Making firearms is something that requires high-precision tools to complete, but for a cultivator like Li Wei, as long as he has the right materials and drawings, he doesn't even need drawings. He can make them just by rubbing them with his hands. Highly accurate firearms.

The blueprints of firearms are also quite simple. If you go to the neon "Punch-in" "R Team", you will have everything. Not only the blueprints of firearms, but also large technical equipment such as tanks, armored vehicles, armed helicopters, and fighter jets. Li Wei has used his spiritual power to complete the scan, and the internal structure is very clear. As long as he is given enough materials, he can use his hands to rub out these technical equipment.

It can be said that Levi itself is like a red alert base. Apart from the inability to build troops, technical equipment is not a problem at all, and it also includes subsequent technological upgrades.

An ordinary person gets a high-tech base and has no R\u0026D capabilities. He can't do anything without the base. Levi doesn't have such a problem. He can make a base by himself. This is the best of the two. After all, Levi's most basic ability is the perfect development of the NZT-48 brain development drug. He started out as a being similar to a "perfect adjuster" or an "all-powerful new human being".

Especially after embarking on the path of cultivating immortals, Li Wei's thinking ability has been further strengthened, and he even gained the bug ability of multi-threaded thinking circuit, which allows him to strengthen his own cultivation and cultivation by controlling puppets. Scientific research capabilities.

Levi has placed safe houses everywhere in Tokyo during this period, which is a reflection of his abilities.

However, he will not provide his survivors with too many weapons and equipment, as long as they can protect themselves. If the zombies are pushed back, his plan will not be able to proceed.

Early the next morning, Levi got up early. It should be said that he actually didn't sleep all night, because the control of the puppet required him to stay awake, so he had no rest at night.

At night, the monster puppet obtained new information. The mysterious organization was preparing to install a large virus release device on the top of Tokyo Tower, preparing to use the height and wind direction to accelerate the spread of the virus.

Considering the distance between Tokyo Tower and the private Fujimi Academy, Levi didn't plan to take care of this kind of thing. The mysterious organization could do whatever it wanted, as long as it didn't affect his plan.

When Busujima Yako got up, she saw that there was no one around her, and her heart skipped a beat. Originally, she wanted to sneak back to her place before Li Wei got up, but she didn't expect that Li Wei got up earlier than her. It's a little embarrassing.

At this moment, she smelled the aroma of cooking.

Busujima Yako sat up. Feeling a little panicked, she quickly put the quilts (no money was good) into the closet. When she opened the paper wooden door of the room and walked to the corridor on the courtyard, she heard There is movement in the direction of the kitchen.

Passing through the corridor and entering the kitchen, Busujima Yako saw Levi, who was wearing an apron and cooking. At this time, Levi was frying egg rolls in a small square pan. Looking at his skillful appearance, it seemed that he was cooking for himself.

"...vBreakfast will be ready for a while, just wait a moment." Levi said without looking back.

Busujima Yako looked at the dishes that had been prepared on the kitchen table. By the standards of breakfast alone, it was already quite rich.

Busushima Yako was a little embarrassed. After all, Levi came here to protect her and was willing to teach her more advanced martial arts. He had already taken great care of her. Now he even made breakfast for her. She felt that as a woman, she was already "Women are not qualified"


"Thank you..." Busujima Yazi said softly. .

Chapter 160. The approaching crisis

Levi turned around and said with a smile: "I saw that you were sleeping soundly, so I didn't wake you up. Anyone who experiences something like that needs a good rest to relieve psychological pressure." Levi did not intend to Making fun of Busujima Yako on this matter.

"Mr. Abigail said yesterday that he was going to chase that monster. Have you caught him?" Busujima Yazi changed the subject and asked a question that concerned him.

Levi shook his head and said: "I couldn't catch up. Before the opponent was transformed into a monster, he was the best master of stealth and disguise in the world. Now that he has become a monster, it is easier to hide himself. Abigail chases him out Not too far away, we can no longer find the other side.”

