"Oh oh oh, today's lunch is quite rich. It's eel rice!" Marikawa Shizuka opened the lunch box and her eyes lit up when she saw the contents of the lunch box.

Levi smiled. Marikawa Shizuka, a cooking idiot, usually solves food problems in the school cafeteria, but the big pot of rice in the cafeteria doesn't taste very good. Ever since, Levi and Marikawa Shizuka made an agreement. Levi would be responsible for Marikawa Shizuka's lunch every day, while Marikawa Shizuka would help Li Wei massage his muscles and bones to eliminate physical fatigue.

"You have to change your taste, right?" Levi laughed.

"It seems like you make a lot of money, Mr. Levi. Eels are very expensive." Marikawa Shizuka said with a smile.

"The chairman is just willing to spend money." Li Wei said with a smile.

"It's been a hard time. Not only did I have to teach, but I also had to track down the murderer. Do you have any clues about the murderer?" Marikawa Shizuka said.

"Abigail and I must have witnessed him. His disguise is very good and needs to be screened and eliminated," Levi said. .

Chapter 151. Naturally stupid? She is a female demon, right?

Levi opened the lid of his box of bento, took a stool and sat down.

The two of them started to enjoy lunch. Neither of them were silent people, so they talked about whatever they had to say while eating.

"What does the murderer look like?" Marikawa Shizuka asked curiously.

"After this period of investigation, Abigail and I suspected that the person who committed the crime should be a young woman. However, the screening range is too large, so we dare not make a hasty conclusion until now. "Levi said.

For Levi, this kind of problem is "I catch myself". The puppet with extraordinary power can fool the police every time, and in the end - he can escape unscathed.

Now the panic has not only stopped in Bedlord City, other areas have been shrouded in panic. However, this is also related to the slowness of the Neon Police, which itself is slow to respond. In addition, the puppet is an existence with extraordinary power. Every action was in vain.

(The administrative organization of Neon consists of the capital, province, prefecture, and county from top to bottom, and from the bottom to the city, town, village, and special district. The host city is actually very small, and the whole city is close to the sea. It corresponds to the east of Tokyo Tower in the real world. In the sea area, the entire Yokohama City is separated by two rivers, and there is a cross-sea bridge connecting the sea airport. The location of the sea airport corresponds to the real-life neon Odaiba and Uami no Mori Park areas, and the terrain is relatively fragmented)

As a well-known wealthy area in Tokyo, Minato District itself is home to many rich and powerful people, so the pressure on the local police is also huge. Every day, powerful people are urging them to solve cases, but this kind of thing cannot be done with ease. Personal will is transferable.

Marikawa Shizuka said: "If that murderer continues to act, one day the academy will no longer be able to survive alone. Moreover, imitators have appeared in the past two days. The security in the port area has declined too much. ." Marikawa Shizuka picked up a piece of eel, put it into her mouth, chewed it happily, and showed a happy smile.

Levi said: "If that guy is not arrested for a day, Abigail and I will not have a free day. However, learning more self-defense techniques can be considered a good thing for the school's faculty, staff and students." Lunch. After a while, Levi lay on the hospital bed in the school doctor's office, while Marikawa Shizuka grabbed the infusion pole on the hospital bed and stepped on Levi's back.

Levi's back muscles are very developed. It is very difficult for an ordinary masseur to put such muscles into a relaxed state without using tools such as fascia guns. The school doctor's office is not a gym and there is no fascia. Gun and press, so she stepped directly on Levi's back and used her own body weight to massage.

Marikawa Shizuka stepped on Levi's latissimus dorsi with her feet, feeling the slightly hard touch, and sighed: "It's really an unimaginable muscle group, the quality of the muscles is very high, Mr. Abigail When he said that Li Weijun is the 'strongest creature on earth', I can somewhat understand what he meant."

"Understand?" Levi raised his head curiously, but his latissimus dorsi was stepped on, making it difficult to turn his head.

"Because I found that I couldn't step on it at all, maybe because I didn't weigh enough." Shizuka Marikawa said with a smile. She weighed 58 kilograms, but stepping on Levi's back felt as stable as stepping on a stone slab. Levi's muscle stability was even more exaggerated than she imagined.

