, Levi also turned on his own "spiritual radiation" to subtly enhance the comprehensive abilities of female teachers and students, from physical fitness (cgch) to strength, all-round strengthening.

As for the male teachers and students, Levi didn't care so much and just asked the Abigail puppet to increase a certain amount of physical training. Anyway, he has no intention of saving these male teachers and students. Whether they can survive the next biochemical crisis depends on their own destiny.

It should be said that what is taught to them now is already valuable enough, but many male teachers and students do not have this awareness yet, and they are still cheating and cheating during training, always thinking about how to make it easier.

Levi's body is responsible for the female teachers and students, and Abigail's puppet sees everything. Levi's puppet clone technique, the puppet's performance is very natural, and people can't see this at all. It's a puppet.

Because he is responsible for the self-defense training of all teachers and students in the school, whether it is Levi's body or Abigail's puppet, the courses are fully booked. One body and one puppet, they can be said to be the two busiest teachers in the school.

In other words, Levi and Abigail are not ordinary people. If ordinary people had such a workload, they would be exhausted.

"That's the end of today's class. Everyone can go back and rest." Levi said with a smile when he heard the bell ringing for the end of get out of class. "Eh?!"

"No, teacher, continue the class!"

The girls all looked reluctant to let Li Wei go.

"That's not okay. The next class is other classes' time. It's wrong to take up other people's time." Levi laughed.

Facing the enthusiastic students, Li Wei was a little overwhelmed. It can only be said that his charm is too great now.

During lunch break, Li Wei came to the school doctor's office. At this time, in the school doctor's office, besides Li Wei, there was a beautiful figure.

"School doctor Shizuka, we are in trouble today." Levi put the lunch box on his desk.

Levi and Marikawa Shizuka have known each other for a few days. The hot blonde beauty in front of her looks like a natural and slow-witted girl, but in fact, she is not as simple as she seems. It should be said that anyone here in Neon who can pass the medical license exam is not a fool.

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