Among the survivors running here, Levi saw the protagonist Takashi Komuro in the original plot, and his friend Gounaga Ii. Not far away, there was a fat otaku playing a real-life FPS game with a nail gun. Hirano Toda is an important character who supports the entire team in the original plot.

"Tsk tsk, he is indeed a person with the halo of the protagonist. His life is tough. He was attacked without any preparation time and was able to fight his way out. He is brave enough." Levi sighed.

However, the biggest difference between the current development and the original plot is that Igo was not bitten. In the original "987" plot, because Igo was bitten and turned into a zombie, Miyamoto Rei threw himself into the well. After falling into the arms of Gounaga, he once again fell into the arms of Takashi Komuro.

But now that Igo has not been bitten, Miyamoto Rei will naturally not return to Komuro Takashi, and compared to Komuro Takashi, Igo has a more convincing leadership temperament. If the two are in the same survival team , as long as Igo Nagai is around, Komuro Takashi will never get ahead.

As for Hirano Toda not far away, Levi could only lament that this man of God, even if he is alone, can survive for a long time in the apocalypse. In the original plot, it can be said that the entire team is dragging him down. hind legs.

Just how wild Hirano Toda is, an unattractive otaku, you will know by talking about his abilities.

This fat otaku has received a full set of survival training in the country. His ability to survive in the wild is comparable to that of Mr. Bei. He is proficient in making fire, fishing, hunting and identifying poisons. Moreover, he has received one-on-one military training from retired veterans at the Blackwater Company in Amei's country. His shooting and fighting abilities are far beyond those of ordinary people. His strength is stronger than that of ordinary members of the clock-in team. In addition to driving and Apart from being slightly weaker physically, he has almost no obvious weaknesses.

The people who were running for their lives showed expressions of surprise when they saw Levi. At this moment, the monster puppet got rid of the entanglement of the Abigail puppet and rushed toward the students who were fleeing to the training ground.

Levi didn't intend to let too many people pass through here. He just wanted to leave the trio of original protagonists to fend for themselves slowly. The other survivors were of little value to him.

And this kind of dirty work that is not convenient for him to do, naturally has monster puppets to solve it. The monster puppets fell among the survivors, and a large number of tentacles as sharp as razors erupted from their bodies. Except for the fastest three-person team of the original protagonists, , the other survivors running behind were instantly cut into balls of blood mist, and the entire army was annihilated.

After the monster puppet killed the survivors behind, it took action again, but this time, it was a double act between the main body and the puppet. Levi had a thunder gun in his hand, and he aimed it at the monster puppet. Going out, the huge thunder gun smashed a large number of tentacles into pieces. At the same time, the explosion shock wave formed by the collision of the two sides' attacks blew away the three original protagonists who were running in front.

Komuro Takashi, who was badly beaten, managed to get up and saw a scene that he would never forget. His whole body was shining with lightning, with huge thunder wings on his back, and Levi with thunder in his eyes. His tall figure was like a god.

On the other side, there was a monster that was emitting ominous black smoke, its body was constantly twisting and deforming, and a large number of tentacles extended from its body.

The existence of both sides of the confrontation has exceeded Komuro Takashi's cognition. Coupled with the biochemical crisis he encountered today, his three views have been completely shattered.

In fact, it wasn't just Komuro Takashi who was in a state of shock. Igo Hironaga and Hirano Toda, who got up on the side, were actually like Komuro Takashi and didn't know what to do now.

"You three get behind me, and you won't be able to interfere in the next battle." Levi said.

Komuro Takashi swallowed hard and ran up behind Levi, but even though he was in such a mess, he still held the metal baseball bat as a weapon tightly in his hand. If it weren't for this baseball Stick, there is no way he can fight his way out of the pile of zombies.

The monster on the opposite side seemed to be in fear. It took two steps back and turned into a burst of smoke and fled away. Its speed was so fast that Komuro Takashi felt that his eyes were blurred and he had already lost track of the monster.

Levi dispersed the lightning on his body. The monster puppet did not escape. Although the puppet was very fast, it was not that fast.

He just took the monster puppet back into his consciousness sea space. A puppet like this that does not have its own independent soul can be thrown directly into the consciousness sea space without any problem. There is no need to put it on the floating island...