Levi relaxed his whole body. Although Marikawa Shizuka was naturally stupid, she was extremely sensitive in some aspects, so that he did not dare to say too many sensitive things to avoid being discovered by Marikawa Shizuka.

Although this kind of thing was done with a puppet, Levi still chose to be cautious when facing her. It is always right to be more cautious. After all, whether in anime or games, there are too many BOSSs that can kill you.

Marikawa Shizuka hung her hands on the infusion hanger to prevent herself from slipping due to slippage on her feet. She said calmly: "Fujimi Academy is a private academy. The chairman has great power, so he can be free." to abolish the curriculum, but I didn’t expect that he would have such courage to abolish the entire physical education curriculum. If it were a public school, it would be very difficult to popularize self-defense courses in the school.”

Levi put his face on the hospital bed and said angrily: "There are too many constraints in public schools, and it is normal for such a situation to occur. I heard that there have been victims in a public high school next door, and that The school has not made any response so far, they are just trying to silence the victim’s family, I really don’t know what to say.”

Another victim from a public school was a delinquent boy who usually bullied boys and girls. Levi didn't like seeing this kind of little gangster who couldn't get up, so he had surgery on him first.

This can be regarded as a warning to the monkeys, but even so, the public high school did not respond at all. It was just thinking about how to silence the victims' families. This opened Li Wei's eyes. He had seen the treatment of headaches and foot pains. The operation of directly covering the mouth when a headache was coming was really awesome. . Asking for flowers.

But after all, it is a port area, an area where rich people gather, and the impact is naturally bad. Under Levi's operation, the local police are criticized by celebrities from all walks of life every day.

Marikawa Shizuka wiped the sweat from her forehead and stepped on Li Wei's back, but it was a very physically demanding job. She felt a little hungry again not long after eating.

"Li Weijun, you have to treat me to ice cream. It's very tiring." Marikawa Shizuka sat on Levi's back like a duck, supporting Levi's latissimus dorsi with both hands, and said softly.

......0 "No problem, but we have to wait until after school in the afternoon." Levi said.

"We have a class for the third grade in the afternoon, and it is a big class for the whole grade. Thank you for your hard work, Li Weijun. Can you tell me how much the chairman paid for you and Mr. Abigail?" Mar Chuan Shizuka asked curiously.

Levi said: "I got five million U.S. dollars, and Abigail got three million U.S. dollars. They both taught for half a year and provided school security services. If necessary, the contract will be renewed separately."

"So high!" Marikawa Shizuka exclaimed.

"I feel a little regretful about how high I am. I can't even try to catch fish. I have full classes every day." Levi sighed.

Marikawa Shizuka suddenly leaned down, lay on Li Wei's back, and said with a smile: "The students like you very much, Li Weijun, even the teachers do the same."

Li Wei sighed inwardly, this female seductress is really seductive.

"I might only stay here for half a year. If we can catch the murderer, Abigail and I can finish the work ahead of schedule." Levi said with a smile.

"They will be sad. Of course, I will be too, and it will be even sadder than them." Marikawa Shizuka pressed her face against the back of Levi's neck and whispered.

Li Wei was confused. Is this a strategy? He hasn't done anything yet. After realizing the smart nature of Marikawa Shizuka, Li Wei originally thought that getting along with Marikawa Shizuka would be very troublesome, but who knew that Marikawa Shizuka actually took the initiative.

"I lied to you, fool." Marikawa Shizuka whispered in Levi's ear.

"Um..." Li Wei thought to himself, this female goblin is really changeable, how can she be so natural? scholar.

Chapter 152.Bujima Yako

Putting on a tight vest and a sports coat, Levi left the school doctor's office, and before he knew it, it was time for class.

Levi began to gradually adapt to the current work and rest time, and taught the students self-defense every day, which had some effect. Comparing the previous strength of the girls in the academy, they are now much better than themselves before.

