Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 175 Human-Faced Monkey

Old Mrs. Kallen didn't see clearly what the monster looked like, she only knew that it was a living creature.

After this incident, the group became more cautious and the atmosphere became more tense.

The couple were still chatting and laughing, but now they realized that this was the ruins of the Death Swamp and they had to be careful in everything.

Herage and others continued to move forward. After a while, there was another noise in the woods ahead, and the group stopped again.

A monkey walking upright jumped down from the tree in front and stared at Herage and the others.

Old lady Karen immediately covered her face with a towel and said, "It's a human-faced monkey! Cover your face."

After hearing this, everyone was a little confused as to why they had to cover their faces. They were filled with confusion, but they still obediently took out various things to cover their faces.

Unfortunately it's too late.

This human-faced monkey is about two meters tall, not strong and as thin as a bamboo pole.

Its face is no different from that of an ordinary monkey, but this time its face begins to change.

After a while, the face of the human-faced monkey turned into a human face.

Everyone just felt that this face looked familiar.

Herage took a closer look and saw that it was his own face. It was exactly the same.

Old lady Kallen screamed: "It's over! Herage! Catch him! Don't let him escape!"

Brak's face also became solemn, and he explained to everyone in Herage who still didn't know what was going on: "Human-faced monkeys are a kind of monster that only exists in the ruins of the Death Swamp, and their number is very small. They will copy good-looking humans. Face, and subsequently, all damage to the body of the human-faced monkey will be synchronized to the person whose face is copied."

"It copies Herage's face, which means that if someone cuts off the head of the human-faced monkey, Herage will also die."

Herage felt a chill in his heart when he heard this. This kind of thing was impossible to foresee and there was no way to defend against it.

Just a little slower, the face was copied by the human-faced monkey.

Herage happened to be the most handsome among the group, which led the human-faced monkey to choose him as its target.

"How can it be lifted?" Herage asked.

He felt that it was a bit tricky. The characteristics of the human-faced monkey meant that he could not hurt it, otherwise hitting it would be equivalent to hitting himself.

In other words, the human-faced monkey must be caught without harming the human-faced monkey, and then the copied human face can be found.

Old Mrs. Kallen said: "If you want to remove the face of the human-faced monkey, you can only find a human being who is more beautiful than you. Then the human-faced monkey will change the target. Or, the target of the human-faced monkey's copy will die."

Herage suddenly felt his head grow bigger.

Looking for someone more beautiful than yourself?

That's too difficult.

What's more, this is in the ruins of the Death Swamp. Where can I find someone with such good looks?

"It's going to run away! We must catch it!" Old Mrs. Kallen reminded.

Herage looked up and saw that the human-faced monkey screamed and jumped onto the tree behind him and ran away.

Herage saw that it was okay, but how could he let it escape?

Even if you don’t know the solution for the time being, you must first capture the human-faced monkey and control it, and then slowly think of a solution.

Once the human-faced monkey escapes, the Death Swamp ruins are so large and there are still many unknown areas, so Herage will have no place to search.

If this problem is not solved, I don’t know when there will be more wounds on the body in the future, or even sudden death.

Herage moved and immediately followed.

Brak shouted from behind: "Don't chase too far, we are waiting for you here."

"I'll wait for you in half an hour." Old Mrs. Kallen added.

They won't catch up. This is the ruins of the Death Swamp, and running around is dangerous.

Even the crystallized wizard is still very fragile here and will not risk his life because of Herrag.

The problem of the human-faced monkey can only be solved by Herage himself.

They will only wait here for half an hour and will leave when the time is up.

Old lady Karen made a decisive choice because she had to consider the safety of the entire team.

Herage followed and kept hanging behind the human-faced monkey.

The human-faced monkey was so fast that Herage was unable to close the distance.

After Herage saw that he was far away from Brak and others, with a thought, he began to activate the bloodline mark of the ancestor of the God of Thunder.

The bloodline mark was quickly activated, and Herage's strength and speed instantly increased a lot.

At the same time, the bloodline power is still being stimulated.

Centered on the bloodline mark on his chest, black began to spread throughout his body.

The last time Herage inspired this kind of power, he was suppressed by the world will of the wizard plane.

But now, this black spread is only slower and has not been completely suppressed.

A few minutes later, Herage's whole body was covered with a layer of metallic black.

"Deep Blue, test the improvement brought by the bloodline mark to me." Herage gave the order.

He could feel that his physical fitness had greatly improved in all aspects this time, and it was completely different from what he felt before.

"The current improvement data brought by the bloodline mark are as follows:"

"Strength +3, Agility +7, Constitution +5."

As expected, it was an improvement like replacing a shotgun with a cannon, and all the physical data increased by more than twenty points.

This is not the full power of the bloodline mark. Herage can feel that there are still many powers hidden in it that have not been truly activated.

This is never the true abyss plane, and the bloodline mark is still subject to many restrictions.

Herage's current state is only the preliminary form of the bloodline mark, not a truly complete form.

"Malcolm, you better pray you don't run into me."

Herage's self-confidence is now soaring, and he feels like he can knock out a crystallized wizard with one punch.

"Deep Blue, make statistics on what level of physical data I can achieve when all my buffs are turned on, and name this state the first stage."

Herage has only activated the power of the bloodline mark now, and there are still many buff spells that have not been used.

If all the buffing spells are added, the physical data will definitely reach a staggering level.

"After calculation, the first-stage data is as follows:"

"Stage 1: Strength 5, Agility."

After Herage saw this data, he was convinced that he could deal with the crystallized wizard in the first stage.

It's just that although this power is powerful, it has too many limitations.

If it weren't for being in the ruins of the Death Swamp, Herague wouldn't be able to enter the first stage.

The most important thing is that you must not let other wizards know that you can enter this state.

Because Helag now has a strong aura of the abyss plane, and that aura is simply the sign of an abyss monster.

If other wizards, especially wizards from the Land of Dawn, get the news, they will definitely be executed as an abyss monster lurking inside the wizards.

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