It wasn't until her mother, Kusami Xiangyun, passed the bar exam that she used the small treasury she had in the early years to establish her own private law firm, and fought several beautiful lawsuits, finding her own place in the industry. place.

This family, which had been falling into the abyss, stopped falling. Although it could not return to its peak, it would not be destroyed. The family was completely torn apart.

But now, Kusami has changed her mind. If her mother continues to stay here, her father may want to play big again after getting a lot of money.

In addition, without her as a buffer in the family, her parents would inevitably have more intense conflicts. She could not bear to have her mother next to a man with serious domestic violence tendencies. She had seen her mother beaten and bruised all over her body. Even though her face was bruised and bruised, her mother still comforted her who was so frightened that she cried.

Kusami Yue was originally a cheerful girl, but family changes took away too many things from her, so that for a long time, she was like a girl with no life. That was not because she wanted to be cool, but because of the severe psychological trauma that she was about to lose the ability to express feelings to the outside world.

However, the appearance of Levi dispelled the darkest night of her life. Levi was the sun, able to shine away all the darkness. Levi's love for her also pulled her out of the abyss and made her She realized that in this world, besides her mother, there would still be people who would be unconditionally good to her.

Now, she just wants to leave with her mother. As for her father, it doesn't matter whether that man is dead or alive. A man who can punch and kick her and her mother at will is not worthy of being her father. .

Levi, who has the ability to read minds, looked at the girl's inner thoughts and sighed inwardly. If he hadn't met him, Kusami Yue's future would still be confused. This lovely girl has endured too much, and now he only has I want to give her lots of love and heal her spiritual wounds.

As for taking her mother away, such a thing is a piece of cake for Levi. Although Kusami Yue's mother is a great beauty, he has no desire for her at all. This strong mother has already obtained respect in his heart.

If Kusami Xiangyun is irresponsible, she can run back to her family. As long as she is willing to bow her head and make mistakes, she will still be the eldest lady of the big family. However, for Kusami Xiangyun, she chose the most difficult path.

Kusami Xiangyun's original name was Hashi Xiangyun, and the Hashi family's real name was Tokugawa. So Kusami's father was really lucky to be able to bring this beauty home. As the eldest daughter of the family, Tiao Xiangyun is still the apple of her parents' eye when she returns home, even though she has been married for the second time. However, the price for doing so is to give up the "bottle" of Kusami Yue.

It is precisely because of this that Li Wei admires Kusami Yue's mother so much. She could be his eldest lady again when she returned home, but for the sake of her daughter, she chose to resume her studies and get a lawyer's certificate, which shows that her mother's Determination and hard work.

After breaking up with her family and receiving no support, she was able to study while working and take care of housework. Under such circumstances, she was able to obtain a lawyer's license. This kind of strong woman is worthy of admiration. I can only speak of the power of mother's love. It is huge and can make the impossible possible.

Levi held Yue Kusami in his arms and said softly: "I will find out about the situation at your home, Yue. If things are really like what you said, then I will take my mother-in-law away. She is yours." My mother is also my mother. On our side, my mother-in-law is also my mother."

Li Wei is from Sichuan and Chongqing. According to the customs in the Sichuan and Chongqing area, the father-in-law and mother-in-law are also the parents. According to the customs of the Sichuan and Chongqing people, it is not a problem for Li Wei to directly call Cao Jianyue's mother.

The white cloud stopped above the roof of Kusamizuki's house, and finally stopped in the courtyard. The size of the white cloud can be changed at will under Li Wei's control. When there are many people, it becomes larger. There are only two people. At that time, the size of the white cloud was just the size of a car.

As soon as the two people jumped down from the white clouds and stepped on the lawn, they heard the sound of objects being thrown, as well as men yelling and cursing, and women screaming.

Kusamiyuki's face changed and she said, "It's broken, let's start a fight!"

Levi already knew the situation in the room through his spiritual perception, but he didn't say anything and just followed Kusami Yue's footsteps.

Two people broke into the house. In the living room, a young man who was tall and strong, but already had a serious beer belly, and his head was half bald, walked into the living room. A professional who looked to be only in his thirties and still had charm. The mature beauty in a suit was kicked to the ground. He stepped on her back hard with his feet and cursed all kinds of dirty words in his mouth.

"`. Damn it! I'm not using money to go out for prostitution. I just want to make a comeback. What's wrong with using some money to start a small business?! Why do you care about me?!" The young man's eyes were red and his hands were red. There was also a beer bottle in it, and he swung it at the back of the head of the mature beauty lying on the ground.

"Stop!" Kusami Yue shouted loudly, her sharp voice breaking.