Busushima Yako did not continue to ask. She was a little worried in her heart that the monster would continue to attack other students in the academy.

Levi said: "Abigail and I were hired by the chairman to ensure the safety of the academy. As long as we are here, it will not be able to invade the safety of the academy, but if it causes trouble elsewhere, , we have no choice, because Tokyo is too big, and the two of us alone can protect the academy at our limit."

Busujima Yako is not a Virgin person, and will ask Li Wei to protect more people. Just like what Li Wei said, Tokyo is too big. This giant city with a population of nearly 20 million, It's simply not something that two people can protect.

Moreover, strong people like Levi and Abigail would not be invited if they were not closely connected with the chairman. She could only lament that the private Fujimi Academy has strong connections and good luck.

After breakfast, the two left the kendo hall and took the train back to school. When passing by the place where the battle took place yesterday, Busujima Yako found that the entire road section had been closed, and a large number of official personnel were guarding there, as if they were investigating. What, as a last resort, the two chose to take a detour back to school.

What surprised Busujima Yako was that Levi was more familiar with this environment than she was, and he found a relatively short path without going too far.

After returning to school, Busujima Yako breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yazi, don't tell anyone about your attack for now. It can easily cause panic," Levi said.

"I understand." Busujima Yazi looked at the time. Class will begin soon. Today's self-defense class is mainly for second-year students.

"I will report what happened yesterday to the chairman, and he will report the information. This kind of thing will be left to the people above to have a headache. Taxpayers' money is not free," Levi said.

Busujima Yako nodded, and placed her left hand on her handbag. The place where her hand was pressed was where the bento was placed. Her bento was made for her by Levi. "Brother, be careful."

"I know." Levi smiled and rubbed Busujima Yazi's head, and reluctantly took back his hand under Busujima Yazi's "cat-like glare".

Levi looked at Saya Gaocheng clumsily waving the weapon in his hand and covered his face.

"Teacher, your expression is so obvious! Are you smiling? I saw you smiling!" The girl with pink-haired double ponytails and giant meow glasses is like a cat with fried hair. If she had a tail, she would probably be Now it's shaking like a wavy line.

"I'm not smiling." Levi forced a straight face, but the curve of the corners of his mouth still betrayed his inner thoughts. Saya Takagi gave up on herself and said, "Just laugh if you want, I'm just a sports idiot, so what?"

Saya Takagi is really not good at sports. Before the physical education class was cancelled, she showed her poor athletic talent. She failed the physical education test in the first grade and had to take a make-up test every time. You have to give up to pass the test, so when everyone else's learning progress is good, her learning progress is slower than others.

Some girls in the second grade can now use ninja daggers so well that two or three ordinary people can't get close to them. As for Takagi Saya, she may not be able to fight one-on-one with an ordinary adult. It's not because of her poor footwork. It was stable, but the distance (c gch) was not well grasped, and once the weapon even flew out of her hand, so Li Wei could only let her continue to learn the entry-level ten hands.

"Everyone has their own things they are good at and things they are not good at. Gao Cheng, although your motor skills are a little worse, you have more flexible thinking and faster reaction speed than others. This is your advantage." Li Wei smiled.

"Thank you... thank you." Saya Gaocheng, who was still a little unable to react when hearing Levi praising herself like this, felt her face get slightly hot.

However, Saya Takagi did not hear the true meaning of Li Wei's words. In Li Wei's view, she only had the advantage of having a relatively good brain. In the original plot, she was famous for her high vision and low hand, but she was not good at making suggestions. There wasn't much of a problem, but her execution was poor. If her companions hadn't been reliable, she would have been doomed on the first day of the disaster.

Although Takagi Saya is an athletic idiot with a low vision and low skill, her flexible thinking and calm personality in most situations are enough to make her the team's think tank.

