Chapter 218. Advantages and Disadvantages of Gongfa

Two hours later, Levi walked out of the sea holding an exhausted Rei Miyamoto. The way the princess held her made Rei shy, so she had to bury her head in Levi's chest.

"Brother, do you mind being a bad woman like me? You know my past." Miyamoto Rei said softly.

"So what?" Levi smiled.

Once he decided to do something, no one could stop him. Although he and Miyamoto Rei broke through the final line in a moment of excitement, he would still take responsibility.

Moreover, the blending of life has also improved his cultivation to a certain extent. As the "heroine" of this world, Miyamoto Rei is entangled with huge cause and effect, and this wonderful power has greatly benefited Li Wei. His own cultivation, which could only progress slowly, rose in an instant.

However, there is also a certain problem in the "Huangdi Ascension Sutra", that is, when practicing with a partner, the first effect is the best, and then the effect will quickly decay, until it decreases to 26%, which is the daily cultivation efficiency. about three times. And by that time, the fellow practitioner will benefit more from his partner than the practitioner himself.

Li Wei can understand why Brother Huang Di spends so much time. If you think about the speed of Huang Di's cultivation, you will know the bugs in this method.

But there will never be an absolutely perfect existence in the world, even if it is an existence like "The Sutra of the Ascension of the Yellow Emperor", there are still problems. It can be said that the threshold for this skill is relatively low, and it is the easiest to get started among the top skills. However, because it requires a large number of companions to train as a minor, except for the beings like Huang Di who have incredible luck, other people simply cannot find such a skill. Have many friends who can help you with your studies.

As for targeting those powerful female fairies? If you don't know how to write the word "death", you can give it a try. Not everyone has the charm of Huang Di.

Other top-level techniques are difficult to get started with and require great opportunity and perseverance, as well as a large amount of cultivation resources to be able to leap over the dragon gate.

The Yellow Emperor's Ascension Sutra's consumption of regular immortal cultivation resources is infinitely close to zero, but the demand for special resources is enough to discourage most cultivators.

This special resource is the partner of fellow practitioners. You must know that women who are at the core of the interweaving of cause and effect can be said to be the proud women of heaven. They are themselves in the storm. To provoke such a being means that they will inevitably be involved. Into the storm. In the ancient era where the Yellow Emperor lived, in that era when dragons and phoenixes were like crucian carps crossing the river, he was able to complete the final step of leaping over the dragon's gate and gain great freedom and freedom. Those who came after him were all shot to death on the beach just after they started. superior.

If Li Wei did not have the ability to travel through the world, this skill would be a bottomless sinkhole. Once he practices this skill, it means that the core skill cannot be transferred to other skills, and the pride of a world There are only a few women. Once collected, the efficiency of practice will immediately drop. The regular practice efficiency of "Yellow Emperor's Ascension Sutra" is only less than 20% of the same level of practice. You can imagine how pitiful this practice is. .

But there is a reason why a technique with such obvious flaws can be listed as a top golden existence.

First of all, as long as there is no shortage of fellow practitioners, the practice efficiency of this technique will be faster than other top techniques, and its combat effectiveness will also be greater.

Secondly, this exercise is altruistic to a certain extent, and partners of fellow practitioners can also achieve growth in cultivation. The highest cultivation level is only one level lower than that of the cultivator. The Yellow Emperor's beauties army was something that no one dared to provoke at the same time.

The Yellow Emperor's immortal position was not given by anyone, but was taken by himself, and no one dared to say a word after taking it. The Yellow Emperor was equivalent to carrying a heaven with him. The reason why he and the other two human emperors dared to ignore the heaven was, It is because he has the strength to destroy the heaven alone. Such a ruthless person can naturally hide as far as he can.

When Li Wei saw the appendix at the back of the technique, he was also shocked by the majesty of the three emperors of the human race. These are existences that dare to change the name of the heaven at any time. They are really three ruthless people.

The altruistic nature of this technique can even allow mortal women to achieve immortality. However, the cultivation level of a partner comes from the cultivator. Once the cultivator dies, the female fairy with her own cultivation level will be fine, and at most she will return to her original form. That's all, but if it is a mortal who achieves an immortal body, then his cultivation will be completely lost and his body will vanish into ashes.

