Tiao Xiangyun sighed. Time will change many things. Moreover, those who have ambitions that exceed the limits of their abilities, who do not know how to control themselves after falling from the wind, and who are particularly stubborn and refuse to listen to advice, will encounter good times. If you dare to fight and fight, you will naturally be able to create a great business. Unfortunately, since Neon Development has come to a standstill, this kind of character that dares to fight and fight has become a disadvantage. If you are not careful, everything will be ruined. lose.

Being able to achieve success by relying on luck is just luck. It is unrealistic to rely directly on luck to achieve success. Tiao Xiangyun looked at the young man lying on the ground slowly squirming and shook her head. She was completely desperate because she had given that man too many opportunities, but the man didn't cherish them, time after time. Trample on her heart.

Human hearts are made of flesh, and no one wants to be injured again and again. Injury again and again will result in disappointment, and in the end, disappointment will lead to complete despair.

Tiao Xiangyun said: "I only need to pack some clothes and some personal items here. It doesn't take up too much space."

Levi said: "Mother-in-law, there is no need to be so polite. If you need to take away anything, I will take it away for you."

Tiao Xiangyun said: "Li Weijun, are you driving?"

The Kusami family's original luxury car has been sold off. Now, her income can afford the car. However, in order to prevent her unsatisfactory husband from always thinking about the family savings, she did not buy a car every day. I rely on trams to commute to and from get off work. Although it is inconvenient, there is nothing I can do to ensure the safety of my family's savings.

If he knew that the money at home could buy a nice car, then he would definitely want to use the money to go out for gambling. She already knew that her husband could no longer use the money to do business, but used the money to do business. He goes out to gamble in the name, and his gambling skills are terrible. He just gives money to others.

Levi smiled and said: "I don't drive, but I have a more convenient means of transportation than a car. You will know about it later, mother-in-law."

Kusami Yue standing next to her said: "Mom, just pack your things. You don't have to worry about this. Even if you want to move this house, my husband will have a way."

Kusami has already seen Levi's extraordinary power, and as she crossed the final line with Levi, she now also has such power. Although it is still weak compared to Levi, she can only act like It's like performing magic tricks, and it can't be truly practical, but given enough time, she can become powerful.

Tiao Xiangyun saw that Li Wei and her daughter had the same expression, so she suppressed her curiosity and returned to her room honestly to pack her personal belongings.

She didn't pack too many things. She only brought a few changes of clothes and some toiletries for personal hygiene. She packed these things into a suitcase. In addition, she also I took out some of the savings hidden at home and put them in my suitcase.

She didn't take all the money away. This was her only kindness to the man who made her despair. The man had now completely degenerated. It was naturally impossible to work or anything. The little cash left at home , if he doesn’t continue gambling, there will be no problem in living for another year and a half.

As for after this, if he can cheer up, this money will be the money he uses to get through the most difficult moments in his life. If he is still so depraved, then this money will be regarded as a funeral gift for him, allowing him to continue to degenerate like this. If you go down there and no one cares about you, you won't drink yourself to death, or you will be beaten to death for being in debt outside.

Tiao Xiangyun took off her suit and skirt. She looked at herself in the mirror. The cure Li Wei gave her just now was not just a simple wound healing. At her current age, subtle crow's feet had already appeared in the corners of her eyes. , the skin on my face is not as full of collagen as it used to be when I was young, and my figure is also slightly out of shape.

But now, she feels like she has returned to her teenage years. The fine lines on her face have completely disappeared. Not only the skin on her face, but the skin all over her body has become as tender as a baby, like a newly shelled egg. In this way, even if you are shooting an advertisement for skin care products, you don’t need to add any special effects.

This shocked her inside, and Tiao Xiangyun sighed inwardly that her daughter was really lucky to have met such a powerful man. With this unique skill, if she opened a beauty salon, she would definitely be able to make a lot of money.

There are many rich women in Tokyo who want to take care of themselves. These women in their twenties are very willing to spend money in order to maintain their beauty. For maintenance like this, it is not an exaggeration to charge several million at a time. The rich woman spends tens of millions of yuan on her own care every year, which is equivalent to the income of an ordinary person in two or three years.

With this hand alone, Li Wei can support his family, become a guest of those rich women, and gain a huge network of contacts.

However, Tiao Xiangyun is a little worried. If a man as handsome as a god like Li Wei goes into such a business, he will definitely be entangled by those rich women. It is best for Li Wei not to do such a business. If so, her daughter's status will not be threatened.