The Abigail puppet ran over at this time and said excitedly: "Did he let it run away again?!" Levi looked serious and said: "Abigail, how is the situation over there in the teaching building?"

Abigail Puppet shook his head and said: "I was caught off guard. I'm not sure what the situation is at the teaching building now. After a few days, Kong's strength has become stronger again. The organization that transformed him, technology It's really scary." Levi said: "Then let me comfort the female students. Abigail, go to the teaching building and see if there are any survivors. Maybe there are lucky ones who escaped just now. Attack." Abigail Puppet said: "Okay, but most of them have probably turned into zombies. Even if there are survivors, the number will be very small." Levi said: "Every one can be saved. "

The Abigail puppet turned around and rushed towards the teaching building. When the figure ran, it was like a big truck charging at full speed, which was scary to look at.

Levi turned his head and said to the three survivors: "You are lucky to be able to survive in the hands of the modified objects of that organization. There are many ordinary people hunted by it during this period." Jing Haoyong was shocked, but He also noticed something unusual in Levi's words and said, "Teacher, are those 2.7 monsters just now the mysterious murderer who has caused panic in the port area recently?"

Levi nodded and said: "He is a friend of mine who disappeared half a year ago. When I met him again some time ago, I found out that he had been killed and he himself had been transformed into a monster."

Through Abigail's puppet's description, the three knew that there was a small circle of strong people in this world, but they did not expect that these so-called strong people would be so strong as to be inhuman.

Abigail's puppet had previously shown the ability to control boulders and the earth. The shadow-like tentacles used by the monster that attacked the school, as well as the thunder and lightning controlled by Levi, were beyond the reach of ordinary people.

This also made the three of them realize that there was a real world outside the world they knew, a world that belonged to the strong that they could not touch. .

Chapter 163. The teaching building where the group was destroyed

Levi looked at the teaching building and said, "I hope Abigail can find some survivors."

Levi said this, but he actually had other thoughts in his heart. Being in the chaotic evil camp, he didn't even consider the life and death of the male creatures in the teaching building.

On the surface, the Abigail Puppet was looking for survivors, but it was actually looking for last-ditch hits. When it encountered those who had escaped, it would just grab them and throw them into the pile of zombies, and the problem would be solved.

Li Wei looked at his three tool men and narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling happy in his heart.

Although none of the three of them are the kind of people who are hated to the core by An Yilun, as his tools for earning points, the three of them will not be too happy as survivors.

In Li Wei's view, there is nothing black about the three people, that is, Hirano Toda, a military enthusiast.

And let’s talk about an interesting thing. Audiences who have watched “My Youthful Love Story Really Has a Problem” may be familiar with Hirano Toda’s voice.

That's right! The voice actor for these two characters is the same person!

Anyway, when Levi first heard the voice of Zaimokuza Yoshiki in "My Youthful Love Story, there is indeed a problem", he was instantly confused.

Both are fat otakus and have the same voice actor, but Hirano Toda is a being with strong survivability. He can be said to be a top-notch figure in the otaku group. In mobile games, they all start at least four stars. As for the character, if she is a girl, five-star gold skin is the minimum.

As for Zaimokuza Yoshiteru, he is really useless, and the second grader who doesn't care about the situation is extremely useless compared to Hirano Toda.

Let’s talk about another interesting thing. The voice actors of Hirano Toda and Zaimokuza Yoshiki also played an extremely handsome character, that is the cold-blooded killer in "The Journey of the East Ribbon", Sha Mu Sheng. The contrast between the three characters made Levi call him a good guy and immediately backed away to show respect.

Precisely because Hirano Toda didn't have any black spots other than being funny, the most Levi could do was torment him and not kill him. As for Komuro Takashi and Ii Haonaga, Li Wei was not going to let them go.

Komuro Takashi is a straightforward character who often does things without thinking. If it weren't for the support of his teammates, he would have crashed in the middle of the plot. As for Jing Haoyong's words, Levi did not comment directly, but talked about what this guy did, and everyone understood it.

Igo knew that Rei Miyamoto and Takashi Komuro were childhood sweethearts. After the conflict between Rei Miyamoto and Takashi Komuro, he did not persuade both parties. Instead, he took action directly and got together with his best friend's girlfriend. Gave Komuro Takashi a green hat.

