Sansein Sumireko said: "If you have already had breakfast, you can go out now. Of course, Yue, you can also follow me. If it is just my husband and I, we will leave you alone at home. "

Kusami Yue felt a little uncomfortable and said, "But is it appropriate for me to go? I don't have any direct relationship with my uncle and aunt, so it's impossible to say that I'm just here to watch the fun~"

Sansein Sumireko said: "Even if you really go to watch the fun, I don't mind. I don't have any idea that family scandals should not be made public. The two of them chose this result. Sooner or later, others will know that they - Two divorced people.”

Regarding such things, Sansein Sumireko is very open-minded, because she is a person who has a destination. Even if the original family falls apart, she will not have nowhere to go, because she has Levi. She has confidence, so she can be so calm when facing things like her parents' divorce.

Through Levi's narration, Sansein Sumireko knew what happened last night. In her opinion, it would be too pitiful for Kusami to leave Kusami alone at home at this time. After all, The current Kusami has just experienced such a sad thing, and it is when she needs Levi's comfort. She will definitely not be used to it when Levi is not around.

Sumireko Sansekiyin is a very smart girl, and she also knows how to think from the perspective of others. She doesn't have the usual problems of a rich girl, which is why she has such a stature. After all, from a certain perspective, the two of them are in the same boat. Compared with other girls around Li Wei, the situation of their original families is very bad.

Kusami Yue said: "Then I will follow you. When the time comes, Sumireko, you will not regret taking the medicine."

Sansein Sumireko smiled and said: "What does this mean? It's not a fatal event, and there are many people around, so I feel more confident. By the way, husband, this time, please drive there, and drive at the fastest speed." A good car, otherwise, that snobbish couple will probably look down on your husband."

Levi nodded and said: "Okay, I asked the driver to prepare to go out at that time, but having said that, I didn't expect that my uncle and aunt would have such a personality."

In fact, Levi already knew about this kind of thing, but in order to prevent the girls from knowing that he had already investigated their information, he had to pretend to be stupid at such a time.

Sansekiyuan Sumireko sighed: "The souls of that couple have been completely corrupted by money. When I was young, they were not like this, but in just ten years, they became like this. All I can say is that money is really scary.”

Levi said: "The scary thing is not money, but the human heart and desire. I have seen a lot of things like this, but this is the first time I have encountered this kind of thing with people around me. I have seen it before. , I have always been a spectator, but now that things are happening to the people around me, I cannot continue to be a spectator. Sumireko, how far do I need to go?"

Sansekiyuan Sumireko said: "Those two people are now at loggerheads over property and my brother's ownership. I only hope that you, my husband, can allow them to successfully complete the divorce agreement and put this matter to rest."

Kusami Yue said curiously: "Uncle and aunt, don't they care about you, Sumireko? I only heard you saying that they are fighting for the ownership of your brother, what about you? Are they just watching like this?"

Sansekiyuan Sumireko smiled bitterly and said: "Because my brother is still in elementary school and has no ability to take care of himself, so the two of them are fighting over each other. After all, I am already a high school student, and there is no problem even if I live independently, so The two of them agreed to give me a separate apartment, and then each of them would give me a living allowance of 100,000 yuan a month until I was thirty years old. If I still don't have the ability to survive independently at thirty years old, , then in their view, such a social loser does not deserve sympathy even if he dies."

Kusami thought for a while. Although the words of Sumireko Sanseki's parents were very hurtful, their approach was quite gentle. Like some divorced families, the girl did not want to take care of either side, and the living expenses were stopped until she was ten years old. After losing it, Sansein Sumireko can receive living expenses from both sides until she is thirty years old. This is already considered incredible for ordinary people.

Kusami Yue said: "Uncle and aunt don't know yet, Sumireko, you are leaving this world. However, even if they know such a thing, they probably won't care too much now. After all, their focus now is... It’s all about how to separate.”

Sansein Sumireko said: "I know, so I don't have any nostalgia for this world anymore. I have no worries and just follow my husband."

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

Sumireko Sanseki and Levi waited for Kusami Yue to finish her breakfast before they walked out in a hurry. After getting into the limousine waiting outside the door, the pedestrians went to another building on the other side of Tokyo. Driving to a wealthy area. Although that wealthy area is not as good as this one, it is still difficult for an ordinary wealthy family to take root there.

