Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

121. Beheading The Thief King! The Legendary Of Millennium Dragon Bone And Elixir! (Please Subscribe

"How could this be? Even these guys who have never been rewarded are so powerful! Are you kidding me?!" The major looked at the Straw Hat Pirates in front of him with an unacceptable expression on his face.

Even the woman who seems to be extremely easy to deal with has the strength to stop Eric, and has all kinds of magical abilities!

And Eric was beheaded by Noah Zoro just now.

This is a strong mercenary hired by the governor at a high price.

He is very famous in East Blue, and there are even some rumors about him in other sea areas, and he is even more fruit-capable.

But now Noah Zoro has been hacked! This is the strongest force on their ship!

Is Eric not strong enough? No, no, when he was recruited, in order to test his strength, he was surrounded by a large army of Marines.

In the end, no one could stop him, but now he was taken care of by someone else. The Straw Hat Pirates are too strong!

And so far, the sun tyrant with a bounty of 100 million Baileys has not made any movement.

Judging from the bounty, his strength should be stronger than the captain of the straw hat boy.

Watching groups of Marines being beaten into the air, if this continues, they may soon be completely wiped out.

"Damn it! What should we do?" As a Marine major, he is naturally capable, but even Eric is no match for him. If he goes up, he might not be able to solve any of them.

"Master Major, the main fleet is here!" At this moment, a Marine said excitedly, reinforcements are coming!

"It's really troublesome. No matter how many Marines are defeated, more will come!" This is also the reason why pirates, no matter how strong or weak they are, are usually unwilling to fight Marines head-on.

If you win, you have to face more and stronger Marines!

If you lose, you will either lose your life or be sent to prison.

Either way, it's not a good thing.

"Great!" The major was overjoyed when he heard that. After such a high-intensity battle, even the Straw Hat Pirates should have consumed a lot of energy.

Now that the reinforcements have arrived, forming a siege, the Straw Hat Pirates cannot escape.

The major didn't know, he was too happy!

"A group of useless idiots, so many people have been counterattacked by the pirates, and they haven't taken them yet! Are you all trash!!" Governor Nelson sat on a huge cushion, surrounded by dozens of people. Marine struggled to carry him to the deck.

Looking at the one-sided naval battle not far away, I am extremely angry!

Governor Nelson only possesses power, but no combat power. His whole body is so obese that he needs many people to lift him up.

Otherwise, it would be too strenuous and difficult to walk on your own!

"Governor, the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates is astonishing! We should quickly approach and surround them! Only in this way can we..." a Marine officer said cautiously

"Stop making excuses for yourself, all I want is that little girl, and the others "cover the bombardment!" While they are still fighting," Governor Dilson said angrily.

All these guys standing in front of him will be crushed!

"Your Excellency! You can't do that! There are still a lot of our own people who fought against the enemy on the warship!!" The Marine officer said with a drastic change of expression when he heard the words.

"What's wrong, that little girl is on another ship, as long as it doesn't hurt her, the main force of the pirate group seems to be fighting with our army on the warship, this is the best chance to annihilate them , Miss this opportunity, are you sure to win? Fire me!!"


"Bang!" The gunshot rang out, and the Marine officer who tried to persuade him was shot dead by Nelson.

Then Governor Nelson looked at another Marine officer next to him and asked, "Can you, can you carry out the order?!"

"Cocoa can!!"

"Venture to get close to the pirates? Do you regard my life as despicable like them? Hmph!" Governor Nelson sneered inwardly.

As long as he gets that little girl, he will have a chance to get the keel of the elixir of immortality, and the power at hand will always be his own!

It is even possible to go a step further, and it is entirely possible to control more than one Marine branch!

So how could it be possible to get so close and risk your own life!

"Muzzle adjustment!!"

"Muzzle adjustment!!"

"Aim and prepare!"

There are more ships in the general fleet than the major's ships, and the warships are lined up, and the muzzles of hundreds of cannons are aimed at the Marine fleet that is fighting with Zoro and others!

"Are those Marines crazy? They still have their own people on this ship!" Zoro and others immediately noticed that countless cannons were aimed at this place!

This is unbelievable, there are not only their warships here, but also countless Marines!

If you fire at them like this, aren't you afraid of accidentally hurting your own people?

"It seems that in order to eliminate us, the other party's chief is planning to use any means. What does this guy think of human life!" Sanji took out a cigarette, lit it, and exhaled smoke rings, saying heavily.

"Asshole!!" Luffy doesn't like this behavior very much!


puff puff puff...

In an instant, countless shells blasted over.

