Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

80. I Never Believe In Reality, Save! (Please Subscribe!)

Cocoyasi Village, Orange Garden, Nami's and Nuoqigao's home.

She prefers to stay here than in the Dragon Park, and all the money she stole has been buried in the orange orchard in front of the gate.

It's just that she didn't know that the place where the money was hidden had already been discovered by the evil dragon.

It's just that they haven't collected 100 million Baileys yet, and the dragon is not in a hurry at all. After all, Nami's own value is much more valuable than 100 million Baileys.

"Is Nuo Qigao at home?" Nami came back from this trip, feeling more tired than ever.

She had forgotten all the unpleasantness for a short time, and now she returned to the cold reality.

Here, the only person she can talk to is Nuo Qigao, and she will never hide anything from Nuo Qigao.

That is their agreement.

The orange orchard in the early morning exudes the fragrance of grass and trees. Smelling the air here, Nami's mood improved a lot, as if she was alive again.

"This time the harvest is very big. If you exchange the gold here into Baileys, you will be able to collect 100 million Baileys in the afternoon!" Along the way.

The pirate ships she encountered with Reka, Luffy and others were basically settled easily, even if it was based on the average score.

She also got much more treasure than she expected, and this time she gained a lot, so she couldn't wait to rush back to Cocoyasi Village.

Thinking of buying Kekeyasi Village soon, she happily made herself a hearty breakfast and picked a few fresh oranges.

The life of being the master of thieves for so many years is finally coming to an end!

"Bell Mel, have you seen that this village will soon return to its original state, and by then, everyone will be able to smile from the bottom of their hearts again." Nami's eyes were filled with tears of excitement and hope.

At this moment, at the former site of Gosa Town, the little boy happily took Nuo Qigao's hand and ran towards the coast.

"What's the matter?" Nuo Qigao didn't quite know what was going on, he only heard him say that Marine was here.

But is this true? On this island dominated by pirates, where is the Marine?

"It's Marine, it's Marine! The surviving Uncles in Gossa successfully contacted the government, and Marine came to pick us up. You see, we can be saved! We can finally escape from this island!" By the sea, there are already many people around here.

Very few are survivors, others are people from several nearby villages who heard the news.

A Marine warship is approaching the island at the moment, it is a Marine ship of the Marine77 branch.

When the boy saw it, he pointed to the warship and said excitedly.

"Is that the Evil Dragon Park in Legendary? It's really the end of the world for the pirates to settle down like this! Listen, everyone, today we have the task of saving the survivors of Gossa Town, which was destroyed by the Evil Dragons. , Rescue this island safely!"

"However, we pretended not to see the city of these arrogant pirates. Will our justice forgive us?" A local Marine Commodore stood on the deck and asked righteously all the Marines present!

"I will not forgive!!!" All the Marines saluted in unison!

In this sea, the righteous Marine still exists!

"This unit is now going to wipe out the evil dragons! Start preparing for battle immediately!"


In the Dragon Park, the Dragon frowned when he heard the report from Ah Jiu: "The 77th branch of Marine?"

"Yes, that's what it says on the front."

"He's new here. Some of you should negotiate with their leaders and tell them not to act rashly. If the 2 million Baileys can't be paid, then they will be dealt with!" The evil dragon made a choice after a little thought.

"Peng!" But at this moment, a shell shot out from the Marine warship, aiming directly at the evil dragon park!

He was flying towards the dragon.

"You actually fired the cannon as soon as you came up, Brother Dragon, it's dangerous, get out of the way!" A murloc shouted immediately when he saw this, the trajectory of the shell happened to hit the dragon.

"Huh!" But the evil dragon just smiled contemptuously, opened its mouth, and directly bit the cannonball, and then closed its upper and lower jaws, and the whole cannonball was crushed and exploded.

"Big Brother Evil Dragon has such terrifying teeth and jaws!" Even murlocs also submit to the power of Evil Dragon!

"Brother, do you still want to negotiate?" Crooby asked sullenly.

"No need, you guys go and get rid of them, this is our sea area, with Nami providing blueprints, we can do it with less effort!"

"Understood!" Several officers of the Murloc Pirates jumped into the swimming pool, which leads directly to the sea.

Ajiu and several cadres dived into the sea and quickly approached the Marine ship.

Attacked the Marine ship.

"Murloc attack!!!"

Ah Chiu jumped out of the sea and jumped directly onto the warship, spit out saliva from his long lips, and the speed and lethality of each saliva were faster than bullets!

He impaled several Marines in a row, and even the Marine Commodore, who looked like aristocrats, was pierced through the chest by a sip of water.

Boom!! And at this moment, the Marine warship was hit by a strong current!

"What's going on?! Are murlocs attacking under the sea?"

"Don't struggle, we have already removed the rudder of your ship, and moved a huge reef to the middle of the strong current, do you know what will happen?" Ajiu smiled contemptuously.

