Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 147 Potion Field

After Herage used the power of blood, the three familiarity points of strength, agility, and constitution have exceeded 30 points.

He clenched his fist at random and could feel the explosive power.

With an average attribute of thirty points, Herage felt like he could kill the mammoth in the valley town with one punch.

Now even when facing Malcolm, he believed that as long as he was given the opportunity to get close, he could at least seriously injure Malcolm without Malcolm being prepared.

This level of power is no longer something that ordinary bodies can bear.

"I don't know what kind of power there will be after activating the bloodline mark in the abyss plane." Herage was somewhat looking forward to it, but suppressed the impulse.

You must not go to the abyss plane rashly, it is too dangerous.

The Land of Dawn blocks the Barrens, and to a certain extent creates a relatively safe environment for Herague. At least he doesn't have to worry about meeting a second-level or third-level wizard when he goes out.

After being promoted to the first level, Herage had at least a certain ability to protect himself with the means he now had.

“I don’t know how long it will take for the energy to be full.”

Herague glanced at the plane coordinate mark on the palm of his hand. The shadow was more solid than before, and it seemed that the energy had been replenished.

He tried to communicate, but judging from the feedback from the mark, the energy was not enough.

If he wants to go to the abyss next time, Herag must be fully prepared.

Early the next morning, Lennon came outside the inner castle and waited quietly.

The two servants already knew that if they wanted to find Herrag, all they had to do was wait outside the inner castle.

Herage spotted him immediately and knew that he had something to report, so he left the basement.

"Sir, Lord Brak asked me to tell you that he will take you to the potion field in the afternoon." Lennon reported.

Herage nodded and said, "Okay, I understand."

Brak hadn't come to see him in the past few days. He had nothing to do, so Herage concentrated on practice and research.

In the afternoon, Brak came outside the castle. When he saw Herage waiting at the gate of the castle, he smiled and said, "Are you still used to it? If you need anything, you can tell me."

Herage said: "It's pretty good. I'm not used to it. There is indeed something I need Mr. Brak's help with."

"What's going on?" Blake asked.

"I want to buy a few first-level spells. I wonder if Mr. Brak has any channels?" Herage expressed his thoughts.

Brak nodded and said: "Okay, no problem at all. What type of spell do you need?"

Herage thought: "It is best to use shield spells, attack spells or gain spells. What is the general price?"

"It's hard to say about the price. The prices of different first-level spells vary a lot. The cheapest one may cost only seventy or eighty magic stones, but the more expensive first-level spells may cost thousands of magic stones."

Brak continued: "I will ask for you. When the specific spells and prices are available, you can buy them according to the situation."

"Thank you Mr. Brak!" Herage said gratefully.

Brak waved his hand: "We are all our own people, it's just a trivial matter. If you join our Church family, if you can't even help a little bit, I won't have the shame to keep you here."

"Mr. Brak is joking," Herage said with a wry smile.

He knew very well that it was best for him to stay here.

After all, his main purpose here is to avoid the threat of Malcolm, and secondly to work.

"Let's go and have a look over there at the potion field."

Neither rode a horse, choosing instead to walk.

Riding horses is strictly prohibited in the potion fields because the roads between the fields are relatively narrow. If a horse loses control and breaks into the fields, the damage will be great.

"There are more than 700 fields that have been cultivated so far, and there are people taking care of the surrounding fields at regular intervals. These people are basically first-class wizard apprentices, or ordinary people at the knight level."

While walking in the fields, Brak introduced some of the conditions here.

Those wooden houses Herage saw before were occupied by people who tended the fields.

Their job is to sow potion seeds, take care of the growth of potion materials, and deal with any problems in a timely manner.

If you don't know how to deal with the problem, you should report it to Pete, who will then notify Brack.

Now that Herag is there, he will also be notified.

With the knowledge he learned in Moonlight Grove, Herage had no difficulty in dealing with the growth of basic potion materials. This is the basic knowledge of herbalism and potion.

"Dark Blue records the conditions of each field, including the types, quantities, and growth conditions of the potion materials grown."

"The task has been archived and is being executed."

In Herage's mind, a 3D map of the potion fields emerged. What potion materials were grown in each field and their current growth status were marked.

Brak took Herage to spend several hours walking through the entire potion field. Herage already knew the situation here.

"That guy Larry said he sent some books and they are still on the way. They are all related to potions. These are for you. You can study more after you get them. They are all relatively advanced potions knowledge." Brack said.

Herage nodded and said: "I will study carefully."

With his current knowledge of potions, there is no problem in refining ordinary potions, but he has had little exposure to high-level potions like ancient potions, and it does take time to learn.

Herage's current mental strength is enough to refine higher-level potions.

These high-end potions are the main source of money for potion masters.

On the outskirts of the potion field, there is a relatively large flat land.

There were more than thirty people standing on the flat ground, all wizard apprentices and knights responsible for managing the fields.

Herage and Brak stood in front of these people. Brak introduced: "This is the first-level wizard Herage Merlin. He will also be one of your managers in the future. He will also be responsible for managing the potion field."

More than thirty people all looked at Herage. After seeing Herage's young and even immature face, they all had some surprise and disbelief on their faces, and they remembered Herage firmly.

For wizard apprentices like them who are not qualified enough, they are very lucky to join a pure-blood wizard family like Church, and they cherish this opportunity very much.

To them, being a formal wizard is superior.

Herage smiled and nodded, and he observed the status of these people.

Most of them look good and are in good spirits. It seems that at least there is nothing wrong with the food here.

On the west side of the Black Rock Valley, there are rows of wooden houses, which are the residences of this group of people, and they seem to be in good condition.

The Church family is very wealthy, and they do not treat those who work for them badly, nor do they treat them as slaves.

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