Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 174 Black Forest

Herage walked for a while, always feeling something strange.

He thought for a long time and sensed the bloodline mark on his chest, and suddenly found that the suppression of the bloodline mark here did not seem to be that serious.

Herage remembered the origin of the Death Swamp ruins. It was originally a dimensional rift that was only repaired later.

In other words, in this place, the world will of the wizard plane is weaker in suppressing the power of other planes.

Herage suddenly felt much more stable. If the bloodline mark power of the ancestor of the Thunder God could be used here, his strength would be greatly improved.

Old Mrs. Kallen was walking at the front and suddenly stopped.

As soon as she stopped, Herage and the others became nervous.

Herague's expression also became solemn, and he also sensed something abnormal.

There are many particles floating in the air ahead.

These particles seemed to be the seeds of some kind of plant. At this time, the wind direction was blowing towards them, and the seeds also floated over.

"Put on a shield. These are the seeds of blood dodder, which will take root and sprout in the flesh of animals. Once it gets stained, this place will not have the conditions to solve your problem." Kallen said in a deep voice.

The group of people put on shields for themselves and continued moving forward.

The seeds of blood dodder quickly floated over, and the sky was covered with tiny seeds.

These seeds were attracted to the flesh and blood of Herage and others, and many of them were automatically attracted to them.

Herage's appearance of absolute defense was soon covered with seeds.

He observed that there was an extremely tiny tentacle at the tip of the seed, which was constantly drilling into the shield.

As long as there is absolute defensive protection, these tentacles cannot get in at all.

Herage condensed some fire energy seeds, roasted the absolutely defensive surface, and dropped a lot of burnt blood dodder seeds on the ground.

After completely passing through the ruins of the City of Chaos, the blood dodder seeds in the air had also floated past.

The shadow of a forest in the distance is looming, and that is the destination of Herage and others.

There is a distance of about one thousand meters between the City of Chaos and the Black Forest. The ground is also black soil, soaked in blood.

The whole journey was peaceful and nothing unusual happened.

The group of people successfully entered the black forest, and the light suddenly dimmed.

"Moonlight Grass!"

Herage saw at a glance a piece of moongrass under a tree in the distance. The leaves of this grass were moon-white and easy to identify.

Moonlight grass can be used as a casting material for many light spells.

Although there are few light spells, there are also very few moonlight grasses.

A moonlight grass is worth about fifty or sixty magic stones on the market, which is pretty good.

After Herage spoke, everyone else looked over and saw a large patch of moongrass growing in the woods over there.

There are at least fifty or sixty Moonlight Grasses, which can be sold for thousands of magic stones.

But no one moved, waiting for orders from Mrs. Kallen and Brak.

As I said before setting off, all actions must be followed.

No matter what potion materials or spell-casting materials you see, you cannot act without permission.

These are all lessons learned in blood.

Old Mrs. Kallen glanced over there, and then said: "No problem, you can pick."

After she spoke, Herage and the others walked over and started picking.

Herage took out a professional shovel and dug quickly.

While the speed is extremely fast, the integrity of the picking is also very good, maintaining the integrity of the moongrass.

The others were slower and not as skilled as Herague.

Herage has been refining potions for many years and is very familiar with the processing of these potion materials.

He is also much more motivated than others, after all, he picks all his own.

As for the two gasification wizards, they had to turn in everything they picked, and in the end they only had some rewards.

Moreover, they were not as familiar with the picking methods of potion materials as Herag, so their speed was much slower.

About twenty minutes later, Herage's space ring contained eighteen more moonlight grasses.

A small part of this piece of moonlight grass was picked by him.

Old Mrs. Kallen had already walked to the front and turned back: "It's time to go."

The picking time she gave Herage and others was limited, and they had to leave when the time was up.

That is to say, Herage moved quickly, otherwise with the speed of these people, it would be too late to pick them all.

Brak waved to everyone: "Everyone, come here and put this on your wrist."

He took out some wooden bracelets, but he couldn't tell what they were made of.

"This is an evil spirit bracelet. If an evil spirit approaches or attacks, the bracelet will start to burn. Pay more attention to yourself." Brak distributed a pair of bracelets to everyone.

Brak continued: "From now on, everyone must always be careful and be more cautious. People around you may have problems at any time, don't trust anyone too much. Although the danger level in the black forest is not very high, there are still many Troublesome thing."

Although Herague had a more powerful evil spirit crystal, he still put on the bracelet honestly. An extra bracelet would be more insurance.

"From now on, the two of you work as a team and must not let each other disappear from your sight." Kallen ordered everyone.

According to her division, Herage and Brak were on one team, two liquefaction wizards were on one team, and two gasification wizards were on one team.

"Master Kallen, where are you?" a gas wizard asked.

"I don't need you to worry." Kallen replied calmly.

The group continued to move forward in the dark forest and found many high-level potion materials and spell-casting materials along the way.

Especially Herage, what he gained along the way was worth seven to eight thousand magic stones.

This black forest can be said to be full of treasures, and you can pick up good things by bending down.

Two hours later, the group had not encountered any big trouble, and the atmosphere became more relaxed.

The wizard couple were still chatting and laughing, as if they were on an outing in the forest.

Herage frowned, still remaining extremely vigilant.

There's no way this place is as simple as it looks.

The calmer the weather, the more cautious you must be.


A black shadow flashed in the woods ahead, and the trees ahead shook.

"What is it!" Herage had been paying attention to the movements around him, and his perception was very keen. He sensed the abnormality almost at the same time as Kallen and Brak.

The other four people heard the sound and came closer, not knowing what happened.

"Something just flashed across the trees over there, very fast." Herage explained the situation.

Kallen said in a deep voice: "It should be some kind of monster, with no breath of dead things. Don't worry about it and keep walking. We are afraid of it, and it is also afraid of us. As long as we get together, ordinary monsters will not dare to come to us. trouble."

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