"What kind of mess am I thinking about? Putting things away, putting things away." Tiao Xiangyun's face turned red. Thinking of Li Wei, her body felt a little hot. She had not been nourished by the rain for ten years. Thinking of Junmei Levi, who is like a god, will have his heart beat faster and his breathing will become rapid.

Chapter 44. A new beginning in life

Kusama Yue also returned to her room and started to pack her things. She didn't have many personal belongings. Although she knew that her mother still had some savings, in order to act in front of her father, a gambler, it meant that the family did not have much money left. , so she doesn't have much personal expenses on weekdays. Even her room is not as dreamy as other girls' rooms. Her room is like an adult's room, cold and without fantasy.

She packed a few sets of clothes and a few dolls her mother bought for her into boxes. After putting these things away, there was nothing in this room worth her nostalgia.

This house brought her too many sad memories, but the only happy ones were the moments of getting along with her mother. She was very lucky that she was able to meet Levi and be able to lead her mother out of the sea of ​​suffering. .

From now on, she and her mother no longer have to suffer. The days before were simply torture for a girl of her age. Other girls can wear beautiful clothes and go out with friends during their breaks. She was traveling with only a few sets of clothes in order to disguise herself. She was very envious of those of her peers.

"Goodbye, this sad place that makes me sad. My mother and I are finally going to start a new life. Everything here is just a nightmare. But now, the nightmare has awakened, and what greets me is a happy future." Jian Yue whispered to herself.

Before she turned 10, she lived a very good life, but the years from 19 to 10 were the most difficult years for the whole family. She watched her father commit suicide and successfully ruined the entire family fortune. It’s no longer enough to be an ordinary wealthy person.

Life didn't get better until her mother got admitted as a lawyer. Her mother often gave her money secretly, as long as her father didn't find out about it, so she couldn't buy new clothes or anything that looked expensive. In addition, the expenses in other aspects are actually pretty good for Kusami Yue, at least better than the average child from a working-class family. As a lawyer in Neon, if you have the ability, you can really make money.

Now that life has entered a new chapter, she finally no longer needs to restrain her heart as a girl. She likes beautiful accessories, cute plush dolls, and all kinds of books. Now, she is finally liberated.

Neon books are very expensive, which is completely different from the relative parity in China. In Neon, the cheapest reading materials are light novels, which are more expensive than toilet paper. Anything with a little knowledge Books are not cheap, and various reference books with huge knowledge content are even more expensive.

Therefore, even if Kusami comes across a book she likes, she can only choose to exercise restraint, because once she buys it, it will be easy to expose her and her mother's secrets.

After packing their luggage, Kusami and her mother returned to the living room upstairs. The young man was lying on the ground and had passed out, while Levi was sitting cross-legged, holding a book in his hand and reading.

Levi saw Kusami Yue and Tiao Xiangyun coming downstairs. The book he was holding in one hand closed instantly, threw it upward, and disappeared into smoke.

Levi smiled and said, "Did you put it away so quickly? I thought the girls would have more things, so I have already made preparations to help you carry your luggage."

Tiao Xiangyun's suitcase is an ordinary suitcase that looks dark without any personal style, while Kusami Yue's suitcase is made of cute girly pink with various decorative stickers on it. Her Shibuya style feeling is in huge contrast to her personal style.

Tiao Xiangyun said: "I don't have too many personal belongings, just bringing these is enough."

In addition to personal belongings, Tiao Xiangyun also brought various insurance policies and identity certificates for her and Kusami Yue. If these things were left here, it would be quite troublesome if the man found them. , it is safest to have it with you.

At this time, Tiao Xiangyun put on a dress that she rarely wore on weekdays. The beautiful dress, coupled with her repaired appearance, made her look like she was more than ten years younger. She looked like a college girl in her early teens, but she couldn't tell that she was a woman in her thirties who had given birth to a daughter.

According to the marriage law in Neon, women can get married at the age of ten, so although Tiao Xiangyun's daughter is already ten years old, she is actually only thirty-three years old, which is very young.

Tiao Xiangyun looked at Li Wei with a slight blush on her face. She understood very well that the way Li Wei looked at her had the feeling of a man appreciating a woman, which made her feel a forbidden pleasure in her heart.

However, Tiao Xiangyun warned herself in her heart that this overly good-looking young boy was her daughter's husband. She had to figure out the identity difference between the two parties. Some things were fine in her imagination, but she had to pay for them in real life. In practice, the relationship between her, her daughter, and Li Wei will be completely distorted.