"Thirty-six vexed phoenixes!" Zoro slashed out sword energy and bombarded the cannonballs, but he could only protect his own area!

And if the shells continued to bombard him, sooner or later he would be overwhelmed.

After all, it was a fleet bombing, it was no small matter!

Sanji circled his legs, borrowed skill, and kicked one cannonball after another, but the cannonballs were pouring down like raindrops!

Sanji didn't dare to stop for a moment. If they were covered and bombed, even they would be extremely dangerous.

"Rubber rubber, balloon!" Luffy took a deep breath, propped up his stomach, like a huge rubber balloon, and then caught a group of shells, so many that Luffy found it difficult!

But in the end Luffy shook his body violently and bounced all the shells back!

Fluffy! Although it was impossible to deliberately aim, the bombardment of scattered shells also caused several warships to be bombed more or less!

"Damn guy! Fire, fire! Sink them!" Nelson roared wildly. Just now, a shell fell on the sea beside him, almost threatening his own safety.

Puff puff puff.....

Another round of artillery fire, the three of Zoro were fine for a short time, but the Marines and warships that were fighting with them were blown up, some were killed, and the screams continued.

Under the roar of artillery fire, warships gradually sank to the bottom of the sea with shattering whines!

"I can't go on like this! Luffy, Sanji, you guys go to protect the Meili! Capture the thief first, and the king first, and leave that guy to me!!"

"Okay!" Luffy and Sanji didn't talk nonsense, even if Going Merry wasn't the target of such bombardment.

But still some shells will come, the track is the hull and mast.

Clearly aimed at the shells here! The purpose is to damage Going Merry and make it impossible to leave!

"Usopp, come help!" Sanji pulled Luffy, let Usopp hold the other side of Luffy, using Luffy as a large defensive rebound spring device, catching the incoming cannon, and slammed it into the enemy.

Seeing this, Zoro took a risk, and he spotted a few cannonballs that were flying at a relatively slow speed!

He bent his knees and jumped up, touching the cannonball like a dragonfly on water. He had to control his body very lightly, otherwise the cannonball would detonate if he was not careful!

Zoro stomped three times in a row, and quickly approached the huge warship where the governor was!

"It's a lie!! The pirates fly with the help of shells and kill them!!" The Marines here were all dumbfounded!

The original safe distance suddenly became no longer safe.

"How is it possible!?" Nelson was also pale with fright. Is this something humans can do?

"Protect the Governor General!!"

"You are the commander, you gave the order to fire!?" Zoro is full of murderous aura, and is the most terrifying opponent for the enemy.

"So what, what are you still doing?! Kill him!" Nelson growled looking at Marine, who was frightened and hesitant by Zoro.

"Is this kind of person who bombs his own people worthy of your death?" Zoro asked rhetorically, which stunned the Marines who were about to move!

But just this is enough for Zoro: "Three swords style‧Tora hunting!!"

The figure flashed, and the attack was completed! 580 puffs!! A huge head was thrown high...

"The governor was killed!!!" Marine exclaimed immediately, not knowing what to do for a moment!

"Zoro." At this time, Going Merry was quickly approaching the warship under Nami's control. Seeing this, Zoro pulled a rope and swung hard, "and landed on Going Merry precisely.

"Is it worth wasting so many resources, ships and brothers' lives for an illusory Legendary?" A lieutenant colonel who temporarily took over the command looked at the ruined warships in front of him and reflected.

"Cease fire!!"

"Need to pursue?"

"No need, save all the people who can be saved first!" The lieutenant colonel was in great grief, but Governor Nelson was there before, and the deep-rooted power made him have no real power at all.

"Good job." On Going Merry, Reka said lightly, this is the life he wants.

Everyone will become stronger, and he can be more relaxed, just need to earn roleplay and arrogance at the right time!

"Hey!" Hearing Reka's praise, everyone smiled sincerely.

It is very rare to be praised by Reka.

"But Abis, do you have something to hide from us?" Nami looked at Abis and asked.

"I, I..." Abis knew that these people were not bad people, but even good people might turn bad after hearing the Legendary.

"Speaking of which, it's an exaggeration for Marine to dispatch so many troops just to catch you!" Usopp felt that this was not an ordinary exaggeration.

"I have difficulties that I can't say." Abis lowered her head in shame, obviously they helped her, but she still couldn't say.

"It's because of the rumor of the elixir of life and the thousand-year-old keel!" Reka took the initiative to point out this point!

"Elixir of life?! Millennium keel?!" Luffy Zoro and others were shocked when they heard this!

"How do you know!?" Abis looked at the most handsome man on board with a look of shock!.

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