According to Levi's investigation, the total net worth of Sumireko Sanseyuan's parents is around tens of millions of dollars, which is almost a billion yuan when converted into neon garden. This kind of wealth is nothing compared to those of the top rich. He is small, but for ordinary people, it is an astronomical number that is difficult to count.

For ordinary people, it is not easy to divide the huge wealth in a short time.

Unfortunately and fortunately, the two people still have some nostalgia and illusions about each other in their hearts, so even when it comes to property division, both parties have maintained considerable restraint and are not like those completely ruthless wealthy families who can do anything for money. Let a killer assassinate his wife or husband. Sansekiin Sumireko's parents were able to do such a thing, but in the end they did not do it to this extent, which shows that there is a certain tacit understanding between the two parties.

... .....

After half an hour's drive, the car drove into the wealthy area of ​​its destination. Following the guidance of Sumireko Sansekiyuan, it stopped at the door of a mansion with a huge courtyard.

The pedestrians got out of the car, and the young male housekeeper who was watering the flowers in the courtyard trotted over. He looked at the pansy in the courtyard, bowed and said, "Miss, welcome home. These two are your friends, I guess." Just tell the kitchen to prepare refreshments."

Sansein Sumireko said: "Shengzhuo, I'm sorry, where are my parents?"

The young housekeeper who was called Holy Works said: "The master and his wife are in the study now."

Sansekiyuan Sumireko said: "I understand, you should go and do your own business first."

Kusami looked at the butler's back and said, "I heard my mother say that when she was a child, there was a butler at home."

Sansekiin Sumireko smiled and said: "The Jiao family is a very large family. I heard that there are hundreds of servants alone."

The three people walked into the house. Although this mansion was much worse than Levi's residence, to ordinary people, it was still a noble residence with an aura of wealth everywhere. Levi and Kusami Yue were in San Under the leadership of Sumireko Sein, we came to the reception room. The retro reception room even had a fireplace and a display window, giving people a sense of time and space.

Chapter. Straight to the point

Without waiting for long, the maid delivered drinks and snacks to the living room. Although the Sansein family was not a wealthy family, they also had many servants. On weekdays, Sansein Sumireko tried her best to hide Because she is the eldest lady, no one in the school knows that she is not only beautiful, but her family conditions are also far beyond ordinary people.

Li Wei is not in a hurry. He knows that Butler Nian has already gone to see Jinzi's parents in Sanseyuan. Although the other party is still in a dispute, when guests come to visit, as long as they have some basic self-cultivation, it is impossible to treat him It's hanging here, so Levi doesn't worry about waiting for a long time.

Not long after, before his butt was even hot, Levi saw a couple pushing in the door. This was the first time that Levi saw the couple from his own perspective. He had to say that he could give birth to a three-color viola. With such a daughter, there is really nothing to say about the appearance of this couple.

Originally, the per capita appearance of this world was much higher than that of the real world, but the appearance of Sanseyuan couple was also outstanding in this world.

Sanshikiin Sumireko's father, Sanshikiin Masataka, is a young man who looks easy-going and elegant. He has a short beard, and his originally slightly feminine face has become a little more masculine because of his beard. Sansekiin Sumireko's mother, Sansekiin Kagetsu, is an enlarged version of Sansekiin Sumireko.

Sansaiyuan Zhenglong has already heard from the butler that Levi's car is an indistinguishable limited edition extended sedan. It is rare here in Neon, but the Bentley logo on the front of the car can still be recognized by the housekeeper, so Sanseyuan Zhenglong His attitude towards Li Wei was also very solemn. He did not treat Li Wei as a junior because of his young age, but rather regarded Li Wei as his own peer.

Sanseyuan Zhenglong smiled and said: "The distinguished guest came to the door, but I was not able to welcome you from afar. I am busy with some household chores and was not able to go out to greet you at the first time. Please forgive me."

It is said that you should not hit someone with a smiling face. Levi knew what Masataka Sansekiin was thinking in his heart and wanted to complain. This young man was indeed a powerful person as Sumireko Sansekiyin said, but the other party was acting like this right now. He looked extremely respectful, and it was hard for him to say anything sarcastic.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Uncle, a busy man like you has so many things to do every day, but you are not like an idle person like me. Instead, an idle person like me comes to the door and disturbs your business, uncle. I should forgive you." It’s me who is right.”

Next to her, Sumireko Sansekiyin wanted to complain in her heart. The scene in front of her made a picture appear in her mind. The old fox and the little fox bowed to each other. Neither of them was a fuel-efficient lamp.