But strictly speaking, Miyamoto Rei is not a good person. Because she was implicated by her father, she repeated a grade, so she was demoted from the third grade to the second grade, and became the classmates of Komuro Takashi and Igofaga. Komuro Takashi did not know that Miyamoto What happened to Moto Rei was that she was still acting like a goose but couldn't think straight. When Komuro asked her why she was upset, Miyamoto did not tell the truth to Komuro, but asked Komuro to guess what she was thinking. How could a silly goose like Komuro Takashi guess it right? So, in a fit of anger, she switched to the arms of Komuro Takashi's best friend, Igo Hironaga.

From a God's perspective, Komuro Takashi, Igo Hironaga, and Miyamoto Rei are not good people. However, Li Wei would not dislike them because of such a problem, because Li Wei himself was a great villain from the chaotic evil camp, and the evil of the three people was really not enough compared to him.

The reason why I hate the three of them is simply because I don’t like them. Levi, who makes decisions and then acts, hates people like Komuro Takashi, who do things without thinking, and has the most basic bottom line. Levi, who believes that his friends' wives should not be bullied, has nothing to do with people like I Gounaga who seek to steal his friends' wives. People, of course, are not pleasing to the eye. As for women like Pan Jinlian like Miyamoto Rei, Li Wei instinctively hates her.

Levi said: "Since you three are lucky to have survived, then come with me. The training ground is safe for the time being. If that special monster is not around, Abigail can quickly clear the school." Zombies, the school is safe for now."

Hirano Toda raised his hand and said: "Teacher, the monster broke down the school gate before. Now the gate is undefended and cannot stop the zombies at all. What should we do?"

Everyone looked at the location of the school gate. The large iron gates that were originally facing each other had been knocked to the ground. The huge impact directly tore the iron gates off the wall, and even the fastening bolts had been twisted and deformed.

Levi said: "I have ways to strengthen the school's defense. You don't have to worry about this kind of thing. As a teacher, I will protect you. If this kind of thing makes teenagers like you worry, it is my dereliction of duty as an adult." "

Hearing Levi's words, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief. Fighting with zombies is very dangerous. They were able to survive because they were either strong or lucky. But if it happens again, no one dares to guarantee that they will. Able to fight out from the pile of zombies again.

Therefore, with the protection of a master like Li Wei who can drive back the "Zombie King", as long as they don't seek death themselves, there will generally be no problems.

Levi stretched out his hand in the direction of the school gate. The iron gate that originally fell to the ground "grew" back to the walls on both sides, as if it had gone back in time. The damaged areas had been restored to their original state. 987 Like new.

Seeing this scene, the three high school students were dumbfounded, and their outlook was once again destroyed.

Levi said: "First repair the gate and use it for a while. Although it can't block special individuals, ordinary zombies can't get in. After that, I will slowly strengthen the school's overall defense."

In the direction of the teaching building, zombies were thrown out by Abigail's puppet. Like stones thrown by a trebuchet, they traced a graceful curve and fell far away from the school.

Looking at the zombies being thrown out one by one, Levi smiled and said: "Abigail used to like throwing shot put, but now he uses zombies to throw shot put. Maybe he is very happy."

The three high school students opened their mouths wide as they looked at the large number of zombies flying out. They fought to the death, and finally managed to kill one zombie. In front of strong men like Abigail Puppet and Levi, they were thrown away. Trash that comes and goes.

Jing Haoyong said: "If you throw them out like this, the damage caused by falling from a high altitude will be enough to completely kill those monsters."

The huge power of Abigail's puppet can throw zombies hundreds of meters away and fall from a height of hundreds of meters. Even zombies that have died once cannot withstand such fall damage. .

Chapter 164. Show off your skills

Levi said: "Leave it to Abigail to handle the teaching building. You three should stay with me first."

Levi pretended not to know the names of the three of them, asked them to briefly introduce themselves, and then took them back to the training ground.

Levi returned to the training ground. At this time, the girls still didn't know what was happening outside. They were all chattering and whispering to each other.

Levi picked up the phone and said: "There is an emergency outside. The message conveyed on the radio just now is not an April Fool's Day joke. Now it is like a biohazard outside, with zombies wandering everywhere. Your luck Yes, because they were all concentrated here at the training ground, they were not attacked by zombies. Over at the teaching building, the group was almost wiped out. Except for a few survivors, most of the people had turned into zombies. .”