"What did you say, moving the reef? How is that possible?!"

"Of course you can't do it with your weak human strength, but we are noble murlocs. Looking at your expression, I should have guessed what the result will be. That's right, there will be deep sea Uzumaki! Farewell!"

After Ah Chiu finished speaking, he jumped off the ship and left, and at this moment Uzumaki had formed beside the Marine warship, and the Marines were terrified!

Wanting to resist and struggle, but unable to do anything, just in an instant, the sudden appearance of the deep sea Uzumaki swallowed the entire ship and Marines, spiraling into the deep sea...

"What a fragile race!"

"However, the nautical charts drawn by Nami are really accurate, and even the currents of the seabed are clearly grasped. With her, we can more easily control the entire East Blue!"

"You're lying!! The Marine is sinking!!" The people around the sea case fell from heaven to hell one after another as they watched this scene!

"This is the reality, we can't escape the rule of the dragon!" Nuo Qigao seemed to be accustomed to such an ending.

People who came with hope left with despair.

In the end, only the unwilling boy and the indifferent Nuo Qigao remained!

"I never believe in reality. Now that I have seen it, please help me." At this moment, Reka, who was wrapped in bandages all over, came from behind the two of them with an ax on his shoulders.

"Why did you come here? You are a stranger. Don't be seen by the murlocs, or you will cause trouble. But then again, are you a little too good-looking? I didn't notice it last night." Seeing this, Nuo Qigao Said quickly.

"I'll be right back."

"What do you want to do!?" Nuo Qigao was puzzled.

Reka plunged directly into the sea.

"You are crazy, your injury is still not healed, how can you swim in the sea..." But Reka has disappeared, and I haven't seen it floating up for a while...

"Big brother, he couldn't think about committing suicide, right?" The boy stared blankly at the sea, feeling more and more desperate!

"Don't talk nonsense, he will come back after he said it, which suicide person would say such a thing!"

Reka swam towards Uzumaki in the deep sea, and soon saw many Marines struggling helplessly in the current Uzumaki.

Magic shield!!" Reka snapped five fingers, and all Marines were immediately covered with a layer of magic shields.

"What's going on here?! Could it be that the god of the sea appeared?" The Marines looked at themselves wrapped in the magic shield, and found that Uzumaki and the current had no effect on them, and they all showed disbelief.

"Is this a miracle? We...we are still alive!! We can still talk, it feels like a dream!"

"Someone's swimming over!!" Soon someone saw Reka's figure.

Reka manipulated them, thinking that on the way to Cocoyasi Village, he found a deserted island not far away, and he could transport them all there!

Now place them on the land where the dragons rule.

I am afraid that it is no different from Baijiu, and will be wiped out soon.

It is impossible for me to stay by their side and protect them exclusively.

He's got other things to do, save them, just sees it and goes with it, not all Marines are bad after all!

Just to challenge the evil dragon, it is estimated that there is a lack of information, and it came without knowing it.

Although the dragon's bounty is only 20 million Baileys, it's because he bribed Marine and acted low-key in the eyes of Marine headquarters.

With his bounty, even pirates worth 50 to 60 million Baileys may not necessarily be his opponents.

If it is in the sea, it is stronger.

About ten minutes later, Reka raised all the Marines to the surface of the sea and threw them on this deserted island where many ships passed by: "Find a way for help yourself.

"Wait a minute, benefactor, I haven't asked your name yet..." Commodore Brin Brin just wanted to stop this godlike man, but unexpectedly Reka flew into the air and disappeared in an instant!

It really made him feel like a dream!

And Cocoyasi Village also ushered in an unexpected visitor.

"Marine is here again, that is the 17th branch of Marine, the ship of the Marine headquarters. Could it be that the ship that was sunk just now on 4.1 has finally attracted the attention of the Marine headquarters?

Many people gathered on the coast again.

And more than before, even in Coco Yaxi Village, watching Nami and Noki Gao grow up, A Jian wearing a windmill hat is also there.

"I am Colonel Mouse from the Marine Headquarters, where is the home of the woman named Nami in Cocoyasi Village?" Colonel Mouse asked as he landed near the shore, looking at the crowd.

"Marine? Why are you looking for Nami? Is it the Marine headquarters that Nami contacted?" Jian couldn't help thinking.

"Are you here to destroy the dragon?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"This is a mission, and it's kept secret. Does anyone know where the woman named Nami lives?" Colonel Mouse asked again with a smile.

But he received a call from the evil dragon, saying that there was a big deal to do.

And the content is very simple, just find the place where the woman hid the money.

The local evil dragon also informed, just pretend to search for it.

This money is not easy to earn.

"Let me lead the way." Ah Jian said, even if he didn't lead the way, other people would. If he did, he could see what was going on.

In case the other party finds Nami, it is a good thing, to defeat the evil dragon, he also intends to contribute!.

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