Sansekiyuan Masataka gave his wife a look, and the two of them sat down directly opposite Li Wei not far away in a very tacit understanding. Li Wei wanted to complain in his heart. The tacit understanding between the two couples could not be seen at all. It looks like they are going to divorce, and he also found out that there is still room for change. Both of these two people have very strong personalities. As long as either of them can retreat first, there will be no need for divorce like now. the point.

Li Wei decided to observe first to see what the situation was like between the couple. If the two people really had big problems, then they should separate. However, through mind reading, Li Wei found that the two of them couldn't bear to leave each other in their hearts, but They were all waiting for the other party to give in first, because both of them were highly skilled in acting, so even Sumireko Misakiin misjudged the relationship between the two.

Sanse Yuan Zhenglong smiled and said: "I wonder how you call the distinguished guest?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "It's not expensive, I'm just an international student coming to China. Uncle, your business has overseas parts, right? Do you know about Titan Heavy Industry?"

Speaking of this name, Sansekiin Masataka was stunned for a moment, but he reacted instantly and said cautiously: "Are you a nobleman of Titan Heavy Industries?"

Levi smiled and said: "I am the person behind Titan Heavy Industries, Hyperion Technology, Rheinmetall, and Atlas Power."

Sanseiyuan Zhengtong became serious in his heart. Although Li Wei was talking nonsense and he couldn't verify what he said now, there were some things that he would rather believe than not. Anyway, there are existences like Li Wei. , it is best not to offend. Whether it is true or not can be investigated slowly afterwards. Now the scene must maintain harmony.

Levi smiled and said: "I know what I said is exaggerated, uncle, you may not believe it, but a big business will come to you tomorrow, and then you will believe my words."

Li Wei held the hand of Sansein Sumireko next to him. Sansein Sumireko was obedient and did not struggle. She just looked at Li Wei with affectionate expressions on her face.

A man like Sansekiyuan Masataka naturally discovered his daughter's abnormality. He secretly thought that his little cotton-padded jacket was eventually worn by someone else, which made him feel bad.

Not only Masataka Sansekiin, but Kagetsu Sansekien next to him could barely hide his surprised expression. They all say that a father is the best person to know a son, and a daughter is better than a mother to know a son. Kagetsu Sansekiin knows her daughter very well. , she knew that her daughter was a reserved and proud person, and it was very rare for a man to fall in love with her.

Sansein Sumireko rejected the pursuit of many rich young men in the circle. Sansein Kagetsu was still thinking about what kind of hero his daughter would choose. Unexpectedly, she really caught a big fish. This was something she didn't expect.

Regarding Li Wei's words, Sanseyuan Huayue is willing to believe it, because Li Wei also said that a big business will come to Sanseyuan's family tomorrow. Is Li Wei the real golden turtle son-in-law or a fake? , it can be verified within days.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Uncle, aunt, Sumireko and I have established a relationship and have gone through the final step, so now, I can essentially call you father-in-law and mother-in-law. I am a person who cannot speak well. If I like to beat around the bush, I’ll get straight to the point, and this time, I’m here to take care of household chores.”

Li Wei's words shocked the Sanseyuan couple. Neither of them expected that their daughter had actually handed herself over to Li Wei. This made the two of them angry and anxious inside, but on the surface they could not do anything. When they came out, they were suffocated.

Masataka Sansekiyuan managed to hold back the smile on his face and said, "I wonder what kind of housework my good husband has to deal with when he comes here this time."

Levi smiled and said: "I have heard from Sumireko that you are getting divorced, right?"

The faces of the Sanseyuan couple were a little tense, and their eyes were fixed on Sanseyuan Sumireko. If Li Wei hadn't been present, the two of them would have staged a "landlord fight" at this time.

Sansekiyuan Sumireko stared back without showing any signs of weakness. Now that she has Levi as her destination, she is unwilling to fall into the disadvantage of her parents who are full of flaws. The atmosphere seems a bit awkward. Kusami Yue is next to her. Watching this scene, I almost laughed out loud.

Chapter 4. The truth comes out

Levi would not talk to his opponent for a long time without getting to the point. As the party with the advantage, he chose to take the initiative to break the problem. This behavior was simple and crude, but it was effective.

At least, by putting the problem on the table from the beginning, the Sanseyuan couple will not be able to avoid such topics, and in this way, they can save the effort of doing Tai Chi.