She rushed forward, trying to push her father away, but the young man slapped her to the ground with a backhand. A bright red palm print was left on Kusami Yue's lovely face, which instantly began to swell.

A young man,?!';?.,;!'Ready"' for!;,"!"'""'?:'?;Looking at Levi behind Kusami Yue who fell to the ground, his eyes were red He said: "You little bitch, I will give you an education and you will learn to resist me? I also brought along a wild guy who didn’t know where he came from. Men come back, they are capable! "

Levi, who has the ability to read minds, knew that this man was already in a semi-mad state. His long-term drinking and gambling had broken his spirit, and he had lied. He did not use the money for small business at all. Instead, prepare to go to the pachinko shop to hit small steel balls.

Pachinko itself is gambling wrapped in a outer layer. Every year, many people lose their lives because of this thing. This abusive gambler is completely hopeless.

Levi sighed and said: "I have to correct your statement. I am not a wild man, but Kusami Yue's husband. Although you are her father, you are mine from the moment you hit her. I am an enemy, and I will never show mercy to my enemies."

Li Wei's face turned cold, and he said that he would not look at the monk's face to look at the Buddha's face. Originally, for Kusamiyue's sake, he planned to let the opponent's horse go, but now the opponent is seeking death, so it's no wonder he is killed.

Chapter 4. Housework

The young man let go of his feet and took two steps in the direction of Levi. When he realized that he was not as tall as Levi and needed to raise his head, he had an unhappy expression on his face and said, "You little kid" You bastard, you broke into other people's homes and wanted to interfere with other people's housework? What qualifications do you have to interfere with my affairs?"

Most of the people in Neon are very indifferent. They just sweep the snow in front of their house and don't care about the frost on other people's tiles. Therefore, even the sound of domestic violence and smashing things can be heard around here, but no one has ever come to meddle in other people's business. There are not even people who gossip, because these days, the lives of ordinary people are mostly trivial, and no one is better off than anyone else.

Because of his height advantage, Li Wei looked down at this decadent young man and said, "I am Kusami Yue's husband, so this is also my housework. You not only beat my wife, but you also dared to beat my mother-in-law. Do you think I should take care of this?"

Li Wei directly slapped him in the face, and there was a crisp "pop" sound. The young man was beaten and spun around twice, and then fell to the ground, and his cheeks instantly swelled. At the same time, the young man The man spat out several bloody teeth, lay on the ground and started wailing.

Levi helped up Kusami Yue, who had fallen down next to her, and put his hand on Kusami Yue's beaten face. Golden light emerged, and the redness and swelling on her face had disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. At this time, he saw Watching this scene, Kusamizuki's mother showed a shocked expression.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with Kusami Yue's face, Levi turned over and kicked out. The young man went straight out, smashing various furniture along the way, and finally hit the TV cabinet before stopping.

At this time, the young man could no longer get up. Levi ignored him and walked to the mature beauty in a suit who was still lying on the ground. He knelt down and said in a gentle tone: "Mother-in-law, I will treat your injury right now, please bear with me, you will feel a little itchy and painful while the wound heals, but that is normal and will not leave scars."

The mature and beautiful woman looked at Levi with a surprised expression and a little blush at the same time. She felt that she was really crazy. This was her daughter's boyfriend, but she felt like she had returned to her girlhood. She even She was thinking that it would have been nice if she had met the big boy in front of her back then. Such thoughts made her feel scared.

As the golden light slowly lit up, Kusami Xiangyun found that the pain on her body began to subside quickly. She saw that the bruises on her body disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the hidden wounds from being beaten for a long time also disappeared. As she began to heal, she had never felt so relaxed as she did now, as if she had turned back time and her body functions had returned to those of her teenage years.

Li Wei showed a gentle smile and said: "Mother-in-law, this is the first time we meet. I am Yue's husband. Li Wei, I don't know what to call you, mother-in-law?"

The mature and beautiful woman sat up and looked at the greasy young man next to her who was still struggling like a worm, with an undisguised expression of disgust on her face. She turned back, looked at Levi, and said: "I It’s Yue’s mother, Tiao Xiangyun, please give me some advice. This time, I’m very grateful to you for saving me. If you hadn’t arrived in time, God knows what would have happened next.”

Levi looked at the young man next to him who couldn't get up and said, "Does that man often hit you?"

Tiao Xiangyun nodded and said: "That man has turned into a bedbug now. I was really blind. When I was young, I believed his lies. However, I have gained nothing over the years, at least. , I also have a lovely daughter.”

