Levi clapped his hands and said: "This kind of problem is not difficult for me. The supply of living materials for more people may still be difficult. If I just ensure your survival, for me, it is still possible. We did it." Levi snapped his fingers, and a huge water ball appeared out of thin air, suspended in mid-air.

Li Wei said: "The problem of fresh water (Nuoqianzhao) is the best solution. I can extract the water vapor in the air and directly make it into fresh water. Neon is a country surrounded by sea, and there is plenty of water vapor. , it is extremely easy to make. And you can rest assured that the fresh water I make is pollution-free and is divided into two types: added minerals and absolutely pure. It can be used directly whether for eating, drinking or washing."

Some girls clapped their hands excitedly. Li Weilu's hand helped them get rid of the water crisis. Even if the water supply was cut off due to the city's shutdown, it would not be able to affect them.

If a person does not eat, he can survive for a week, but if he does not drink water at all, he will die in three days. Therefore, water resources that are safe to drink are very important resources for survivors. Levi's ability alone is enough to gather many survivors. Most of the girls have given up the idea of ​​going out alone to take risks. It was safer to stay with Levi than to be a lone wolf outside. .

Chapter 165. Feeling of security

Levi continued: "I know everyone is still concerned about food issues, so there is no need to worry about food issues."

Levi snapped his fingers, and various sealed foods appeared in front of everyone like a small mountain.

Levi said: "I have some persecution paranoia. I used to worry about how I would survive if a large-scale nuclear war broke out, or if there was an accident that destroyed most of humanity. So from a long time ago From the beginning, I have used my own ability to store various materials. My special space can ensure that various materials will not expire before their shelf life. I also take this behavior as my hobby and continue to collect various materials. Over the years, I have saved a lot without realizing it.”

Li Wei took back the small mountain of supplies into his consciousness space and continued: "I did the math. There are almost more than 1,200 people here. Based on the food I have stored, calculated according to normal expenses, there should be It can last for four to six years, and if you save some money, it won’t be a problem to last for more than ten years.”

The extraordinary methods shown by Levi made the girls present excited. With the current apocalypse happening, the whole city fell into chaos. Everyone was looking for a way to survive. 987, and they obtained it from the beginning. With such a huge advantage, they all feel lucky.

Levi made a solemn gesture and said: "Please keep quiet, students, I have something else to say. In principle, I do not restrict your personal freedom. For example, if you want to go out and look for your relatives, , I will not stop you. But leaving here means leaving the organization, and I will no longer be responsible for your safety and supplies. If you stay, you must obey my most basic arrangements, so that it is easier for me to carry out supplies. Statistics work. Now, students who want to leave please raise your hands."

All the girls, you look at me, I look at you, except for a few, most of them didn't make any move.

Levi looked at a few girls who raised their hands and thought to himself, no matter where you are, there are still special individuals who are bolder. Li Wei said: "Students who raise their hands, please stand up." Several girls came to Li Wei.

Levi took out some supplies and some bottled mineral water from his storage space and put them (cgch) on the ground.

Levi said: "I can understand that you want to go out to look for your relatives, but for the safety of more people, I can't accompany you. Therefore, you can share the supplies here. The supplies here can ensure that you If you last a few days, and with the combat skills you have mastered now, coupled with the weapons issued to you, as long as you are not encountering enemies with guns or being besieged by a large number of zombies, you can still survive if you want to."

The few girls who stood up thanked Li Wei and began to pack up supplies. They tied food and drinking water with ropes and tied them around their waists.

Levi had taught them how to tie their bags with ropes before, and this skill came in handy now.

Everyone watched several girls leave the school, and then waited for Levi's next order. The girls didn't go far when they encountered an obstacle. A large number of zombies surrounded them. They fought and retreated. In just a few seconds, they encountered obstacles. He was forced back to school within minutes.

Seeing this terrifying scene, the girls who were still a little lucky in their hearts, thinking that they would have the opportunity to go out to look for their relatives in the future, gave up the idea of ​​going out for adventure.

Levi was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that there were so many zombies here. It seemed that the order in Bedlord City had completely collapsed.