However, the reason why they study so seriously is not only because Li Wei is more handsome than a teacher, but also because of the threats from the external environment. Coupled with Levi's "baptism of spiritual energy", it's strange that they don't become stronger.

The killer puppets released by Levi are constantly committing crimes, which not only challenges the bottom line of the Hong Kong police, but also constantly stirs up the nerves of the wealthy people in the port area. In the original wealthy area, because of Levi's killer puppets, even housing prices have been affected. It had a certain influence, and some wealthy people even started to move to Setagaya and Chiyoda districts in the 1980s.

The security and prosperity of the port area are visibly declining.

Levi came to the indoor training ground transformed from the basketball gym, waiting for the arrival of the third-year students. The Abigail puppet was waiting for the male students on the other side.

Levi is a "non-calling person". Even if students skip his class, he will not say anything. But the girls are very considerate of him and will ask for leave in advance even if something happens.

The third grade is Busujima Yako's grade. Levi and Busujima Yako have already dealt with each other. It must be said that Busujima Yako's combat ability is indeed the ceiling among her peers. She is one of the few who does not need to learn self-defense skills. one.

One after another, students arrived at the basketball hall. In order to cope with so many students using the basketball hall, the school removed all the seats in the auditorium and replaced them with tatami mats and soft fences. The floor of the basketball court was also dismantled. It was replaced with a kendo gym-style dojo-style soft wooden floor, so even if you fall, it won't hurt too much.

Levi sat cross-legged on the floor. After seeing that the people had almost arrived, he stood up, clapped his hands and said, "No need to gather, you can find a place to sit by yourself and start class. Today is mainly to review the skills of Juju and Ninja Dagger. Focusing on practice, everyone sits closer and can see more clearly.”

Next to Levi are a bunch of soft Juju and soft ninja daggers used for training. The so-called ninja dagger is the weapon used by Raphael, the second child in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It is also called the three-headed fork, the cross, and the Ronin. The fork, etc., is a weapon that integrates offense and defense. It is designed to defeat weapons such as knives and claws. However, it is difficult to use, and only third grade students can learn it.

(Juju and ninja daggers are the same weapon, except that most juju are forked on one side, while ninja daggers are forked on both sides, also known as ronin forks)

The first and second graders mainly focus on stick throwing and one-sided juju, because the stick throwing and one-sided juju are simpler, and the first and second grade students are not strong enough to control the ninja dagger because their bodies are not fully developed. . That is, only a third-year female student with enough strength can play with the ninja dagger.

Whether it is a swing stick, ten hands or a ninja dagger, zombies can be restrained. This is why Levi chose to teach how to use these weapons.

Of course, if you are fighting in a group, you can directly use the hunting prongs and thorns (large fork-shaped weapons, still used in modern times, dedicated to catching people, but also useful for suppressing zombies), sleeves (extended maces, spikes with hooks that can be hooked) It can capture the target's clothes and flesh, and is also a powerful weapon against zombies).

These long weapons require almost no skills. They can be directly formed into a human wall and pushed forward.

Short weapons are mainly used when you are alone. When facing zombies, running is the best choice.

Busujima Yako sat in the front row, looking at the ninja dagger spinning rapidly in Levi's hand like a butterfly, knowing that if Levi wanted to defeat her, it would only be a matter of one move.

She respects Levi because he is very powerful and is willing to teach them powerful weapon skills without any secrets. Just the nameless ten-handed fighting skills can defeat the police's sword skills. As for this top-notch martial arts, Li Wei taught them directly without any threshold or conditions.

At home, Yako Busujima runs a kendo gym. She has a very sophisticated eye for martial arts. She can guarantee that the martial arts technique called self-defense taught to them by Levi is comparable to the powerful secrets kept secret by various martial arts gyms.

Under the supervision of Li Wei, a group of girls each took their training weapons and began to sparring with each other. However, due to the size of the venue, most of the girls were still above the audience. Only one round of four minutes could compete. Let all the girls in class have the opportunity to practice...

Levi came to Busushima Yako, looked at this cold, arrogant and gorgeous girl, and said, "Can't you find a suitable training partner?"