Tiao Xiangyun felt sad in her heart. She remembered a sentence: I was born before you were born, but I am already old after you were born. She sighed inwardly, it would be great if the person she met back then was the boy in front of her.

Levi smiled and said, "Let me help you with your luggage."

Li Wei walked up to the mother and daughter, and their hands took over the handle of the suitcase. When Li Wei took over Tiao Xiangyun's suitcase, the two people's hands touched, and Tiao Xiangyun seemed to be electrocuted. Like this, he retracted his hand instantly, and it was Levi who reacted quickly enough to prevent the suitcase from rolling down the stairs.

Li Wei pretended not to know and said: "Yue, mother-in-law, let's go."

Tiao Xiangyun said hesitantly: "Um...Li Weijun, calling me mother-in-law is too outlandish. You can also be like Yue and call me mother directly."

Tiao Xiangyun used this method to strengthen the wall between herself and Li Wei. As long as Li Wei was willing to call her mom, then neither she nor Li Wei would have the courage to cross that line. This would be a problem for everyone. All good things.

Li Wei, who has the ability to read minds, knows Tiao Xiangyun's thoughts, he can understand the other party's good intentions, and he has no desire for the other party.

Although, purely from the perspective of men and women, Tiao Xiangyun is indeed a rare beauty, and the mature temperament of a royal sister in her body is even more lethal to men.

However, Li Wei respects her. Whether as a woman or as a mother, Tiao Xiangyun is outstanding. Women are weak, but mothers are strong. He really can't blaspheme such a strong mother. Therefore, Tiao Xiangyun has a good impression of him. He knows such a thing, but he is also very determined in his heart. He and the person in front of him Beauty, if nothing else happens, the relationship between the two parties will only be that of mother-in-law and son-in-law.

Chapter 4. Not a simple identity

Li Wei took two people to the courtyard outside the house. Most of the neon houses have courtyards. No matter how small they are, they must have them. This is a little obsessive-compulsive disorder of neon people. .

An emaciated camel is bigger than a horse. Although the Kusami family is in dire straits, the last shelter left for themselves is larger than the average house in Tokyo based on the average. Much more, and naturally, the courtyard is not too small.

Li Wei summoned Baiyun at Tiao Xiangyun's surprised gaze.

Tiao Xiangyun was immediately stunned. Kusami Yue beside her took her hand and shook her gently, making her recover from the shock.

Kusami Yue smiled and said: "Mom, my husband is not an ordinary person. From now on, we don't have to endure every day like before."

Tiao Xiangyun sighed inwardly, she was still worried that the man would come to trouble Li Wei, but now it seems that such worries are unnecessary. If the man dares to make any changes, Li Wei has many means to deal with him.

Only immortals from classical mythology could do things like soaring into the clouds and riding in the mist. She had begun to think that Li Wei's identity was definitely not simple. It was because of her daughter's blessing that she was able to establish contact with an existence like Li Wei.

Tiao Xiangyun thought of an old saying from Chongguo, that when a person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, this is the situation for her now.

Tiao Xiangyun was born into the "Chinese" family with "noble blood" and began to learn various cultural knowledge related to Chongguo since she was a child. Therefore, she has a good understanding of allusions in this area, far better than ordinary people.

Levi smiled and said: "Okay, you guys go up. Mom, this is your first time riding something like this, so you may not be used to it. If you are afraid of heights, you can sit deeper inside. By the way, I see how you feel now. It’s not very good either. Why don’t you take a walk outside before going home? Look at the scenery and blow in the night breeze, maybe it will make you feel better.”

Tiao Xiangyun was moved in her heart. She was in a good mood now. As a mother, she was naturally happy that her daughter could find such a capable husband. Moreover, she finally got rid of that man and was able to embrace a new life. The current situation is a double blessing for her.

However, Tiao Xiangyun still decided to accept Li Wei's suggestion, because she had never experienced the feeling of being in the sky in this way. She was born into a wealthy family and had already experienced flying in an airplane when she was very young. And it’s also the family’s private machine. But in her opinion, flying on a plane is very unfree. People all aspire to fly like a bird. Although flying in Baiyun cannot reach that level, it is still much better than flying on a plane.

Tiao Xiangyun said with a smile: "Then I'll leave it to you, but won't this cause you trouble?"