The girls who were forced back put down their supplies and came to Li Wei with some embarrassment. The leading girl lowered her head and said, "Teacher, we are back."

Levi patted the girl on the shoulder and said: "It's good that nothing happened. It seems that there is no way to go out for the time being, at least for you. Now that you are back, just return to the list. I will help you when I have the opportunity. Looking for family members, right now, we must first ensure everyone’s survival. If one person dies, then nothing will really be lost.”

At this time, Abigail Puppet, who had finished cleaning up the zombies on campus, came over. Levi said to him: "Are there no survivors over there in the teaching building?"

Abigail Puppet said: "When I rushed over, it was a little late, and there were no survivors." "Is there not a single survivor left?" Levi frowned.

"I was held back by that guy Kong, and I could only watch the zombies enter the teaching building. By the time I escaped, it was too late." Abigail Puppet sighed. Levi said: "Next, I will transform the school into a survival fortress. I will have to trouble you with the intelligence search outside. If possible, bring back more supplies."

The Abigail puppet nodded and said: "Okay, with your ability, one day is enough to transform the school into a fortress. Then I will go out to find out the situation now. Such a big change has happened. Neon's side It’s impossible for the officials to take no action at all.”

Levi said: "Don't expect too much from the Neon officials. Their efficiency is notoriously low. With the current chaos, they probably have too much to take care of themselves. Instead of counting on them, it's better to do their own thing." Abi The Gale puppet nodded, jumped into the sky with a big jump, and fell to a distant position outside the school. Where he took off, the ground was already cracked by the reaction force.

Levi waved his hand casually, and the damaged ground returned to its original state.

The conversation between Levi and Abigail's puppet was not hidden from many girls. Therefore, the girls already knew that Levi had the ability to transform the school into a fortress in one day, which made them feel full. sense of security.

In a sense, people live for peace of mind. Especially in such a chaotic apocalypse like now, peace of mind is a rare luxury.

Levi saw the three people standing far away, and he could understand their embarrassment in his heart. After all, the students and teachers who survived this time, except for the three of them, were all women.

Levi waved to the trio. When the trio saw this, although they still felt a little guilty, they still came over.

Levi said to the three of them: "You three are the only survivors in the teaching building. You have also seen the current situation. We are an absolute minority. So in terms of living conditions, we have to squeeze in. ."

Chapter 166. God on Earth

Levi told the truth. After all, there are only five men in the survivor camp now, including the Abigail puppet. Therefore, they squeezed in and left most of the place for girls. It is normal to use the female teacher as a resting area.

Hirano Toda scratched the back of his head, looking a little embarrassed, and said: "Teacher, although it is safer to stay here, I still want to leave."

On the side, Komuro Takashi and Igo Nagai looked at Hirano Toda with surprised eyes. They couldn't believe that a fat otaku like Hirano Toda, who was easy to bully at first sight, would give up the safe life here and go out to seek death. .

"Tell me your reasons. I won't stop you from going outside, but I have to make sure that you are not taking unnecessary risks." Levi said.

Hirano Toda's expression became serious and said: "Teacher, you are not the only one who is a survivalist. In the past, out of interest, I transformed my home into an independent fortress, and also hoarded a lot of firearms and bullets. As well as all kinds of survival supplies, if I don’t go back, all the preparations I make will only end up being cheaper for others, and I can’t accept this kind of thing.”

Levi looked at the firearm improvised from a nail gun in Hirano Toda's hand, and said: "I can feel that you have combat power far beyond ordinary people. You should have received military training, right? From the way you hold the gun, Judging from the posture, it’s the style of Amei’s country.”

"Well, I received a month of practical training from Blackwater Company in Amei's country. I encountered a shooting incident while traveling there before. When I was involved in the chaos, I shot and killed three thugs with a pistol." Hirano Toda He spoke in a calm tone that made people feel numb.

Komuro Takashi and Igo Hironaga on the side couldn't imagine that this seemingly harmless fat house could be such a dangerous existence.

Hirano Toda said: "Because I was always a murderer, so in school, I tried my best to hide and be patient. When faced with bullying and provocation from others, I chose to give in. Because I was afraid that if I got angry, I would Cut the throats of those who provoke me with one knife."