However, now that Levi has intervened in the plot, the places where she can display her talents have become limited. After all, what Levi has to do is to crush those zombies with absolute power, use the school as the core, build a large camp that can protect everyone, and survive the most dangerous period in an upright style.

When you have an absolute advantage in strength, strategy and intelligence will become a foil.

Levi patted Saya Takagi on the shoulder and said: "Although your advantages need to be used, you must also find ways to make up for your disadvantages. After all, no one knows what kind of difficulties they will face, so there is more time to learn. It always pays to learn a little bit.”

Takagi Saya nodded and clenched the training weapon in her hand. She agreed with what Levi said, but due to her athletic talent, her performance was worse than others.

"I'll show you again how to control the distance between yourself and your opponent. If your opponent pounces directly on you, how can we use the peripheral vision of our eyes to ensure that the terrain behind us does not trip us when we retreat."

Levi held the ten hands for training and began to explain. The female students all looked over.

What Levi taught them was very targeted. It was like a way to defend against the opponent's direct attack. In fact, it was specifically designed to deal with zombies that were coming straight at them.

When facing zombies, you don't need to consider too many tactical issues. The most important thing is to learn to face enemies that directly attack you, and to ensure that you don't fall.

As long as you can do these two things, you can protect yourself when you are one-on-one with zombies, or even one-on-two.

The ten-handed and ninja daggers are less lethal when facing zombies, but these weapons, which are proficient in disarming, are more used to deal with other survivors with ulterior motives in the apocalypse. If it weren't for this consideration, Levi would directly teach the girls the dagger fighting technique. However, considering that the dagger fighting technique is not easy to learn, and you may hurt yourself if you are not careful, he will teach the techniques of juju and ninja daggers. . .

Chapter 161. The end is coming here

Time passes day by day, and the time for the mysterious organization to release the virus is getting closer, and Levi is already prepared to deal with it.

Levi had already intercepted the specific time when the mysterious organization released the virus.

"The day has finally arrived. I have been planning for so long in advance, and I am getting a little impatient with the wait." Li Wei stood on the rooftop, looking at the buildings in the distance that were already burning with black smoke, and said with emotion.

Bed Host City is also one of the main sources of viruses released by mysterious organizations, so the order collapses the fastest.

The monster puppets released by Li Wei, as the eyes and perception extension of the main body, have already grasped the situation happening in Bed Master City.

The situation is similar to what Levi expected. It will take a certain amount of time for the zombies created by the virus to arrive at the private Fujimi Academy.

Levi jumped off the rooftop and landed lightly. Today is the "graduation ceremony" for the female students. After so many days of training, the female students in the three grades have completed the most basic learning and have The combat power is enough to crush ordinary adult men. Today is also the day when Levi officially distributes practical weapons to every female student.

The basketball hall, which can accommodate thousands of people to watch the game, is the best venue to hold the graduation ceremony. Levi has scheduled the graduation ceremony for the male students for tomorrow, but the graduation ceremony for the male students at the private Fujimi Academy will never come.

Levi's monster puppet captured a group of infected zombies and placed them near the academy in advance. For the monster puppet with extraordinary power, limiting the mobility of a group of zombies was not a problem at all for him.

As for Levi, he arrived at the training ground that was transformed from a basketball gym.

When Levi arrived at the training ground, the female students from the three grades had already found their seats and sat down. Because Levi hadn't arrived yet, they were chatting among themselves.

After knowing that Li Wei had walked to the center of the training ground and made a "quiet" gesture, these female students who were usually very noisy, after getting along with Li Wei for such a long time, had no idea about the powerful and gentle Li Wei. , it was respect from the bottom of his heart, so Levi made everyone in the training ground quiet with just a gesture.

On the other side, all male students were attending classes as usual at this time. Although some people were puzzled by the chairman's arrangement, Private Fujimi Academy is a private school. The chairman has the highest authority over the school. Some teachers It was proposed that such an arrangement would lead to differences in students' learning progress, but was directly rejected by the chairman.

