Levi blew towards the door, and the wooden door became translucent. The three of them could clearly see what was happening in the room.

At this time, in the room, Sansein Kagetsu was riding on her husband, like a wild cat, with her hands constantly greeting the opposite face. Sansein Masataka knew that he was wrong, and he was also injured. He was married to his wife, so now he didn't dare to fight back at all. He was even careful to avoid hurting the other person when he was covering her up, so he was "beaten" unilaterally.

Kusamizuki smiled and said: "Isn't it a good feeling between uncle and aunt?"

Sansekiyuan Sumireko sighed and said: "Even I was deceived by them. Although this is not the first time I have been deceived by them, this time, even I couldn't tell the truth from the lies. Fortunately, my husband We have to be patient enough to observe, otherwise, we will get into trouble."

Li Wei smiled and said: "As long as the two of us can reconcile."

The situation on Sansekiin Sumireko's side is much better than that on Kusamizuki's side. At least the family here has been saved, but from now on Sansekiin Masataka will have no status in the family.

Just when the three of them were about to leave, the door was opened. Sansein Kagetsu, who had already had a good orgasm, said with a smile: "Don't leave in a hurry. How about staying here for dinner?"

Although the beauty in front of him was just an ordinary person, Levi shuddered for some reason. The beauty in front of him probably had a yandere tendency. He could only sympathize with the father of Sumireko Sansekiin. After the child's inner yandere has been aroused, it is not easy to stuff it back again.

Levi said quickly: "Mother-in-law is so polite. I would really like to stay and hear about the youthful past of you and my father-in-law, but I am really busy, so I won't have dinner here."

Li Wei promised Tiao Xiangyun that he would pick her up when Tiao Xiangyun got off work. He could not break his promise to a woman. This was Li Wei's bottom line.

Sansein Kagetsu said with a smile: "That's a pity, but lunch can always be taken care of here, right? It's almost ten o'clock now, so just stay here and have a light meal."

Levi, Kusami Yue and Sansekiin Sumireko looked at each other, and the two girls nodded slightly.

Chapter. Show strength

During the entire lunch time, Li Wei and the two girls felt uncomfortable. After all, Sanse Yuan was wearing panda eyes and a colorful face, while Sanse Yuan Huayue next to her was smiling. Li Wei had a feeling that this The Smiling Beauty has turned dark.

After lunch time, Li Wei and Sansein Masataka came to the courtyard. The two men sat in the pavilion, enjoying a leisurely afternoon tea time.

Sansekiyuan Masataka said: "Xian son-in-law, that girl with blue hair next to you is also someone beside you. Your luck is really enviable."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Don't let your mother-in-law hear this, otherwise my father-in-law, you will be unable to eat and walk around, and your face will be stained."

Sansekiyuan Masataka could only smile bitterly, who should let him be in the wrong, and how could he possibly do anything with a woman? He sighed inwardly, he still has to take responsibility for the ancestor he pampered.

Sansaiyuan Zhengtong also wanted to hug him in his heart, but the grape trellis at home was too strong. Today's visit was already unbearable for him. If it happened a few more times, would he still want this face?

Although this wife is beautiful, after having been together for so many years, both parties are very familiar with each other, and the initial novelty has long since disappeared. Even the initial love has gradually turned into family affection. Therefore, seeing When Li Wei was surrounded by other girls besides his own daughter, he felt very envious in his heart.

As for the fact that there are more than one woman around Li Wei, if Li Wei's self-reported identity is true, then such a thing is not a problem at all. With Li Wei's identity, even if he wants to live like an ancient emperor, it is no problem. In this era, although money cannot do everything, it can do most things, which naturally includes things like opening a crystal palace.

Levi smiled and said: "Father-in-law, you have a meeting in the afternoon. It will definitely be very bad if the people below see the scars on your face."

Masataka Sansekiyuan smiled bitterly and said, "What can we do about this?"

Levi smiled and said: "Small problems are easy to solve."

Levi snapped his fingers, Sansein Zhenglong only felt that his face was very warm, and there were some painful scars on his face, but now he could no longer feel the pain at all.

Sanseiyuan Zhengtong touched his face. He found that the scratched area had now recovered to health, and there was no trace at all.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Father-in-law, you can look in a mirror and see how your face looks."

