Sins Of Pride On The Straw Hats

81. Crazy! Before Destruction, The World Is Always Dark! (Seeking Subscription)

"Well~~ Let's go, go and exchange the last treasure into Bailey, then it's all over, and we can start again!" Nami walked out of the room and stretched himself.

Looking forward to the orange orchard in front of him, he was ready to take out the treasure buried in the orange orchard.

Just as she left the room, she heard a burst of footsteps, and she looked sideways.

Seeing A Jian surrounded by a group of Marines, he was walking towards here: "Marine? But why is Mr. A Jian here?"

A feeling of uneasiness welled up in my heart.

Colonel Mouse gave a chuckle, then looked at Nami and said, "The thief named Nami is you.

Just hearing these words, Nami's pupils shrank suddenly, and he immediately understood that the visitor was not good!

"According to our investigation, the treasure you stole from the pirates is hidden here!"

Nami trembled all over, and Ah Jian also showed a look of horror, what do these Marines want to do!!!!

Especially Ah Jian, he looked at the Marines who symbolized justice around him with disbelief!

Aren't they here to help, but to plunder the treasure that Nami has worked so hard to accumulate for many years?

Looking at the Marines around, Kakuzu sneered, Ah Jian knew something was wrong!

"The other party is a pirate, so I won't blame you, but a thief is a thief, so all the property you stole should now be confiscated by us Marine, well, hand over all the stolen goods!" Mouse The colonel said righteously, with a sneer and unconcealable pride on the corner of his mouth.


Hearing this, Nami's whole mind instantly felt like a thunderbolt empowered, and a bolt from the blue! The whole person just froze!!

Marine, come to confiscate her treasure?! Confiscate all the hearts she has accumulated over the years and 21!

Confiscate these treasures to redeem Cocoyasi Village and return everyone to freedom!

These treasures are more important than her life!

How could this happen?! This would happen?! Nami lost all color and vitality in an instant!

It seems like a person who started from nothing, worked hard all his life, started from nothing, made a fortune, but in a short period of time, everything he did was ruthlessly taken away! All the hard work has become a wedding dress, and it has become a joke!

It is enough to make any person with good psychological quality collapse, go crazy, and despair in an instant!

And Nami's experience is stronger than this, because the money is not just money, it is money for life, it is free money!!

"What's the matter? Didn't you hear? All the stolen goods from the pirates must be handed over to Marine for safekeeping!" Seeing that Nami didn't reply for a while, Colonel Mouse repeated it again

Nami came back to her senses this time. Although the inner turmoil had already set off, Nami still held a glimmer of hope and calmed herself down with a strong psychological quality.

Smiling slightly, he teased Colonel Mouse and said: "This is really an accident. You are really keen on your work. Because you don't have the courage to fight against the pirates, you come to find the thief to give yourself extra points. It's really amazing! Let me give you a piece of advice first." , I am the cadre of the evil dragon gang! If you dare to touch me, the evil dragon will not ignore you."

This is the territory of evil dragons, since these Marines didn't dare to fight over before, it means they are afraid!

It might be useful to report this name, no matter what, she has to keep her treasure!

Absolutely no one is allowed to get involved!

Colonel Mouse chuckled again, and said disapprovingly: "Little girl, do you think you can negotiate with me like this? Find me the stolen goods!!"

Such a threat is useless to Colonel Mouse. Poor thief, he doesn't know that the dragon told him his news!

"Yes!" The Marines they brought crossed Nami and searched the surroundings and houses!

"Stop!!!" Seeing that these Marines couldn't be restrained at all, the Marines started searching again.

Nami couldn't bear it any longer, took out his cudgel, formed a long stick, and swept towards Marine with a frenzied stick.

Knocking down the two Marines on the spot, Nami looked at Colonel Marine in front of him angrily: "Is this what you Marines should be doing now? The evil dragon gang not only killed people, but also destroyed the entire town, you You should know! They still rule this island, trampling human lives everywhere!"

Nami yelled angrily, and walked towards Colonel Mouse, she thought, since these Marines are not afraid of the name of the evil dragon, why don't they come to help the island!

"And you ignore such a big problem and take the stolen goods from a thief. Is this the Marine?" They longed for the Marine to come, and the Marine didn't come!

Now Marine is here, but she wants to deprive her of all her last hope!! How could this world be like this!?

It shouldn't be like this!! At this moment, Nami was so angry and wronged that she wanted to cry!

"It's just a thief, let's not talk so high-soundingly, continue to search!" Colonel Mouse sneered, and continued to give orders to Marine next to him.

He brought a whole squad of people, and two were knocked down, which was innocuous at all.

It's just a woman who can withstand the wind and rain for many days.

If it weren't for the evil dragon still wanting this woman, this rare beauty should have been brought back to his mansion to enjoy.