Sansekiin Masataka sighed and said: "I didn't expect Sumireko to tell you all this. Son-in-law, you are not an outsider, and I won't hide it from you. I feel like I can't live this life anymore."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Father-in-law, are you kidding me? With this tacit understanding between you and mother-in-law, does it seem like you can't make it through? And, since you said you can't make it through, there must be a reason." .”

Sanseyuan Zhenglong has been holding back his anger during these days. Now that he has an audience, he can't help but start complaining.

Li Wei was an honest listener. From a male perspective, what he heard was not only boring, but also uncomfortable.

However, Li Wei also noticed the problem from his complaints. It was not just him, but Sumireko Sansekiyuan and Yue Kusami also discovered the problem.

Ten minutes passed by, and Sansekiyuan Masataka, who was satisfied with his words, finally showed a comfortable expression. As a successful entrepreneur, he didn't have any real friends, so he said something like this from his heart. I can only keep it in my heart, even my daughter can't tell her.

Now, given the opportunity for him to vent his inner resentment, Sansekiyuan Masataka would not let it go. However, he did not realize that Sansekiyuan Kagyue, who was sitting next to him, had already raised her eyebrows. He looked like he wanted to hit someone.

Sanseiyuan Zhengtong heard a cold voice beside him.

Sanseyuan Kagyue said with a cold expression: "Finished? Then it's my turn."

Li Wei and the two girls looked at Sansein Kagyue, and then continued to complain for more than half an hour, which opened the eyes of the three of them, and Sansein Masataka's expression became increasingly ugly. No one is perfect. The complaints from both parties are poking at the spine of the other half, and it is like a testimonial. Both parties have figured out things that they had not understood before. There are misunderstandings and simple mistakes. .

Li Wei rubbed his chin and whispered to Jinko Sansein next to him: "The situation seems to be a little different from what we imagined. It's not that bad. It's just a matter of personality between these two people. As long as who Just give in first and everything will be fine."

Sansekiin Sumireko also nodded. In a sense, the two people's complaints were also spreading nonsense. The two of them helped each other clean up the mess too much, and both of them happened to be a little tsundere. People who don't have the dignity to say thank you, so resentment will accumulate in the hearts of both parties, leading to the current situation.

Kusamizuki said in a low voice: "Sumiko, I feel that the problems between uncle and aunt can be said to be big or small. If we don't talk about it, it will be a big problem. But if we talk about it, as long as anyone among them is willing to give in first." , then there’s no big problem. Besides, do you think uncles and aunts really have no feelings at all?”

Sansekiin Sumireko thought that the conflict between the two people had reached an irreconcilable level before, but now it seems that it is entirely because the two people's acting skills are so good that they both want to use this method to force the other party to give in. , but both of them had hard tempers, so they froze. If there was really no emotion, there wouldn't be a nearly hour-long dog-food phase.

After all, these two people have too many records of cheating couples in shopping malls. If they don't explain it themselves, it will be too difficult for others to see clearly.

Even Sumireko Sansekiin, their daughter, couldn't see through it, so there was a serious misjudgment.

Sansein Kagyue looked at her husband, and Sansein was shrinking his neck. When he complained, he was still arrogant, but now, after the matter was explained, he shrank directly.

Levi was also a little embarrassed and said: "Ahem, this kind of thing should be handled by the father-in-law and mother-in-law themselves. Juniors like us can't be too lenient."

The two girls nodded again and again. Girls are far more sensitive than men. Both of them can feel that Sansein Kagetsu can't help but want to take action. If they continue here, Sansein Kagetsu will not A way to vent the resentment in your heart.

The three people left the room almost at a trot. However, after leaving the room, the three people did not leave directly. Instead, they lay on the door and listened in the corner.

In the room, the slightly high-pitched voice of Sansein Kagetsu came.

"Is this the image I have in your heart?! If you don't give me an explanation today, you can't even think of walking out of this door!"

"Honey, I was wrong, eh! Don't slap me in the face! Don't slap me in the face! There is still a meeting in the afternoon!"

"What does it have to do with me?! I used to be too merciful to you, and I tried to save face for you, which is why you raised your tail in the sky and stuck your butt out! Now I won't be as gentle as before, come here! "

The three people lying behind the door, listening to the wail of Sanse Yuan Zhenglong in the room, had strange expressions on their faces, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh out loud.

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