Sansekiyuan Masataka took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera function, and switched the lens to selfie mode. He could see his face clearly. The face that was originally full of scars had returned to normal.

Sansekiyuan Masataka showed a shocked expression and said: "This is not magic! Son-in-law, what kind of methods did you use? My face healed so quickly!"

Levi smiled and said: "This is indeed not magic, but a spell."

Sanseyuan Zhenglong thought a lot in his heart in an instant. People who do business are all superstitious. Sanseyuan Zhenglong's success relies on his own ability, but he also has the help of luck, so every year, he and his wife Go to Sensoji Temple to worship and pray for smooth sailing in the coming year.

Now, after seeing the extraordinary power with his own eyes and experiencing the convenience of this power, Sansekiyuan Masataka thought in his heart that Levi's identity would definitely not be that simple. No matter how rich you are, you are still an ordinary person. If you have mastered extraordinary power, you are the real master.

Sansekiyuan Masataka said with a strange expression: "Who are you, son-in-law? This kind of power has gone beyond what science can explain. I am not a superstitious person. How can I know?"

Li Wei smiled and said: "I am indeed an ordinary person, but I have mastered some extraordinary means. In ancient times, beings like me would sometimes be revered as immortals, and sometimes be demoted as evil spirits. .”

Levi waved his hand, and the steam in the air condensed into a dragon out of thin air, surrounding the pavilion and slowly turning up and down.

Sansekiyuan Masataka stretched out his hand, and the dragon came in front of him, rubbing his head against his palm. At the same time, a dull roar came from his throat.

Sansekiyuan Masataka had a shocked expression on his face, because this was not an illusion. When he withdrew his hand, there were still stains on it.

Li Wei smiled and said: "This dragon can easily destroy a small town. If it were placed in the Warring States Period, this dragon alone could determine the direction of the entire world."

Li Wei raised his hand, and the dragon ascended into the sky. At the same time, the dragon began to inflate rapidly like an inflated balloon. The originally clear sky became gloomy. Looking up from below, a huge thing could be seen looming in the clouds. , with a winding body like a giant snake, and a thunderous sound, Sansekiyuan Masataka was completely shocked.

The power that Li Wei possesses is truly astonishing. This ability to control celestial phenomena, not to mention in ancient times, even in modern times, is a god and demon that is superior to all living beings. Sanseiyuan Masataka was surprised and a little scared at the same time. What kind of incredible son-in-law his daughter had found for him.

Masataka Sansekiyuan is a bit of a snobbery. On the surface, he is very polite to everyone, but in fact, he is only truly polite to a very few people. For those who are not as good as him, he is a bit jealous in his heart. A touch of superiority.

If you want to be polite to him, you must either be more powerful than him, or have more financial resources than him, or else you must have special expertise in a certain area, such as musicians, artists, cooking masters, or someone. He would respect craftsmen who inherited traditional craftsmanship, even if they had no money or power, but ordinary people would not be able to get his attention.

Because he possesses considerable talent, Sansaiyuan Zhenglong felt arrogantly in his heart that mediocrity is the original sin. But now, he finally understands what it means to have people outside the world and heaven outside the world. In the face of the absolute power of God, wealth and wealth in the world are not the same. Power, personal talents and abilities are so small and small.

Sansekiyuan Masataka's mouth opened wide, and he felt a little scared in his heart. Just now, he actually touched the head of the giant in the clouds. It turned out that the small dragon's true form was so terrifying.

Sansekiin Masataka, who had no intuitive understanding of magic, regarded the giant dragon rising from the clouds as a real existence. He did not know that the behemoth was just a creation of magic. Once the magic power in his body was exhausted, he would dissipate.

Li Wei said: "Father-in-law, I am here to visit you this time. In addition to regulating the relationship between you and your mother-in-law, I also have something to do."

Sanse Yuan Zhenglong sat upright and said with a serious expression: "Please tell me, my dear son-in-law, as long as it is something I can do, I will definitely not refuse."

Sansekiyuan Masataka already knew that Li Wei was something he could not climb up to under normal circumstances. Now, he placed himself in a lower position and his tone was very respectful.

Chapter. Parents’ Blessings

Levi said: "Father-in-law, you must have seen my strength. Although I am an ordinary person, I do not belong here. After a while, I will go back to where I should go, and I want to Taking Sumireko away is such a big thing, I will naturally not hide it from you and my mother-in-law, so I need to tell you in advance so that you can be mentally prepared."