Busujima Yazi nodded without hiding it, and said directly: "Their strength has improved very quickly. You taught me well, teacher, but I set off earlier than them and walked faster and further than them. I am facing them." If I practice, it’s not practice, it’s just a one-sided beating, because I can’t stop myself once I start.”

Levi knows the hidden side of Busujima Yako. Busujima Yako's characteristic is "fighting fanaticism", or "cruelty". Once he takes action, he will go all out. Such a style is indeed not suitable for fighting with classmates. practice.

Busujima Yako also knew her own problem, so she didn't dare to spar with her classmates for fear that she would lose control of herself and hurt her classmates.

Levi smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. After this round of practice is over, you and I will have a practice alone, which can be regarded as showing everyone the combat effectiveness of a powerful swordsman. I checked it through the school's database After looking at your information, I found that you won the Jade Dragon Banner individual competition and led your team to third place in the country. As a swordsman, you are already ahead of your peers."

Busushima Yako said: "But compared with you, teacher, and Mr. Abigail, I still have a long way to go."

Abigail's puppet's strength and speed of 2.7 made all the teachers and students in the school tremble. It was like a monster from a boy's comic. It could twist steel bars into twists with its bare hands, break concrete pillars with one punch, and kick The marble floor was shattered, and the ordinary beast in front of him was just a large rag doll.

However, even the puppet Abigail, whom everyone feared, treated Li Wei with respect and even addressed him as "sir". Therefore, Li Wei, who rarely took action, aroused the concern of the teachers and students in the school. Curious, curious about how strong Levi is.

Busujima Yazi was also very curious about this issue. She could learn a lot from it if she could fight with Levi, even if he was cheating the whole time. As soon as she heard that Li Wei was willing to practice with her, Busujima Yazi became excited. .

Chapter 153. Sparring Demonstration

After the first group of sparring ended, there was a gap in the middle. Levi and Busujima Yako walked to the center of the girls' side of the field.

Busujima Yako holds a hardwood sword in her hand. Although she has also learned how to use a ninja dagger, her most familiar fighting method is still swordsmanship.

Even if the juju and ninja daggers can restrain the katana, this is a restraint that only occurs between equal levels. If it is an internal competition between third-year students, Busujima Yako can kill her fellow swordsmen instantly even if she is holding a restrained weapon. Grade student, this is caused by the huge gap between the two sides.

The practice battle between Levi and Busujima Yako not only attracted the attention of female students, but also many male students looked over.

Because Busujima Yako is the leader of the private Fujimi Academy. She has reached the Yulong Banner finals three times in a row, won the individual championship twice, and led the team to the top five in the country three times. It can be said that she is the best since the establishment of the private Fujimi Academy. one of the students.

Busujima Yako's swordsmanship level has been praised by the Yagyu Shinin-ryu Normal School, Hokutatsu Itto-ryu Normal School, and the chief of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department (Shigen-ryu). If it were not for her young age, she already has the qualifications to teach apprentices independently. 26.

As for Levi, he was called "Sir" by Abigail Puppet. His true strength is a mystery, but Abigail Puppet admitted that he was beaten by Levi with both hands. It is precisely because of this that this game attracted everyone's attention.

Busujima Yako bowed to Levi, and the wooden sword in her hand was in a posture unique to her, which was different from the strange starting posture of any school.

"Teacher, I'm going to fuck you!" Busujima Yazi shouted softly, exuding a strong aura.

Levi held the ninja dagger in both hands and stood there with his whole body relaxed, without putting on any posture, which made the people around him confused. A boy said: "Why doesn't Mr. Levi put on a posture? In this case, wouldn't the speed of the attack be much slower than that of Busujima?"

The Abigail puppet on the side said: "Because he doesn't need any posture. It should be said that for existences like us that have surpassed the limits of the human body, absolute power and speed are the best skills. If The coercion brought by Sir's stance alone is enough to overwhelm Busujima."

All the boys nodded their heads after hearing this, and a peerless master like Abigail Puppet answered their questions, so that they didn't have to guess what was going on on the court.

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