Levi showed a confident smile: "This is my secret."

Although Saya Takagi didn't ask about Levi's core secret, the information she knew now was enough to shock her.

A long lifespan, powerful power, and mysterious spells, all of this is like the door to a new world for her.

Now that she had reached the gate, she naturally had no reason to linger any longer.

Looking at Saya Takagi who left happily, Levi narrowed his eyes slightly. He needed to set a model, a model that all girls would know and follow him to get more.

On Busujima Yako's side, Levi is not in a hurry for the time being. He plans to portray Rei Miyamoto as a model. This will not only cause a certain reaction from the female community, but also stimulate Komuro Takashi and Igofaga. (cgci) kills two birds with one stone.

Li Wei escaped into the consciousness sea space and made a female version of the golden battle suit in the consciousness sea space. Compared with the magic weapon version used by Li Wei himself, this entry-level golden battle suit can only be regarded as spiritual. device.

However, even if it is only at the level of a spiritual weapon, the functions of this golden battle suit are diverse. It can even be said that an ordinary girl with no strength can easily tear apart the golden battle suit with her hands. Things like main battle tanks.

And for aesthetic reasons, when Levi was making the golden suit, he unconsciously referred to the suits of various gods in "Saint Seiya", and finally settled on the style.

Although Lao Che's painting skills have declined due to age, the system of holy clothes he created has given infinite inspiration to later generations. Just like when Li Wei used to draw armor, he would habitually refer to the holy clothes. The shape is just due to his own professionalism, which will make up for the rationality of wearing the armor.

The entire golden battle suit covers less than 40% of the body. The style adopts high-cut swimwear with stockings and short hand socks. The back and lower abdomen are largely hollowed out, and only the core parts of the shoulders and legs are made. defense. The weapon is a gorgeous golden spear. The shape of the spear is a bit like the horse spear in ancient China, but the length of the handle is slightly shorter, which is more suitable for infantry combat.

Relying on his powerful thinking circuit, Levi imagined Miyamoto Rei's image after putting on this suit, and gave himself a thumbs up in his heart.

I study art and can also illustrate. One good thing about it is that I don’t have to worry about the design. I can make it look as gorgeous as I want. Plus, with the extraordinary processing skills I have mastered, I don’t have to worry about whether the designed thing will be finished.

Although the things have been made, Levi has no intention of handing them over to Rei Miyamoto now. After all, the two parties have just confirmed their relationship. Miyamoto Rei must be a little confused at this time, so it is not appropriate to give such a heavy gift at this time. Even if it was given to her, she wouldn't be able to accept it with peace of mind.

Returning to the dormitory, Levi saw that Takashi Komuro and Haonaga Ii were still playing games, so he deliberately made the noise coming through the door louder. At the same time, with an unstoppable smile on his face, he walked around the room twice. , fell onto his bed. Jing Haoyong looked at Li Wei's appearance and asked curiously: "Teacher, did you encounter anything happy today?"

Levi lay on the bed and said: "Of course, these two days are a time to recuperate. Naturally, I also need to relax and have fun. Today, I went on a date with a very cute girl at the beach." "Really?" "Damn it, I'm so envious!" Komuro Takashi did not hide his envious attitude.

Chapter 221. Envy and Jealousy

Jing Haoyong said: "There is no use in envy. Who makes the teacher charming enough?"

Levi's charm is obvious to all. Although Jing Haoyong rarely leaves his dormitory, when he goes for a walk, he can hear girls talking about things related to Levi. Even he can do such things. Feeling jealous. Komuro Takashi said from the side: "Since it's a date, teacher, where are you and that girl? First base? Or second base?" Levi held out four fingers.

Komuro Takashi and Igo Hironaga both showed expressions of wonder.

"I didn't expect to hit a home run so soon. The teacher is really awesome. I'm so envious!" Jing Haoyong said with a smile. Levi smiled and said, "You also have a girlfriend. You must have hit a home run, right?"

Jing Haoyong showed a bitter smile and said: "The girl I met is not such a casual person. Until now, she and I are still at the first base position. I want to do something, but she He is very conservative in this regard, and guarding against me is like guarding against thieves.”