Levi nodded. Hirano Toda's choice left him with one less tool to earn points, but he had no intention of stopping the other party from leaving. Of course, if Komuro Takashi and Ii Haonaga want to leave, he will not allow it. Tool people should look like tool people and should not always think about getting rid of the hands of the controller.

Levi took out an American-made M4 rifle from his consciousness space, along with several magazines and a bunch of scattered bullets. This weapon was made out of interest when he was making other weapons. An experimental weapon, its performance is slightly stronger than the original version, and its weight is 25% lighter than the original version, which can reduce the physical consumption of the user.

"This gun is a special model that I modified myself. I call it M4L1. It can be equipped with a silencer and a sniper scope. The magazine is a large 40-round magazine. The accuracy is much better than the original version. You can hit wherever you want within 500 meters. After adding a sniper scope, you can ensure accurate strikes within a range of 1,500 meters, and the 5.56 bullet is relatively easy to get. I think you should have a lot of bullets of this caliber. .”

Taking the weapon from Levi's hand, Hirano Toda couldn't put it down and stroked the rifle with an expression of fanaticism that could not be concealed on his face.

"This is a good thing!" Hirano Toda's voice was a little distorted.

Levi said: "In addition to weapons and ammunition, bring some supplies to avoid the problem of lack of supplies on the road. Collecting supplies is quite dangerous. It is the best thing to be able to go home directly without staying too much on the road. .”

Hirano Toda took off his backpack and put all the scattered bullets into the backpack. The magazine was inserted into the tactical belt around his waist, and various materials were stuffed into the backpack in an orderly manner. Make sure that when you reach in to pick up scattered bullets, they won't affect each other.

Just by watching Hirano Toda sort the supplies into his backpack, you can sense his expertise.

After packing his backpack and placing the weapon at a convenient location, Hirano Toda did not give up on his modified nail gun just because he got the rifle.

"Teacher, then I'm going to leave. There are a lot of zombies here at the main entrance. If you go this way, it will consume more bullets. I'll climb over the wall from the side and leave." Hirano Toda put on his backpack and said.

"Bon voyage." At this time, Levi could not help much except sending a blessing to the other side, because now his energy has been involved in this giant camp, and there are still many things that need to be dealt with here. . . . . . . . Asking for flowers. .

Hirano Toda was very fast. After climbing out of the side wall of the school, he gently tested the bottom line of the zombies. After a while, he discovered that these zombies mostly identify their prey through sound. After knowing this, , Hirano Toda stepped lightly, moving forward slowly and without making too much footsteps. It didn't take long to bypass the zombie groups around the school and disappear from Levi's field of perception.

After Hirano Toda left, Levi took the only two male students left in the camp and began to transform the school.

"The walls of the school are really too short and thin. With this level of defense, there is no problem in preventing ordinary zombies, but when encountering special individuals, it will not have any defensive effect at all. No, it has to be changed."

0 Levi raised his hands upwards, and the roads and buildings outside the school were instantly demolished. A large number of raw materials were fused in mid-air and compacted into new materials to form the new exterior wall of the school.

Different from the original fence, which was just a look-alike, Li Wei's newly built huge fence was three meters thick and fifteen meters high. It was completely vertical on the outside and had a gentler slope on the inside. It also came with up and down stairs, allowing Personnel within the school can quickly maneuver around the wall.

At the same time, there are defensive shooting holes on the top of the wall, which are very useful whether it is used to defend against zombies or survivors with firearms.

Komuro Takashi and Igo Hironaga watched as Levi just raised his hands, and the huge wall surrounding the entire school rose like this. Both of them were shocked to the point of numbness.

"It's like a god, able to create this majestic city wall like a miracle with ease." Jing Haoyong's personality tends to be calm, but the power displayed by Li Wei made him feel scared in his heart.

Levi looked at Igo and Komuro and said, "Come with me first and arrange the place where you live. You two and Abigail will live some distance away from the girls' place." .”

Jing Haonaga originally wanted to say that he and Miyamoto Rei were arranged together, but he still did not have the courage to say it, because the pressure he faced when dealing with a human god like Levi was too great. . scholar.

