Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

120. Really. Hitting Someone With The Face, One-Sided Advantage! (Please Subscribe!)

"Don't let them rush over!" Zoro saw Marine take out the hook and immediately understood their plan.

If you want to swing over to fight on the Meili, you have to ask if they agree,

"We can't let them come and destroy the Mei Li! Chili Star!!" Usopp shot more than a dozen shots in a row, and shot them precisely in the mouth of the front Marine.

"Rubber bazooka!!" Luffy directly pulled the mast and bounced himself over!

Zoro jumped suddenly, and jumped onto another warship, and said to Luffy: "Let's see who gets a warship first.

"I'm coming too!" Sanji stomped on his foot, jumped over this insurmountable distance for ordinary people, and landed on a warship.

"Take them down!!" The major gave the order, but Eric hadn't made a move yet, but chose to sit on the sidelines, and was not in a hurry to make a move.

There are so many Marines here, he just has to find the right moment to make his move!

"Rubber machine gun!" Luffy swung his rubber fists at high speed, and the elastic and impactful fists blasted towards Marine like a wall!

Fluffy! At the moment of contact, hundreds of Marines were all kicked into the air, scattered around like a goddess!

Luffy's fists are already fast, plus the elasticity of the rubber, as long as you are not an officer, if you get a random "four twenty" punch from one of them, you will definitely lose your combat effectiveness and will never be able to fight again

"First meat!"

"Leg meat!"

"Shoulder meat!"... Sanji greeted with a combination of kicks, and it is still his own move now.

After all, after half a day, he has only roughly understood how to practice Eight Inner Gates and Six Forms.

If he wants to achieve results, he still needs to ponder, but his combat power is very strong in itself.

Now these are just Common Marines, not elites. One kick at a time, or even more than one kick at a time, is not a problem at all. No one can block him with two or three moves.

Basically, they destroy the enemy with one move, but the most brutal one is Zoro, with three knives, like three whirlwinds of death.

Wherever they passed, countless people fell under the knife. Although Zoro's men were merciful and did not cut deep, it was almost impossible to stand up and fight again!

"A medium-sized warship? Try it!!" Zoro looked at the warship, with a smile that made all the Marines feel very uneasy.

After Zoro's blade storm harvested, many Marines felt a strong fear!

I didn't dare to rush up blindly for a while.

"Wuji Yidao Liujuhe, the lion sings!!" Zoro's footsteps sank, and his whole body was filled with a terrifying aura. He retracted three swords, only holding one sword, and drew the sword once, and the air roared!

Zoro's figure ran straight from the deck, and as if flashing, plowed to the stern of the warship!

"Kachacha..." A cutting mark spread vertically from the bow to the stern, but halfway through, at about two-thirds of the way, the crack stopped spreading.

"The strength is still a bit short!" Zoro said regretfully.

But the Marine beside him was frightened to death. Even if a ship is cut to two-thirds, it will never be able to support the sea!

The entire hull made a loud rumbling sound, the overall structure was collapsing, and countless Marines fell into the water in horror. This medium-sized Marine warship was sinking into the sea.

"Are you kidding!? Cut the boat with a knife?! How is this possible!!"

"This is a monster!?"

"Help, help! Ship No. 4 is about to sink, urgent help! Emergency help!" Once the ship sinks to the bottom of the sea, if you don't notify everyone in time.

Once other warships continue to approach, the vortex brought by the voyage will draw people into it.

At that time, not to mention being saved, it would be considered good if he could not cause secondary damage.

"Is Zoro so fast? I can't be behind!"

"Rubber bazooka!"

"Rubber Pistol!"

"Rubber machine gun!"

"Rubber Tempest!" Puff Puff! A string of Marines get kicked out by Luffy!

An entire warship looks almost emptied!

"Bastard!!" The major felt his scalp tingling. Why did the well-trained Marine soldiers clearly have a numerical advantage.

But now it has just started, and the Marines of two warships were almost knocked down.

The Straw Hat Pirates are ridiculously strong!

"Take down the others!" So the major turned his eyes away from this difficult bone, and looked at the other pirates on the pirate ship who seemed a little more bully.

Of course, the most important thing is to get Abis back.

But there were already people who acted faster than the major. After the battle started, Eric found that the pirate hunters were not easy to provoke!

And there is absolutely no need to fight them.

He is a mercenary, not a marine, he just needs to get Abis.

Taking advantage of the fact that they are all fighting now, although their combat power is terrifying, they are still entangled. For him, this is a rare and good opportunity.

"Hand over that girl." Eric was on the same warship as the major.

When the other warships were fighting with the three main forces of the Straw Hats, they approached from the side.

Many Marines have swung the ropes in their hands.

"Stop them from coming." Reka sat on the mast, sipping special wine leisurely,

Some secret Marines were going to shoot Reka, but before they shot, Reka looked over.

