Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 148 Data Management

After Brak finished speaking, Herage said: "I will make some arrangements in the future. I hope everyone can cooperate with me. The purpose is to make the harvest of the potion field better. Search Situ 520 on Google to read the latest chapters of the correct novel. "

After visiting each potion field, Herage already had some ideas in his mind.

Brak took him to show his face in front of everyone. After briefly talking about some things, everyone dispersed and continued to be busy with their work.

"Mr. Brak, I have some ideas. Let me work them out for you to see if they are feasible." Herage and Brak walked side by side and talked.

Brak nodded and said, "No problem."

After Herrag returned to the castle, he issued an order to Deep Blue: "Deep Blue, give a growth and cultivation plan for the magic potion fields in the Black Rock Valley. It is necessary to mark in detail the current growth status of each potion field, as well as the possible growth in the future. situation, what problems will be encountered, and what needs to be done.”

His idea is very simple. Deep Blue can completely manage a modern potion field.

The charm of data analysis is that it can predict future situations based on current situations.

Magic potion materials will also encounter diseases and insect pests or suddenly wither. These are normal things and are also part of normal losses.

But in fact, all changes have precursors. If problems can be discovered in advance, they can be solved in advance.

For these wizard apprentices, it is good to be able to do a good job in normal care and management, but it is difficult to detect problems in advance. Only experienced old people can do it.

Using Deep Blue's data analysis and computing power, Herage can produce detailed plans and reports on the growth of the magic potion field to assist these wizard apprentices in the management of the potion field, which can greatly increase the harvest of the potion field as a whole.

"The schedule is complete."

Deep Blue provided results quickly, and this level of calculation was not a problem for it at all.

A detailed plan and many detailed data reports quickly appeared in front of Herage's eyes.

He took out a few pieces of parchment and used magic to control the ink to print these plans and reports on the parchment.

Two days later, Herage took these things and went to find Brak.

Brak's residence looks very simple, just a small wooden house with a vegetable garden.

There are some ordinary vegetables grown in the vegetable garden. No servants are seen here. It seems that Brak planted them himself.

As soon as Herage reached the door of the vegetable garden, Brak came out.

"Mr. Brak, look at this." Herage handed the things he had sorted to Brak.

Brak looked at the parchment and couldn't understand the tables at first. After Herrag explained it a little, he understood it instantly.

"This... this is really a wonderful design!" What Brak valued was not the content, but the designs such as pie charts, bar charts, and tables, which made him feel bright and refreshing.

Brak himself is a senior wizard. After seeing these statistical methods, he quickly realized the hidden value in them.

This can be used not only for the management of potion fields, but also for all aspects. Even the spell model analysis of spells can also use these tools.

Brak admired: "Herag, did you come up with all this?"

Herage smiled sheepishly and said, "I just figured it out when I had nothing to do."

"Genius! Larry is right, you are a real genius!" Brack was full of praise.

He looked at the parchment and continued: "I see that you also wrote down the growth trends and possible situations of each potion field within seven days, one month, and three months. How did you do this?"

Herrag explained: "They are all speculations based on existing knowledge. They may not be accurate, but they can provide them with a reference. If there are problems in the predictions, they can be solved in advance."

Brak looked at these contents carefully and judged them based on his own experience, and found that most of them were correct.

He also knows these things very well, but he usually doesn't have that much energy and time to take care of every potion field.

"This is very good. I'll ask them to copy some and distribute them." Brack quickly made a decision.

Herrag said: "I will update the content every month and make some changes in real time based on the growth."

Brak thought for a moment and said, "You'd better not spend too much time on this. Your own practice is also very important."

"It's okay, the follow-up actually won't take much time. After the data model is established, you only need to make some changes according to the situation." Herage explained.

These would not take up his time, and Deep Blue could complete the data analysis and calculation work.

These parchments were quickly copied into dozens of copies and distributed to the wizard apprentices and knights responsible for managing the potion fields.

Herage came to the open space of the potion field, gathered these people together again, and explained how to see these things.

These wizard apprentices themselves are smarter and more receptive than ordinary people. It didn't take much effort for Herage to make most people understand these statistical charts and plans.

Only those knights are slower to learn, and there are many concepts they cannot understand.

These knights basically only knew words and had almost no exposure to more advanced knowledge.

Unlike the wizard's apprentice, you need to learn at least basic mathematical knowledge.

There is nothing you can do about it, you can only take it slow.

"If you don't understand anything, you can come and ask me. You can also help each other and ask more questions." Herage ordered.

These wizard apprentices and knights nodded and carefully considered the things on the parchment.

Soon a smart wizard apprentice muttered: "This seems to be able to replace us."

He found that with this thing, there was no need for so many manpower at all, and only a small number of people needed to be arranged to take care of the potion field.

Then according to the schedule, just deal with the problems where there are places on time. There is no need for so many people to squat in the potion field every day and look at every place.

In the next half month, these wizard apprentices and knights became familiar with the plan and various data charts, and slowly began to get started, knowing how to manage the potion field according to the plan.

Herage spent some time instructing them at the beginning. After explaining it several times based on the actual situation in the potion field, they gradually understood.

By now, Herage could completely let them handle it on their own.

A few days later, Brak sent someone to inform him that there was news about several first-level spells.

Herage rushed over immediately, and Brak said: "According to your request, the family has contacted three first-level spells. See if you are interested. If you want them, we will buy them for you first."

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