Sanseyuan Zhenglong's heart is already clear. In his opinion, although Li Wei said that he is an ordinary person, just listen to what he said. Who is serious and who is stupid. People like Li Wei must be the existence of gods, and gods naturally have a place where gods should stay. Anyway, that place is not a place like this in the human world.

Being able to follow Li Wei is considered a blessing for Sansein Jinzi. After all, as Li Wei's partner, Sanseiyin Jinzi must be able to get considerable benefits. Legend has it that after some people in ancient times became gods, their wives or The spouse will also enjoy the blessings and become a god-like existence. In his opinion, there is a high probability that Sumireko Sansekiyuan will be able to enjoy such benefits, and his daughter will have a bright future. As a father, he is happy in his heart.

Levi, who has the ability to read minds, was a little surprised when he saw Masataka Sansekiyuan's thoughts. Although the man in front of him had many shortcomings, he was still passable as a father.

After Sansein Masataka learned about the relationship between Li Wei and Sansein Sumireko, the first thing he thought about was not how to obtain benefits from Li Wei, but whether his daughter could be happy. This was enough to make Li Wei I was impressed by it.

Sansekiyuan Masataka sighed and said: "Children will eventually leave their parents. However, I didn't expect that such a thing would happen so quickly. She is only seventeen years old this year. I originally thought that someone as picky as her would , whether you can get married before the age of thirty is still a question."

Levi just smiled. When any girl faces this kind of thing, she will face it with the most critical attitude. After all, this is related to her happiness for the rest of her life. But many girls are also stupid. Once they decide on someone, they will insist on their choice without hesitation even if people around them object. This kind of choice is completely based on luck. If you are lucky and meet a dark horse, you will naturally gain happiness. The life of a person who is unlucky is like Tiao Xiangyun, who lives like a feather.

Sansekiyuan Masataka said: "Xian son-in-law, I hope you can really treat Sumireko. I know she is not the only girl around you, but at the very least, don't neglect her. This is my only request as a father. "

If Li Wei is just a powerful ordinary person who dares to treat Sanse Yuan Sumireko badly, he will teach Li Wei a lesson even if he wants to lose both sides. But Levi is not an ordinary person, but a god and demon who is above ordinary people. He cannot afford to provoke such a being, so he is not even qualified to threaten him verbally.

Li Wei smiled and said: "This is the only thing, father-in-law, you don't have to worry about it. She is my treasure, the most precious existence deep in my heart. I can't even let her cry, let alone such a thing. ”

Sansekiyuan Masataka nodded. In his opinion, a person like Levi could speak with confidence. Now that he had a guarantee, he could put his mind at ease.

On the other hand, Sansein Sumireko told her mother about herself and Levi, and also showed the power they had gained in front of her mother. Although at the beginning, Sansein Kagetsu could not accept it. Such a thing, but in the end she let it go and chose to bless Sansein Sumireko.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Levi saw Sumireko Sanseki and Yue Kusami. Both girls had extra decorations on their bodies.

Li Wei looked at the gold necklaces around the necks of the two girls. The gold jewelry of the two girls was very beautiful, with simple and elegant shapes, and the quality made it look like they were old items passed down by the elders. Different from ordinary people's gold jewelry, the gold necklaces around the necks of the two girls have a special mesh shape and are made of very sufficient materials, but they look low-key and luxurious and do not give people an eye-catching feeling.

Li Wei said: "Violet, Yue, is this given to you by your mother-in-law?"

Sansekiyuan Sumireko nodded and said with a smile: "My mother already knew that I was leaving this world, so she gave the two of us all the gold jewelry she packed at the bottom of the box. These things are said to have been inherited by my grandmother's grandmother. The ones that came down can be traced back to the early tenth century and were made by top Western craftsmen at that time, so they are very precious."

Sansein Sumireko belongs to the type whose ancestors were once wealthy. Although her family fell into decline due to various reasons, in Sansein Masataka's generation, relying on reliable personal strength and luck, the Sansein family has regained its status as a wealthy family. Back to the top, even more improved. At least, the head of the Sanseiyuan family of the Dai family was just a businessman of the same scale at the time, but now, the Sanseiyuan family can be regarded as a multinational enterprise. Although it is not a top businessman, it is still better than a businessman of the same size. too much.