Komuro Takashi on the side showed a surprised expression. He did not expect that he was not the only one such an unlucky person. Thinking of this, he began to gloat, but as he thought about it, he felt sorry for himself.

Komuro Takashi discovered that Rei Miyamoto was not as casual as he thought. When he was with him, he did not take any advantage. And when Rei Miyamoto was with Igo, Igo was also with him. Same, just holding hands is already so laborious.

Komuro Takashi lamented that he and his childhood sweetheart had not made any big progress for so many years, but it only took Levi such a short time to reach home base with a certain girl. This huge gap is like heaven and earth. the distance between. Komuro Takashi asked curiously: "Is that girl pretty?"

Levi said: "Of course she is beautiful. After all, the quality of girls in our school is top-notch in the entire port area."

Private Fujimi Academy is a private academy opened in Minato City. Although it is not a place where powerful families gather, those who can send their children here are at least well-off families with good conditions.

These girls, who were born in affluent families, not only grew up in fine clothing and food, but also had relatively good nutrition and education. Therefore, both in appearance and body shape, they are far stronger than girls in public schools.

Most of the public schools are high schools for further education and do not pay attention to quality education courses such as physical education. As a private school that emphasizes quality education, private Fujimi Academy takes up a large share of physical education courses, so the students here Their bodies and physical abilities are much stronger than those of public school students.

It is precisely because of various reasons that the private Fujimi Academy can have the environment it did before.

Komuro Takashi showed an envious expression and said: "I don't know when I will be able to find my other half. There are obviously so many girls here, but they look at me as if they are looking at the air." In his heart, I want to complain, because of Takashi Komuro's usual dull behavior, only girls who are blind will fall in love with a dull head like his.

And now this is Levi's home court. If Komuro Takashi wants nothing, how can he compete with Levi?

Of course, Jinghao will never point out Komuro Takaaki's delusion. After all, he and Komuro Takaaki are still good friends on the surface. Although he has always looked down on Komuro Takaaki in his heart, in this kind of doomsday that requires teamwork, it is better to do less than to do more. For one thing, keeping your mouth shut can save you a lot of trouble.

Levi patted Komuro Takashi on the shoulder and said, "Come on, young man, in this environment full of flowers, you will eventually be able to find your own flower."

Levi just tried to comfort Komuro Takashi. With a stubborn head like Komuro Takashi, unless he was the only male left in the entire camp, it would be extremely difficult to get out of singlehood.

Just comparing Komuro Takashi with Igo Hironaga, Komuro Takashi has no advantage at all, let alone he is still here now. It is normal for girls to look at Komuro Takashi with empty eyes.

In the world of "How to Raise a Passerby Heroine", Levi read a very interesting psychology book called "Vulgar Relationships". Unlike Freud or Adler, this book The whole novel "Vulgar Relationships" revolves around the issues between men and women, and it is precisely because of this that the author chose such a funny name.

In Li Wei's view, the author of this book is a talented person who breaks down the things between men and women in a very detailed and straightforward manner. Even a person with no experience in love will read this book. By reading books, you can also master core competencies and know what you should do.

This book is not a love guide, or some rubbish book that teaches you 99 tips on falling in love. This book is a psychological analysis of what men and women should do to achieve maximum attraction. opposite sex. . . . . Asking for flowers.

Levi didn't bother to care about the men's content, but when it came to the women's content, after reading it, Levi said "absolutely awesome".

Attracting women can be summed up in one sentence, which is to make yourself good enough to attract enough attraction, but also to make girls feel that you are not unattainable, and to appear as a mixed image of the big brother next door and other images as much as possible.

Because women have a very serious comparison mentality. Every girl hopes that her significant other will be a hero riding on colorful auspicious clouds to save her. Naturally, she hopes that her significant other will be perfect and can be shown off. Capital.

0...0 And the girls here in Neon especially like to show off their boyfriends. If their boyfriends are better than ordinary people, they even like to show off.

It is precisely because of this that Levi likes to hang out under the eyes of girls when he has nothing to do. This is not because he is too busy, but because he wants to show his approachable side as much as possible.