Those Marines fell into an ice cellar one after another, and none of them dared to pull the trigger.

At that moment, they felt that they were watched by a prehistoric demon king, and they would die if they pulled the trigger.

Cause they would rather turn their guns and attack Zoro Luffy!

Also unwilling to provoke a pirate with a bounty of over 100 million.

I didn't know how strong these pirates were before, but now they are only 50 million and 30 million, crushing them with absolute advantage.

Then the bounty of 100 million Baileys is even more difficult for them to deal with.

I still want to find a way to get that girl back, so let’s leave, it’s too unrealistic to take down this pirate group.

Almost like non-human beings.

"These are not bounty criminals, take them down quickly!" the major commanded to Marine beside him!

"Oh!!" The Marines threw out their hooks, Nami and Usopp saw this, and immediately started to attack!

Usopp's precise bursts can make rows of Marines lose their combat capabilities in a short period of time. The new gunpowder, pepper star, and oil star look very low-grade and very down-to-earth.

But in this place where there is no land, once they fall into the sea, it will be difficult for them to form any combat power in a short time.

And Nami's lethality and talent are even stronger!

"Fiery Lightning Howl!" Nami swung his long stick, and a bolt of lightning struck out, piercing a part of the ship's hull. Several Marines lay on the ground before they had time to react.

"What's the situation with this woman? She was able to control water and fire just now, and now she can control lightning?! Are there such diverse abilities? Never mind, it seems that the way of fighting is still very immature, let's take her first! Sickle and wind blade! "With a wave of both hands, Eric cut out two transparent air sickles...

"Fireball!" Nami was startled when he saw this, but his reaction was still extremely fast.

Boom!! The fireball collided with the wind blade and exploded, affecting several innocent Marines!

"Not bad, little girl, although I don't know what Devil Fruit you eat, but how do you take this move! Scythe flutter!" Swish swish swish! Eric waved his arms continuously, one after another air blades swept towards Nami overwhelmingly New past!

"Water surface!!" Nami's face turned pale, and it was still a bit difficult for her mental strength to launch this blow!

A huge face exactly like Reka suddenly appeared in midair.

But they are all composed of sea water, with huge faces, like a wall blocking the front.

Avoid Going Merry from being cut off by the opponent's sickle, and also prevent yourself from being cut off.

Seeing this, Reka was stunned for a while, he couldn't even tell whether Nami did it on purpose or not.

Fluffy!! Scythes all over the sky hit the "surface" of the water, splashing countless water splashes, it looks like Reka is being slapped in the face continuously!

Even if it was virtual, Reka looked at Eric at this moment, and his eyes gradually became unfriendly.

The scythe could not penetrate the sea water, so Nami took the opportunity to fire another white mine, aiming directly at Eric.

Seeing this, Eric quickly dodged, and then jumped up high, heading straight for Going Merry.

Usopp shot at a rotten egg, and he chopped it open with an air scythe, but the stench turned his stomach, and almost made him fall from mid-air into the sea.

"An eyesore..." Reka looked at Eric who was about to land on the Mei Li, and just said a word.

When Zoro heard it, his body turned suddenly, and he cut out the thirty-six vexed phoenix with one blow, and knocked Eric back to the warship he was on.

Then Zoro quickly ran towards Eric like a beast, moving between several warships, piercing through the Marine all the way, and heading straight for Eric!

"The original pirate hunter, Noah Zoro!" Eric's face darkened, it would probably be very difficult to be targeted by this kind of guy!

He doesn't want to fight Zoro if he can!

But Zoro has not forgotten, this is their battle! 3.4

It would be their downfall if Reka was allowed to do it!

They not only have to defeat the enemy, but also protect Going Merry.

"Demon fruit power? It looks a little strong, let me play with you!" Zoro bit the word "Hedao" in his mouth, knifed left and right, and rushed towards Eric like the wind and lightning.

"You are worthy too, go to hell! Scythe Dao Long scroll!!" A burst of sickle Dao Long scroll was chopped out by Eric, regardless of the safety of his own people along the way, even if many Marines were torn apart, Zoro would be placed within this range !

This practice of ignoring his own life and death made Zoro frowned, and his face sank: "I don't want to play anymore, it's boring!! Three Swords Ryu. Demon Slash!!"

Scoff!! Zoro's speed suddenly accelerated violently, his whole body was shot like a thunderbolt, and with a crisp crackling sound, the tornado sickle was easily chopped into pieces!

"Impossible!!" Eric was startled, but before he could react, Zoro's figure passed by him like lightning!

The slash is complete!!

Pfft!! Blood sprang up from Eric's body, he had an unbelievable expression on his face, how could he not even be able to catch the ten knives of the pirate hunter Zoro after he has criss-crossed East Blue for so many years!

This powerful combat force that should have been able to fight back and forth with Luffy in the original plot is extremely vulnerable in front of the new Straw Hat Pirates at this moment!

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