"The whole island has been waiting for the rescue of your Marine for so many years, and you still ignore the pirates and come to me!!!" Nami yelled hysterically. She alone can't beat so many Marines!

All the emotions accumulated over the years burst out in this instant!

"Report to the colonel, this orange field looks very suspicious!" At this moment, a Marine who was in charge of the search came forward to salute and reported.

"Dig it out and have a look." Of course Colonel Mouse knew where the treasure was buried, but it was just a show.

"Don't touch my orange field with your dirty hands!!" With a loud bang, Nami knocked down the Marine from behind.

"My money will not be handed over to you, that money is, that money is..." Nami was like a madman, rushing towards one Marine after another.

"The kid's money is going to save this Cocoyasi Village! So you still have the right to take away the money!! Marine!!" Ah Jian couldn't control his roar at this moment!

"What did you say? Are the police officers in the village going to preach to Colonel Marine?" Colonel Mouse said disdainfully with his hands behind his back.

"Ajian, how did you know?" Nami was taken aback when he heard this.

She didn't tell everyone about this when she was a child, she only told Nuo Qigao that she didn't want everyone to lose their lives because of helping her.

Just like Mel Bell, never again!!

For a long time, she would rather suffer from the eyes of the villagers and become a traitor in their mouths! She dared not accept their help anymore!

how would he know

"We knew about Nami a long time ago. At that time, we couldn't believe your move to join the evil dragon gang, so we went to ask Nuo Qigao. From then on, the whole village knew about it, and knew that you died to save the village. Join the Ten Gang of Dragons."

"But we have been pretending not to know, because we are afraid that when you want to escape from the dragon, our expectations will become your stumbling block!" A Jian told all the things that have been hidden for these years.

"How could this be..." Nami had a look of disbelief. It turned out that they had been guarding themselves.

"What are you talking about, that is, the whole village is a thief, do you want me to arrest you all?" the mouse laughed.

"He said, each of us is fighting for survival. It's not because you Marines are unreliable at all. Since you don't want to save this village, just disappear from here!" Walking quickly from a distance!

When she heard that Marine was looking for Nami, she couldn't sit still.

"If you continue to dawdle, your boat will be watched by the evil dragon gang." Nuo Qigao threatened.

"Backed by a dragon? That's hard to say..." Colonel Mouse smiled meaningfully, but didn't explain much.

But the smart Nami froze for a moment, and found this look.

Colonel Mouse continued to urge Marine to search: "Have you found it yet? You're not looking for rice grains, it's 100 million Baileys!"

"Why do you know the amount?!" Ah Jian immediately sensed something was wrong.

"I just think there are about that many." Colonel Mouse didn't want to explain any more.

Nuo Qigao and Ah Jian's expressions changed drastically, and they suddenly thought of something!

Nami lost all thoughts in an instant, her face was pale, and even breathing became difficult at this moment! The whole world went dark: "Could it be that the dragon called you here?"

"Who knows 397, we, as Marines, are dealing with thieves as we should!"

"You are really a bunch of corrupt guys!" Ah Jian angrily scolded.

"Marine and the pirates are working hand in hand!!" Nuo Qigao was extremely angry. No wonder Marine has not been able to help her all these years! The truth is here!

"Dragon!!" Nami bit her lip tightly, letting the blood flow, but she didn't feel anything!!

She still had the strength to contend with the Marines in front of her.

But now the biggest "backer" has violated the agreement, even if the treasure is saved, what promise can be fulfilled!

No point, no point!! Nami is desperate!!

At this moment, more bad news came: "Found it!"

The mouse stepped forward quickly, opened the box containing the treasures buried in the ground, looked at the treasures and the blood-stained Bailey, grabbed it, and said excitedly: "It's amazing, a little girl can get so many treasures!" Money!"

All were covered in blood, and they were all in tatters. said a Marine after checking.

"It's okay, money is money!"

"Don't touch it! Don't touch it! Don't touch it!!" Nami didn't care about his own life, and rushed towards Colonel Marine!

Whether it's useful or not, Nami can't do it while watching his money being taken away!

But Colonel Mouse took out his guns, and the Common people couldn't stop the firearms at all.

"Nami, don't!" Ah Jian and Nuo Qigao hurriedly stopped Nami.

There are so many Marines, and they all still have guns, so Nami rushed up, not to mention taking back the treasure.

You even have to risk your own life!

But Colonel Mouse didn't care about this, he sneered, pulled the trigger decisively, and the gun went off with a bang.

Nuo Qigao's shoulder was hit by a bullet, and blood spattered, pulling Nami back from the state of rampage, anger, and loss of reason.

"Nuo Qigao!!" Ah Jian and Nami supported Nuo Qigao, and had no time to pay attention to the Marines.

"Let's go!" Colonel Mouse walked away proudly.

"Send it to the doctor!" Jian and Nami carried Nuo Qigao to the doctor in the village!.

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