Chapter 167. Komuro Taka who doesn’t know how to advance or retreat

Levi led two people to the school's warehouse.

"Teacher, do we live here?" Komuro Takashi couldn't accept this fact. The warehouse has always been a dirty place, with all kinds of messy debris piled here. Coupled with the lack of air circulation, it can be said to be comparable to a toilet. Same place.

It should be said that a warehouse that is cleaned only once in a long time is not as clean as a toilet that is cleaned every two or three days.

"What? Do you have any objections? Or do you want to live in the teaching building with the girls?" Levi looked at Komuro Takashi with a playful expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

"This...anywhere is better than choosing a warehouse." Komuro Takashi looked at Li Wei's expression, his aura was a little weaker, and his voice was also much softer.

"I can live in it, but you can't live in it? As a male, you are so squeamish. Now it's like the end of the world. If you can live in it, it's a good "990". Don't be too picky." Levi said with a serious expression. Jing Haoyong said quickly: "Teacher, Xiao didn't mean to rush into you. He just failed to adjust. After all, what happened today was a huge impact to all of us."

Li Wei's expression turned from cloudy to clear in an instant, and he smiled and said: "It would be great if the small room was as sensible as you. Although the environment in the warehouse is a bit harsh, believe me, I will make it clean and tidy. , after all, this is the place where I want to live, will I still treat myself badly?"

Jing Gounaga breathed a sigh of relief. He was not a goose like Komuro Takashi. He knew very well that in the current doomsday, when dealing with a strong man like Li Wei, he must correct his attitude as a weak person. Never think about it. Bargain with the strong.

He and Komuro Takashi were both students of Levi, so Levi just gave a few words of admonishment. If anyone else dared to speak to Levi like this, he might have been slapped and his head would spin several times.

Igōnaga covered Takashi Komuro with half of his body, and gently pushed Takashi Komuro with his hand. However, Takashi Komuro, who did not understand the meaning of his best friend, was still a little angry in his heart.

The small movements and changes in expressions of the two people were naturally hidden from Li Wei's eyes, but he didn't say anything. Compared to Igōnaga, who knows how to advance and retreat, Komuro Takashi is a bit ignorant.

Levi pushed open the door of the warehouse. The smoke and dust inside was a bit heavy, coupled with the poor lighting and the random piles of various debris, the scene was a mess.

"Those physical education teachers before the academy deserved to be fired. They couldn't even manage a warehouse." Li Wei frowned slightly, then snapped his fingers, and everything in the warehouse started to move. In less than a minute, the entire space was tidy.

Various sundries were decomposed and reorganized into a variety of furniture, which are arranged in an orderly manner in the house. The lighting of the warehouse has also been improved. The original high-position windows were enlarged and the glass was extended downward, allowing the warehouse to The lighting inside has been greatly improved. At the same time, Levi took out the modified spiritual power charging battery from his consciousness sea space and connected it to the power system in the warehouse, ensuring the visibility inside the warehouse at night.

Igo Gounaga and Komuro Takashi are now accustomed to it. Even if Li Wei pulls out a lot of gold out of thin air, they will not blink an eyelid.

"Look, isn't it done?" Levi said with a smile.

"It's amazing..." Komuro Takashi couldn't find anything else to say except this sentence: "It's amazing." Anyway, in his opinion, Levi has god-like means and is a nearly omnipotent existence.

Although the environment of the warehouse renovated by Levi still seems a bit crude, at least living in it is no longer a problem.

"Oh, by the way, let me remind you first so that you can be mentally prepared. Abigail snores when she sleeps, and the sound is very loud. If you can't sleep, I have earplugs here. ." Levi smiled.

The expressions on the faces of Komuro Takashi and Igo Hironaga froze.

The setting of Abigail's puppet snoring at night was temporarily added by Levi. Although he cannot control the puppet when he is sleeping, there is still no problem in letting the puppet perform programmed behaviors. It snores every night. Like thunder, it was enough to torture Komuro Takashi and Igo Hironaga's nerves.

If two people dare to say that they want to change rooms, then Levi will control the Abigail puppet to teach them a lesson.

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