Although the family was once in ruins, the descendants who managed the business well did not completely destroy the inheritance left by their ancestors. If they destroyed all those things, it would take more than ten years for Masataka Sansekiyuan to rebuild the family. It is impossible to make a name for one's family. Even if you want to gamble at the gambling table, you must at least have the skills to participate in a gambling game, and the ancestors of the Sansaiyuan family have saved enough money.

It is precisely because the Sansekiyuan family left a lot of good things that the two girls were able to get the "equipment" they have now. However, what Li Wei didn't expect was that even Kusami Yue could get a share. , Sansein Kagetsu is quite generous in this regard.

Levi smiled and said: "They are all quite beautiful. These ornaments can be transformed into magical weapons for self-defense. They can be added with various defensive spells without affecting the appearance. Although they are very safe around me, but like You can never have too many preparations to protect yourself."

Levi is a person who likes to take precautions. Although the girls on the floating island are safe, he still likes to increase the girls' self-protection capabilities. If the worst happens, the girls will not be vulnerable when facing foreign enemies. There is no resistance.

Although Levi is not a cautious and brave person, considering the strength of his potential enemies, he will be as thorough as possible when preparing.

Sansein Sumireko smiled and said: "Thank you, husband. Thanks to you, I understand that things between my parents are not as bad as I thought. Shall we go back now?"

Li Wei said: "Go back? My mother-in-law has promised you to live with me?"

Sumireko Sansekiyin nodded, with a shy blush on her face. She thought of the methods her mother taught her to control men. Those methods were still a bit extreme for her.

Chapter. Keep surprises in life

Li Wei stretched out. After the matter was resolved, he felt that the whole person was relaxed. Same people but different fates. Sansekiyuan Sumireko's side had a perfect ending. Kusami Yue's side, although it was no longer a chicken feather, was still needed. To deal with the aftermath, at least Tiao Xiangyun and Li Wei still have to take care of it to the end.

On Tiao Xiangyun's side, Li Wei had made some preparations. Tiao Xiangyun herself had additional defensive spells, and there was a paper crane hovering above her head. Even if there was an accident, even if it was Li Wei was not at the scene, and the paper crane alone could save lives.

After saying goodbye to Sumireko Sansein's parents, Levi took the two girls back to the mansion in a cloud. As for the car, just drive back slowly.

When the white clouds fell in their courtyard, the two girls jumped down from the white clouds. Their physical fitness had exceeded the limits of mortals. Even if they jumped from a height of several meters, they could land as lightly as falling leaves. , if an ordinary person jumps from such a height, it is most likely that both legs will be broken.

Sumireko Sanseki looked at the falling white clouds and sighed: "After getting used to this speed, it feels like ordinary transportation is too slow. Moreover, I am still free in the sky. If I run on the ground, No matter what kind of luxury car it is, as long as it encounters a traffic jam, it must follow the car in the river obediently."

The convenience of being in the sky is that you don’t have to worry about traffic jams. Current human technology has not yet been able to create a private household vehicle that every household can afford. It should not be seen at least in the tenth century, so driving in Baiyun Traveling in the sky, you don’t have to worry about traffic jams in the sky.

Kusami Yue smiled and said: "I just hope that I can cultivate enough and learn the art. In that case, I can be free in the sky. Although it is great to sit on the white clouds, I still feel that it is still a little bit behind." mean."

Sansein Sumireko smiled and said: "It's not Baiyun's fault. You simply want to be able to travel freely. To be honest, I want it too."

The feeling of being taken by yourself is different from that of being taken by others. If you are on your own, you can choose the route, height, and speed. You can do whatever you want. If you take Baiyun, you have to tell Li Wei in advance where you want to go. OK.

The three of them entered the house, and the two girls pulled Levi towards the bedroom.

Levi said: "This is the direction of the bedroom-ah."

Kusamizuki smiled and said, "We know."

Levi said: "Why are you going to the bedroom at this time? I have to pick up my mother in more than an hour."

Kusamizuki smiled and said, "A little more than an hour is enough, and it won't affect the business."

Next to her, Sumireko Sanseki also had a playful smile on her face, and both girls had a slight blush on their faces. Levi, who did not use mind-reading skills, didn't know what the two girls were thinking.

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