Dimensionality reduction is carried out psychologically. How can ordinary neon girls be the opponent of this kind of battle? It is precisely because Levi has attracted the attention of all women that Komuro Takashi is attracted by the girls. Treat it as air.

Taken alone, Komuro Takashi is actually not bad, but nothing can be compared. As long as one compares, there will always be a difference.

Levi said: "Suddenly I have a partner. To be honest, I am still not used to this kind of life. After all, I was used to living alone before. Now, I have to consider my other half when doing anything." Jing Haoyong said: "Teacher, are you planning to move out?"

Levi nodded and said, "This is natural. After all, I have to stay with my significant other. What about Jing Hao, do you want to live with your girlfriend?" Jing Haoyong felt a little moved in his heart, but He looked at Takashi Komuro, whose face turned dark, and said, "I'd better forget it."

Levi said: "When you have this idea, tell me again. I am quite humane. After I leave the dormitory here, you two and Abigail will be the only ones living here." When the Abigail puppet was mentioned, both Igo and Takashi Komuro felt a little numb. work.

Chapter 222. Gossip among the camp staff

"Teacher, when will you come over?" Komuro Takashi asked curiously.

Levi smiled and said: "It's better to choose a day than to hit it. Since you asked so, I might as well move there today."

Levi noticed that Komuro Takashi's eyes were looking at the game console in the room, so he said: "As for the game console, I'll keep it here. After all, I don't have much time to play games, and if you put it over there, it will just eat dust. But The time you spend playing games should be moderate, if Abigail knows that you are addicted to games, he will smash the game console."

As soon as they heard Levi say that the Abigail puppet might smash the game console, Komuro Takashi and Igo Hironaga became nervous. After all, games can be said to be a rare means of decompression in the apocalypse. If the game console is smashed, , then they won’t have any decent entertainment activities in the future.

After all, there are so many games in the console that they can play "Zero 20" for more than half a year. This is a treasure, at least to them.

Levi was too lazy to pack his things. After saying hello to the two of them, he left the dormitory and headed towards Dormitory No. 1. When Levi stopped outside the door of Rei Miyamoto's dormitory, the girls passing by couldn't help but look here a few more times, and Levi knocked on the door of the dormitory.

"Here we come." A clear voice sounded, and the person who opened the door was a plump girl with an old-fashioned three-strand braid, but a delicate and smart face. Li Wei had information about all the girls in the entire camp in his mind, and the girl in front of him was not a member of this dormitory. , it should be other dormitories coming here to play.

"Ah, it's the teacher!" The girl with three braids sounded a little surprised.

"Sorry to bother you, I'm looking for someone." Levi smiled.

"Teacher, please come in!" The girl with three braids quickly gave way to the door.

"No, I'm just looking for someone, you can play with me." Levi took out an exquisite food box from his consciousness space, put it into the hands of the girl with three braids, and said, "Here are some snacks. I wish you have a good time." The girl with three braids was flattered, hugging the big food box and showing a happy smile. Levi leaned halfway into the dormitory and said, "Li, please come out."

Miyamoto Rei saw Levi calling her, nodded and smiled at her friends beside her, stood up randomly, and followed Levi out of the dormitory.

A group of girls watched Miyamoto Rei and Levi disappearing around the corner of the corridor, chatting with each other. After all, this was the first time that Levi came directly to the dormitory to find someone. How could this let them Not surprising. "What is the relationship between Li and the teacher? It feels like the smile on the teacher's face was particularly gentle when he saw Li. I'm so envious!" "Do you think they are boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Eh? But doesn't the teacher have an unclear relationship with the school doctor Shizuka and Teacher Miu? I heard that the teacher and Teacher Miu have that kind of relationship!"

"You guys, listen to the wind and it will be rain. Let me tell you, it is not strange for a teacher to have multiple partners. Anyway, if the teacher is interested in you, would you mind if there are other women around the teacher?" "That's true of me. I don’t mind, it’s the end of the world, why do we care about this? A great hero like the teacher who can protect everyone, I don’t mind whatever he does.” The girls are not stupid, this is the end of the world, before the end of the world Laws and ethics no longer apply in today's environment.