Tiao Xiangyun recalled her life experience and wanted to sigh. Her only happiness over the years was watching her daughter grow up. Unfortunately, due to family changes, Kusami Yue became introverted and did not like to talk. This made her worried that Kusami might be bullied at school.

Levi said: "That man is hopeless. Mother-in-law, what are you going to do next?"

Tiao Xiangyun said: "I want to divorce him. Originally, I supported this family just for Yue, but now that Yue has you, then this family has no meaning of existence. I no longer want to deal with that bedbug." of life and death."

Tiao Xiangyun is really tired. As long as the family works together and works hard in a certain direction, they will not be defeated even if they fail countless times. It's a pity that the man lying on the ground is just a lucky guy who doesn't have much real ability without luck. She didn't agree with the other man's comeback before because she knew very well that the young man was not that material. , The pig that rises on the wind will fall down sooner or later.

However, the other party insisted on making a comeback and burned all the family assets clean. Later, he came to blame her and said that she was a loser. She was left speechless. He really had to finish everything he said.

After this man became completely decadent, he began to drink alcohol. It was just a matter of drinking. But after drinking, this man liked to drink like crazy and beat people. After he woke up, he still paid. Now he starts beating people even without drinking. , if Kusami Yue and Levi hadn't arrived in time, she might have been beaten to death here. When the young man beat her, he really killed her, and she had no ability to resist at all.

Levi looked at Yue Kusami beside him and said: "How to deal with this man? Although he is indeed a bastard and beats women, she is Yue's father after all. What will happen to him will depend on Yue and Yue. My mother-in-law and I decided together."

Kusami Yue looked at the young man lying on the ground, her eyes full of coldness. The father she was once proud of was dead, and now lying on the ground was just a useless man with all the poison.

Kusamizuki said: "Let him fend for himself."

Kusami Yue came to her mother. When she heard her mother introduce herself as "Jo Xiang Yun" instead of "Kusami Xiang Yun", she knew that her mother had completely treated the man on the ground. of despair.

Kusami took her mother's hand, pulled her up from the ground, and said: "Mom, I have found my own happiness, but I can't keep you here any longer. You continue to stay here." Otherwise, this scumbag will continue to beat you, and he may even kill you. Mom, come and live with me."

Tiao Xiangyun blushed and said, "Have you and this Li Weijun already lived together?".

Chapter 4. Aftermath matters

Although Tiao Xiangyun asked about her daughter, it was Li Wei who answered the question.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Originally, Yue and I have not lived together, but now that the situation is like this, I am no longer worried about Yue and mother-in-law, you continue to live here. This man has completely turned into a freeloader waiting to die. Damn you, I will never admit that this bastard who beats his own family is my father-in-law."

Tiao Xiangyun didn't expect that Levi would invite her and Kusami Yue to come over. Thinking that she would have to live under the same roof with a young boy who was more than ten years younger than herself, she felt a little shy in her heart and confused in her mind. Uncontrollably, she began to think wildly. She knew that Levi was her daughter's man, but with such a handsome young man, she couldn't control her thoughts, and something embarrassing would always pop up in her mind.

Tiao Xiangyun said: "If I go over, won't I disturb you in your life? If I catch you two making love to each other, wouldn't it be embarrassing? I think I'd better rent a small apartment outside~ .”

Tiao Xiangyun is also a lawyer after all, so she still has money to rent a house. There is no pressure on her to rent a small apartment outside. Her man has become a piece of mud that cannot hold up the wall. Naturally, she has to be more careful and will not put all the money on the table. In this way, even if she encounters any accident, Kusami Yue can still have something. The money was used to support her life, and then she took her letter to the family to return to her family.

But now it seems that she no longer needs to prepare for the worst. Levi gives her the feeling that he is a very reliable young man. She even regrets in her heart why Levi was not born earlier and why she was only allowed to meet him now. If If she could have met Levi more than ten years in advance, would there still be such messy tragedies?

Levi smiled and said: "Mother-in-law, you'd better move in with us. My house is quite big and there are many empty rooms. You can choose whatever you want."

Levi showed an embarrassed expression and said, "Um...mother-in-law, I have to explain something to you here."

Tiao Xiangyun looked at Li Wei's hesitant expression and thought that Li Wei was very cute. She said with a smile on her face: "If you have anything to say, just tell me directly. I'm not a rigid person."

Levi pretended to be hesitant and said, "Mother-in-law, um... I'm not just a month-old woman."

Tiao Xiangyun sighed. The big boy in front of her has a very unique temperament. It is a temperament that only high-ranking people can have. A young man can actually possess this kind of temperament. To be honest, her heart Was very surprised.