Those teachers didn't know yet that the chairman had already become Levi's puppet. The arrangement for the male and female students to have graduation ceremonies separately was not the chairman's decision, but Levi's decision.

Originally, those teachers thought that the graduation ceremony would be arranged according to grade levels, but no one would have thought that it would be arranged according to gender differences.

However, because the graduation ceremony does not last long and will only delay one or two classes at most, the teachers do not have many opinions. The difference in learning progress between the two classes can be solved by rearranging the class schedule. Anyway, now There is no physical education class, and the insufficient class time can be made up with physical education time.

Li Wei picked up the microphone and said: "After this period of study, all students have mastered a certain degree of self-protection. Now, when you face danger, you will not sit back and wait for death as before, but Having the ability to escape from danger is a valuable ability that can save one's life at critical moments. I hope that all students can practice more in private in the future and not waste the skills that they have finally developed. Now, let everyone The squad leader of the class began to issue practical weapons. From today on, you are considered to have graduated from my hands."

Levi put down the microphone, and the female monitors of each class (Neon class has male and female monitors, the male monitor is in charge of male students, and the female monitor is in charge of female students) began to hand out the sealed weapons.

At this moment, Levi's monster puppet burst in from the main entrance of the school, kicked the big iron door out with one kick, grabbed a few struggling zombies, and launched an attack in the direction of the teaching building.

At this time, all the female students and teachers in the school were gathered at the training ground, and only male students were left in the direction of the teaching building.

Under the instruction of the chairman puppet, the monitoring equipment in the school "suddenly malfunctioned", which created a good opportunity for monster puppets and zombies to invade the school. This time, it was no longer like the original plot of the anime. The teachers and students in the school had a certain amount of time to react. When the zombies broke into the classroom and started killing people, the students and teachers in the teaching building were still a little unable to react. . . Asking for flowers.

On the playground, a "fierce" battle started between the Abigail puppet and the monster puppet. Although the visual effects were full and the entire playground was shattered by the aftermath of the battle, in fact the two puppets only suffered some superficial injuries. They looked serious and they really continued to fight for two more days. Lively and vigorous.

Encountered an attack without warning, the order in the teaching building was in chaos. Although the students had learned self-defense skills, facing the sudden attack of zombies and having no practical weapons in their hands, they could only Using things like desks and chairs to fight back can cause considerable casualties.

Zombies can continue fighting as long as their heads are not knocked open, but as long as students are bitten, they will be infected by the virus in less than two minutes and become a member of the zombies. This unfair battle begins with At that time, they were barely able to maintain an even tie, but as more and more students were infected, the situation began to turn one-sided.

At this moment, the announcer's voice sounded on the school radio.

"Notification to all faculty, staff and classmates that a vicious attack has occurred in the school! Please pay attention! A vicious attack has occurred in the school!" The school's broadcast is connected to all buildings, so the sound of the broadcast can also be heard at the training ground. .

In the training ground, the students were all in a state of confusion. After all, the school's security was usually good, and small-probability incidents like vicious incidents were far away for them.

"Ahhhhh!!! It's zombies! Zombies are eating people! The teaching building has been breached. Teacher Abigail is entangled by a special zombie. Who will save us! Ahhhhh! They are here The door is broken, this is my last broadcast!" Within the broadcast, there was the sound of the wooden door being broken open, as well as the weird and terrifying roars of the zombies. "Are you kidding me? Do zombies really exist?" "Today is not April Fool's Day!"

The girls in the audience whispered, and Li Wei picked up the microphone and said: "I would rather believe that it is true than that it is not true! Everyone, prepare for battle. I will go out to explore the truth." Shi.

Chapter 162. The plan goes well

How could Levi not know what happened? He was just pretending to be stupid now.

When he walked out of the training ground, he saw a mess outside. Many students had escaped from the teaching building and fled in various directions, and some ran directly towards the training ground.

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