Those great heroes in ancient times, let’s talk about those heroes in the ancient Greek mythology era, all of them had shortcomings, but they were not loved by women, and they were even elected as kings by people.

Because people know very well that in the era when monsters are everywhere, and monsters will appear every three days to eat people, a hero who can protect everyone will not be minded by everyone, no matter how many shortcomings he has, because the hero can protect everyone. them, and that's enough.

The current environment is, to some extent, very similar to the situation in the mythical era when monsters were everywhere. Therefore, people need heroes who can provide them with protection. The most basic reason why Levi has such a high prestige in the camp is That's it.

In the doomsday, being handsome cannot be eaten, but being powerful can.

On the other side, Levi took Rei Miyamoto to the top floor of the dormitory building. There were only two residents on this floor, Yuriko Takagi and Rika Minami, and not many people usually came up. It was a good place for whispering.

The two stopped at the door of the conference room. Levi hooked his finger, the door of the conference room opened, the two walked in, and then closed the door. Rei Miyamoto said curiously: "Brother, you brought me here. Do you have anything important to tell me?" Levi smiled and said: "I plan to move here to live with you..."

"Eh?" Miyamoto Rei was shocked by the news. She was surprised and happy inside.

"Don't worry, we won't live in the dormitory where you are, but we will live in it. If you choose a room, you can choose it on this floor. How about it?" Levi smiled.

Miyamoto Rei covered her mouth. She didn't expect that Levi would want to live with her, which also meant that Levi was likely to officially announce her relationship with him. Levi said: "If you want to clean up the personal belongings downstairs, you can go and clean them up. I'll decorate the room here first." Miyamoto Rei nodded vigorously. She didn't expect that she would actually run in front of everyone. .

Levi said: "As for our relationship, we won't make it public directly for the time being. After all, you can gain strength by becoming a partner with me. Such things are not suitable for too many people to know."

Miyamoto Rei nodded. She could understand what Levi said. After all, she herself was the beneficiary and knew how easy it was to gain power in this way. If the news leaked out, there would probably be a big crowd outside Levi's room at any time. A bunch of girls are guarding Li Wei's sap, and it's time to make a meal.

"I'm going to pack my things right now." Rei Miyamoto said excitedly.

Miyamoto Rei went downstairs to pack her personal belongings and say hello to her roommates. On the other hand, Levi started to clean up the room, randomly looking for empty rooms, and then started to renovate them. In just a short moment, the empty room The four-person dormitory became a beautiful and warm two-person cabin like a hotel.

When Rei Miyamoto came up with a small box containing personal belongings, when she walked to the door, she was shocked by the warmly decorated hut. Such a hut was quite common before the apocalypse, but after the apocalypse, if you want to decorate such a hut, Building a hut is no easy task.

"Is this our home?" Rei Miyamoto had tears of joy in her eyes. In such an apocalyptic world, a "home" is an existence that many people can only hope to achieve. She feels that she is so lucky. Being able to meet Levi.

"Yes, this is our home." Levi put the small box in Miyamoto Rei's hand on the table, turned around and hugged her, letting her lean into his arms. .

Chapter 223. Breaking with the past

As the night passed, both Levi and Miyamoto Rei benefited greatly. Although the effect of the fellow practitioners weakened a bit, Levi's cultivation level still increased.

Miyamoto Rei has also succeeded in making her physique beyond human limits. Although it seems that her body shape has not changed at all, but her figure, skin and even facial features are better than before, her physical fitness has surpassed that of top human athletes. Although the level has not been carefully tested, this kind of physique is enough to win a gold medal in the Olympic Games.

Miyamoto Rei also accepted the slightly charming golden suit as a gift from Levi. After Li Wei heard about the performance of this golden suit, she was originally so shy that she wanted to take off the suit. , putting aside the inner resistance, this is a life-saving treasure. Although it is a bit embarrassing to wear it, it is better to be embarrassed than to die.

The dangers from the outside are difficult for her to deal with, even if her physical fitness exceeds the limits of human beings. This suit, which can support a personal shield, has the equivalent defensive power of 1,600 millimeters of homogeneous steel plate armor.

Wearing the suit, she could just stand there and let the zombies chew her.

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