It is very common for men with high positions to have more than one woman around them. This kind of thing is very common in Neon. It even happens around her. For example, her father, the head of the Tiao family, Tiao Masao, has four wives.

She is the first daughter of the main wife, and there is an eldest brother above her. She is now the reserve head of the Tiao family. She has received various political training since she was a child, preparing to take over the position of head of the family after her father retires.

The Tiao family was very prosperous in her generation. Her father had four wives and a total of ten children. She ranked third and was the most loved by her father. When she ran away from home, a large number of people were dispatched to the family. Someone came to her. Looking back now, she felt that she was so stupid back then that she would completely break up with her family for such a man.

Tiao Xiangyun smiled and said: "I know, I know. I also come from a wealthy family. My father has four wives, and I have ten brothers and sisters. It is normal for a powerful family to have a large population. Only when people are prosperous can the family prosper."

Although Tiao Xiangyun has broken up with her family, she is still secretly paying attention to her family's situation. Over the years, although the Tiao family's financial resources have shrunk to a certain extent, their influence in the political circles is still stable. The Yusan family in the third echelon is still far behind, but it is still more powerful than the average powerful family.

In order to expand its power, the family needs people, and outsiders are often unreliable. It is precisely because of this that even if she has broken up with her family, as long as she is willing to go back, she can still gain the attention of the family and even be entrusted to take care of her. Various industries. A person who understands the law is very important for a powerful person like the Tiao family. If her legal staff colludes with outsiders, it will be very detrimental to the Tiao family. If she is willing to return to the family, legal issues will , the Tiao family no longer has to rely on outsiders, and it is safer.

Levi showed an embarrassed expression and said: "Grandpa is really amazing, but my situation here is a bit special. In addition to Yue, I also have ten women."

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Hearing Li Wei's words, the smile on Tiao Xiangyun's face froze. This number had exceeded the limit of her imagination. She thought about it for a while. There were ten girls standing next to Li Wei. They were already members of a football team. Quantity.

Tiao Xiangyun was also a little embarrassed and said in a low voice: "Young people should pay attention to moderation. It's okay when you are young now. When you are thirty years old, are you sure you can handle it?"

Tiao Xiangyun thought of her father. When she was very young, her father would stage fights between fairies every day. However, when her father got older, he completely avoided her four mothers. After all, her four mothers were already as old as wolves and tigers at that time. Her old father could not bear it. Soaking wolfberries in a thermos cup couldn't save her from such a situation.

... ... ... ...

It was precisely because of this that Tiao Xiangyun reminded Li Wei to pay attention to his body and not to squeeze himself dry at such a young age.

Li Wei wanted to laugh in his heart. Ordinary people are indeed afraid of such a situation, but who is he? He is a man who is determined to become the king of the Crystal Palace. This amount is nothing to him.

There are tens of thousands of people on the floating island. Even so, Levi is still so energetic that it is difficult to vent his energy. He will even hold various special "sports games" on the island to vent his energy in the form of huge brawls. Get rid of your own energy that has nowhere to put it.

As his cultivation level improved, Li Wei found that his energy was getting stronger and stronger. This had become a problem. Just how to consume this energy was a troublesome matter.

Levi smiled and said: "Mother-in-law, when I was treating your injury just now, you have noticed that I am not an ordinary person. Do you think such a problem will cause trouble to me?"

Tiao Xiangyun's breath was suffocated. When she came to her senses, she realized that she seemed to have asked a unnecessary question. Without such ability, would Li Wei dare to accept so many girls. However, such a powerful ability also made her think about it as a mother. She had been guarding the body for almost ten years, and she felt that the volcano in her heart was about to explode. She did not dare to say any more. If she continued, she was afraid of herself. Will he say anything inappropriate?

Chapter 4.Despair

Levi glanced at the surrounding environment. Due to the previous fight, the entire living room was in a mess. It was very troublesome to clean up such a situation.

Levi said: "Yue, mother-in-law, please pack your personal belongings. This place is unlivable. You have to move to my place."

Tiao Xiangyun said: "No problem, but what this man is best at is stalking. I'm afraid he will come over and continue to cause trouble. Now he is just a bedbug and a piece of brown sugar. If we go to your place, Won't it cause you any trouble?"

Tiao Xiangyun was a little worried in her heart. She knew very well what kind of character that man was. After being beaten by the other person, there would definitely be resentment in her heart and she would never let it go. Moreover, barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes. She was afraid that the other person would do it. Something irrational happened.

Levi said: "I have ways to deal with this situation. Don't worry. If it weren't for the fact that she is Yue's father, I have a hundred ways to deal with him. Such a rotten person will not wake up unless he is dealt with. of."

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