Levi put his luggage on the clouds, sat in front of him, and slightly distanced himself from Tiao Xiangyun, and then said: "It's nothing to worry about. Mom, just sit still." . The outer layer of the white clouds is equipped with an invisibility spell, so outsiders cannot detect our presence. We will not go far, and we will go home just above Tokyo."

Tiao Xiangyun nodded and said: "Then please."

Kusami Yue, who was sitting next to her mother, smiled and said, "Mom, my husband is very capable, and I have something important to tell you."

Tiao Xiangyun said: "What important things need to be discussed alone."

Kusami Yue said: "Actually, my husband is not from this world, but from another world. My husband will eventually leave this world, and I plan to leave with him. And I asked my husband, asked him Can you take mom and leave together? My husband agrees."

Tiao Xiangyun's eyes sparkled. She knew that Li Wei's identity was not simple, but she didn't expect that Li Wei was not from this world at all, but from another world, which surprised her.

After all, this kind of thing is just like the plot of a fantasy novel. If she hadn't encountered this kind of thing herself and just listened to what others said, she would not believe it anyway.

Kusami Yue shook Tiao Xiangyun's hand and said, "Mom, just leave with us."

Tiao Xiangyun recalled her family in her heart. She once thought about bringing Kusami Yue back to her family's ancestors. For the sake of her daughter, she would do it even if she would be punished. But now it seems that she has a better choice. This choice is to follow Li Wei to another world. By following such a powerful man, the safety of their mother and daughter is at least guaranteed.

Moreover, Tiao Xiangyun found that her heart was unknowingly filled with the figure of Li Wei, which made her feel scared and a little shy at the same time. Even if she couldn't cross that line in the end, she would be satisfied as long as she could see this big boy every day. If she stayed in this world, she would not only have to say goodbye to her daughter, but also never see him again. When it came to Levi, she found that she couldn't accept such a thing.

Tiao Xiangyun had made a decision in her heart. She sighed inwardly and could only say sorry to her parents, brothers and sisters.

Tiao Xiangyun smiled and said: "If Li Weijun doesn't dislike me, I am willing to leave with you."

When Kusami heard her mother agree to her words, she almost jumped up with excitement. After meeting Levi, she has gradually recovered her various human emotions. From the three-no girl she was when they first met , little by little restored his own youthful vitality.

Kusami just hugged her mother, her head moving back and forth in her mother's arms, like a child.

Levi smiled and said: "How could I dislike you, Mom? I'm very happy that you are willing to come with us. And after leaving this sad place, Mom, you can start your own life again. This is a good thing. You should celebrate it." That's fine. How about we set off fireworks after we get back?"

Kusamizuki said excitedly: "Okay, but do you have any fireworks at home?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "Big and small, all types are enough."

Levi could use magic to create a large number of simple things like fireworks in a very short time. The more complex the structure of something, the more difficult it is to construct it using pure mana. For example, using mana to create a human body from scratch would be very troublesome, because the structure of the human body is very complex, and if you are not careful, it will It would cause chaos in the production and cause the entire body to be scrapped. Levi did not have the strength before, so when making puppet clones, there would be a very high scrap rate.

Inanimate dead objects are quite simple to make. In addition to gold, Levi can use his own magic power to make a variety of materials and perform nano-level fine processing on them. As for rough things like fireworks, he just puts his hands together and shouts.

Chapter 4. Lifespan Theory

The height of the clouds slowly increased, and Tiao Xiangyun and Kusami Yue lay on the edge of the clouds. Tiao Xiangyun seemed a little scared, because there were no shields around the white clouds, and she always felt like she would fall at any time.

Levi, who has the ability to read minds, naturally knew what she was afraid of, so he smiled and said: "Mom, don't worry, the outer layer of the cloud is blocked by a shield. You can't even reach out, let alone fall. And The shield also has the ability to block wind, prevent radiation and generate oxygen. Even if we go to outer space, we don’t have to worry about safety issues.”

With the improvement of his strength, Levi has become more and more comfortable in controlling mana. He used to find various precise operations a bit difficult, but now he can do whatever he wants with his mind. After his strength reaches his level, , many things have become very simple.

When Tiao Xiangyun heard Li Wei's words, she boldly stretched out her hand. Sure enough, she touched an invisible wall at the edge of the clouds. This made her relieved, as long as she wouldn't fall, she was at this height. If it falls, the whole person will be smashed into a mess, and there will be no way to save him.

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