Levi's words silenced the entire training ground, and the sudden and huge change caught everyone off guard.

Levi continued: "I know it's hard for you to accept this fact. In fact, it's the same for me. Now everyone follow me and go out from the training ground in an orderly manner. The school is on a relatively high ground. From here, you can see everything in the city. What happened?" Li Wei arranged for the female monitors of each class to be in charge of order, and everyone followed Li Wei out of the training ground in an orderly manner. Over at the teaching building, the Abigail puppet continued to throw zombies out.

Levi took thousands of girls and gathered in the open space. The playground was in a mess due to the fighting, and there was no place to set foot. Levi once again used his extraordinary means to repair the ground of the playground and leveled it. This move was a direct shock. All the people.

Busushima Yako came to Levi and whispered: "Brother, what is going on? Shouldn't things like zombies only exist in games and movies?"

Levi said with a serious expression: "This is the masterpiece of that mysterious organization. The people in that organization are simply crazy. They use their research results to destroy human beings. I went to a high place to take a look before, and now here at the academy The situation is relatively good, the downtown area is already full of zombies, and social order is collapsing"r."

As soon as she heard that it was the mysterious organization that did it, Busujima Yako stopped asking any more questions. After all, she had already encountered higher-level beings that were more terrifying than ordinary zombies before. Ordinary zombies could hardly cause mental pressure on her.

Levi took out the katana he had won in the lottery from his consciousness sea space.

Busushima Yako looked at the katana that appeared out of thin air in Levi's hand and showed a surprised expression.

Levi grabbed Busujima Yako's hand, put the katana in her hand, and said: "This knife was given to me by a friend. It is very sharp and strong. Even if it is cutting granite, it can be cut as well as It’s just like tofu, and you don’t have to worry about curling the blade at all, so I give it to you.”

Busujima Yako's thumb gently opened the blade. Although it was only slightly unsheathed, the glinting blade made people feel chills running down their spines just by looking at it. This was a sword specially designed for killing. A living tool.

For a supernatural being like Levi, Busujima Yazi knew that the other party would not lie to her, so this knife was really a magic weapon. In this chaotic doomsday, such a weapon is enough to bring her safety.

Busujima Yako drew out his katana, looked at the steel guardrail not far away, walked over, held the knife with both hands and waved it lightly, and the guardrail was cut off as easily as tofu.

Levi snapped his fingers, and the guardrail component that fell to the ground grew back as if going back in time.

"Don't destroy public property casually. What if someone accidentally bumps into the sloping section?" Levi said.

Busushima Yako put the sword into its sheath and said with a blush, "Brother, I'm sorry, I got carried away after getting the sword, so I just wanted to find a place to try it out."

Levi said: "It doesn't matter. In such an apocalyptic world, there are many opportunities to try out knives. However, I have to find a way to ensure that the students survive."

The other female students looked at Busujima Yazi and Levi being so close, and felt either envy or jealousy, with different moods. They also want the magical weapon that Busujima Yako obtained.

Li Wei faced many girls and said: "As your teacher and instructor, I will naturally lead you to survive, so don't panic because of the doomsday. As long as we unite, our chances of survival are far higher than others." People are bigger.”

A girl said: "That's right! And the teacher has super powers that ordinary people don't have. It's not difficult to protect us!" "That's right, that's right!"

The girls' reaction did not exceed Levi's expectations, but this is also the psychology of normal women. When faced with a crisis that they cannot resist, women will instinctively seek shelter. Women who can break through this gender bondage, The number is very small compared to the larger group.

In the current doomsday, the morale of these girls has not collapsed, all because of the strong restraint shown by Li Wei. If there were not strong men like Li Wei sitting in charge, these girls would soon disperse and themselves Find a way out. Gao Cheng Saya raised her hand and said, "Teacher V, I have a question." "Gao Cheng, please tell me." Li Wei said with a smile.

"Teacher, we have thousands of people here, and the food and water we need to consume every day is a huge number. How should we ensure the supply of food and fresh water?" Saya Gaocheng asked a question that everyone is concerned about. , there are other girls who want to ask this question, but they are not as courageous as Saya Takagi.

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