This characteristic of both prosperity and loss is the unique feature of this technique, and it is also one of the biggest trump cards for this technique to be among the top techniques.

Li Wei even guessed that the reason why Brother Huang Di's Crystal Palace was relatively harmonious was because his partners knew what their foundation was. Otherwise, these three thousand beauties will have to be beaten into pieces.

Levi carried Miyamoto Rei back to the beach. After removing the water-avoiding spell, Miyamoto Rei found that her body was very dry, and even the sweat from the previous exercise had disappeared. Miyamoto Rei said: "Brother, I feel a force flowing in my body. What is going on?"

Levi said: "This is my gift. I am a trainee immortal who practices ancient immortal methods. This is the feedback brought by the path I take. Women who become my partners can gain strength and even become immortals." Miyamoto Rei said: "But there is no free lunch in the world. The power that can be obtained so easily must be accompanied by certain problems, right?"

Levi nodded, gently placed 020 Miyamoto Rei on the beach chair, and said: "The power my partner gets is because of me. The relationship between my partner and me is like a server and a terminal. , once something happens to me, all friends who have gained strength will lose their strength, or even their lives."

"This can't be called a problem," Miyamoto said.

In Rei Miyamoto's opinion, once other women know about this, many people will definitely come over and post it. Men will chase women across mountains, and women will chase men across layers of gauze.

However, Levi did not expose this matter, which shows that his self-control is extremely strong. This makes Miyamoto Rei a little relieved that he finally made the right choice.

Li Wei had a smile on his face, but actually he wanted to complain in his heart. Fortunately, he was an existence that could travel to other worlds at will. Otherwise, he would have exhausted his lifespan and would not be able to complete "The Ascension of the Yellow Emperor" "Sutra" gives you a pattern to practice.

Moreover, the current environment is different from that in ancient times. Those female fairies in ancient times were extremely powerful and talented, so Huang Di was able to grow much faster than others.

As for Li Wei, his growth rate cannot be as exaggerated as that of Huang Di, so the only thing he can do is to continue patiently. .

Chapter 219. Saya Takagi is very curious

"It's getting late now, let's go back first. Fellow practitioners can increase your and my strength, so you can come to my side when you have nothing to do." Levi said.

Miyamoto Rei responded quietly. She knew that this kind of thing would be of great benefit to her, but she still felt shy.

Levi snapped his fingers, and Miyamoto Rei's white hollow one-piece swimsuit had transformed into the former private Fujimi Academy uniform.

Miyamoto Rei found that the originally fitting school uniform was a little tight after putting it on, and the skirt seemed a little short. She looked at Levi, who was smiling.

I originally wanted to ask Levi if he had done anything to the school uniforms, but Miyamoto Rei was too embarrassed to ask, so she had to leave the matter like this.

Levi summoned the flying carpet, and after putting away the beach chairs, the two returned to the academy camp on the flying carpet.

Levi doesn't plan to continue to squeeze points from Miyamoto Rei now. After all, Miyamoto Rei is his partner now. It is impossible for him to do those excessive things to his partner. Therefore, the points that can be developed next The only objects to be exploited are Komuro Takashi and Igo Hironaga.

Originally, Li Wei came to this world not mainly for points, but for a large number of high-quality companions, so it is not a problem to earn less points. The main thing is to increase his cultivation with his companions. Only with stronger combat effectiveness can he Go to worlds with higher levels of danger to earn points and form a virtuous cycle.

Returning to the camp, Levi sent Rei Miyamoto back to her room.

The feeling of increasing cultivation gave Li Wei greater confidence that he could completely eliminate flaws in directing and acting in a drama, so that no one could see the problem.

Just when Levi was about to leave Dormitory No. 1, a figure blocked Levi's way.

"Shaye, what's the matter?" Levi smiled.

What appeared in front of him was the pink-haired girl with double ponytails and glasses, Saya Takagi.

"There's something I need to trouble you about, teacher\

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